View Full Version : I need your help.

12-28-2004, 09:51 PM
Lately Lucky's table manners have gotten out of hand, and I mean REALLY out of hand.

She is getting real bad about eating strait out of the serving dish, running around the table and picking from everyones plate.

Anyone have any ideas that will help without causing bodily harm. After all, she is a cherished member of the family.





Joe Walsh
12-28-2004, 09:57 PM
Beautiful Bird....But I hope she doesn't crap in your bowl...
Has she picked up any fowl language?? ;)

12-28-2004, 10:03 PM
Beautiful Bird....But I hope she doesn't crap in your bowl...
Has she picked up any fowl language?? ;)

I used to have a Quaker, he used to eat rice and pasta, and sit on top of his cage instead of in it! Beautiful AMazon!

12-28-2004, 10:05 PM
I wouldnt even know where to start on training a bird. Maybe just keep her in the cage during dinner??

12-28-2004, 10:16 PM
I wouldnt even know where to start on training a bird. Maybe just keep her in the cage during dinner??
She gets rather loud and annoying when left in her cage durring meals. :)

12-29-2004, 01:44 AM
Maybe you could turn on the Outdoor Channel and set up a TV table for her to watch from?!? Don't suppose she'd go for the Speed Channel ... She is a beauty! Good Lucky!

12-29-2004, 03:52 AM
She gets rather loud and annoying when left in her cage durring meals. :)

Sounds like Todd.

12-29-2004, 03:56 AM
Water pistol

12-29-2004, 05:53 AM
Lately Lucky's table manners have gotten out of hand, and I mean REALLY out of hand.:help:[/size][/font]
Maybe you can trace back to the incident that prompted the start of the bad behavior and go from there. Maybe it is a particular food, smell, or dish/bowl that get's Lucky fired up. :dunno:

My dog will only beg from one person at the dinner table (my daughter) because she made the mistake of feeding him a couple scraps. He won't bother anyone else because he knows it's useless.

BTW ... nice Christmas Pyramid and angels in the background. Looks like someone did some shopping at Kathe Wohlfahrt's in Kaiserslautern or Nuremberg. :D

12-29-2004, 07:20 AM
How about a cat?

12-29-2004, 07:24 AM
I was trying to be nice!! But a KFC sign might keep her quiet??

12-29-2004, 08:02 AM
I was trying to be nice!! But a KFC sign might keep her quiet??

Cover the cage when you eat with a dark sheet.

Reminds me of a Joke I heard once,
There was a man who bought a parrot from the pet store at half off because it only knew bad words. The man took it home, thinking he could train it to be good, but he continued to cuss and say nasty things.

Out of frustration, the man got mad and put the parrot in the freezer. The bird cussed even more, but after about a minute in the freezer, he got very quiet. Worried, the man opened the door and saw the parrot, standing there quietly.

The bird climbed onto the man's finger and started talking.
"Sir, I do apologize for my offensive language to you over the last few days, I will do my best to not use those kinds of words from now on."
Confused, but Satisfied, the man smiled and figured that the parrot had turned a newe leaf over. As he was closing the door the parrot said.

"I just gotta know, what did the chicken do to end up in there?"

12-29-2004, 08:23 AM
Good one Wes!!! :laugh: :laugh:

Dr Caleb
12-29-2004, 08:49 AM
I've got a couple of mischevoius Nendeys, so I empathize :) Mine have a screetch that can shatter glass.

Put a bowl of something he prefers more, elsewhere. It can be difficult habit to break, because to the parrot, you are his 'flock'. His flock is eating, so he should too.

Ethier that or the water pistol. With ice water - it's the only thing my birds understand as far as punishment. The dark cover works too.

12-29-2004, 08:52 AM
Maybe it is a particular food, smell, or dish/bowl that get's Lucky fired up.

Maybe some she knew?? Sorry!

12-29-2004, 09:04 AM
Lately Lucky's table manners have gotten out of hand, and I mean REALLY out of hand.

She is getting real bad about eating strait out of the serving dish, running around the table and picking from everyones plate.

Anyone have any ideas that will help without causing bodily harm. After all, she is a cherished member of the family.





Very pretty bird their, if you teach her that your dinner time is her dinner time in her cage with the door closed on it she'll be fine in time, depending on how long you've let her do this. You can unspoil her in time, maybe a few weeks tho. Get your ear muffs out.

12-29-2004, 09:05 AM
I was trying to be nice!! But a KFC sign might keep her quiet??

Don't laugh, but she likes chicken. :)

Hates cats. Has clamped on to a couple of cat tails that have gotten to close to her perch so they usually keep a safe distance from her. :D

12-29-2004, 09:10 AM
Don't laugh, but she likes chicken. :)

Hates cats. Has clamped on to a couple of cat tails that have gotten to close to her perch so they usually keep a safe distance from her. :D

Thats a mean bird!!! Didnt think you be here until tonight so having sum fun!

12-29-2004, 09:14 AM
I'm off today, so I'm killing a little time. :)

12-29-2004, 09:32 AM
I'm off today, so I'm killing a little time. :)


12-29-2004, 09:49 AM
NIce double yellow head( I think- am I right?)....

We have a yellow crown..25 years old....called Topper , for the obvious yellow crown...anyway...we have the same problem and usually drape a sheet over his cage and/or provide a small piece of food , either bread with butter on it or a left over piece of pizza or whatever he particular likes--to keep him busy so not to bother us...it works real well.......Tom

Bradley G
12-29-2004, 10:03 AM
Is that where the phrase "fraidy cat" comes from?Have you taught him to say "tastes like Chicken":nocomm:

Bradley G

Don't laugh, but she likes chicken. :)

Hates cats. Has clamped on to a couple of cat tails that have gotten to close to her perch so they usually keep a safe distance from her. :D

Dr Caleb
12-29-2004, 12:05 PM
Don't laugh, but she likes chicken. :)

The best thing you can give them is boiled egg yolk. Seriously! It's the magic food for birds! Mine are partial to beer and pizza. They'll even catch mice. Stay away from avacado and chocolate.

Mine tag-team the cat too. They'll both land on the floor out of reach while the cat is sunning herself. Then when the cat looks to one, the other will get closer, attracting the cat's attention. This repeats until one had a firm grip on the tail . . . and hilarity ensues ;)

12-31-2004, 05:32 PM
Mine won't eat anything other than sunflower seeds and apples. Picky critters they are.:rolleyes:

I never posted pics of them before, and I remember you asking me to post pics of ENO and EON, my South American Conures. They are both molting at the moment so they look naked.


12-31-2004, 06:13 PM
Mine won't eat anything other than sunflower seeds and apples. Picky critters they are.:rolleyes:

I never posted pics of them before, and I remember you asking me to post pics of ENO and EON, my South American Conures. They are both molting at the moment so they look naked.

Cute little guys.

Lucky likes sunflower seeds too, but they give her an attitude problem.

12-31-2004, 06:31 PM
Cute little guys.

Lucky likes sunflower seeds too, but they give her an attitude problem.

I have to ask, From sunflower seeds?

12-31-2004, 07:12 PM
My mom has a yellow nape and he is mean as hell to everyone but her.

He is 27 years old.

12-31-2004, 07:12 PM
I have to ask, From sunflower seeds?
She gets real obnoxiouse and loud. Then she wants to bite and chew up everything in sight.

12-31-2004, 07:14 PM
My mom has a yellow nape and he is mean as hell to everyone but her.

He is 27 years old.
Lucky is the same way with me, unless I'm out of town for a while. Then she figures out that if she wants to eat, she better be nice to Mrs TR. :)

12-31-2004, 07:32 PM
Maybe you could turn on the Outdoor Channel and set up a TV table for her to watch from?!? Don't suppose she'd go for the Speed Channel ... She is a beauty! Good Lucky!
Yeah! Maybe there's one of those "entertainment videos" for birds at the pet store... You know, like the ones that are for babysitting dogs. :)

12-31-2004, 07:59 PM
Eno and Eon compete with the tv, the vacuum, and every phone conversation. They are obnoxiously loud at times.

They have their own bose wave radio, and are allowed to roam outside the cage for several hours each day. However, those green turds...when they are missed and harden...are like cement and require a chisel to remove.:mad:

I have to ask grandpa, but I believe they are both around 28 years old now, brothers, and have never been apart since birth. This is likely why they have never has the desire to mimic the human language.

Dr Caleb
01-03-2005, 12:07 PM
I have to ask, From sunflower seeds?

Sunflower seeds are addictive to a bird. More of a mental addiction, than a physical one. They are jam packed with protien and oils. Once you get them started, there aint no going back.

Kinda like caffine for humans. What are you or I like after a couple days without our cup of coffee?

Cool pics Barry. Compare to my Nenday Conures. Not much difference, 'cept the volume level . . .


01-03-2005, 12:59 PM
What are you or I like after a couple days without our cup of coffee?


Doe the term "POSTAL" mean anyhting!!!!!!!

01-03-2005, 08:58 PM
Doe the term "POSTAL" mean anyhting!!!!!!!
:eek: :shot: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: