View Full Version : Road trip baby!!!!

01-06-2005, 09:02 PM
I am sure a few of you saw THIS THREAD. (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15179)

One of our newest members is braving the inclement weather and driving his trade in Mustang GT from Arizona to VERMONT!!! This trip is one hell of an adventure this time of year.

AZMARAUDER (Kevin), nearly didn't even make it past Oklahoma due to ice storms that took every third vehicle on the road and wrapped it up.

Tomorrow, Kevin will be rolling through my neck of the woods, and damnit, I'm riding co-pilot the rest of the way! He HAS to be in St. Albans by Saturday afternoon at the LATEST. With two drivers, we can do this.

I'm psyched. I definately need to get out of this house for a few days.

Weather looks reasonable, so off we go, I-90 through Buffalo, and the 81 to 11 over and up to ST. Albans, Vermont. (Moore Lincoln Mercury)


01-06-2005, 09:10 PM
Godspeed you guys!

Drive safe!

01-06-2005, 09:16 PM
Barry - Have a safe trip. Be careful.

01-06-2005, 09:19 PM
Good job Barry:up:

This way you can answer all his question on the way back:)

01-06-2005, 10:41 PM
Cool. Dont have too much fun!!!!

01-06-2005, 11:00 PM

Good luck gents!

Take care, drive carefully and update us when you get back...safely of course!


01-07-2005, 04:32 AM
Remember Barry if your in our neck of the woods stop by. Weather in this area is warm and rainy for the next week or so with periods of sunshine.

01-07-2005, 05:19 AM
Be really good boys along the NYS Thruway...between the idiots and "tax collectors" you have a challenge...safe trip and Godshead speed to you two !

Bradley G
01-07-2005, 05:25 AM
:hmmm: :stooges: Any Room?

01-07-2005, 05:41 AM
Drive careful its snowing around Syracuse and up the east side of the lake. Radar does look like the lake effect is failing apart. May be ok when you come through. Once you get off I81 the roads may not be the best due to the snow and freezing rain from yesterday. Our roads are still pretty slick.

Mike Poore
01-07-2005, 06:44 AM
I am sure a few of you saw THIS THREAD. (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15179)

One of our newest members is braving the inclement weather and driving his trade in Mustang GT from Arizona to VERMONT!!! This trip is one hell of an adventure this time of year.

AZMARAUDER (Kevin), nearly didn't even make it past Oklahoma due to ice storms that took every third vehicle on the road and wrapped it up.

Tomorrow, Kevin will be rolling through my neck of the woods, and damnit, I'm riding co-pilot the rest of the way! He HAS to be in St. Albans by Saturday afternoon at the LATEST. With two drivers, we can do this.

I'm psyched. I definately need to get out of this house for a few days.

Weather looks reasonable, so off we go, I-90 through Buffalo, and the 81 to 11 over and up to ST. Albans, Vermont. (Moore Lincoln Mercury)

:woohoo:Now you're talking! Way to go! .....road trip! Any chance you guys will be headed back on Sunday? CAM's gonna be at the Haggas' DOO at Big Bats near Baltimore ~2PM. You could get to see me back into ________ (enter name) Marauder. (Both Charley and Gordon are gonna hide until we're safely parked):rofl:

PS: Barb's gonna drive, so we'll be in her Aviator. (back-up chimes, so everyone's safe)

01-07-2005, 06:53 AM
Drive careful its snowing around Syracuse and up the east side of the lake. Radar does look like the lake effect is failing apart. May be ok when you come through. Once you get off I81 the roads may not be the best due to the snow and freezing rain from yesterday. Our roads are still pretty slick.Hopefully we'll get there ok.

What worries me is the Saturday return forecast. Lots of snow through Syracuse and Buffalo as ussual. May have to camp out Saturday and cruise back Sunday. :dunno:

Marauder + snow = :depress:

01-07-2005, 07:03 AM
PS: Barb's gonna drive, so we'll be in her Aviator. (back-up chimes, so everyone's safe)

Thank you Barb, you are an Angle. ;)

01-07-2005, 07:54 AM
If you happen to swing down to the NY lower tier, I287 Tapanzee or GW bridge let me know.


01-07-2005, 09:06 AM
Kevin is in a bind...he has to bring ME home now. Have to back track through Buffalo, but at this point, I am really thinking we're gonna have to camp out Saturday, and start out Sunday.

He doesn't have to be back to New Mexico until Wed. morning, so we have a small cushion.

01-07-2005, 09:18 AM
... so we have a small cushion.
He shoulda had them swapped out for the larger ones mentioned in another thread. :rofl:

You guys be careful out there and rest up before the run homeward .... sounds like a Great Trip !!!! :up:

01-07-2005, 09:26 AM
Barry-atta boy! Very cool of you to help out. Cleveland to ST. Albans is damn near 600 miles! Keep the hammer down and your eyes peeled. I hope all goes well. Godspeed!:burnout:

01-07-2005, 10:05 AM
I am sure a few of you saw THIS THREAD. (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15179)

One of our newest members is braving the inclement weather and driving his trade in Mustang GT from Arizona to VERMONT!!! This trip is one hell of an adventure this time of year.

AZMARAUDER (Kevin), nearly didn't even make it past Oklahoma due to ice storms that took every third vehicle on the road and wrapped it up.

Tomorrow, Kevin will be rolling through my neck of the woods, and damnit, I'm riding co-pilot the rest of the way! He HAS to be in St. Albans by Saturday afternoon at the LATEST. With two drivers, we can do this.

I'm psyched. I definately need to get out of this house for a few days.

Weather looks reasonable, so off we go, I-90 through Buffalo, and the 81 to 11 over and up to ST. Albans, Vermont. (Moore Lincoln Mercury)


You just want to drive the cobra :D

Mike Poore
01-07-2005, 11:03 AM
Kevin is in a bind...he has to bring ME home now. Have to back track through Buffalo, but at this point, I am really thinking we're gonna have to camp out Saturday, and start out Sunday.

He doesn't have to be back to New Mexico until Wed. morning, so we have a small cushion.
Um, Kevin? Get separate rooms, OK? Or keep one eye open and don't dare go to sleep, if you must share a room. I'm not sure, but I think Marty's been hinting that he thinks Barry's gay. Remember the nipple photo? No, no, wait, maybe it's Barry who thinks Marty's gay. Um, no wait it was Todd, um, no, .... I get so confused.

01-07-2005, 11:28 AM
Ummm....err.....ain't ME man.

Anyway, I'M OFF....TO THE GREAT WHITE NORTH! :burnout:

Talk to you all later. :up:

01-07-2005, 11:38 AM
Um, Kevin? Get separate rooms, OK? Or keep one eye open and don't dare go to sleep, if you must share a room. I'm not sure, but I think Marty's been hinting that he thinks Barry's gay. Remember the nipple photo? No, no, wait, maybe it's Barry who thinks Marty's gay. Um, no wait it was Todd, um, no, .... I get so confused.

Let it go Mike!!!!
:lol: :lol:

01-07-2005, 12:55 PM
Oh No .... Mike's hallucinating or ........ sumptin' :dunno: :confused:

Mike Poore
01-08-2005, 02:52 AM
Oh No .... Mike's hallucinating or ........ sumptin' :dunno: :confused:
It was 18yr old Glentromie. Sorry. Hey you guys, it looks as if the bad stuff's to the east and south, guess you'll cross just north of Albany and hit Bennington? Perhaps you're there already. You might want to drop south a bit for the return trip. It looks like the freeze line is just north of Harrisburg. It's now, 36 in Gettysburg and 34 in State College. (I-80) If you need to hole up, you can spend the night here, just south of Gettysburg. Going west, tomorrow's gonna be OK.:)

01-08-2005, 07:26 AM
Looks like they better hole up for the day. Heavy snow here.

01-08-2005, 09:18 AM

Southern NY give me a shout

914 774-3604 cell


01-08-2005, 10:30 PM

Hello from Erie, Pa.

It took us 11 hours to go from Cleveland to St. Albans, VT on icy roads in a 450+ hp Cobra with tires like sleds....but we made it!!!

We (Kevin) sadly traded in his bad ass Cobra this morning for a 10/02 300A this morning. Pictures will be in the gallery tonight.

The dealer still has another '03 300A on his lot.

We left the dealership at 11:00 this morning, and it promply snowed on us for 200 miles. The Marauder performed quite well with the oem tires. We were both pleased, as the roads were seriously snowed over.

Kevin's Marauder had the usual 300A issues. Missing gromet on the tranny that we temporarily covered with a door grommet. Poor paint with a ton of swirl marks, and misc, dealer incurred scatches.

10 miles from our destination, 1 mile south of the Canadian border, we got pulled over by the US Border patrol. Apparently the Arizona tags on a Cobra, in the middle of a frigin snow storm raised some flags!!! And the fact that one guy was Cleveland....

The officer searched the vehicle, checked us out, and turned out that he knew several of the government officers that Kevin knew, as he (Kevin) is a retired high ranking military guy. We talked trash, shook hands, and parted ways. I failed to take a pick however.:(
This morning 3 hours into our return....again...we get pulled over. This time it's a New York state patrolman. He couldn't figure the car, and the fact it had no visible tags, and a radar det. in the window. He turned out to be totally cool as well, and all he wrote in his book was the url to this website! Nice!!!!!!

Tommorow we roll on to my place, and Kevin is off to St. Louis, and then off to New Mexico for a meeting on Wednesday.


01-08-2005, 11:15 PM
Many great pics from the trip in the GALLERY (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showgallery.php/cat/3040)


01-09-2005, 07:30 AM
Still curious why you REALLY got pulled over! LOL. Glad everything is going well. Thanks for the pics!!!!!

01-09-2005, 09:46 AM
Still curious why you REALLY got pulled over! LOL. Glad everything is going well. Thanks for the pics!!!!!
The first time we got pulled over, the border patrol....is because the Arizona plates gave the officer the impression new recruits were in town. Border Patrol Recruits are trained in Arizona.

But when Kevin said he was selling his car (1 mile from the Canadian border), and I hollar out "I'm from Cleveland!"...the officers first reaction was, STEP OUT OF THE CAR, and DO YOU MIND IF I SEARCH THE VEHICLE.

Turns out he and Kevin knew many of the same folks, and we all hit it off nicely.

The New York trooper actually waved to us as he passed, but when he saw a radar detector in the front window and no tags on the car, he thought WTF??? In-transit Vermont cars normally don't have radar in the window, and the paper tag is on the back of the car.

Kevin wanted to keep the tag as a momento, and the weather would have destroyed it during his 2400 mile return trip, so it was on the package shelf.

Again, the officer was super cool, chatted with us, and allowed a picture as well.

01-09-2005, 09:53 AM

Love the pull over stories. Glad it all worked out :D

I'm guess this'll be the last time this Marauder sees the snow! :lol:

Here's hoping he has as great trip back to AZ.

01-09-2005, 12:20 PM
Glad to hear all went well. You guys are brave to go through the north country of NYS in a Cobra in the snow!

01-09-2005, 06:52 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Great stories Barry and congrats to Kevin (AzMarauder). What part of Az. are you from?

Barry sounds like you found a long lost brother, not many people would drive across the country in the winter through multiply snow and ice storms to trade a 450+ Cobra for a 4-dr sedan.

Mike Poore
01-09-2005, 07:13 PM
What an adventure!! Way to go guys!! Bilbo Baggins would be proud. :high5:

01-10-2005, 07:57 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Great stories Barry and congrats to Kevin (AzMarauder). What part of Az. are you from?

Barry sounds like you found a long lost brother, not many people would drive across the country in the winter through multiply snow and ice storms to trade a 450+ Cobra for a 4-dr sedan.Yes.. Barry did me a solid by going along on that banzai run! Geeze it wasn't supposed to be that hard ! But he just kept a positive attitude and kept going...

"Get 'er done!"

I live in Sierra Vista, Az. about 80 miles to the SE of Tucson. I am right on the border of Mexico.

Right now I'm "kicking it" in Elk City, Oklahoma in a Best Western.
Albuquerque tomorrow and I will be back at work so to speak. Two days of meetings and then travel home to Arizona on Friday. The great adventure will be over and I will be cleaning the MM for days on end trying to get all the salt and yuck off it.

01-10-2005, 08:33 PM
Great job Barry:up:

Welcome to the site Kevin:)

Thanks for the photos and storys..............

01-10-2005, 08:37 PM
I am glad you made it to your home 20.

I am also glad to have met, and spend some time with a great leader.
Good luck Kevin, and enjoy your new found fun.


01-10-2005, 09:22 PM
as if you didn't spill all of the beans already on here... if there's more you wish to add for an avid traveler like myself to experience feel free to make a suggestion or two on my site: www.myroadtrip.net


01-11-2005, 05:38 AM
The great adventure will be over and I will be cleaning the MM for days on end trying to get all the salt and yuck off it.
I hope its only salt and sand. Frozen manure is a real treat to remove :D You guys are my heros, a Cobra in the north country, in snow and ice, and you didn't trash it.:beer:

01-11-2005, 06:24 AM
I live in Sierra Vista, Az. about 80 miles to the SE of Tucson. I am right on the border of Mexico.

I know where that is, I lived in Tucson for 3 yrs. Good luck on your new ride, get ready to MOD.

01-11-2005, 08:23 AM

Hello from Erie, Pa.

It took us 11 hours to go from Cleveland to St. Albans, VT on icy roads in a 450+ hp Cobra with tires like sleds....but we made it!!!

We (Kevin) sadly traded in his bad ass Cobra this morning for a 10/02 300A this morning. Pictures will be in the gallery tonight.

The dealer still has another '03 300A on his lot.

A "NEW", never been titled 300A?

01-11-2005, 08:37 AM
A "NEW", never been titled 300A?
That is correct! New 300A BMD0 predecontented, AND NO MILAGE to speak of.

This is it:

01-11-2005, 12:46 PM
I live in Sierra Vista, Az. about 80 miles to the SE of Tucson. I am right on the border of Mexico.
Was in Sierra Vista, AZ back in late June. Stayed across from the SV Mall and was visiting Fort Huachuca for a couple days. May be back again this year. :dunno:

01-11-2005, 03:14 PM
Was in Sierra Vista, AZ back in late June. Stayed across from the SV Mall and was visiting Fort Huachuca for a couple days. May be back again this year. :dunno:
And you didn't even take time to say hey ! Geez..... Too good to talk to a Cobra owner eh? :D

Well I'm now in Albuquerque and go to work tomorrow. Weather from Oklahoma to here was interesting. 27 degrees and FOG East of Amarillo.... 20 miles later wind blowing furiously.. ( I mean knock you 1/2 a lane over furious) and the temp had climbed to 60 degrees. In 20 miles.... I thought my outside temp gauge had gone nuts. :rolleyes:

Should be home Friday... in "sunny" Sierra Vista, Az.

If anyone makes it down to my neck of the woods.... holler.

Oh Haggis...
The mods will be slow for awhile... took some coinage to do this trip... and I have my 67 Fairlane Project that I have to make headway on as well. In my usual impulsive style I just decided to get my foot in a MM before all the leftovers were gone.

01-11-2005, 04:29 PM
And you didn't even take time to say hey ! Geez..... Too good to talk to a Cobra owner eh? :D
I guess that I was embarrassed 'cause I was driving a copper colored Altima rental out of Tucson airport. :D Man would I have loved having my MM down there on those wide-open roads .... :2thumbs:

Mike Poore
01-11-2005, 05:32 PM
That is correct! New 300A BMD0 predecontented, AND NO MILAGE to speak of.

This is it:
http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/627KEVIN_013_Large_-med.jpgLook, LOOK you guys! They "lifted" the "Y" from the dealer's sign! MERCUR...:laugh:

01-11-2005, 06:34 PM
I guess that I was embarrassed 'cause I was driving a copper colored Altima rental out of Tucson airport. :D Man would I have loved having my MM down there on those wide-open roads .... :2thumbs:
Yes... we have days, especially going East on I-10 where you can get rolling 80-85mph with the Cruise set and not have to touch it for an hour or two.