View Full Version : New Presidential Limo

Donny Carlson
01-22-2005, 02:30 PM
The new presidential limo is pretty cool, imo. Based on the 2006 Cadillac DTS, this replaced the 2001 model. According to what I've read, presidential limos used to be provided by GM or Ford, who retained ownership when they retired. Now, the Secret Service buys the cars, has them modified, then they get crushed. So, you won't be seeing this car in a museum in the future.


01-22-2005, 02:34 PM
Saw a picture in the news paper where someone threw a snowball at the new limo. The melting snow didn't bead up. Sal Zaino should send them a sample. :D

01-22-2005, 02:40 PM
Have to say since Ive driven these things with other agencies that the new ones, however sophisticated, are UGLY. The last good looking ones were the 91 Caddies. We still use them and they look like a Cadillac. The new ones look like a Lumina or worse.

01-22-2005, 02:48 PM
It is my understanding that is is actually mounted on a GM Surburban chassis. It really is not a Cadillac but a car made to look like one. I don't understand why there is a new one. They just got one four years ago when that "FOOL" took office. That car was ordered by the Clinton administration and Bush was the first to use it. Now they got another one. It used to be that the limo was used for years.

Donny Carlson
01-22-2005, 03:21 PM
It is my understanding that is is actually mounted on a GM Surburban chassis. It really is not a Cadillac but a car made to look like one. I don't understand why there is a new one. They just got one four years ago when that "FOOL" took office. That car was ordered by the Clinton administration and Bush was the first to use it. Now they got another one. It used to be that the limo was used for years.
They usuall keep several in the fleet, sending one on to the next stop when the prez is out of town. This could be replacing an older car.

IMO, it would make sense just to go to a Suburban or Excursion as the presidential vehicle and forget about making it look like a limo.

01-22-2005, 03:45 PM
They just got one four years ago when that "FOOL" took office. That car was ordered by the Clinton administration and Bush was the first to use it. Now they got another one. It used to be that the limo was used for years.
And how many cars have you had in the last 4 years ??? Give it a rest .... :rolleyes:

01-22-2005, 08:03 PM
And how many cars have you had in the last 4 years ??? Give it a rest .... :rolleyes:
My car doesn't cost millions of dollars and I pay for it myself. Now let that rest! :rolleyes:

01-22-2005, 08:11 PM
cry for me bleeding heart

01-22-2005, 08:13 PM
My car doesn't cost millions of dollars and I pay for it myself. Now let that rest! :rolleyes:

He's the leader of the free world for crying out loud. Whatever it costs to protect him is fine. Given how much the world has changed since those high time cigar smokin' Clinton years, perhaps the old limo was just a bit out of date given the threats we are now faced with...ya' thought about that?

And like the Prez or not, the man is not a fool.

01-22-2005, 08:20 PM
He's the leader of the free world for crying out loud. Whatever it costs to protect him is fine. Given how much the world has changed since those high time cigar smokin' Clinton years, perhaps the old limo was just a bit out of date given the threats we are now faced with...ya' thought about that?

And like the Prez or not, the man is not a fool.
Yeh, sure he is not! ;)

01-22-2005, 08:45 PM
refer to my earlier post

01-22-2005, 09:23 PM
I don't understand why there is a new one. They just got one four years ago when that "FOOL" took office. That car was ordered by the Clinton administration and Bush was the first to use it. Now they got another one. It used to be that the limo was used for years.
As soon as we vote another Democrat back in the Oval office I vote we bring back the open top Lincoln :shot:


01-22-2005, 09:26 PM
As soon as we vote another Democrat back in the Oval office I vote we bring back the open top Lincoln :shot:

GTouch.... :lol:

01-22-2005, 10:06 PM
Anyway, back to the Limo- I think the main difference between this one and past ones is that this is not a sretched/modified version of an existing Caddie but a car built from the ground up to be a rolling fortress. Just look at the thickness of those A-pillars!

01-22-2005, 10:11 PM
After seeing this car in person, I can honestly say that it is massive! The glass alone has to be about 3-4 inches thick.

01-23-2005, 05:37 AM
After seeing this car in person, I can honestly say that it is massive! The glass alone has to be about 3-4 inches thick.
That was my first thought after looking at the width of the A-Pillars. Probably spec'ed out to 7.62 AP and maybe 15.2 mm ball. :dunno:

01-23-2005, 08:03 AM
I'm wondering what drivetrain they used because I can't imagine that car would still be FWD. Also, when looking at that pic from the rear...are those brackets near the wheels for the shocks or are they leaf spring brackets?

But my biggest question of all is does the car have OnStar?

01-23-2005, 08:04 AM
Hey Bigslim just imagine how ugly that car would be if John Kerry were in it!
Now that is a "fool". Don't start a political rant if you are not prepared for the truth.

01-23-2005, 08:09 AM
I'm wondering what drivetrain they used because I can't imagine that car would still be FWD. Also, when looking at that pic from the rear...are those brackets near the wheels for the shocks or are they leaf spring brackets?

But my biggest question of all is does the car have OnStar?

My guess,those are tie downs.
These cars spend a lot of time being transported by the Air Force.

ADE 1000
01-23-2005, 08:26 AM
I don't think this is actually a new car. I believe I read that the 2001 model was sent back to GM and the front and rear clips were updated to 2006 specs. Given that the middle of the car looks identical to the old one, this would not surprise me.

I have always wondered about what chassis was under this car. I can't see the standard Deville's FWD chassis being up to the task.

01-23-2005, 08:37 AM
I don't think this is actually a new car. I believe I read that the 2001 model was sent back to GM and the front and rear clips were updated to 2006 specs.

The 2001 and the 2006 were both in the parade, so that blows your theory. :)

01-23-2005, 03:09 PM
Anyway, back to the Limo- I think the main difference between this one and past ones is that this is not a sretched/modified version of an existing Caddie but a car built from the ground up to be a rolling fortress. Just look at the thickness of those A-pillars!
This is exactly like the last one. I remember watching the parade (2001) and the narrator commented on the glass being so thick that it looked tinted but was not.

01-23-2005, 03:13 PM
Hey Bigslim just imagine how ugly that car would be if John Kerry were in it!
Now that is a "fool". Don't start a political rant if you are not prepared for the truth.
We can talk truth all you want. Anytime, anywhere. I have a clear conscience. I didn't vote for him. Still looks like Alfred E. Neuman to me. We will see in four years if you guys are still proud of "YOUR" President. :P

Joe Walsh
01-23-2005, 03:16 PM
As soon as we vote another Democrat back in the Oval office I vote we bring back the open top Lincoln :shot:


Reminds me of the joke: Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver get married??

They were trying to create a bullet-proof Kennedy.

01-23-2005, 03:23 PM
My car doesn't cost millions of dollars and I pay for it myself. :rolleyes:

must have cost millions due to the over inflated wages of union workers

01-23-2005, 03:25 PM
A man that brings an 8MM camera into war to recreate battle scenes of himself and then supoosedly throws his medals away in public is something I will never understand. :(

01-23-2005, 03:42 PM
must have cost millions due to the over inflated wages of union workers

Blaaaahahaha. Here here! :beer:

01-23-2005, 06:59 PM
must have cost millions due to the over inflated wages of union workers
The unions are what this country was made of. If I'm not mistaken a Republican President (Regan) screwed us with the Air Traffic Controllers. Remember one thing, my union salary helps keep the country moving. We don't work, you don't work. I am very happy to belong to union with such a rich past than having to kiss-a$$ in some unsecure, stuffy, tight-a$$ white collar job. When you talk about my union you may as well talk about my race. My great-grandfather, my grandfather, my dad and both my brothers were all union members. I am sure that somewhere in your family tree there have been union workers that had made a good living for your famliy. At least we aren't ripping off people like some rich white collar workers like Enron or Martha Stewart. Some of us weren't born with a "silver spoon" or had the luxury of going to "Ivy League" schools. Some of us are proud to be part of America's working class and not worrying about who we can screw next. Yeh, you hit a real soft spot with me. I meet guys like you at my job and I laugh. They come in thinking they are going to change the world. I am a professional at my job. I am a union skilled worker. I went to school just like some of you. Remember, it takes guys like me to build the things that make your life better. If this gets me ban form site, so be it. I really get tired of some of the folks here having their "high and mighty" attitudes. Mine is better than yours, I am better than you attitudes. We need to all stand back and be grateful for what we got. I know I am.

01-23-2005, 11:18 PM
We can talk truth all you want. Anytime, anywhere. I have a clear conscience. I didn't vote for him. Still looks like Alfred E. Neuman to me. We will see in four years if you guys are still proud of "YOUR" President. :P
Yup! Sometimes a picture says it all...

http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/graphics/alfredwbush.jpg (http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/images/blbushpope.htm)

It would have been nice if we could have looked at the new limo without the Fox news deciples resorting to name calling and turning this into a political thread.

Can we return our focus to the content for which this site is intended instead of trying to gloat over the last election results and call people names?

Jim's comment about the wasteful expense of buying another new limo was logical and quite to the point.

Then the deciples of Fox news then attacked him which was quite uncalled for.

Some of us do our own thinking and are proud of it.

There is no law forcing the 300 million people in the United States who did not vote for the current occupant of the White House to like or support him.

This country still has a constitution and has not yet come under the dictatorship of one-party rule!

I hope Logan will dump this thread before others assume that we are all morons.

Cars people Cars!

God bless America and save her from corporate bondage.

Best Regards,


Donny Carlson
01-24-2005, 05:24 AM
Dearest Mods,

As starter of this thread, I ask to please put it out of its misery and close it. Thank you very much.

Yours in Maraudering,

D. Carlson, esquire