View Full Version : Anyone?

01-10-2005, 06:44 PM
Anyone here besides me want to slap the beezewax out of any one of the Gotti kidz?


01-10-2005, 06:47 PM

Are they being a Tod bit of a Menace.....:baaa:

01-10-2005, 06:59 PM
Last edited by CRUZTAKER : 01-10-2005 at 08:49 PM. Reason: ....now that's funny...I don't care who ya are...that's funny...

That is f'n funny...... :lol:

01-10-2005, 07:09 PM
I want to beat the bejeezus out of the producer that put such garbage on the air...

Joe Walsh
01-10-2005, 07:12 PM
I made the mistake of watching that crap for @ 5 minutes.....I wish that the Mafia would wipe out those stupid goombas along with the producer!

01-10-2005, 07:14 PM
hmm,.. I think you guys might be talking about one of those dumb a$$ 'reality shows'?

makes me happy I don't watch TV ... Except for Discovery, History Channel and the news.

01-10-2005, 07:15 PM
That is a group that should get "wacked."

01-10-2005, 07:30 PM
I have not seen no care to see that show. Celebrity punks selling thier name doesnt impress me!

01-10-2005, 08:00 PM
That is f'n funny...... :lol:
CLICK IT IS! (http://www.favewavs.com/wavs/current/thatsfunny.wav)

01-10-2005, 08:03 PM
CLICK IT IS! (http://www.favewavs.com/wavs/current/thatsfunny.wav)

:2thumbs: :laugh: :laugh:

01-10-2005, 08:11 PM
Anyone here besides me want to slap the beezewax out of any one of the Gotti kidz?

hey everyone is alowed to get 15 minutes of fame:)

01-10-2005, 08:12 PM

Are they being a Tod bit of a Menace.....:baaa:

OK! A play on words:rofl:

01-10-2005, 09:18 PM
The fact that that show exits is the thing on TV that makes me the most angry,

Somehow it seems ok to enrich the clan built on Murder, and the threat of Murder.

Have you ever had to pay extortion?

That's it, give your hard earned money to someone who lives by murder and sucks off the honest hard work of every decent person.

OH and don't forget. show resepect, or be punished.

Remember, unless you are one of them your and your family, are nothing but barnyard animals to them, Animals to be milked or slaughterd as necessary.

They live off people, and return nothing to society.

01-10-2005, 09:26 PM
OK! A play on words:rofl:

Missed that one!

01-11-2005, 04:56 AM
Why? Are they being a Tod bit of a Menace.....:baaa:
LOL! Why I like Barry, in one sentence.

01-11-2005, 05:08 AM
Anyone here besides me want to slap the beezewax out of any one of the Gotti kidz?

Gotti ???? Dead gangster, I thought.

Gucci???? Dead purse, right???

01-11-2005, 05:32 PM
The fact that that show exits is the thing on TV that makes me the most angry,

Somehow it seems ok to enrich the clan built on Murder, and the threat of Murder.

Have you ever had to pay extortion?

That's it, give your hard earned money to someone who lives by murder and sucks off the honest hard work of every decent person.

OH and don't forget. show resepect, or be punished.

Remember, unless you are one of them your and your family, are nothing but barnyard animals to them, Animals to be milked or slaughterd as necessary.

They live off people, and return nothing to society.

I'm with you on this one, grew up on Long Island too close to that trash and "wanna bees" like them!