View Full Version : Venting...And Repeating A Post!

01-07-2005, 04:57 PM
Blah blah blah...my name is Hitchhiker and all I do is whine and ***** about every little thing and make fun of a 17 year old's love of dance because I have nothing better to do. The whole world doesn't agree with me because I whine and ***** about every little thing so I'm going to put all kinds of really repetetive smilies in every post. I'll even do it in every thread that James starts because I have no life, and then to top it off I'll make a really sly and dirty remark about his best friend and dance partner.

What Marty and Todd say can be pushin' it sometimes, and I admit I fueled it...but for me what you said was over the edge. Besides, there's the fundamental basis that I like Todd and Marty because of how they've been nice to me more than they've poked fun.

Ok...now I can have a happy life and go out with friends tonight.

01-07-2005, 04:59 PM
James their will days like this.

Just take the good with the bad.

Remember it's all good:up:

01-07-2005, 05:16 PM

01-07-2005, 05:50 PM
Blah blah blah...my name is Hitchhiker and all I do is whine and ***** about every little thing and make fun of a 17 year old's love of dance because I have nothing better to do. The whole world doesn't agree with me because I whine and ***** about every little thing so I'm going to put all kinds of really repetetive smilies in every post. I'll even do it in every thread that James starts because I have no life, and then to top it off I'll make a really sly and dirty remark about his best friend and dance partner.

What Marty and Todd say can be pushin' it sometimes, and I admit I fueled it...but for me what you said was over the edge. Besides, there's the fundamental basis that I like Todd and Marty because of how they've been nice to me more than they've poked fun.

Ok...now I can have a happy life and go out with friends tonight.


First of all, I don't whine, ever.

Secondly, I have not made any peronal dirty remarks about about you or your friends.

Thirdly, I never posted to 'whine' about how bored I was in class.

Please do not assume anything about me. You do not know me and therefore cannot judge whether or not I have 'anything better to do' or the state of my life.

I have quite a nice life and your judgements are politically based in my opinion. I look back on most of the milestones in my life with satisfaction.

I consider myself fortunate to have good lifelong friends of many political and religious persuasions. You will be a fortunate person someday if you can say the same.

You have posted some good items in the forums, but sometimes it is downright funny to see you post every significant event that happens in your life.

Do we really need to know what classes you are enrolled in, who your girlfriend is, what your scores are on tests, or any of your other mundane life activities? Based on your many posts, you seem to think so.

When you post such personal information in a public forum you have to expect a little kidding from those who read it.

Trust me; at 17 year of age your opinions will change on a lot of things as you experience more of life.

Do you think that my dad's middle age friends took my opinions seriously when I was 17? I think they probabloy laughed at many of them and at my age now I do the same.

Before you start making judgement calls about others, you would serve your self well by better knowing yourself and reserving judgements until you have spent a bit more time on this earth.

I think that you are quite upset about something. I think I was just a convenient target.

I am replying to your post in an effort to close this issue. I am not going to get into a popularity contest about who is right or wrong. It simply does not matter.

You are over analysing what amounts to good natured kidding.

If it will make you feel more comfortable, I will no longer reply to your posts.

Like Patrick said 'chill'

Let's move on from this and enjoy our cars.

Best Regards,


01-07-2005, 05:52 PM
What Marty and Todd say can be pushin' it sometimes, and I admit I fueled it...but for me what you said was over the edge. Besides, there's the fundamental basis that I like Todd and Marty because of how they've been nice to me more than they've poked fun.

Just got off the phone with Todd. He said he wasn't trying to be nice to you and that you must have misinterpreted something.

Oh yeah, he also said "Elaine......"

01-07-2005, 05:53 PM
Just got off the phone with Todd. He said he wasn't trying to be nice to you and that you must have misinterpreted something.

Oh yeah, he also said "Elaine......"

Make em stop...


01-07-2005, 06:06 PM
:hijack: In progress. Everyone back to the :corner: . My what lovely weather were having today!

01-07-2005, 06:10 PM
Hmph. Here I was fully expecting to be kicking hitchhiker to the curb again... For once everything he said actually made sense.

That being said, behold, the power of my thread closing finger.

Move on, nothing to see here...