View Full Version : Ticket 78 in a 65

01-15-2005, 02:08 PM
I was driving on a 4 lane causeway. Tropper pulls up from behind in the left lane, observes my vehicle for 3-4 minutes then puts on his lites and pulls behind me.

We pull over and he says his radar clocked me at 73 in a 65. I told him that was odd because my speedo read 65.

I know I was doing 65. Any ideas?

Do you think he was way behind me and read the speed of another car.

I checked my speed on the mile markers and it was dead on. :confused:

01-15-2005, 02:30 PM
They caught me cruising at 80 in a 55, but I was actually doing it. Glad they only got me after I slowed down! Good luck.
I was driving on a 4 lane causeway. Tropper pulls up from behind in the left lane, observes my vehicle for 3-4 minutes then puts on his lites and pulls behind me.

We pull over and he says his radar clocked me at 78 in a 65. I told him that was odd because my speedo read 65.

I know I was doing 65. Any ideas?

Do you think he was way behind me and read the speed of another car.

I checked my speed on the mile markers and it was dead on. :confused:

01-15-2005, 03:24 PM
There are all sorts of things to do here. Fight it. I don't have time to type all the things right now, but if you search around a bit, you'll find several sites on "how to fight traffic tickets" and so forth. Lots of good info.

If you can get the officer to admit he was that far away and there were other cars in the area, it should raise reasonable doubt. Of course you have no witnesses (do you?) so if it comes down to his word against your you're screwed (as I recently found out - even though I showed a few inconsitencies in the officer's testimony I still lost because he was the only "witness").

Put it this way, for your fine at least you'll be getting your entertainment value out of things. If everyone started fighting every ticket that was given out on a whim, I bet they would decrease significantly. Make him show up and work for the conviction. If nothing else you can waste his time for wasting your money. He knows it was bogus, and if people start calling him on the :bs: then maybe he'll think twice about doing it in the future (like if he knows there is a good possibility of sitting in a courtroom for a couple hours when he gives out bogus tickets).


01-15-2005, 03:30 PM
I was driving on a 4 lane causeway. Tropper pulls up from behind in the left lane, observes my vehicle for 3-4 minutes then puts on his lites and pulls behind me.

We pull over and he says his radar clocked me at 78 in a 65. I told him that was odd because my speedo read 65.

I know I was doing 65. Any ideas?

Do you think he was way behind me and read the speed of another car.

I checked my speed on the mile markers and it was dead on. :confused:This is how I have done it in the past, if I deserve the ticket; I pay it and keep my mouth shut.
If the ticket does not reflect what really happened and I believe I am innocent, I fight it.

I have fought twice, and won once.

01-15-2005, 03:37 PM
put in for a continuance,.. subpoena the radar's calibration certificate and the officer's training records for that particular piece of equipment.

did I forget anything? I think I did.

01-15-2005, 03:58 PM
I would definitely plead NOT guilty and have your day in court. good luck.

01-15-2005, 04:23 PM
If you have a discrepancy you should always ask to see the radar read-out.

01-15-2005, 04:43 PM
Sailsmen - this does not apply to your case. Just some general helpful hints.

Everyone who drives a MM has to read "How to avoid speeding Tickets" on several of the radar nets. Rule #1 - is NEVER drive in the left lane - NEVER. The vast majority of speeding tickets are for drivers in the left lane. LEO "speed cruise" the left lanes for speeders. (Sub-Rule #1a - limit the use of your turn signals at all times if it can be done safely. You are only advertising to the LEO behind you what you are doing.) Rule #2 - ALWAYS look in the rear view mirror every 20 seconds for LEO behind you. Rule #3 - You MUST have a good radar/laser detector. The money is WELL worth it. Rule #4 - always pull over immediately to a slower lane for a LEO coming up behind you. (Sub-Rule #4a - If you see LEO lights coming up behind you, NEVER assume it is you. Pull over to a slower lane and get into traffic without using your brake lights, i.e. release the gas, gently press on the emergency brake, turn-off the OD.)

If stopped, always be Mr. Polite and don't make excuses for speeding. Admit you were speeding and apologize to the officer.


01-15-2005, 04:47 PM
Why did he observe my vehicle for 3-4 minutes from the left hand lane? It was day lite and he had another tropper in the car. Was he trying to guess if in fact it was me who was speeding. My first thought when his lites came on was he got a call so I kept driving, then he came on the PA and said pull over. I thought this is odd, maybe he just wants to check out the car. Then I thought maybe he thinks I am DWI even though I have not had any alcohol to drink for a week, at the time I was drinking a coke out of a bottle.

When he told me I told him I was surprised because my speedo read 65. When he came back with the ticket I asked him if he could tell me where was I when I was speeding was it when you were way behind me , he said mile marker 21. I said I don't know where that is, he looked at the car and asked if I but on bigger tires. I advised I had in the rear.

The rears are not tall enough to account for 8 mph, and I checked againest the mile markers and I was dead on.

I am baffled, he must have picked up another car, speed up to me in the left lane, I was always in the right lane, observed me, couldn't pin it on anyonelse and decided it was me.

01-15-2005, 04:59 PM

He saw a nice car and said to his buddy "hey, wanna pull over Mr. Marauder?"

I apologize to the LEOs on board for typing this, because I realize it is probably not the majority of patrols out there that do this, but the more I read/hear about these things, the more pissed off I get. So many people get stopped for legitimate reasons, WHY do they have to simply make stuff up just to try to increase revenue?

He didn't see a violation. He saw dollar signs. If you were in Iowa he would have offered to let you off the speeding ticket (which raises insurance rates) if you would agree to $400 or more of equipment violations (which is more money than speeding but doesn't go on insurance). It's been done many, many times here, and I bet in other places.


01-15-2005, 05:02 PM
Oh, and don't rubberneck. (not that you did, just in general) It's a dead giveaway. :)


01-15-2005, 05:03 PM
Think about this...

All you need to do is create a reasonable doubt in your guilt, your intent to drive 78 in a 65. So, best to attack your own intent to disobey the law, eh? Your intent to speed is the real issue before the court.

Speed monitoring devices such as radar, lidar, laser and so on, have been tested and proven in court. Much like a Breathalyser, and DNA testing, the courts today pit your word against proven technology....Scientific machines that have earned quite an honorable reputation. Forget it, you won't win any attack on the machine, or, the technology.

Likewise, the cop is viewed as a trained professional with little personal gain in writing the ticket or getting a conviction. He's just reporting the facts that the radar machine produced at that time, nothing more. Under a banner of "protecting lives," it's merely his sworn duty to detect speeding, and issue citations. Attacking the cop is likewise a waste of time in the court's eyes.

Be a little creative...Dare to confuse the court. It's a reasonalbe doubt you're looking for, nothing more. Now...Think...

Is it possible you recently had a flat tire and installed the undersized spare on the right rear?

If so, would this not confuse the electronic speed sensor that feeds the speedo you rely on? The speed senors are wheel mounted on the MM, not tranny mounted as they have been in the past, and if you need it, I'm sure someone here can produce a tranny pic where the speedo cable port is blocked off, because it's all electronic now.

Were you aware (before now), that the full size spare meant full size front tire that does not match the rear tire size?

Did you not see that ABS idiot light on the dash for a week or so until you just the day before got your flat tire fixed, restored, and it went away?

Did you not know that the EEC needs to be flushed after restoring the correct rear tire size?

78 in a 65...With a dash of confusion = reasonable doubt.

Think about it...

I beat my very first speeding ticket (at age 15, also radar) by telling the Judge that my father had installed snow tires, and I later found out they were taller tires. The Judge smiled, didn't get my words, but I created the reasonable doubt I needed. Unfortunately, my next speeding ticket went before the same Judge, and he reminded me (before I testified), that it was now July...

BTW...Borrow someone's dyno graph dated after the ticket and before the court date, with a lot of cool lines on it. When the Judge asks you questions, just shrug "It's what they gave me at the speedo shop, Judge." Half of us here don't know how to read a dyno graph, I doubt any Judge would grasp the finer points.

Doubt...and reasonable too.

Otherwise...Pay the ticket, we all know you were speeding.

01-15-2005, 05:05 PM
Mac, I'll be filing this one in the things to remember file... Very well said.

01-15-2005, 05:08 PM
I always follow the instructions an LEO friend;

1) both hands on top the steering wheel and roll down the window, so he can see them
2) look the officier in the eyes and wait for him to address you
3) when he ask for your wallet tell him where it is and then point to where it is , so he knows where your hands are going
4) when he ask for registration, tell him where it is and point to where it is
5) don't ask him why he stopped you, when he is ready he will tell you
6) save any arguements or points for the judge, always remember he is the guy with the gun. :D

King Fubar
01-15-2005, 05:26 PM
You can do what Mac said....or you can floor both the court and the officer.

1. Ask the officer what kind of radar was he running, same direction or opposite direction.

2. If it was same direction was the fastest button pressed. Depending on the speed of the patrol vehicle it could actually throw off the target speed. I have mistakenly done this using same direction but relized it and turned the button off.

3. If it was opposite direction, ask him (if you remeber) how many vehicles were around you. If you were traveling in a pack it's impossible to tell. In FL we have to visually estimate the speed of the target vehicle within 3 mph +/- of the displayed speed on the radar. I generally pick the first few skip the pack and grab the stragglers if they're playing catch-up Find out if they have to do a visual estimation and ask how much it is.

4. Ask what his visual estimation was.

If you go to court make sure you have your bases covered, ask your local police officers if they're radar certified they will tell you what you need to know. Just tell them you curious about how it works. I have people ask me all the time.

In any case good luck

01-15-2005, 05:34 PM
I was driving on a 4 lane causeway. Tropper pulls up from behind in the left lane, observes my vehicle for 3-4 minutes then puts on his lites and pulls behind me.

We pull over and he says his radar clocked me at 78 in a 65. I told him that was odd because my speedo read 65.

I know I was doing 65. Any ideas?

Do you think he was way behind me and read the speed of another car.

I checked my speed on the mile markers and it was dead on. :confused:

Had the same thing happen to me. Had cruise set at 77 in a 70 zone on I95 in S.C., LEO pulled me over said he clocked me at 87! I said I had my cruise set at 70, he said I had put bigger tires on my car, so the speedo is off. I offered to show him the owners manual & tires sticker on the car. He refused and gave me a ticket. Funny thing though... earlier that day I ran next to a Fla. State Trooper for about 10 miles he had his radar on we were both doing 63 in a 65..... he didn't pull me over.

I think it's the car....

01-15-2005, 05:52 PM
Troppers in this state are obligated to show you their radar... If you ask to see it.

01-15-2005, 05:57 PM
I always follow the instructions an LEO friend;

1) both hands on top the steering wheel and roll down the window, so he can see them
2) look the officier in the eyes and wait for him to address you
3) when he ask for your wallet tell him where it is and then point to where it is , so he knows where your hands are going
4) when he ask for registration, tell him where it is and point to where it is
5) don't ask him why he stopped you, when he is ready he will tell you
6) save any arguements or points for the judge, always remember he is the guy with the gun. :D
It's funny you say this. Last week I was pulled over in my PT. He said I blew through a yellow-to-red light. I did go around this idiot that was driving so slow I thought he had it in reverse. He also said I was doing 59 in a 45. I was moving pretty fast. When I pulled over I did exactly what you said. I rolled down the window. I put my hands on the steering wheel. I then told him where my license was seeing that I had on a long coat. This made him feel more comfortable. He let me go with just a warning.

01-15-2005, 06:41 PM

He saw a nice car and said to his buddy "hey, wanna pull over Mr. Marauder?"

He didn't see a violation. He saw dollar signs.
..Brilliant..I'm sure that was it!!! :rofl:

01-15-2005, 07:17 PM
There was a great book published several years ago on avoiding tickets; bits of it might be dated now but lots of it still applies and some of it has been posted above.

I think it was called "How to Avoid Speeding Tickets".

Anyhow, never admit to speeding, no matter the reason... you're admitting that you feel you're "above the law". Never deny speeding, LEOs don't like liars any more than the rest of us. Be vague, and admit you should have been paying more attention. That's the truth... if you had been you wouldn't be having the roadside conversation!

01-15-2005, 10:36 PM
Think about this...

All you need to do is create a reasonable doubt in your guilt, your intent to drive 78 in a 65. So, best to attack your own intent to disobey the law, eh? Your intent to speed is the real issue before the court.

Speed monitoring devices such as radar, lidar, laser and so on, have been tested and proven in court. Much like a Breathalyser, and DNA testing, the courts today pit your word against proven technology....Scientific machines that have earned quite an honorable reputation. Forget it, you won't win any attack on the machine, or, the technology.

Likewise, the cop is viewed as a trained professional with little personal gain in writing the ticket or getting a conviction. He's just reporting the facts that the radar machine produced at that time, nothing more. Under a banner of "protecting lives," it's merely his sworn duty to detect speeding, and issue citations. Attacking the cop is likewise a waste of time in the court's eyes.

Be a little creative...Dare to confuse the court. It's a reasonalbe doubt you're looking for, nothing more. Now...Think...

Is it possible you recently had a flat tire and installed the undersized spare on the right rear?

If so, would this not confuse the electronic speed sensor that feeds the speedo you rely on? The speed senors are wheel mounted on the MM, not tranny mounted as they have been in the past, and if you need it, I'm sure someone here can produce a tranny pic where the speedo cable port is blocked off, because it's all electronic now.

Were you aware (before now), that the full size spare meant full size front tire that does not match the rear tire size?

Did you not see that ABS idiot light on the dash for a week or so until you just the day before got your flat tire fixed, restored, and it went away?

Did you not know that the EEC needs to be flushed after restoring the correct rear tire size?

78 in a 65...With a dash of confusion = reasonable doubt.

Think about it...

I beat my very first speeding ticket (at age 15, also radar) by telling the Judge that my father had installed snow tires, and I later found out they were taller tires. The Judge smiled, didn't get my words, but I created the reasonable doubt I needed. Unfortunately, my next speeding ticket went before the same Judge, and he reminded me (before I testified), that it was now July...

BTW...Borrow someone's dyno graph dated after the ticket and before the court date, with a lot of cool lines on it. When the Judge asks you questions, just shrug "It's what they gave me at the speedo shop, Judge." Half of us here don't know how to read a dyno graph, I doubt any Judge would grasp the finer points.

Doubt...and reasonable too.

Otherwise...Pay the ticket, we all know you were speeding.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This is the advise to follow. In addition, if you could bring in a repair bill showing the vehicle was out of adjustment and is fixed now, you'll be in the clear. Never attempt to try the case on the side of the road (demanding to see the radar or arguing).

8mph over and you got a ticket??? Dam, that guy was rough. I wouldn't be bothered with 8 over. Now if you were doing eratic manuvers or had an attitude, yes you would get a ticket.

01-16-2005, 12:05 AM
I had to spend the day in a Virginia Beach traffic court waiting for one of my Sailors to go before the judge. It was a real eye opener. Everyone that walked in with a receipt for getting their speed-o-meter calibrated ($50 at the time) walked out happy.

What happened to my Sailor? Well after the judge heard the young LEO explain that he had given a ticket to a passenger (9 months pregnant) in a parked car at McDonalds for having an expired license it was the last dumb explaination he gave that day. The judge had a loud conversation with him, asked for his supervisor's name and dismissed all remaining cases. The scary part was somebody said it was OK for this guy to carry a gun and a badge. I have all the respect in the world for LEO's, my sister was one, but this guy was the 1% that should be doing something else. One story was weirder than the next.

Seems he the woman seemed suspious sitting in the parking lot of MacDonalds. Her explaination? She was under doctors orders not to exhert herself so her friend who was driving (with a valid license) went in an ordered lunch. The Officer confirmed her friend came out with her lunch. I guess they should have used the drive through and wouldn't have to go to court. OBTW, she was also ordered not to drive by her doctor so she didn't bother to renew her recently expired license. Hell, I didn't even know that was a crime.

After listening to this guy all morning, I couldn't help thinking Barney. This guy was giving law enforcement a bad name.

01-16-2005, 01:11 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This is the advise to follow. In addition, if you could bring in a repair bill showing the vehicle was out of adjustment and is fixed now, you'll be in the clear. Never attempt to try the case on the side of the road (demanding to see the radar or arguing).

8mph over and you got a ticket??? Dam, that guy was rough. I wouldn't be bothered with 8 over. Now if you were doing eratic manuvers or had an attitude, yes you would get a ticket.

This very good advice. Any attitude and its an automatic ticket. Follow the advice from MAC!!!

01-16-2005, 05:53 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
8mph over and you got a ticket??? Dam, that guy was rough. I wouldn't be bothered with 8 over. Now if you were doing eratic manuvers or had an attitude, yes you would get a ticket.
How about 7 over? Back in the early 80's I got one for 62 in a 55. :drive:

01-16-2005, 06:15 AM
How about 7 over? Back in the early 80's I got one for 62 in a 55. :drive:I've got all of you beat...56 MPH is a 55 zone, courtesy of Wisconsin State Patrol.

01-16-2005, 06:19 AM
I've got all of you beat...56 MPH is a 55 zone, courtesy of Wisconsin State Patrol.
Well, Sarge ... That's what ya get for driving in WI with IL plates! :P

I was busted in OHIO doing 70 in a 65. :argue: going down a hill! My biggest crime was having GA plates in OH. :rolleyes:

01-16-2005, 09:05 AM
Well, Sarge ... That's what ya get for driving in WI with IL plates! :P

I was busted in OHIO doing 70 in a 65. :argue: going down a hill! My biggest crime was having GA plates in OH. :rolleyes:

Sorry but when I was an MP at Ft Benning GA I use to have to go to Traffic Court alot. And this one guy said but it was down hill. 41 in a 35. Judge looked at him and said do you have brakes??? Just brought back that memory. Sorry Dude!!!

01-16-2005, 11:07 AM
Sorry but when I was an MP at Ft Benning GA I use to have to go to Traffic Court alot. And this one guy said but it was down hill. 41 in a 35. Judge looked at him and said do you have brakes??? Just brought back that memory. Sorry Dude!!!

I say that one!!!!!!

Cuz its true.

01-16-2005, 11:30 AM
You don't have us all beat, Sarge. Mine couldn't give me a speeding ticket (he couldn't get a lock on me) so he made one up and it stuck.


Mike Poore
01-16-2005, 08:39 PM
[QUOTE=sailsmen] .....at the time I was drinking a coke out of a bottle.

BINGO! That's why you got stopped.

01-18-2005, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=sailsmen] .....at the time I was drinking a coke out of a bottle.

BINGO! That's why you got stopped.

I got stopped once for eating a ham and swiss on rye and drinking orange juice. Not sure which one was making me weave. :cool4: I park and eat now.

2003 MIB
01-18-2005, 10:12 AM
Before anything else, I always roll down all the windows and tell them there's a gun in the car and where it is on my person or in the vehicle. I figure he doesn't need any more stress in his day any more than I need stress in mine. LEOs are human too and respond to consideration and respect- no attitude from me.

01-18-2005, 10:37 AM
put in for a continuance,.. subpoena the radar's calibration certificate and the officer's training records for that particular piece of equipment.

did I forget anything? I think I did.

Totally agree with Petrograde. This is your only chance - other than him not appearing at the hearing.
If he appears and calibration and training are verified -then stick to your story no matter what. You have to make the judge believe that in this case the officer was off in your speed assessment.

PR :burnout:

01-18-2005, 02:02 PM
Get a copy of the video, they make notes of trooper car speed on the video right? If he paced you then it's a close and shut case for whoever.

Also, if you have to go through the tire speil, isn't is just as much your responsibility to get things like speedometer readouts corrected as it is to watch your speed when it's appropriate? At least, that's what the judge can and should very well bring up.