View Full Version : Well there she goes!

01-26-2005, 04:30 PM
Well it's finally on it's way to the doctors. Dr Reinhart that is.A friend on my wifes came today to pick it up and take her away from me.This guys about 73 yrs old so with some people at that age comes some stubbornce .first he started with tell me to strap it to his truck to pull it out of the garage.then start it up to drive it on his trailor which we agreed on a flat bed to pick it up and put it on .then he takes off without the keys and directions which i had to chase him down. OH GOD PLEASE GET MY BABY THERE IN ONE PEICE PLEASE!!!!!:lol: thought i'd let you all know the progress so far..will post more as i get it..

01-26-2005, 04:31 PM
And there she geos... :(

01-26-2005, 04:36 PM
Good luck Bro! Hope she comes back better than before (and soon too)!

01-26-2005, 04:41 PM
Mark - Good luck. Dr. Reinhart would also be my choice. I am sure that it will come back better than before. :D
P.S. Looks great.

01-26-2005, 04:47 PM
I hope you purchased old fart insurance, that old dude looked dangerous to me.;)

Joe Walsh
01-26-2005, 04:54 PM
Good Luck Mark! I hope that Dennis figures out what happened during the 'autopsy'.....errr...or is that 'autotopsy' ?

Going to rebuild her with forged internals? :up:

01-26-2005, 05:22 PM
And there she geos... :(
Mark, good luck with all the MM fixes and hope she comes home like new again ... I mean better'n new !!! :2thumbs:

I think that I missed the point of the rollback and the trailer. Why did he need both??

It's probably a good thing that my nephew didn't bring his brand new 36' International rollback to the last CAM Meet ..... that would have let you know what it means to be hauled in style. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, he is constantly busy 24/7 hauling for the Maryland State Police and two insurance companies. :D

01-26-2005, 05:29 PM
You mean you couldn't find a old foggie that at least drives a good Ford to pull that thing for you? I hope he makes it in that Dodge! :help:

01-26-2005, 05:49 PM
Good luck Mark. She will come back better then ever. :banana2:

Mike Poore
01-26-2005, 06:05 PM
And there she geos... :(
OHMYGAWD! Poor Mark! After dealing with that circus, I'd have had an MI right in the driveway.
The guy took off without the keys and didn't know where he was going? I mean, how bad can it get?

If there was anything to laugh about here, I'd suggest a poll to see how far the guy gets. I'll bet Mark's gonna go to Dennis' shop to bring his baby home. ;)


Mike Poore
01-26-2005, 06:08 PM
Good luck Mark. She will come back better then ever. :banana2:
Hey! It's Merc! Where you been? Missed you at the Big Bats doo.:D

(changed screen name) ....mike poore

01-26-2005, 06:30 PM
Hey! It's Merc! Where you been? Missed you at the Big Bats doo.:D

(changed screen name) ....mike poore

Wow, I have been held down by a unusual work schedule. But look forward to warmer days and the next Cam meeting.

01-26-2005, 06:52 PM
JOE= Yes sir shes going to get forged internals , and still debating on the poted and polished heads .as soon as i hear from Dennis i will let ya'll know... :D

SMOKIE= Man it's going to be a sleepless night next couple of nights .i've called him 3 times allready and he doesn't answer.

MIKE= I just hope when he pulls in for gas he doesn't try to fill my tank instead of his and take off w/o the car and realize it when he's stuck 10 miles down the road..

GODOSPEED= He just bought that truck brand new .he use to have a ford but he said something about the dealer he's allways bought from would'nt break him down on the price.so he got a better deal at dodge .i hope this doesn't start a trend with car salesman..

These may be the last pics of this car or i may just be over reacting.:lol:

01-26-2005, 07:01 PM
A friend on my wife came today...this guys about 73 yrs old ....

...first he started with tell me to strap it to his truck to pull it out of the garage.then start it up to drive it on his trailor which we agreed on a flat bed to pick it up and put it on .then he takes off without the keys and directions which i had to chase him down. OH GOD PLEASE GET MY BABY THERE IN ONE PEICE PLEASE!!!!!:lol: thought i'd let you all know the progress so far..will post more as i get it..

First of all I don't care how good a friend he is...He better stay off my wife! :mad2: ...and 73yrs old at that :lol:

What I don't get, is why the flatbed and trailer? And wasn't it up on the flatbed first, why switch it to the trailer? How were you to start it up to drive on his trailer with a hole in the block? And then he leaves without the keys or directions?!? I don't know Mark I would have told him...No thank you, I'll get it there my own way. Your a braver man then I, I would have rented my own trailer after I pulled the old geizer off of Peg and punched him in the nose. Hope everything works out for you.

I hope you gave her a kiss before she left with the old man. The Marauder not your wife. I hope Peg stayed with you. :rofl:

01-26-2005, 07:13 PM
Heh ! He came here with a trailer that has a winch so says i got to hook up the winch i said wait a min!!! i look at the way he trailer a$$ end was up in the air and he was going to hook it up on the frame .if he had done this it would've broke the front fasica so i told him no!so he says start it up and pull it on i said annnT think of something else in which he did thats where the flat bed came into effect they loaded on the flatbed the loaded it on the trailer .(i was in the car in the flatbed pic).well it just been to long no being able to drive it and i just cannot stand it any longer so this is what i was stuck with .but you know old people although senile and dangerous on the road still can serve a purpose.. :rofl: :rofl:

01-26-2005, 07:18 PM
Heh ! He came here with a trailer that has a winch so says i got to hook up the winch i said wait a min!!! i look at the way he trailer a$$ end was up in the air and he was going to hook it up on the frame .if he had done this it would've broke the front fasica so i told him no!so he says start it up and pull it on i said annnT think of something else in which he did thats where the flat bed came into effect they loaded on the flatbed the loaded it on the trailer .(i was in the car in the flatbed pic).well it just been to long no being able to drive it and i just cannot stand it any longer so this is what i was stuck with .but you know old people although senile and dangerous on the road still can serve a purpose.. :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, that answers my questions as to the trailer and flatbed, but does Peg really prefer older men, and at 75yrs old (Maury being the exception) isn't Peg afraid the guy is going to have a heart attack...?

01-26-2005, 07:18 PM
Hope she makes it without further damage, that ol guy does look a little dangerouse. Scarry when they take off not knowing where the destination is. :eek: :shake: :depress:
Dennis will get her back to you better than she was. :)

01-27-2005, 02:07 AM
A trip to doc aint all bad!!!!!!!!!!!

01-27-2005, 07:43 AM
Hey Mark, I'm glad to hear the ball is rolling on this. That must have been a circus gettin your car on that trailer. That ole guy probably drives real slow so, he might get lost, but at least the car should be A-O-K!

Hang in there, you'll haver back before you know it!. Are you going to fly down to DR to pick it up?

Mike Poore
01-27-2005, 10:24 AM
:tantrum: I was gonna give you young snots a full ration about the old geezer coments;:neener: but then recalled my adventures backing the Marauder into the garage,:drive: and thought it best to keep my mouth shut.:depress:

Um, can I come along and help you drive it back? :D

01-27-2005, 10:35 AM
Francis just called me about 10mins ago and said he drove straight through and he's in South Carolina . He's been driving on ice , the conditions out there are bad and he's going to get a room to sleep and change his depends as he is starting to get chapped and mushy.Glad i did'nt take the ride with him :puke: .He says he's going to take a bath and in the morning put on some new ben gay and he should be able to make it there straight thru. Please pray with me for safe arrival.ALL TOGETHER "PLEASE MAKE IT IN ONE PEICE"..AGAIN "PLEASE MAKE IT IN ONE PEICE" AGAIN!!

The traveling part is true.But the rest was old geezer jokin(as per post above) as i don't mean any of it .just thought ya'll would laugh:lol: while reading it.heck i was while writing it. :baaa: .

01-27-2005, 01:48 PM
... he's going to get a room to sleep and change his depends as he is starting to get chapped and mushy.
You have a way with words, Mark. But :tmi: sometimes. :rofl:

I was gonna give you young snots a full ration about the old geezer coments; but then recalled my adventures backing the Marauder into the garage, and thought it best to keep my mouth shut.
Yeah, I was kinda wondering what these "young" folks consider as the start of geezerhood. :rofl:

Mike Poore
01-27-2005, 03:31 PM
You have a way with words, Mark. But :tmi: sometimes. :rofl:

Yeah, I was kinda wondering what these "young" folks consider as the start of geezerhood. :rofl:
At one time, I thought it was 20, Charlie, then 40, then 60; now I believe it's something over 80, but think it depends (no pun intended) on the individual. I know guys who are a lot younger than me, but are much older, y'know? ;)

01-27-2005, 05:32 PM
I know guys who are a lot younger than me, but are much older, y'know? ;)
I am with ya buddy. I feel the same as when I was 21 .... except the recovery period is soooooooooo much longer !!! :rofl:

Mike Poore
01-27-2005, 05:38 PM
I am with ya buddy. I feel the same as when I was 21 .... except the recovery period is soooooooooo much longer !!! :rofl:
Oh, mine comes up right away, it's just that when I was 21, it was always pointing the way.;)

01-27-2005, 07:44 PM
Oh, mine comes up right away, it's just that when I was 21, it was always pointing the way.;)

When does this stop? Because if mine points the way then the only thing i can think of this is where i am going when i die..

01-27-2005, 07:45 PM
:laugh: You two need to stop now. :rofl:

01-28-2005, 05:23 PM
Turned on my cell phone this morning to find that francis left me 7 messages.so i call him back and he says he's at tire kindom and can't find the place .so i call dennis and debie and tell h'es lost and give her his phone number then i say he at the tire kindom well she says thats right around the corner and shes going to get him.i call him back and tell him .anyway the car is there safe and sound according to Dennis a big sigh of releif WHEW!!!!!

I'll sleep good tonight..

01-28-2005, 05:31 PM
Are you going to fly down and drive the car back when it is done??????

01-28-2005, 05:39 PM
Are you going to fly down and drive the car back when it is done??????

Naw ima scared of flying i used to fly when i was a kid and loved it and can get a flight there $49 CHEAP!!! But nope no flying ..gonna have to check to see what trains get me the closet to Dennis and hope Dennis will come get me at the station..but i'll have at least 2 months to figure it out.
Hey anyone heading to florida around that time and want company..:lol:

01-28-2005, 05:45 PM
Turned on my cell phone this morning to find that francis left me 7 messages.so i call him back and he says he's at tire kindom and can't find the place .so i call dennis and debie and tell h'es lost and give her his phone number then i say he at the tire kindom well she says thats right around the corner and shes going to get him.i call him back and tell him .anyway the car is there safe and sound according to Dennis a big sigh of releif WHEW!!!!!

I'll sleep good tonight..

For a minute I thought you were going to tell me he made a wrong turn in Albuquerque. :rofl:

Glad to hear it made it safe. Hope Dennis fixes it up better then new. :2thumbs:

01-28-2005, 06:24 PM
Turned on my cell phone this morning to find that francis left me 7 messages.so i call him back and he says he's at tire kindom and can't find the place .so i call dennis and debie and tell h'es lost and give her his phone number then i say he at the tire kindom well she says thats right around the corner and shes going to get him.i call him back and tell him .anyway the car is there safe and sound according to Dennis a big sigh of releif WHEW!!!!!

I'll sleep good tonight..

:Hollered with a group of kids from South Park: HURAY! :)

01-28-2005, 06:25 PM
For a minute I thought you were going to tell me he made a wrong turn in Albuquerque. :rofl:

I did that last September. :)

01-29-2005, 12:38 AM
Ya'll keep picking on us older folks, we're just gonna have to kick you young whipper snapper's a$$. I'm sure I can get BDJ and a few other at the next CAM meet to step up and do the trick...... :) :rofl:

Mike Poore
01-29-2005, 06:28 AM
Ya'll keep picking on us older folks, we're just gonna have to kick you young whipper snapper's a$$. I'm sure I can get BDJ and a few other at the next CAM meet to step up and do the trick...... :) :rofl:
That's right '03; what they always forget is:




01-29-2005, 06:49 AM
Ya'll keep picking on us older folks, we're just gonna have to kick you young whipper snapper's a$$. I'm sure I can get BDJ and a few other at the next CAM meet to step up and do the trick...... :) :rofl:
Bob, do we need to show our AARP cards to participate in the A.W. :rofl:

Mike Poore
01-29-2005, 07:04 AM
Do we need to show our AARP cards to participate in the A.W. :rofl:
Sure! See, '03, those guys who never considered themselves geezers, are lining up to get on the winning side. But, hey, I say if you've got an AARP card, that's your admission ticket.

01-29-2005, 09:33 AM
Bob, do we need to show our AARP cards to participate in the A.W. :rofl:

If ya got it, flaunt it I always say! :beer:

01-29-2005, 09:36 AM
That's right '03; what they always forget is:




And a 9MM. :D

Dennis Reinhart
01-29-2005, 09:58 AM
Its all in one piece here, no scrathes or dings. I will send the block to Ron at Fox Lake he will look at it and try and determine the failure, other than the timing chain components I doubt if any this is salvagable so he will build a new short block using Manly Rods Diamond racing pistons, ARP fasteners Billet oil pump gears Ron will send me new valve springs and retainers we will have a local shop do the heads here, and assemble the motor, and retune the car. I will check

01-29-2005, 09:54 PM
That's right '03; what they always forget is:



Never forget, we were making all the mistakes you are making now many years ago and have found the solutions. You young folks are always saying " But Pops, you old folks don't understand what the real world is like today"---well, who the H--- do you think let it get this way---we were too easy on you kids and we let things get out of control--we were just trying to keep you from having to live like we did---guess we overcompensated--anyhow, never think, just because we are "old" in years that we can't be young at heart. Yours Truly, Maury "snow on the roof with lead in the foot" Seitz ;) ;)

01-29-2005, 10:23 PM
Good luck with your car and you will have a way better motor than the stock cast motor.

Joe Walsh
01-29-2005, 10:40 PM
Its all in one piece here, no scrathes or dings. I will send the block to Ron at Fox Lake he will look at it and try and determine the failure, other than the timing chain components I doubt if any this is salvagable so he will build a new short block using Manly Rods Diamond racing pistons, ARP fasteners Billet oil pump gears Ron will send me new valve springs and retainers we will have a local shop do the heads here, and assemble the motor, and retune the car. I will check

Sweet engine 'build' Mark!!!

She should run like a ***** ape! ( I know, I know...that's not 'PC' )

01-30-2005, 09:06 AM
Sweet engine 'build' Mark!!!

She should run like a ***** ape! ( I know, I know...that's not 'PC' )

MAAAAAAAAnnnn i can't wait to get er back too.. :burn:

Mike Poore
01-30-2005, 09:21 AM
MAAAAAAAAnnnn i can't wait to get er back too..

It's a great plan, Mark. The engine build AND the train ride. There's nothing like an adventure, especially when it involves a ride home in "The fastest MM in Maryland". :woohoo:
