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01-18-2005, 06:21 PM
Well, . . . . Crap! ! !

Turning right out of a parking lot, . . Traffic clear.

Sedan DeVille turning left where I am, . .

She cuts tight and drug her damn door down my left front. :mad2: :mad2:

Knocked me back about 5 feet. She says I hit her! Bull *****.

She said, He said according to the LEO.

Insurance battle.

Three hours ago and still :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:


01-18-2005, 06:32 PM
OH Man! :bigcry: I feel your pain Mike. I assume nobody hurt. Where did this happen?

01-18-2005, 06:32 PM
OUCH!!!! Wow that doesn't look pretty........I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. That's one of the reasons why I like having a loud exhaust (assuming that yours is stock) because people get out of your way when it's loud. Ofcourse that won't prevent all fender benders, but I think it helps to prevent some.

01-18-2005, 06:32 PM
Bright side? From the looks of it, at least you didn't take any sheetmetal damage. Bumper facias are easily replaced. Been there. You'll be fixed up good as new.

Still, that's a shame. Sorry.

01-18-2005, 06:46 PM
Thanks Charlie,

Turning onto Billtown Road in J-town close to Watterson Trail. Just finished washing her too and was going to meet Sandy to pick up Caitlin from Dance class. Sandy drove her to me while details were wrapped up with the LEO.

I really hope Metropolitan L/M has a good body man.

Anyone out there with an estimate for the hell of it??

No injuries to report which is the most important. Still sucks though.

OH Man! :bigcry: I feel your pain Mike. I assume nobody hurt. Where did this happen?

01-18-2005, 06:51 PM
my guess is $4750 to fix.

01-18-2005, 07:13 PM
OUCH!!!! Wow that doesn't look pretty........I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. That's one of the reasons why I like having a loud exhaust (assuming that yours is stock) because people get out of your way when it's loud. Ofcourse that won't prevent all fender benders, but I think it helps to prevent some.

Great answer.. :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :up: 5 Thumbs up!!Also leaving some smoke on take off will definantly clear you a path..
But lookin at the car shows an accident i was in once where this guys front went down my passanger side from front to back with his front end and no one got anything even after 3 yrs they tried to sue me themselves and wound up hearing sorry charlie you gettin nothin ..

01-18-2005, 07:21 PM
It was $1100 - 1200 to replace the rear facia with a reman & paint (other party's insurance paid all of it). I'd think the front would be in that ballpark, assuming that there's no underlying damage.

01-18-2005, 07:21 PM
I hear Ya' Billy,

Exhaust may not have helped in this case as I was barely moving, at the most 5 mph., when she came over and traded paint among other things.

She will need a replacement door!

My question is: What is a 19 year old doing behind the wheel of a 1995(?) boat like that anyway? Hmmm. . .

OUCH!!!! Wow that doesn't look pretty........I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. That's one of the reasons why I like having a loud exhaust (assuming that yours is stock) because people get out of your way when it's loud. Ofcourse that won't prevent all fender benders, but I think it helps to prevent some.

the fat bastid
01-18-2005, 07:33 PM
i had the same kinda damage. broken light and sc***** up corner.
$594 for a corner repaint and the new light cost me $47ish from ray.
and yours looks twice as bad as mine was. i feel for ya.

01-18-2005, 07:33 PM
Mike - Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident. :( Glad there were no injuries. The bumper alone is over $ 1,200. You may need bumper supports and definitely paint. I would say approximately $2,400 to repair.

01-18-2005, 07:41 PM
Seriously, I do think Billy's on to something... I've noticed less of a tendency for folks to blindly cut in front of me as I'm passing them on the left, when I'm driving the WS6 IF I blip a downshift to grab 5th and give them an earful of uncorked LS1 as I approach from their left rear. With the Marauder, it's all I can do to keep from running them off the road. :mad: Worse, they'll cut in front of me without checking their blind spots OR if there's an approaching faster vehicle, then PANIC and slow below their original speed in the right lane because they think I'm an unmarked LEO (especially with the winter wheels). :mad:

As for the original issue here, I'm glad no one was hurt. Be prepared for an uphill battle with insurance. Take a moment to calm down, and sit in a quiet room with a pen and paper: try to come up with as many facts to support your story, every little detail counts (even something as insignificant as a scuff on your front wheel to prove it was turned for your turn, proof of a call that proves you would be heading in that direction, details about the point of impact on the road that supports you were properly aligned with your turn radius and not her, etc.). Try to debate with yourself to come up with every possible BS story the other party can come up with, and write down an appropriate counter-argument to disprove that claim... try to think of as many as possible.

I had a similar situation in 1993 where a little daddy's girl hit me with her dad's Pathfinder while blindly blowing across 3 lanes of busy traffic without checking her blind spot. She changed her story to her insurance, and when I called to check up on the situation, I was told by my insurance droid that it was to be settled 50/50 in terms of fault-distribution. No ****g way! I asked what were the details of her story and proceeded to debunk every detail, from disproving the possibility of me being in a position to cut her off as she claimed (I would have had to speed up from behind her in her single-lane offramp, do a 2-wheel pass while not flying off the off-ramp edge, drop back onto 4 wheels and proceed to cut her off while driving SLOWER than she way... all proved impossible because of proof of my being at a certain location at a certain time which made it impossible to have been coming down that offramp at that moment, plus the bent metal due to the lever action of the mirror she ripped off proved she was going faster than I was, which negated the possibility of me cutting her off considering her rear fender bulge was what contacted my mirror). This and several other very detailed counter-arguments... a week or so later, I received a letter from my insurance stating I was being held at 0% liability for the crash and that I would disburse $0.00 in deductible for my repairs. :up:

(side note: I called to thank the insurance droid for sticking up for me, and was told this would probably lead to cancellation of her policy due to her attempt at defrauding the company - we have "no fault" but deductibles are waived based on the at-fault party. I'll bet she had fun-fun-fun till her daddy took the SUV away...).

01-18-2005, 07:48 PM
My question is: What is a 19 year old doing behind the wheel of a 1995(?) boat like that anyway? Hmmm. . .

A lot of people are buying these "boats" for the kids as they feel the kids are safer in them then new small ricers? :help: :mad2:

01-18-2005, 07:49 PM
Well, . . . . Crap! ! !

Turning right out of a parking lot, . . Traffic clear.

Sedan DeVille turning left where I am, . .

She cuts tight and drug her damn door down my left front. :mad2: :mad2:

Knocked me back about 5 feet. She says I hit her! Bull *****.

She said, He said according to the LEO.

Insurance battle.

Three hours ago and still :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:

Well if your car was in your lane... I don't see where the LEO can say he said she said! If she made a proper left hand turn she would not have crossed into the path your car would take when making a right hand turn. She was in effect driving on the wrong side of the road.

OTOH a good body shop will have you fixed up in no time. I feel your pain tho !

01-18-2005, 07:50 PM
Sorry to read of your misfortune:mad:

Good thing no body got hurt.

01-18-2005, 08:04 PM
Sorry to read of your misfortune:mad:

Good thing no body got hurt.
sorry to see that. first week i had my car i went up to the gas pump like normal, but they had just put those concrete post to protect the gas pump from idiots reversing into them, and bam. there goes my right drivers side door. my f--ck up. i know what it feels like . you try so so hard to keep the car perfect weather it some else or you , it hurts. like bigdog said, thank god no one got hurt.

01-18-2005, 08:05 PM
Good ideas.
I will be leaving work early tomorrow to take digitals of the scene where this happened for my insurance company. I never had a chance to begin to straighten the wheels out while turning right. She was coming from the direction I was intending to travel. She then cut the corner sharp and fast into the parking lot where I was attempting to pull out. Because of this maneuver, she contacted my front driver's side with her driver's side. If I hit her as she states, that would put me way the hell over in stopped traffic where I don't belong. That, did not happen.
Her door is creased from the hinges of the front door back to the beginning of the rear door, and pushed in about 4 - 6 inches. Me, not going faster that 5 mph. would not have damaged her car that badly, IMHO.
This chick was hauling azz to get somewhere.

As for the original issue here,

01-18-2005, 09:01 PM
I want to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts on this unfortunate accident. :bows:

It can and will be fixed very soon, and thank God no one was injured.

I will keep the membership posted on how this turns out.

Until tomorrow,


01-18-2005, 09:16 PM
Mike...just saw this and sorry to see it. Take it from someone who's been there (to the tune of over $10K in damage)...yeah, it stinks...you hate to look at it...but, when it's fixed....it'll be just like taken delivery ALL over again.

Take care buddy!

01-18-2005, 10:18 PM
Well let me just say in your be-half F***

and I hope everything works out in your favor....

01-19-2005, 01:01 AM
Like you said atleast no injuries!!! I hope it gets worked out.

01-19-2005, 08:38 AM
Mike, sorry to see pics like those.

I am glad that no one was injured and I hope the issues are resoved to your benefit.

01-19-2005, 08:41 AM
Glad to hear nobody was hurt.

Sorry to hear about the MM. :bigcry: :bigcry: New bumper cover is around 1200 IIRC, and thats if the absorber isnt damaged behind it......

01-19-2005, 08:51 AM
Sedan DeVille turning left where I am, . .

She cuts tight and drug her damn door down my left front. :mad2: :mad2:

Knocked me back about 5 feet.
Sorry to hear about your damaged MM; but glad no one was injured. Some folks just have trouble gauging the size of their vehicle or have no peripheral vision at all. :rolleyes:

01-19-2005, 03:40 PM
And I quote:

"Unit 2 advised that she was traveling S.B. on Billtown Road and attempted to make a left turn into Vantage Center parking lot before being struck. She advised that as she was turning unit 1 pulled out onto Billtown Road and struck her vehicle.After the collision, she advised that she thought that he was attempting to turn left onto Billtown Road and that he came out of no where. Unit 1 advised that he was exiting the parking lot and had pulled up to Billtown Road to wait for a clearing. He advised that as he started to pull out unit 2 turned left, striking his vehicle. He advised that she turned too soon, cut across his lane, and struck his vehicle. debris was in the middle of the roadway. Officer was unable to determine who was at fault." :confused:

1.) She hit me! :mad2:
2.) I was turning right!:mad:
3.) I was in clear view doing no more than 5 mph!
4.) Debris was not in the middle of the road. It was in part of the N.B. lane and parking lot edge. :(

The girl driving turns 17 next month! :flamer:

I am scheduled tomorrow for an estimate at my insurance company. Currently, I have images of the crash scene and have been interviewed. Insurance War begins.

How does no fault work? Mine pays for my car and hers pays her damage?
Am I obligated to pay deductible?
Kentucky is a no fault state.


01-19-2005, 05:20 PM
I beleive the nofault has to do with paying medical expenses of injured parties.

Your are stuck with the deductible unless you insurance company collects from the other party. IMO in this type of accident both ins. companies will find each party partically at fault. IMO this way they can surcharge your ins. preimum. :( Good luck .

01-19-2005, 08:43 PM
I feel for ya, MM2004-I had to have my entire front fascia, grille, and the panel in front of the hood replaced after rear ending a pickup (which wasn't damaged at all). It looks good as new now, but there is a mildly annoying squeak from the front end whenever I go over bumps. Guess I'll have to live with it. I heard that there was a limited number of the unique Marauder front bumpers produced as spare parts-only 75 or so. Don't know if it's true.

Fourth Horseman
01-20-2005, 10:00 AM
Sorry about the damage. Hope you can stick it to the b*tch's insurance company.

01-20-2005, 10:52 AM
...and that he came out of no where.
It is quite amazing how this statement " .... he came out of nowhere" shows up on alot of accident reports. Obviously, a Marauder ain't big enough to see in broad daylight !!!! Sounds like :bs: to me.

01-20-2005, 11:28 AM
My claims adjuster is already putting his "gloves" on and so have I.
Digital images out the *ss of the crash scene along with visuals showing vehicles placements, etc. in Excel and printed on photo quality paper.
This will be handed over to Dave today, and I can either have him cut a check now and spend my $500.00 deductible and get it fixed, or wait until the dispute is settled between the 2 companies.
Nothing worse than driving a wrecked car, . . especially an MM!!!
Need to call the body shop.

BTW, the girl that hit me turns 17 next month! :mad2:


Sorry about the damage. Hope you can stick it to the b*tch's insurance company.

01-20-2005, 11:37 AM
I think one of the best preventors for a situation like this is a passenger. Sorry, I'm not tryin to sound like an A-hole or anything, but that is why, typically, i will not drive too much without at least one other person in my car (He (or she) and a witness says, is typically better than she says). It's saved me on a few occasions before. Now was this girl 19, or was she going to be 17? Because if she was going to be turning 17, that could be the problem, i really don't think kids today know how to drive. When i first turned 17 and got my DL i obeyed every single law. speed limit 35, i'll do 34, must come to complete stop before turning, you know i really could make this turn, no i'll wait till that car passes. Kids today are like LOOK OUT COMIN THROUGH, HAAAA LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!!! They are the ones that pass me like i'm standing still when i do 40 in a 35. And what is the deal with kids and these cars nowadays. i don't know how often i see brand new drivers with 5-series bmws, and 'lacs and stuff. My girlfriends brother is friends with this girl who for her 17th birthday, her parents bought her a brand new STS (2 years ago). she has it for 2 days and totals it, not by hitting another car, by hitting a dumpster. I really don't know how horrible of a driver you have to be to total a car by hitting a dumpster but, ok. about a week later her parents bought her a 528i, guess what happened to that 5 days later this time with another car? There was a line at a stop sign and she had a tanning appointment that she absolutely couldn't miss, so she pulled into the left lane passed the entire line at the stop sign, blew it and got slammed by some guy in a towncar. When the police came to take the report her defense was, get this, "He was going way too fast, if he hadn't been driving so fast he never would have hit me". ok A.) YOU BLEW A D*MN STOP SIGN!!!!!!! and B.) the speed limit on the road she was travelling on was 25, the road he was travelling on was 35, when the police measured the skid marks and the trajectory the cars took after impact it was shown that she was travelling approximatly 35-40 mph, the gentleman in the towncar was shown to be travelling approx. 30-35 mph. It's really sad the way kids drive nowadays, and how they are unwilling to take responsability for their own actions.

01-20-2005, 12:10 PM
18....2 perfomance cars.....no acidents....no moving violations.
BTW, my condolences with the wreck...I am on round three with the deer with my t-bird, And it hurt every time!
-Dennis Stiles

01-20-2005, 12:23 PM
I think it stinks when neither party is issued the accident ticket. I mean, I know LEOs are sometimes under time constraints, (obviously they have to help protect the entire town) and sometimes can't picture clearly from evidence what happened at the accident scene, but a victim feels so wronged when he/she KNOWS that he/she was not at fault. It happened to me once and I wanted to scream!
I feel for ya Mike. That really sucks. But this is why we have collision insurance right? For those 17 year-olds out there who need to run into a few things before they learn how not to. She'll remember the accident and hopefully will learn from it. Sorry it happened to one of our own though.
Hang in there bro. You'll get it back right again.

01-20-2005, 02:41 PM

Here's the damage, . .


Most of the items are replace, (obviously) from the damage seen in the pics posted.

I will visit the body shop (L/M) for them to write their estimate. Of course, they will not see my insurance Co's estimate until theirs is written.

Sucks that I have to shell $500.00, but hope to be reimbursed when this is all over with.

Interesting note: The girls insurance co. has not contacted mine as of this afternoon. We now have our hands on the ball first to put into play!
My co. said it is interesting he hasn't heard anything as typically the blaming party is first out of the gate.

I handed my adjuster a 4 page document (photo paper quality) spreadsheet with digital images of the crash scene, etc. for him to show the girls insurance co. He said this will be a very useful tool to use against them!


01-20-2005, 08:49 PM
Sorry to hear of your mishap.

Hope you get her back to her former glory ASAP.

01-20-2005, 10:32 PM

Here's the damage, . .


Most of the items are replace, (obviously) from the damage seen in the pics posted.

I will visit the body shop (L/M) for them to write their estimate. Of course, they will not see my insurance Co's estimate until theirs is written.

Sucks that I have to shell $500.00, but hope to be reimbursed when this is all over with.

Interesting note: The girls insurance co. has not contacted mine as of this afternoon. We now have our hands on the ball first to put into play!
My co. said it is interesting he hasn't heard anything as typically the blaming party is first out of the gate.

I handed my adjuster a 4 page document (photo paper quality) spreadsheet with digital images of the crash scene, etc. for him to show the girls insurance co. He said this will be a very useful tool to use against them!

The good news is when you get your new virgin front bumper and have it re-painted you can forego the ridiculous front license plate frame that destroys the fine lines of these cars......and I dont want to hear about no laws that require it!!! Plates? we dont need no stinkin plates! :bandit:


01-25-2005, 07:00 PM
OK. Parts have been ordered with expected delivery by weeks end. :banana: :banana:

The Body Shop Foreman says he can save me approx. $400.00 thus reducing my $500.00 deductible to chump change. :bows: My MM should be finished by mid next week barring unforeseen changes.

My Insurance Co. still has not heard anything from the other Insurance Co. :confused:

The piece of crap front license plate will be his-to-ry! Finally. ;)


01-26-2005, 12:01 PM
OK. Parts have been ordered with expected delivery by weeks end. :banana: :banana:

The Body Shop Foreman says he can save me approx. $400.00 thus reducing my $500.00 deductible to chump change. :bows: My MM should be finished by mid next week barring unforeseen changes.

My Insurance Co. still has not heard anything from the other Insurance Co. :confused:

The piece of crap front license plate will be his-to-ry! Finally. ;)

Excellent! Good deal Mike! Glad you're getting a great deal and keeping a positive attitude. I got into an accident, (which was my fault) when I was 17 and I still remember it like yesterday. I hope you didn't yell at that kid too much! LOL! :)
Hey, congrats on the new, "tag-less" bumper. Cool! :)

01-26-2005, 05:06 PM
Still nothing from the girls insurance co.? That's not just odd that is downright perplexing. She obviously must know she did something wrong.

01-26-2005, 07:34 PM
Yeah, my Insurance Adjuster said normally people pointing blame are wearing out "Ma Bell" the day after the accident. He finds it interesting as well that he hasn't been contacted as of yesterday.
It is possible that they are getting their badly damaged (hehehe) Caddy repaired as we speak, and to have their Insurance Co. bill mine. Rest assured, mine already has their ***** together, and are ready for 'em. I have been instructed to get my MM back in one piece then we will bill her Insurance Co. for the cost. Man, I want to see her get caught in the lie she is living! :banned:

BTW. Parts came in this morning,:banana: :banana: and gave the body shop forman the paint code over the phone. Once the painting is complete, I drop my baby off for no ore than a day and a half and she'll be good as new. :D


Still nothing from the girls insurance co.? That's not just odd that is downright perplexing. She obviously must know she did something wrong.

01-26-2005, 08:40 PM
About 13 years ago in my Z-28, I was making a right turn into a Circle K mini-mart in P-Cola Florida and a girl tried to pass on the right. She was going too fast to stop, and passing on the left would have put her into oncoming traffic in a big curve, so she decided to pass me and the 8 cars behind me THROUGH THE PARKING LOT. She didn't realize I had hit my signal and was starting my turn. Hit me so hard in the front tire and fender that she rolled completely up and off my tire and slid across the parking lot on her passenger side, then slammed into the back of a parked station wagon and totalled both vehicles. Then she has the nerve to tell the Officer that I cut her off, so he tells me "I think you were about to turn left and then decided to turn right, and thats what she said happened.", and gave ME the ticket even though everyone behind me told him different! WTF?! Everyone had to stop, I was blocking the single lane, and my car wouldn't turn to the right from the damage enough to limp it into the parking lot. She was a little hottie, probably sweet talked him or was related to him. I caught her away from him and told her she was a f-ing liar and if she tried to sue me I'd show up at her address, which was on the ticket, and be charged with more than causing a 3 car accident. Never heard from her or her insurance company. I did pay the owner of the POS Dodge K car wagon 1,200 bucks, though. Then, over a year later, his insurance company tries to sue me. I sent them a copy of the little "I paid you 1200 bucks" letter that he signed and we had notarized, for some unknown reason I had kept it, and they gave me my 1200 bucks plus 400 for my trouble, and sued him for insurance fraud, cause he filed a claim with them and got paid after I paid him. Why did I even pay the guy you might be wondering? Because I didn't have insurance. I had to deploy and my Dad asked if he could drive the car for the 6 months I was out. I said "Sure, just make the insurance payments." Well, that didn't happen. Lessons learned...
And it costed me a whopping 75 bucks for a complete used sub-frame and a set of headers and my car was back on the street, ready for the next crazy bi*#h to hit me. Wow, theraputic letting that all out!

01-30-2005, 05:50 PM
Well, . .

Tomorrow morning I am dropping off my baby for her facelift.
The parts have been painted, and are waiting to find a new home!
Mike, the shop foreman states I should have her back Wednesday at the latest.
He has agreed to buff her for a slight cost to me and guarantees no swirls. I did discover this evening that the fog lamp (drivers) has a broken seal and will need to be replaced. Will bribe Mike (pizza and beer) to put in my new silverstars while he's at it.
BTW, he claims to have saved me my $500.00 (deductible). :banana:


01-30-2005, 09:42 PM
Glad to hear that things are being resolved.

Which shop is doing the work?

01-31-2005, 04:53 PM
Insurance Co's. haven't even met as of this afternoon. :confused:
Not totally worked out, but getting there!:cool:

Metropolitan L/M Body Shop.


Glad to hear that things are being resolved.

Which shop is doing the work?

03-09-2005, 05:35 PM
The girls insurance co. offered to settle the claim with me being 50% at fault. :mad2: :mad2: :puke: :bs:

After all the :argue: over the phone to my adjuster, he told me he had already refused their offer after I said "No :censor: ing Way!!!

Her insurance co. called me last week to hear my side of the story and chain of events thru the accident.

Hopefully this won't drag out too much longer.
