View Full Version : Am I a chauvinist pig? Or just observant?

12-28-2004, 09:39 AM
My wife is from OK and me from NC...now we are in NC...married for 28 happy years...we travel ever year at least once maybe twice to OK...900 miles one way...14 hours...in 28 years of traversing this stretch of I40 I have had a lot of experience with Left Lane Hogs...I started to notice that nearly all were female...mentioned this to my lovely wife who give me hard looks and mean words...but she started to observe and finally concluded the same thing...in 28 years we have ran up on hundreds of LLHs and in all this time only 5 to 10 have been males...what gives?...someone enlighten a simpleton, please!...last trip to OK in Nov a lady would not pull over in heavy high speed traffic, 80+ mph and her doing no more than 65 mph...and people were blinking lights, blowing horns and waving with one finger, but no movement...I know the left lane is usually smoother, especially in ARK...but they will not move over momentarily for you to pass...the MM has had some effect, for sure but still some just set there like zombies...a wondering mind wants to know...willie

12-28-2004, 09:47 AM
[QUOTE=prchrman]My wife is from OK and me from NC...now we are in NC...married for 28 happy years...we travel ever year at least once maybe twice to OK...900 miles one way...14 hours...in 28 years of traversing this stretch of I40 I have had a lot of experience with Left Lane Hogs...I started to notice that nearly all were female...mentioned this to my lovely wife who give me hard looks and mean words...but she started to observe and finally concluded the same thing...in 28 years we have ran up on hundreds of LLHs and in all this time only 5 to 10 have been males...what gives?...someone enlighten a simpleton, please!...last trip to OK in Nov a lady would not pull over in heavy high speed traffic, 80+ mph and her doing no more than 65 mph...and people were blinking lights, blowing horns and waving with one finger, but no movement...I know the left lane is usually smoother, especially in ARK...but they will not move over momentarily for you to pass...the MM has had some effect, for sure but still some just set there like zombies...a wondering mind wants to know...willie[/QUOTE

observant pig? I guess.....

12-28-2004, 09:48 AM
They have appointed themselves as the speed enforcement police and want to force everyone to hold to the speed limits. They don't realize that their driving tactics have the opposite effect. Guess there is a reason for calling for driver's licenses that are graduated by age. Both for younger and for older drivers. I wonder if there is a greater incidence of this in states like Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and those others with higher than average aged drivers.

Sorry if this touchs some nerves but it really is an issue.

12-28-2004, 09:54 AM
In South Carolina it's gone all the way the legislature.

A law was preposed to fine those who stay in the left lane when they weren't moving faster or with the pace of traffic or if they sat there and kept in the way of anyone else who was legally passing. Not sure what happened to the whole deal, but there seemed to be some strong support for it.

12-28-2004, 09:58 AM
It is probably true for most of the country but in Ohio it seems that gender equality has truly come. Ohio has more left lane higs than anywhere I've ever seen.

I believe that the left lane thing comes from being oblivious to their surroundings. My wife can drive and not know where she is. I'll ask her about something on the side of the road and she won't have seen it.

Here's a variation on that:

In metro Detroit many of the main east/west roads are "mile roads" 5 Mile Rd., Six Mile Rd., etc. They are a mile apart and represent how far from downtown they are (measured at Mound Rd. for you locals). So anyway, a buddy is a cop in a local suburb and we were talking about so many women don't pay attention to where they are when they are driving. He decided to test this observation at work. Whenever he stopped someone driving on a north/south road he would ask them what the next main road was. After a few weeks of this he reported that about 80% of the men would know but only 30% of the women he pulled over would know.

So, I believe that this supports my theory that women frequently are left lane hogs because they aren't really aware that they are in the left land or that it matters.

12-28-2004, 10:34 AM
In South Carolina it's gone all the way the legislature.

A law was preposed to fine those who stay in the left lane when they weren't moving faster or with the pace of traffic or if they sat there and kept in the way of anyone else who was legally passing. Not sure what happened to the whole deal, but there seemed to be some strong support for it.

It's the law in New Your State. Left lane on parkways is for passing only.

12-28-2004, 10:44 AM
I think that this is just people setting the cruise control, turning on the tunes and sitting back for a long ride. Can't stand it myself.

You can pull around them and then just happen to clean you windshield. The overspray says it all.


12-28-2004, 11:07 AM
A heads up from my recent travels; if anyone sees a woman in a dark grey Taurus with Tennessee plates or a woman in a red Honda Civic hatchback with Ohio plates you've been warned...these women will not move over for anything. Then they will proceed to tailgate as it seems passing the said "left lane hogs" in the right lane is an act punishible only by escalated levels of stupid driving.

12-28-2004, 11:18 AM
I have had a lot of experience with Left Lane Hogs...I started to notice that nearly all were female...
Not so, willie!! At least not from what I see in Northern Virginia or in the greater metro DC area. Seems that there are just as many male left lane hogs up here. I do think that it is due to obliviousness, inability to check the rearview mirror, and partly due to cruise control (i.e. self-appointed speed enforcers). :rolleyes:

Lane discipline in Germany and other European countries is self-correcting. Idiots that drive slow in the left lane end up in the pile of road debris after being plowed by a Porsche or BMW --- thereby removing them permanently from the left lane. :D There's virtually none left at all anymore.

12-28-2004, 11:27 AM
It's the law in New Your State. Left lane on parkways is for passing only.

Not a law that anyone follows but it is a law.

12-28-2004, 11:34 AM
Hey Willie, I hear you. I drive for a living and I concur with your observation. My wife who is one of the best driver's, male or female I know; also is aware of it.

After years of pointing out to her certain behaviors common to both male and female drivers, she spot's the offenders just as quickly as I do. :D Javier.

12-28-2004, 12:30 PM
Down here they are equally spread among men and women. My buudy agrees that the worst offenders are female though. He claims there is nothing worse than "a soccer mom, in a mini van, on her cell phone" as a danger to the roadways.

What surpirses me in Florida are the truckers who cruise the left lane and/or have no regard for the drivers around/behind them. These guys are supposed to be professionals for goodness sake.

Quick Spray of the windsheild washers, Hmm. I haven't ried that. Does it wake them up?


12-28-2004, 12:32 PM
Not a law that anyone follows but it is a law.

Harry - It is on the parkways. There used to be signs posted on the NSP.

Hack Goby
12-28-2004, 12:45 PM
Ever notice also how people the moment it even sprinkles will get in the left lane and slow down even more and there usely driving High dollar ALL wheel drive SUV`S.

12-28-2004, 12:47 PM
MY take is that although I haven't noticed in my homestate which gender most of the left lane hogs are, if infact they are mostly women in your area, then I'm inclined to conclude that it's simply because of the American woman's "princess" complex. They think that the world revolves around them, and that everyone is obligated to make way for them. They're allowed to rule with an iron hand in the home, and expect to do the same on the roads, as well as in the work place, and anywhere else they go. And because of that, they also become control freaks. Ofcourse there are exceptions to that rule, but they're definately the exception rather than the rule. Once in awhile I do meet one of the exceptions now and then, and I have great admiration for them for being different!!!! How's that for controversial? But as controversial as it is, I believe that it's accurate too. This isn't to say that the majority of American males don't have their character flaws also, but that topic is for another thread I guess.

12-28-2004, 12:51 PM
I think we were all taught drive right, pass left.

Now it's pass on the right, stay away from the left lane bandits!

Welcome to the "new" American highways:mad:

12-28-2004, 12:57 PM
what I can't stand are drivers that get right on your back bumper even when there's atleast ten cars ahead of you in the same lane, and the traffic is so heavy that it's obvious that even if you do pull aside for them, there's no where that they can go anyway. then you have the people who tailgate you when the traffic is light, and when you're considerate enough to hit your righthand signal and move over for them, they don't even want to pass you. it's as if though they have a nervous habit behind the wheel, and they don't feel comfortable unless they're right on your back BUMPER!!!!! There seems to be so many drivers that are just so filled w/anxiety, that they simply have to tailgate you whether they're in a hurry or not.

12-28-2004, 02:49 PM
There seems to be so many drivers that are just so filled w/anxiety, that they simply have to tailgate you whether they're in a hurry or not.

These are "natural followers" as opposed to "natural leaders". They go with the flow of the tarffic whether it is fast or slow. They don't loom down the road, they just look right in fornt of themselves. They just like to be near somone else. I try to avoid thse people at all costs but they are often the ones who are happy to cruise side by side with another car for miles.

These folks drive me crazy :mad:


12-28-2004, 04:14 PM
Here in Illinois we have a newly enacted law this past summer called the "Left Lane Lollygagger Law" which gives the police the authority to ticket those who are holding up traffic in the left lane. I'm not too sure how much it has been enforced because we still have the Left Lane Hogs in the hammer lane tying up traffic :confused:

12-28-2004, 05:20 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???

12-28-2004, 05:46 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???

Yep, and quickly too.

12-28-2004, 05:48 PM
Yep, and quickly too.

What he said. ^^^^^^

12-28-2004, 05:48 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???


12-28-2004, 05:56 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???

Hell no, let that prick slow down, if he doesn't than you'all will end up doin 105mph and some other a-hole will be up your arse at that speed to.

12-28-2004, 06:20 PM
Hell no, let that prick slow down, if he doesn't than you'all will end up doin 105mph and some other a-hole will be up your arse at that speed to.

Leave it to the cops to enforce speed limits. It's not your job.

12-28-2004, 06:45 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???
Only if it's a Marauder:):):)

12-28-2004, 07:30 PM
Blocking the left lane is probably one of the most common causes of road rage. Just let the faster car go on and one of two things will happen... Either he'll be gone on down the road never to be seen again, or you'll go over the next hill and find that he's getting an invitation to visit the Judge.

BTW, I learned to drive on the Autobahn in Germany. The faster car has the right of way. If you're in the left lane and some Beemer comes zooming up behind you flashing the passing lights, get out of the way. If he rearends you, it's your fault.

12-28-2004, 08:40 PM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???

Only if it's a Marauder:):):)
Especially if it's a marauder! :D

12-28-2004, 10:29 PM
Doing 55 in a 60 while blocking the left lane should be grounds for a pull over, then let anyone who feels like stopping throw a free head or gut punch to the offender. And if we could rear-end people in the fast lane here in the States and have it be thier fault, oh man I'd need about 20 cars a day just to get back and forth to work. God bless America.

Dr Caleb
12-29-2004, 08:39 AM
If the speed limit is 70 mph and I am cruising in the left lane at 85 mph, car comes up behind me doing 90 mph.....am I supossed to move over so I don't hold up traffic ???

And the reverse is also true. If I'm doing 85 in the right lane, and there is no one in front or to the left of me - don't tailgate! Pass me or back off!! :mad2:

I hate people that do that!

Bradley G
12-29-2004, 09:12 AM
I live in the middle! I never tailgate. I move over if there is an opening.But if not,I'm the guy that pizzed you off by slowing down:argue: ( If your close enough to introduce yourself)!

Bradley G

12-29-2004, 09:12 AM
And the reverse is also true. If I'm doing 85 in the right lane, and there is no one in front or to the left of me - don't tailgate! Pass me or back off!! :mad2:

I hate people that do that!
A friend of mine usually starts applying the parking brake in this situation.

he starts easilly, there's no brake light, and when they reach a certain point, they either pass or panic stop. :D

I've never tried this. It would be my luck that they are also talking on the cell phone or putting on their make up and I'll get my bumper customized by crunch.

12-29-2004, 10:14 AM
A friend of mine usually starts applying the parking brake in this situation.

he starts easilly, there's no brake light, and when they reach a certain point, they either pass or panic stop. :D

I've never tried this. It would be my luck that they are also talking on the cell phone or putting on their make up and I'll get my bumper customized by crunch.
If more people rode motorcycles they might realize that right of way doesn't make anything hurt less. When you are extremely vulnerable, it is much easier to just yield to other vehicles.

If somebody locks the parking brake, or even regular brakes in front of another car like that, they are inviting disaster. If your buddy was rear-ended and paralyzed for the rest of his life, would he feel like he made a smart move? Even though the other car would technically be in the wrong for hitting him in the rear, he would be the one to suffer. Lots of satisfaction from a wheelchair, just to make a point?

12-29-2004, 10:34 AM
The worst lane hog I've ever seen was this past Sunday in FLA!
71 miles south of Ocala we get caught up in a traffic jam,moving from 65-80mph,before this we ran in very light traffic,now we're surrounded by cars and trucks.
Cars in the flow move around and we find ourselfs in sight of the rolling road block.

Nice jod FHP! You created a traffic jam were there was none and frustraited 100's of other motorist at the same time.
Yea I'm sure you just did it for my safety.

Thats the reason you very rarly SEE a California Highway Patrol actualy patroling they know they mess up the FLOW of traffic.

12-29-2004, 10:56 AM
I can't say Ohio is the worst... but I-70 between Columbus and the Indy line is the worst I've ever experienced. Not much out there, but just enough people to gum things up.

PA has a law... I think you've got 2 miles of play time in the left lane; if you're not passing or turning left you might get to meet the judge.

Big trucks have governors. Lots of times when they're plugging up the left lane its a function of a truck limited to 65.3 mph trying to get around one going 65.25 mph. They don't mean to do it, but they're trying to make time too.

Big trucks also have CB radios. If you drive an MM fast enough that you appear to be immune to the law they'll assume you are the law and suddenly those CB's start chattering and all the big trucks move to the right.

Love the squirters idea... been using it for years!

As for the approaching 85 mph car... I get out of the way... but if I've got no place to go and he's a jerk, sometimes it takes awhile to get out of the way. Courtesy begets courtesy.

I don't "push" anybody out of the way until all else fails.

I'd rather the faster idiot behind me be the first to meet the cop in front of me.

Good thread.

12-29-2004, 12:16 PM
The worst lane hog I've ever seen was this past Sunday in FLA!
71 miles south of Ocala we get caught up in a traffic jam,moving from 65-80mph,before this we ran in very light traffic,now we're surrounded by cars and trucks.
Cars in the flow move around and we find ourselfs in sight of the rolling road block.

Nice jod FHP! You created a traffic jam were there was none and frustraited 100's of other motorist at the same time.
Yea I'm sure you just did it for my safety.

Thats the reason you very rarly SEE a California Highway Patrol actualy patroling they know they mess up the FLOW of traffic.

Our CHP (California) typically are either in the #1 lane (fast) going 5 - 10 mph over the speed of traffic so they can observe a maximum number of drivers. They often will go over in the slow lane if they want to catch fast drivers flying by.

Our CHP are often too busy responding to radio calls to enforce mild speeding.

The quickest way to get their attention is to be zig zagging from lane to lane
driving around cars to beat the flow of traffic.

Occasionally they will run a special enforcement action focusing on speed in a particular area.

They (CHP) are usually most agressive with speed enforcement on the two lane highways with the most speed/passing related accidents. If you are on a two lane highway and it says 55, expect to see CHP regularly. On the freeways almost everybody goes 10 mph over the limit and only the worst offenders are stopped.

As far as the thread topic is concerned, I have found that a majority of those driving large vehicles these days are women. They apparently view their large vehicles as an 'equalizer' of sorts. Some do have a 'teach them a lesson' mentality and block the fast lane and seem to enjoy doing it. Young women here are definately starting to drive more aggresively than in the past. It is fun to watch them try to control their vehicles while talking on the cell phone and applying makeup! If you ever pass a car with women in it or a couple look and you find that the womens lips never stop moving. Yak Yak Yak.

This is just an onservation and not a put down on women. We men certainly have qualities that take a well developed sense of humor to appreciate as well.

Just my .02



12-29-2004, 12:28 PM
I'd have to say that it more of a comfort thing than any to a LLH. Think about it.. Traffic merges from the right and you don't get double passed that way. The left lane is the safest on the road. My advice is do a right pass and give em the pipes! :coolman:

12-29-2004, 02:48 PM
what I can't stand are drivers that get right on your back bumper even when there's atleast ten cars ahead of you in the same lane, and the traffic is so heavy that it's obvious that even if you do pull aside for them, there's no where that they can go anyway. then you have the people who tailgate you when the traffic is light, and when you're considerate enough to hit your righthand signal and move over for them, they don't even want to pass you. it's as if though they have a nervous habit behind the wheel, and they don't feel comfortable unless they're right on your back BUMPER!!!!! There seems to be so many drivers that are just so filled w/anxiety, that they simply have to tailgate you whether they're in a hurry or not.
Works for me slow down slowly step on emergancy brake or take it out of overdrive. Of course You wanna be driving a rental when you do that.
Joe Clancy :beer: :beer:

12-29-2004, 03:58 PM
A friend of mine usually starts applying the parking brake in this situation.

he starts easilly, there's no brake light, and when they reach a certain point, they either pass or panic stop. :D

I've never tried this. It would be my luck that they are also talking on the cell phone or putting on their make up and I'll get my bumper customized by crunch.

I have a similar tactic,... I just take my foot off the gas and coast! :P Man,.. that really pi$$es people off!.. But,..hey,.. I only do that to nimrods that are so close I can tell what color eyes they have.

12-29-2004, 10:35 PM
Works for me slow down slowly step on emergancy brake or take it out of overdrive. Of course You wanna be driving a rental when you do that.
Joe Clancy :beer: :beer:I admit that I've been so aggrivated with other motorists riding the back bumper of my car so closely that I could barely see their headlights in my rearview mirror, that there were times when I gave them a brake rush. But I also had to get off the brake pedal quickly and hit the gas pedal to prevent them from slamming into my car. Not something I'd recommend though. That's a good way to envoke some serious road rage as it's already been pointed out here, and you just don't know who you're dealing with. I mean, people have gotten shot for less.

But I did give a cop a brake rush one time, and I knew it was a cop too. It was at night time, but the reason that I knew it was a cop behind me before he turned on his lightbar was because of what he was doing......

I was traveling 65 MPH in the left lane, and the guy get's on my back bumper, and so I hit the right turn signal and moved over in the righthand lane. So he proceeds to get in the right lane behind me, and continues to tailgate. But not only does he tailgate, but he keeps on slowing down enough to drop his car back a good 70 feet behind, and then slams on the gas pedal so that he comes flying up again on my back bumper so fast that he has to hit the brakes to avoid from smashing into my car!!! So he does that another two times, and then on the third time, I slammed on my brakes and I hear his car's tires lock-up and he slid sideways to avoid me while I hit the gas so that he wouldn't hit me. I just knew it was a cop, and it made me furious that a cop would do such a thing in order to provoke someomne, just so he could give them a speeding ticket!!!! Most cops aren't like that, I know, but I also know that there are some cops who are, and IMO they don't even deserve to wear the uniform.

So as soon as that happened, on goes the lightbar and the siren. I pull over, and he says "you know why I pulled you over?" I said, "why don't you tell me officer?" so he says, because I thought you were drunk the way that you slammed on your brakes like that" I thought to myself.."you idiot, you know why and I know why I did that, and that it was because how reckless you were driving your car by flying up to my back bumper repeatedly like you did" but the guy was obviously looking for an argument, and I wasn't going to add fuel to that fire by playing his game. So I didn't comment on that. But I did say....""officer, can I please ask you a question?" He said "what is it?" I said, "Why is it, that I'm minding my own business, and on my way home doing nothing wrong, and you have to harrass me like that by the way you were driving behind me?"

So he says, "well, I was gonna let you go(yeah, sure he was), but since you think that I was harrassing you, then let me see what I kind find to throw at you here.." but I had an ace in the hole that he didn't know about, so I waited for him to spit out all his venom, and then I laid it on him...."Oh officer, BTW, do you know my brother, cuz he's on the force too" ...that got his attention...."who's your bother" he said......so then I told him, and we both knew that he wasn't going to give me any ticket...and that made him even more ticked off (which is what he deserved). So he had to come back with something to save face in an effort to mend his delicate ego......"well I'm sure that if your brother pulled someone over, and they told them that he was harrassing them, that he wouldn't take too kindly to it" I thought to myself...."you weasel, my brother would never stoop to the level that you did just to give someone a ticket, so this conversation is over, and I've said everything I'm gonna say, so just go through what ever motions and posturing that you think that you have to, and then I'm outta here"...so I didn't even look at him after that. So he then said...."okay, you're lucky I'm not a b*** breaker....take your license and get outta here"....I thought, "Oh no, you're definayely not one of those" :rolleyes:.... and so just to rub it in more, I said just as polite as can be.."Thankyou officer".... and then when I saw my brother, I told him what happened....and the first thing he said was "Did you get his name?" ...but unfortunately I didn't.

I have respect for police officers, and I'm usually very polite to them, but that guy was just a loser who gives good cops a bad name. Sorry that the story was lengthy ....

12-30-2004, 08:10 PM
Hmmm..I don't get tailgaters in the Marauder. That blue ass end causes people to hang back.:D In the 'vette I occasionally get tailgated but it has always turned out to be a sports car that wanted to romp it for a short run just for giggles. Mainly 5.slows and other 'vettes. In the family van, it's another story. Constantly get ridden in that thing, and it is so stupid to tailgate something you can't see thru or around. I brake check the crap outta people in that van if they are being silly, because I never have it in the left lanes.

Maybe the Officer was having a bad night or something when he got behind you. Or maybe he wanted to stop you and just check out your fantastic ride?;)

12-30-2004, 08:35 PM
Maybe the Officer was having a bad night or something when he got behind you. Or maybe he wanted to stop you and just check out your fantastic ride?;)
Nope.....cuz that happened before I had my Marauder. it was way back when I had my 85 mazda RX7

12-30-2004, 08:51 PM
I have a similar tactic,... I just take my foot off the gas and coast! :P Man,.. that really pi$$es people off!.. But,..hey,.. I only do that to nimrods that are so close I can tell what color eyes they have.

That my favorite to. And just enjoy the ride. While thier anger builds I just turn up the tunes!!!!1

12-30-2004, 09:17 PM
I guess the wierdest stop I ever endured was in high school in 1988 while driving a 73 Gremlin. The Officer told me "We got a domestic disturbance call and the guy took off in a car that matches this one exactly." My town population was 250. Yes, 250 and we all knew each other. I don't think there was another Metallic Bronze 1973 Gremlin with black racing stripes and Magnum 500 rims in the rest of West Tennessee (or the whole state!) at the time, but it was late and I didn't feel like arguing. He shined his flashlight thru the hatchback at some stuff and asked me to unlock it, got really spun up when I said no. "Is that a stolen tire in there?" No Sir, it's my spare. "Don't make me impound this car!" This went on for about 20 more minutes and I guess he just got tired of yelling and told me to go home. Crazy.

12-31-2004, 03:13 PM
They have appointed themselves as the speed enforcement police and want to force everyone to hold to the speed limits. They don't realize that their driving tactics have the opposite effect. Guess there is a reason for calling for driver's licenses that are graduated by age. Both for younger and for older drivers. I wonder if there is a greater incidence of this in states like Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and those others with higher than average aged drivers.

Sorry if this touchs some nerves but it really is an issue.
This happens frequently in Arizona as well... tho I wouldn't say it is more women then men etc. What needs to be done is law enforcement crusing in unmarkeds and citing people with obstructing traffic.

Also, since this has become more prevalent, many drivers think nothing of just switching lanes and going around on the right hand side.

12-31-2004, 09:36 PM
:cool: Here in South Florida we have many 1st generation drivers from other countries and they were never told by their parents that the left lane is the passing lane. In most cases their parents did not own cars or if they did they drove on two lane country roads. Our interstates are totally foriegn and imtimadating to them. I have taken the liberty to speak to some of them and they tell me that they are very uncomfortable (scared) when cars pass them on the left side and they are less fearful if a car passes them on the right side. Some of them feel as if they will loose control if they have cars and especially big trucks pass them on the left side. In Germany if you get rearended while in the left lane, you will be charged with the ticket. Back in the eighties I can remeber speaking with a friend of mines in the Army, he stated that "over half of our servicemean in Germany fails the German driving test their first time out".
In our American driver training we put more focus on parking than you do on actual driving skills. There is so much that we need to fix in our transportation system that affect our lives and livelyhood. For instance how many people have to be killed by the recapped treads that come off of 18 wheeler truck tires for our congress to tell the trucking lobbyist to take a hike and get rid of those killer tires.

My wife is from OK and me from NC...now we are in NC...married for 28 happy years...we travel ever year at least once maybe twice to OK...900 miles one way...14 hours...in 28 years of traversing this stretch of I40 I have had a lot of experience with Left Lane Hogs...I started to notice that nearly all were female...mentioned this to my lovely wife who give me hard looks and mean words...but she started to observe and finally concluded the same thing...in 28 years we have ran up on hundreds of LLHs and in all this time only 5 to 10 have been males...what gives?...someone enlighten a simpleton, please!...last trip to OK in Nov a lady would not pull over in heavy high speed traffic, 80+ mph and her doing no more than 65 mph...and people were blinking lights, blowing horns and waving with one finger, but no movement...I know the left lane is usually smoother, especially in ARK...but they will not move over momentarily for you to pass...the MM has had some effect, for sure but still some just set there like zombies...a wondering mind wants to know...willie

01-01-2005, 06:34 AM
Back in the eighties I can remeber speaking with a friend of mines in the Army, he stated that "over half of our servicemen in Germany fails the German driving test their first time out".

Actually, it is a US Army driving test on German traffic laws. The failure rate is pretty high the first time around I think because too many Americans just blow it off like the many BS tests stateside. You have to study the Driver's Book pretty closely to pass the test in Germany. The test in USAREUR (US Army, Europe) was pretty lengthy with 50 questions on traffic law and 50 road sign identifications as I recall. Plus, every applicant had to take the Defensive Driving class before the license was issued. I have been there twice for a total of 6 years. Never failed the test -- nor did my wife. And, of all the places that I have driven, Germany was the absolute best 'cause everyone on the road knows the rules and plays by them. The Polizei have little tolerance for fools on the highway. :D

I see alot of the "Timid" driver complex here in Northern Virginia as well. These folks scare the heck out of me because they are so unpredictable. Plus, there are far too many people who are incapable of handling their vehicle. I once watched in amazement as a woman in a Mini-Cooper made 6 passes to get into a parking space -- you would have thought she was docking the Queen Mary. :rofl: