View Full Version : Shes getting Hot

01-16-2005, 06:02 PM
Well I went to go start my car to warm it up before I left
work. Came out 15min later,with anti-freeze on the ground.
I go in the car and notice its over heating (obviously) I notice
the heat blowing cold? I shut off the car and restart it min. later.
I herd "gargling" within the dash, I try to make it home (2 miles away)
Im almost home, with heat blowing cold and over-heating again......
Any thoughts....Back to dealer for me :mad: :mad2:


01-16-2005, 06:09 PM
Well I went to go start my car to warm it up before I left
work. Came out 15min later,with anti-freeze on the ground.
I go in the car and notice its over heating (obviously) I notice
the heat blowing cold? I shut off the car and restart it min. later.
I herd "gargling" within the dash, I try to make it home (2 miles away)
Im almost home, with heat blowing cold and over-heating again......
Any thoughts....Back to dealer for me :mad: :mad2:


Possible stuck thermostat. The gargling is air in the system = heater blowing cold.

01-16-2005, 06:17 PM
Thank you for the quick replay, my good man.
With a stuck thermostat is it possible it will "un-stick"?
Should I try and start it in the morning? Also, air in the
system does that mean it must be flushed? Again thanks for
the help guys :)

01-16-2005, 06:18 PM
What was the level of your anti-freeze?
Remember green has to be replaced with green
and gold with gold? :confused:
Good time to see the dealer.

Bradley G
01-16-2005, 06:20 PM
Ditto I would make sure that every thing is full.I have heard of taking the cap off the hard black pipe crosover? and running the engine while occasionally adding coolant. if you intend to go(drive it) to the dealer (If it is close enough)otherwise make the call to the roadside assistance #and have the dealer lookie see!
Bradley G

01-16-2005, 06:27 PM
Thanks guys....Yea its gold anti-freeze She is under warrenty
thank god. Gonna have to get it towed there, because its
20-30 miles away. Now im sad:( this poop was out of
no where. Aw well thanks again guys

- michael

01-16-2005, 06:33 PM
Thanks guys....Yea its gold anti-freeze She is under warrenty
thank god. Gonna have to get it towed there, because its
20-30 miles away. Now im sad:( this poop was out of
no where. Aw well thanks again guys

- michael

Please let me know what the dealer says and let me know if it happens agian..

01-16-2005, 06:56 PM
Ditto I would make sure that every thing is full.I have heard of taking the cap off the hard black pipe crosover? and running the engine while occasionally adding coolant.
Bradley G
I'm not sure if you can run the engine with that cap off w/out coolant spitting out of that hole. But when I installed my Supercharger and had to remove and then re-install the radiator hoses, I then had to re-fill the coolant system, and I did fill it up via that cross over tube hole, and then put the cap bolt back on and ran it only for a few minutes, and shut it down, and took the cap bolt back off and filled it some more. That's the highest point in the coolant system, so it's a good place to fill it in order to remove all the air.

Bradley G
01-16-2005, 07:12 PM
I know the coolant system is under pressure but if it doesn't get hot enough to start to expand . you should be able to burp out any t***** air pockets that I am told can greatly reduce circulation.I think Zack explained in detail doing this method.I would never try to loosen that cap with the engine hot!unless I absolutely had to! and that would be very slowly allowing the pressure to escape.

I would never advise anyone to do this hot!It's a gamble
Bradley G

I'm not sure if you can run the engine with that cap off w/out coolant spitting out of that hole. But when I installed my Supercharger and had to remove and then re-install the radiator hoses, I then had to re-fill the coolant system, and I did fill it up via that cross over tube hole, and then put the cap bolt back on and ran it only for a few minutes, and shut it down, and took the cap bolt back off and filled it some more. That's the highest point in the coolant system, so it's a good place to fill it in order to remove all the air.

01-16-2005, 07:38 PM
You don't need to have the engine running to completely fill the system with coolant. But you can't fill the cooling system from the regular bottle if it has an air pocket in the system. Here's my usual reply to overheating posts:

Another Heating Woes -- Fixed (repost)
<HR style="COLOR: #dddddd" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->The heating in my 2004 Marauder was lukewarm, at best. I checked the threads on this forum and my engineer buddy. He correctly guessed that there was an air pocket in the coolant, even though the coolant level in the degas bottle (reservoir) appeared to be fine.

I know this solution has been written elsewhere, but here's what I did, for anyone who's interested.

1. Open the coolant Service Port (the small cap on the horizontal pipe that runs between the radiator and the engine. Use a 1/4" socket wrench to open it. Note: This is the highest point in the system. This was full of coolant.

2. Slowly open the cap on the degas bottle (the coolant reservoir). Do it slowly, in case coolant rushes in, and over, the bottle. I now looked in the Service Port and the pipe was now only 3/4 full of coolant. Aha, so the air pocket theory was correct.

3. Tightly close the degas bottle cap again.

4. I put a little over a Quart of coolant (note, we use the yellow Zerex G-05 coolant, not green or red coolant) in, via the Service Port. The degas bottle was, by now, full way above the Max line but my buddy said this was Ok.

5. Tighten the Service Port again.

6. I peered in the degas bottle, just in case I was supposed to equalize the pressure again. Lots of coolant in there!
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

01-16-2005, 07:41 PM
When I changed the T-Stat I did run the motor to operating temp at idle with the crossover/bleed cap off to bleed any air out of the system. It did "burp" more than once - kind of messy. I'd try Billy's method if I was doing it again!

01-16-2005, 07:48 PM
Thanks guys....Yea its gold anti-freeze She is under warrenty
thank god. Gonna have to get it towed there, because its
20-30 miles away. Now im sad:( this poop was out of
no where. Aw well thanks again guys

- michael

Call the toll free # for Mercury Road Service and make sure the have a flatbed to transport your Marauder to the dealer.

01-17-2005, 08:48 PM
Thanks for advise, she got the flat-bed to the dealer
at no cost (under warrantee) As the guy pulled the car on the ramp
he sc***** the exhaust tips. I wanted to scream at the top
of my lungs "YOU MORON!" but held it in and said "dont worry
about it...." Any way ill update on situation. Thermostat blown
at 11,500 miles....:mad: (im guessing)

01-17-2005, 11:02 PM
Well I went to go start my car to warm it up before I left
work. Came out 15min later,with anti-freeze on the ground.
I go in the car and notice its over heating (obviously) I notice
the heat blowing cold? I shut off the car and restart it min. later.
I herd "gargling" within the dash, I try to make it home (2 miles away)
Im almost home, with heat blowing cold and over-heating again......
Any thoughts....Back to dealer for me :mad: :mad2:


Michael: Check out the thread below. Also, look for any additional threads on this by me. Ths final outcome was that in May, the engine was replaced due to damage caused by the overheat, mainly the back cylinders on each side. Pm me if you need any other info....
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?postid=104209#p ost104209

01-17-2005, 11:05 PM
I thought that this was another post about Marauderchick.

01-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Michael: Check out the thread below. Also, look for any additional threads on this by me. Ths final outcome was that in May, the engine was replaced due to damage caused by the overheat, mainly the back cylinders on each side. Pm me if you need any other info....
Thank you so much for the info bro....Man I love this
place :coolman: :D