View Full Version : Redneck rice

01-24-2005, 07:21 PM
Well...y'know yer in Texas when even the ricers go redneck...

It's for real, no PhotoShop here folks. And---as you can see in the pictures---it's parked right next to me. Had to crop the pictures pretty tight, just to get the memory down within limits, but you can see what happens when ricers go redneck. Belongs to one of my fellow sailors. It's got the performance-enhancing highrise snorkel on the air intake, and the speed-inducing 4-ft antenna on the rear bumper.

I think I'm gonna move my car before this thing tries to breed with it... :puke: :eek: :eek: :run:

01-24-2005, 07:30 PM
I think I'm gonna move my car before this thing tries to breed with it... :puke: :eek: :eek: :run:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now thats funny..But that air intake for either snad not to get inside or going through high water..

01-24-2005, 07:39 PM
Yeah like the little truck will ever see water that deep? :bs:

01-24-2005, 09:03 PM
Well...y'know yer in Texas when even the ricers go redneck...

It's for real, no PhotoShop here folks. And---as you can see in the pictures---it's parked right next to me. Had to crop the pictures pretty tight, just to get the memory down within limits, but you can see what happens when ricers go redneck. Belongs to one of my fellow sailors. It's got the performance-enhancing highrise snorkel on the air intake, and the speed-inducing 4-ft antenna on the rear bumper.

I think I'm gonna move my car before this thing tries to breed with it... :puke: :eek: :eek: :run:


Don't get me started.


Donny Carlson
01-24-2005, 09:14 PM
It's a Japanese off roader, all right, but as about as far from being a "ricer" as you can be. This is an honest off roader, and the snorkel is functional. Yes, there are roads in Texas that can be overrun with water in rain storms (called "fords") and streams out in the wilds that off roaders (and hunters, too) drive through where the water is up to the hood level, higher with splash back. I've seen guys drive through streams where the entire engine is immersed and were it not for the snorkel, they'd have been goners.

http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4Thumb.jpg (http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4.JPG)

Besides the brits, the japanese build some fine offroaders, Toyota comes to mind. I had an Isuzu Trooper back in the 80's (back when they were cheap and I still lived in Texas) that was a regular mountain goat and a ton of grins to take offroad.

01-24-2005, 10:23 PM
But that air intake for either snad not to get inside or going through high water..
Yep, it looks like a snorkel kit to me for deep water fording. :D

01-25-2005, 11:55 AM
Thanks, I needed a good :laugh: today!!!!!!!

01-25-2005, 12:21 PM
Sooo...was it originally a two door Montero or a badge clone Dodge Raider??? My guess is Raider with Montero grille. Or is it a combo job from Mexican market. Good idea to keep whatever it is as far from your vehicles as possible. BILL

01-25-2005, 01:44 PM
Up periscope!

01-25-2005, 01:55 PM
The gas can in back has hebrew righting on it. A jewish red neck from Texas. Cool.

ADE 1000
01-25-2005, 02:07 PM
I don't see whats ricer about it :confused: All I see is a Dodge Raider outfitted for some serious off road duty.

Ugly? Yes. Redneck Rice? No.

01-25-2005, 03:11 PM
It's a Japanese off roader, all right, but as about as far from being a "ricer" as you can be. This is an honest off roader, and the snorkel is functional. Yes, there are roads in Texas that can be overrun with water in rain storms (called "fords") and streams out in the wilds that off roaders (and hunters, too) drive through where the water is up to the hood level, higher with splash back. I've seen guys drive through streams where the entire engine is immersed and were it not for the snorkel, they'd have been goners.

http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4Thumb.jpg (http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4.JPG)

Besides the brits, the japanese build some fine offroaders, Toyota comes to mind. I had an Isuzu Trooper back in the 80's (back when they were cheap and I still lived in Texas) that was a regular mountain goat and a ton of grins to take offroad.More of what he said^^^^. off roading is a totol different thing and modifications to an off roader can be really cool and effective. Note my signature for intrest in other hobby. Although this vehicle pictured would not be in my personal preference of off roaders the owner appars to be serious and actually uses it to go places.

I still prefer large horsepower and to go fast no matter what the terrain and until I get my supercharger, my off roader is faster than my Marauder by far....but that's another story.

01-25-2005, 06:16 PM
It's a Japanese off roader, all right, but as about as far from being a "ricer" as you can be. This is an honest off roader, and the snorkel is functional. Yes, there are roads in Texas that can be overrun with water in rain storms (called "fords") and streams out in the wilds that off roaders (and hunters, too) drive through where the water is up to the hood level, higher with splash back. I've seen guys drive through streams where the entire engine is immersed and were it not for the snorkel, they'd have been goners.

http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4Thumb.jpg (http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/ucgraphics/danosuzuki4.JPG)

Besides the brits, the japanese build some fine offroaders, Toyota comes to mind. I had an Isuzu Trooper back in the 80's (back when they were cheap and I still lived in Texas) that was a regular mountain goat and a ton of grins to take offroad.
Donny is right ....jeep guys told me so about this stuff.....thats why he is the MAN!....and a cool dude on the other hand..........

01-25-2005, 07:13 PM
Man, there ain't nothing wrong with that truck. I think its kicka$$. Hell, I wouldn't mind having one myself. Does it make you nervous that you're parked next to it or something?

01-26-2005, 10:06 AM
Wow...we know who the rednecks are now. :D Relax fellas, I'm originally from Montgomery myself...

The idea is that this thing is ridiculously pretentious. I've seen real off-road vehicles (hell, I've still got my military driver's license which certifies for everything between a HMMMV and a 5-ton), and this thing? Ewwwww....

I guess it would work...good thing it's got the Warn winch and the towbar up front though...Now, if you want a REAL 4-wheeler (snort, clear throat),...for my money, any year IH Scout with a mild lift kit, any size V-8, and an automatic, just 'cause I don't like the idea of burning out clutches when plowin' through the deep stuff. You could run one of those things into a granite cliff face, you'll crack the cliff...and maybe scratch the paint on the Scout.

Any year Dodge Power Wagon...gotta hand it to Dodge, they did (DID, not DO) know how to build trucks. And of course, any year F-1/F-100/F-150 Ford, equipped with 4-bye.

Dodge Raider...huh. Raiding what, I wonder...

And Marty..."Righting" is "to turn something upright". "Writing", on the other hand, is what you were lookin' at. Busted! :D :neener: Yes, I'm a :nerd:.


01-26-2005, 10:35 AM
And Marty..."Righting" is "to turn something upright". "Writing", on the other hand, is what you were lookin' at. Busted! :D :neener: Yes, I'm a :nerd:.

When will you guys learn that I do my posting while on conference calls?