View Full Version : FHP Marauder Trooper Shot

01-06-2005, 03:57 PM
Hate to see this, thought you guys might like to know, in a way he is one of us.

01-06-2005, 04:02 PM
Hate to see this, thought you guys might like to know, in a way he is one of us.
NOT GOOD--( just a note here--the attachments are appreciated but unreadable)

....and another thing--Dennis is riding in one lately on a "ride along'----can't tell from the story where and what happen--can you tell us!!

..and always---prayers are out to the FHP Trooper..( don't know his status)

01-06-2005, 04:10 PM


Photo by: Eagle 8 photo
The suspect in the shooting of a FHP trooper was caught after a chase by troopers and Tampa police.

Trooper Shot During Traffic Stop</HEADLINE>
<B><BYLINE>By VALERIE KALFRIN</BYLINE></B> <CREDITLINE>vkalfrin@tampatrib.com (vkalfrin@tampatrib.com)</CREDITLINE>
Published: <STORYDATE>Jan 6, 2005

TAMPA - Joseph Feliciano crouched in his front yard in southeast Seminole Heights on Wednesday, edging closer to the bleeding Florida Highway Patrol trooper on the ground.

``What's going on?'' Feliciano said he called to the man.

``I've been shot,'' the trooper told him.

The trooper, Brandon McElderry, was listed in fair condition at Tampa General Hospital later, his wife by his side.

``He's extremely lucky to be alive, considering what he's been through,'' said Trooper Larry Coggins, a highway patrol spokesman. ``He continued to fight. He was not going to give up.''

On the job for two years, McElderry, 30, is assigned to one of the agency's new ``stealth Marauders,'' unmarked Mercury Marauders with high-performance engines that the agency uses to tackle aggressive driving.

About 10 a.m., McElderry was driving northbound on Interstate 275 when he saw a 1992 Chevrolet coupe with a license tag that had expired in July, Coggins said. McElderry signaled the driver to pull over.

The driver left the interstate at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and stopped at North 10th Street, Coggins said. As McElderry approached, the driver argued with him.

The dispute turned into a fistfight, and the man ran, Coggins said. At North Ninth and East North Bay streets, McElderry caught up with him. The two tussled, McElderry grabbing the man in a bear hug, Coggins said.

The trooper used pepper spray on the man, but it blew into McElderry's eyes, Coggins said. McElderry reached for his .40-caliber Beretta.

It was unclear late Wednesday whether the trooper unholstered the gun or the man did, but during the struggle, Coggins said, the man reached down and shot McElderry in the upper right thigh.

The trooper fell, and the man ran east and tossed away the gun, officials said. McElderry radioed for help, describing the man.

Feliciano found the trooper moments afterward. Feliciano's girlfriend was outside during the struggle and shooting and ran into the house, snatching up their 11-month- old son.

Feliciano, 27, said he crept outside and offered the trooper help.

``He had a bite mark on his right cheek. He was bleeding out of his mouth and nose,'' he said. ``I grabbed water for him. He had been Maced in the face.''

Tampa police and other troopers swarmed the area. In the 900 block of East Genesee Street, the man ran into two landscapers and tried to take their truck, but they stopped him, police said.

Officers arrested the suspect in the 900 block of East Emma Street, roughly two blocks from the shooting. Police identified him as Darian Maurice Wright, 27, of 4806 Sanford Court.

Wright was charged with one count of attempted carjacking, a felony. Wright, who is about 5-foot-11 and more than 250 pounds, was treated at St. Joseph's Hospital for minor injuries, officials said.

He was booked into Orient Road Jail shortly after 7 p.m.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating the shooting and will likely file additional charges, agency spokesman Rick Morera said. Public records show Wright was convicted in 1995 of lewd and lascivious battery on a child younger than 16. A year later, he was convicted of aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting an officer with violence. He was released from a state prison in Clermont in June 2003.


01-06-2005, 04:11 PM
Bunny beat me to it.

01-06-2005, 04:12 PM
Thank you Mary, much better.

Agent M79
01-06-2005, 04:29 PM
Bet he didn't wake up that morning expecting to be fighting for his life.

I hope he recovers fully, can resume his duties and shares this experience with his comrades for the rest of his career. Hopefully someone else comes through this in better shape and thanks him for sharing.

01-06-2005, 05:00 PM
Hate to see this, thought you guys might like to know, in a way he is one of us.
What a shame :( Officer McElderry IS one of us .... "On the job for two years, McElderry, 30, is assigned to one of the agency's new ``stealth Marauders,'' unmarked Mercury Marauders with high-performance engines that the agency uses to tackle aggressive driving.

Looks like the shooter was another fine example of an upstanding & law abiding citizen. :bs: and doing criminology studies from the inside. :rolleyes:

I don't know all the facts of the story; but it sure seems this got out of control really quickly .... argument, bear hug, mace, lost gun, shooting. Maybe there will be some "How not to" lessons come out of this. Any of our LEO friends here have some insight on this event?

P.S. Smokie .... I could read your clippings just fine. :D Thanks.

01-06-2005, 05:10 PM
The perp has a record, no law abiding citizen here: just scum.
After the FHP officer put a call for back up TPD responded in major force and the perp was very quickly captured.

01-06-2005, 05:11 PM
Good to see he should be ok.

Sad to see though....very sad. Its amazing what people can do to each other.

01-06-2005, 05:12 PM
This is from the FHP site

On the morning of Wednesday, January 5th at approximately 10:00 AM, Trooper Brandon McElderry, Troop C - Tampa, attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Interstate 275 in Hillsborough County. The violator exited I-275 and stopped. The two conversed and a struggle occurred. During the struggle, the violator seized control of Trooper McElderry's weapon and shot him in the hip, then attempted to carjack a passing motorist. Tampa Police Department arrived on the scene and took the violator into custody. Trooper McElderry was transported to Tampa General Hospital where he was listed in fair condition. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is conducting the investigation.

01-06-2005, 05:23 PM
What a piece of work. Hopefully he goes to jail forever and comes to learn the term 'angry anal' from a really really really big dude. I hope the Police Officer makes a speedy recovery, time away from the Marauder must be a drag!

01-06-2005, 05:30 PM
NOT GOOD--( just a note here--the attachments are appreciated but unreadable)

....and another thing--Dennis is riding in one lately on a "ride along'----can't tell from the story where and what happen--can you tell us!!

..and always---prayers are out to the FHP Trooper..( don't know his status)

I had to lean into the monitor a bit...but I was able to read it!

Here's hoping my eye exam comes out at 20/20 tomorrow!

01-06-2005, 05:43 PM
As has been stated several times "he is one of us" and he's had a pretty bad day. He might enjoy a few words of encouragement from his fellow Marauders around the country and thanks for his service.

Any of our smokies out there suggest an appropriate way to say thanks and get well to this trooper?

My neighbor (Maryland State Police) went through a similar incident recently and took a pretty good beating from huge SOB on crack. It was a tuff thing to deal with, he eventually left the force.

01-06-2005, 05:57 PM
We've got the troopers name....Lets send him some cards!

I bet if we looked hard enough we could find a FHP contact person who would forward them.

01-06-2005, 05:58 PM
Smokie thanks for posting this. Their is alot of really bad people out thier who have no respect for anybody. I hope the FHP Officer will recover quickly.

01-06-2005, 06:32 PM
We've got the troopers name....Lets send him some cards!

I bet if we looked hard enough we could find a FHP contact person who would forward them.Trooper Brandon McElderry
FHP Troop C Headquarters
11305 N. McKinley Dr.
Tampa, FL 33612

Troop Commander: Major Thomas Knight

This should do it!

01-06-2005, 07:13 PM
My prayers are with the Trooper and his wife.

God Bless, get well soon!

01-06-2005, 07:23 PM
I don't know all the facts of the story; but it sure seems this got out of control really quickly .... argument, bear hug, mace, lost gun, shooting. Maybe there will be some "How not to" lessons come out of this. Any of our LEO friends here have some insight on this event?


You make a valid point, this DID get out of control really quickly. Bad news is, this is the unpredictability of policework. The article states that the suspect is 5'11" 250lbs. Thats a pretty big boy for me to struggle with, as I am only 5'9" 160lbs. So if we factor in whats known as positive size mis-match, whats known as the three D's, drunk, drugs or deranged (its unreported if the suspect was under any of these effects) and the simple fact that this suspect has no regard for an LE Officer you can see the odds are already against the Officer prior to the contact.
An Officer's training is only as good as the conditions allow it to be. In a perfect world the Capstun only hits the intended target in the face and quickly subdues him/her. The reality of it is, it often gets innocent bystanders and/or the Officer (or his partner) due to wind, sudden shifts in movement ect. In some cases the suspect is not even effected at all by Capstun after a thorough application.
Also keep in mind that an action is ALWAYS quicker than a reaction. If the suspect has intentions on assaulting an Officer the Officer is unaware until AFTER the assault has commenced, thus we are on the defense. There is a reason cops are always telling you to keep your distance and keep your hands in sight. Offenders can run their mouth all day, but its the hands that kill. Just because an Officer is in uniform does not mean they get any respect, in some cases (like this one) they get less, due to they are the only thing in between the suspect and the suspect's freedom.
Tha last two Officers shot and killed in Washington State were killed with their own service weapon after lengthy ground fights. Please honor these and all Officers killed by visiting the Officer Down Memorial Page.
God bless Trooper McElderry for his brave service to his community. He will be getting a card from me.

01-06-2005, 07:37 PM
Trooper Brandon McElderry
FHP Troop C Headquarters
11305 N. McKinley Dr.
Tampa, FL 33612

Troop Commander: Major Thomas Knight

This should do it!

Thanks for the info. My prayers go to him and his famaliy.

01-06-2005, 09:10 PM
Praying for a speedy recovery. Cards are an excellent idea.

01-06-2005, 09:38 PM
maybe we can send some kind of group card from the members of MM.net? Ya know Marauder solidarity..

I hope he recovers quickly! And I hope the perp stays in a friggin' cage where he belongs!

01-06-2005, 09:51 PM

You make a valid point, this DID get out of control really quickly. Bad news is, this is the unpredictability of policework............ Please honor these and all Officers killed by visiting the Officer Down Memorial Page.
God bless Trooper McElderry for his brave service to his community. He will be getting a card from me.
GT, Thanks for the insights and discussion of the factors. You got a website address for the Memorial Page??

01-06-2005, 10:22 PM
Got the address....thanks.

I'll be sending out a card...definitely!

01-07-2005, 02:56 AM
GT, Thanks for the insights and discussion of the factors. You got a website address for the Memorial Page??
www.odmp.org (http://www.odmp.org) I check it everyday......helps keep things in perspective.


01-08-2005, 03:58 PM
www.odmp.org (http://www.odmp.org/) I check it everyday......helps keep things in perspective.

Yes it does.

I like the idea of the group sending in a collection. :mad2: the friggin mut should not have been on the road in the first place:mad2:

01-08-2005, 05:06 PM
maybe we can send some kind of group card from the members of MM.net? Ya know Marauder solidarity..

I hope he recovers quickly! And I hope the perp stays in a friggin' cage where he belongs!I'll be bringing a card to our CAM meet tomorrow for members to sign if they choose. Any ideas for the larger group?

01-08-2005, 05:10 PM
We could start the ball rolling... After we sign, we could send it to other area clubs to sign. They in turn send it to the next club until we are all in. It may take some time.... Or we could send area club specific cards. (MM.net CAM)

01-08-2005, 05:52 PM
I'll be bringing a card to our CAM meet tomorrow for members to sign if they choose. Any ideas for the larger group?

Great idea that you beat-me-too-it, I was thinking the same thing. I will let you bring the card, thanks Shaun. :2thumbs:

We could start the ball rolling... After we sign, we could send it to other area clubs to sign. They in turn send it to the next club until we are all in. It may take some time.... Or we could send area club specific cards. (MM.net CAM)

I think this might take too long and get lost somewhere along the way. Let's let each group or individual take care of there own card(s). As we always like to say; "The more the merrier." :D

...and don't you think he will be even more touched by receiving cards from all over the country.

01-08-2005, 06:37 PM
I applaud your efforts! The cards will mean alot! I plan on sending one as well.

OC (Mace) Bad
Taser Good!

01-08-2005, 07:02 PM
Man Accused In Shooting Faces 3 More Charges
Published:<storydate> Jan 8, 2005</storydate> http://media.tbo.com/tbo/images/spacer.gifTampa Tribune

TAMPA - The Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Friday filed three more charges, including felony attempted murder, against Darian Maurice Wright, the Tampa man accused of shooting a Florida Highway Patrol trooper in the leg this week. FDLE spokesman Rick Morera said investigators also charged Wright with felony aggravated assault and felony armed burglary. Wright, 27, is accused of shooting Trooper Brandon McElderry on Wednesday with McElderry's weapon after a traffic stop and struggle in southeast Seminole Heights.

The trooper was released Friday from Tampa General Hospital, the highway patrol said.

Wright is being held without bail at Orient Road Jail. He faces a dozen charges, including felony aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer.

01-08-2005, 08:36 PM
I think this might take too long and get lost somewhere along the way. Let's let each group or individual take care of there own card(s). As we always like to say; "The more the merrier." :D

I have already purchased a card for Trooper McElderry. I would be willing to send it on behalf of the "Westcoast MM clan" if there are no objections from my left side coherts........chime in please.


01-08-2005, 09:13 PM
Things like this are precisly why I could NOT be in law enforcement & think & do things ... "by the book" all the time.

As far as I'm concerned ... this scumbag should have gotten an ***-whooping on live TV for all to see & be made an example of.

Civil rights my *** - I think OLD SCHOOL ... there are just some things & situations in life in which one just ASKS & DESERVES to end up in a hospital or WORSE.

This guy needs to have an accidental "fall" down some stairs in jail as far as I'm concerned.