View Full Version : My Brother Could Have Been Killed....

01-18-2005, 02:31 PM
Two days ago my brother was boarding I think Route 60 in Pennsylvania. Two cars were horsing around and flew around him and one pulled in front of him and quickly went hard on his brakes.

My brother is driving a 2004 Trailblazer and he's got tons of audio/video equitment in it for show.

My brother brakes hard and on the ice, starts to drift sideways. His SUV is a fully perpendicular to the roadway and the ice disappears. His tires grab the pavement and he rolled completely twice. He's got 3, maybe 4, broken ribs. They can't see the fourth because of the amount of "hardware" he has in his back since that was torn apart and rebuilt...so to speak. The other drivers fled from the scene.

Please say a little prayer for my brother. He's been going through a lot physically and financially the last year or two. He's out of a job since the Navy booted him because of his health, and with the drugs he has to take, not many Nuclear power stations are willing to take him.

Also, remember to be good with the weather the way it is in much of the country. Racing on public roads is one thing and is often bad enough considering the people who do it and the limits they push it too, doing it in completely unsafe conditions is another, and I'm throughly upset.

01-18-2005, 02:43 PM
Is Elaine okay?

01-18-2005, 02:51 PM
Two days ago my brother was boarding I think Route 60 in Pennsylvania. ..... His tires grab the pavement and he rolled completely twice. He's got 3, maybe 4, broken ribs.
Sorry to hear about your brother's accident. Hope all goes well with his healing recovery process. Gotta watch those roads .... lots of loonies out there.

01-18-2005, 03:07 PM

Would you two grow up about Elaine? The man's brother almost gets killed and all you can think about is a skirt.

By the way James, my prayers go out to your brother.

01-18-2005, 03:18 PM
Two days ago my brother was boarding I think Route 60 in Pennsylvania. Two cars were horsing around and flew around him and one pulled in front of him and quickly went hard on his brakes.

My brother is driving a 2004 Trailblazer and he's got tons of audio/video equitment in it for show.

My brother brakes hard and on the ice, starts to drift sideways. His SUV is a fully perpendicular to the roadway and the ice disappears. His tires grab the pavement and he rolled completely twice. He's got 3, maybe 4, broken ribs. They can't see the fourth because of the amount of "hardware" he has in his back since that was torn apart and rebuilt...so to speak. The other drivers fled from the scene.

Please say a little prayer for my brother. He's been going through a lot physically and financially the last year or two. He's out of a job since the Navy booted him because of his health, and with the drugs he has to take, not many Nuclear power stations are willing to take him.

Also, remember to be good with the weather the way it is in much of the country. Racing on public roads is one thing and is often bad enough considering the people who do it and the limits they push it too, doing it in completely unsafe conditions is another, and I'm throughly upset.
Our prayers are with your brother. Hopefully he'll pull thru ok and these idiots will get caught.

01-18-2005, 04:32 PM
Would you two grow up about Elaine? The man's brother almost gets killed and all you can think about is a skirt.
Bravo, my friend, thank you.

James, please keep us posted on your brother's progress, he's in my prayers. If there is anything we can do here, you know we will do it.

01-18-2005, 04:38 PM
Geez, that's exactly what I was thinking too. I value you guys' input on the board but that was outta line.

Here's hoping all gets better, James. I almost lost my sister when some guy tore in front of her and the end result was her Tempo going under a semi (yes, under, just like that stang in F&F2). The entire car was crushed except for the driver's seat. She had not a scratch. It was a miracle.

People need to understand just how serious it is, and sadly most don't until it hits them with a similar scare or even a loss.


01-18-2005, 04:43 PM
I think the lucky thing is that my brother was wearing his seatbelt. This is a practice he would never commit to. Only now has he done it since he has a child under the age of 1.

I'll keep you all posted on his condition and hopefully nothing worsens, or they find out something they shouldn't about his back.

01-18-2005, 04:45 PM
James - Sorry to hear about your brother. Praying for a speedy recovery.

01-18-2005, 04:53 PM
Prayers going out for your brother, and for you & the rest of your family.

01-18-2005, 05:21 PM
James: I wish your brother, you, and your family, best wishes...! I hope that all turns out well.

Mike Poore
01-18-2005, 07:20 PM
Two days ago my brother ... I'm throughly upset.
Sorry to hear about your brother's "accident", James. Barb and I send our prayers and good wishes for a rapid and complete recovery.

01-18-2005, 07:28 PM
Is this the same brother that got out of the Navy last year? At any rate, Me and the Mrs will be praying for him.

01-18-2005, 08:08 PM
Added to my prayer list James.

God Bless!

01-18-2005, 08:19 PM
Added to my prayer list James.

God Bless!

As well as ours and his son as well Buddy....

01-18-2005, 08:53 PM
Would you two grow up about Elaine? The man's brother almost gets killed and all you can think about is a skirt.

Settle down fellas. I posted after reading the title, but without reading the text of James' post. Let's face it, James often starts threads about stalking some neighbor and his car or some other such nonsense and I assumed (incorrectly so) that this was just another one of those threads. That'll teach me to post while I am in the middle of a five-way conference call.

And, before you all flame me for that comment, yep I acknowledge that most of what I post here is drivel as well. We all escape in our own ways..... Feel free not to read my posts.

Anyway, those that know me well, know that I would never intentionally be disrespectful to someone who was injured or ill, James and his family included.

01-19-2005, 12:14 AM
Your brother and your famaliy are in my prayers. As always James PM if you need anything! :2thumbs:

01-19-2005, 01:47 AM
Woe!! I guess I'm getting to this thread kinda late.......icy roads scare me.....and that black ice is even more dangerous than the ordinary stuff that you can usually see. I spun out one time in it and landed on top of a five foot snow drift, and I wasn't even speeding (that was w/another car a number of yers ago). I hope your brother will come out of this okay. And yes, it could've been a whole lot worse. You just never know what's going to happen from day to day. Tomorrow is NOT promised to any of us. Kind of puts things into perspective alittle bit, uh? Anyways, keep us updated as to how your brother is doing Jimmy.

01-19-2005, 05:09 AM
James, sorry about late reply, however my prayers for your brother went out yesterday. I hope he makes a full recovery.

01-19-2005, 07:00 AM
My wife and I are praying for your brother and your entire family.

Bradley G
01-19-2005, 07:12 AM
Some are better at talking than listening.Some don't care !James I hope some good comes out of this.tradgity can bring you closer to what's really important.My thoughts and prayers are with you and family.Hang in there he will need your support.
Bradley G

01-19-2005, 08:54 AM
Chris and I will keep your bother in our prayers as well as your mother and father and yourself, stay strong. Is he home now or still in Pa?

01-19-2005, 11:48 AM
My brother brakes hard and on the ice, starts to drift sideways. His SUV is a fully perpendicular to the roadway and the ice disappears. His tires grab the pavement and he rolled completely twice. He's got 3, maybe 4, broken ribs. They can't see the fourth because of the amount of "hardware" he has in his back since that was torn apart and rebuilt...so to speak. The other drivers fled from the scene.

I remember seeing a camera/recording device that would attach to the rearview mirror. You can face it towards the interior of the vehicle or out through the windshield. It would hold a few seconds of video and constantly recycle the memory. If there was a sudden braking or movement of the car, the camera would keep about 5 seconds before and after the accident/movement that was detected. This would allow you to find/convict someone of the crime/accident. The video wasn't great and I think only black and white. It was over a year ago when I read about this. I can't seem to find anything like this now. It was self contained and cost was about $300. Something like this would of helped catch those bastards that caused the accident. :mad2:

Hope your brother has a speedy recovery.

01-19-2005, 03:15 PM
Thanks all for the support, I'll be showing this to my brother. He lives in Pennsylvania right now and yes, this is the same brother who was discharged from the Navy due to his health. I'll talk to him again in a few days and refer him to this thread and also get an update on his condition, because all I had was a pre-exam because he hadn't even reached the hospital yet, and even then there's some they can't see. Hopefully there won't be more to find.

01-20-2005, 11:31 AM
Continued Prayers, keep us up to date James.

01-20-2005, 10:13 PM
James, couldn't post this sooner due to operational commitments, I'll PM you with some Navy and VA related questions. I might be able to help. Prayers and Best Wishes, -kjs-

01-21-2005, 08:05 AM
James, same as NAVCHAP as I am retired also from USN. Speedy recovery from this tragedy for him, lotsa strength to his son...


01-29-2005, 07:09 PM
Thank you guys again for the support.

I still have not myself talked to him since a few days ago and that was only for a few moments. My dad does most of the chatting, as he's busy, and can't be busy all at the same time. He's in obvious pain, but no major developments have taken place since the accident. He's lucky, and lucky to have you guys "by his side"!

And that would be an update....

Don't forget, be careful in this weather! Even if you're smart, there are plenty of people who are not.

01-29-2005, 08:18 PM
Thank you guys again for the support.

I still have not myself talked to him since a few days ago and that was only for a few moments. My dad does most of the chatting, as he's busy, and can't be busy all at the same time. He's in obvious pain, but no major developments have taken place since the accident. He's lucky, and lucky to have you guys "by his side"!

And that would be an update....

Don't forget, be careful in this weather! Even if you're smart, there are plenty of people who are not.

James, if you don't mind my asking. Where in Pa. is he? We could organize a few CAM Members to visit him.

02-01-2005, 06:11 AM
He is in Mercer PA, about 45 minutes north of Pittsburg. He would love something like that but he's quite a ways away from you?

02-01-2005, 06:43 AM
Pittsburg????? Tell him to hang in there. We are pulling for him.

02-01-2005, 10:27 AM
Two days ago my brother was boarding I think Route 60 in Pennsylvania. Two cars were horsing around and flew around him and one pulled in front of him and quickly went hard on his brakes.

My brother is driving a 2004 Trailblazer and he's got tons of audio/video equitment in it for show.

My brother brakes hard and on the ice, starts to drift sideways. His SUV is a fully perpendicular to the roadway and the ice disappears. His tires grab the pavement and he rolled completely twice. He's got 3, maybe 4, broken ribs. They can't see the fourth because of the amount of "hardware" he has in his back since that was torn apart and rebuilt...so to speak. The other drivers fled from the scene.

Please say a little prayer for my brother. He's been going through a lot physically and financially the last year or two. He's out of a job since the Navy booted him because of his health, and with the drugs he has to take, not many Nuclear power stations are willing to take him.

Also, remember to be good with the weather the way it is in much of the country. Racing on public roads is one thing and is often bad enough considering the people who do it and the limits they push it too, doing it in completely unsafe conditions is another, and I'm throughly upset.

My thoughts and prayers will include your brother and your family.

Best Regards,


02-01-2005, 12:43 PM
We hope for his speedy recovery as well.;)