View Full Version : Mercury marketing gone amuck .....

01-27-2005, 08:59 PM
http://www.mercuryvehicles.com/media/extras/luckyones/episodes/default.asp?mod=5 *For you reading pleasure and listening enjoyment. :arcade:

01-27-2005, 09:10 PM
Hard to believe someone gets paid to come up with these ideas. I'd rather try and dry shave a gorilla in a phone booth than run out and test drive a Mariner after watching that.

01-27-2005, 09:28 PM
Mercury has no marketing !

If they do is a very well keep secret:rofl:

Donny Carlson
01-27-2005, 09:35 PM
Kinda scary. I think I saw Honey Bunny in that shot of the diner.

http://www.moviebadgirls.com/capthumb/S_Pulp_Fiction_03.JPG (http://www.moviebadgirls.com/capimage/Pulp_Fiction_03.JPG)

Joe Walsh
01-27-2005, 09:38 PM

How friggin' confusing, long winded, and NOT TO THE POINT can you get! :confused:

Are they trying to sell cars or promoting the use of hallucinagenic drugs?? :rasta:

Boy, It's time to roll up the carpets and turn out the lights at Mercury..... :( :(

01-27-2005, 09:46 PM
Alright...... speechless...... :down: :down: :down:

Two Hawks
01-27-2005, 10:13 PM
:baaa: That first song :confused:, went off the chart on my yawn-n'-doze-o-meter. :sleepy:

I can't believe they thought I would listen to another one. :loco:

01-27-2005, 10:21 PM
How friggin' confusing, long winded, and NOT TO THE POINT can you get! :confused:(
Wow !!! That really reaches out and grabs you :rolleyes: I'm with Joe ^^^^^ . Quite lame IMHO. Advertizing by DUMBA$$. :D

01-27-2005, 10:33 PM
Whats the purpose of all that?

01-27-2005, 10:43 PM
I guess if you can't say that there is anything that makes your product special you have to advertise something else.

I was looking for the episode where the public storms the World HQ and drags the Ford upper management out to be hanged from light poles along Michigan Ave.

01-27-2005, 10:53 PM
It almost seems that someone is doing something else besides trying to sell cars. They must want to be a t.v show producer maybe....

01-28-2005, 12:06 AM
I was looking for the episode where the public storms the Ford World HQ and drags the Ford upper management out to be hanged from light poles along Michigan Ave.
After watching that video that was produced by a team of retired C.I.A. mind scrambling operatives , I'd like to be in command of the storm troopers that drags them out in front of a Firing Squad...:gunfire: :uzi:

Mike Poore
01-28-2005, 12:34 AM
[QUOTE=gdmjoe]http://www.mercuryvehicles.com/media/extras/luckyones/episodes/default.asp?mod=5 (http://www.mercuryvehicles.com/media/extras/luckyones/episodes/default.asp?mod=5)*For you reading pleasure and listening enjoyment. :arcade:[/QUOTE

It was Bill Clinton singing, and Theressa Heinz Kerry speaking .....about what?
This is an advertizing campaign? .....about what?

After reading the comments, I gather it's L/M trying to sell me something, but after watching the washing machine and the guy not at the table, I had no clue what it was about, and lost interest. It's without question, the stupidest thing I've ever seen. :confused:

Boy, are they in trouble! Joe, it's time to sell our FMC stock.

01-28-2005, 04:54 AM
. . .it could be you. . .

what? are they giving away vehicles? my head is spinning. . .

Bradley G
01-28-2005, 05:31 AM
Ford had real cool commercial, that Ray ,"The Dealer" posted a link to.About a young man returning from the service.Ford or L/M follows up with this? I'm glad they left the Marauder alone:cool4:
Bradley G

01-28-2005, 06:23 AM
Sorry you didn't like it.

It was voted by ad week as the 7th best campaign of 2004.....but frankly what counts is not what the industry says but what consumers think

I won't defend the intent but I will say it has done a lot to introduce the brand to new customers and specifically the Mariner.

This work, among a field of many other initiatives generated more handraisers alone than was expected for the entire launch of the Mariner

Probably looking at it in the rearview mirror without the benefit of being engaged, getting the weekly episodes....I can see the reaction.

The creator....


01-28-2005, 06:36 AM
Sorry you didn't like it.

It was voted by ad week as the 7th best campaign of 2004.....but frankly what counts is not what the industry says but what consumers think

<snip>....I can see the reaction.

The creator....

best of luck with future campaigns, I still don't understand this one

01-28-2005, 07:06 AM

01-28-2005, 07:12 AM
I'm sorry. This does nothing for me as a Mercury owner. That may be one of the worst ads I have ever seen. I don't think I'm missing the point. I just think the point is, well, poorly executed.

No more Mercurys for me. At this rate I'd rather buy a Chevy. Their commercials are obvious but at least they get to the point, without all of this esoteric crap.

If you have connections to Mercury's brass, tell them to build a decent :censor: vehicle, and we'll buy it.

If an ad has to convince someone to buy something, then the product is not worth the ad (speaking from our niche market, anyway).


01-28-2005, 07:14 AM
Oh yeah, and tell Ford their damn nursery rhyme ads about Focuses (Foci?) really suck, too.

It's becoming embarassing to support FMC.


Al Goguen
01-28-2005, 07:35 AM
Well after owning about 2 doz ford products in my 62 yrs I have finially
decided that I've bought my last Ford!!! FMC can't adv worth a damn and
they don't seem to want to make what the public wants but only what
some dumb Azz from some third world country things we should drive.

They get lucky and build some sellers (mustang, PVCI, Marauder) to name
a few and they screw those up after a few yr models.... I give up!

I am gonna be looking at the JAP market from now on. I think at least they
build what customers want. (performance)....:mad2:

01-28-2005, 07:47 AM
Were they trying to sell something??? I thought the whole idea behind advertising is to promote your product...... Maybe I just don't get it..... Seems like most people won't either....

01-28-2005, 07:48 AM
Sorry you didn't like it."....snip...."
The creator....

Didn't like it. Didn't understand it. Not sure what it was trying to sell or even give away. :confused: However, if you wanna give me a free Mariner ... that's fine with me ... I might be able to negotiate a trade for a chunk of an Aviator or maybe even a Navigator. :D Number 7 of how many??

01-28-2005, 08:08 AM
:confused: :bigcry:

01-28-2005, 08:10 AM
Freaking Bizarre. I rate it minus one Garden Gnomes.

01-28-2005, 09:24 AM
I saw a Montego commercial that was trying to show the ability of the car to handle good/bad weather, but they kept changing from good to bad to good to......so quickly that it made it difficult to concentrate on the car.

(Could they have planned it that way?)

Dr Caleb
01-28-2005, 10:19 AM
I had to read people's post to figure out it had something to do with Mercury.

Like Homer Simpson and the "Mr Plough" episode:

Lisa:"Dad, Was that our new ad?"
Homer "I don't know!!"

01-28-2005, 10:36 AM
Sorry you didn't like it.

It was voted by ad week as the 7th best campaign of 2004.....but frankly what counts is not what the industry says but what consumers think

I won't defend the intent but I will say it has done a lot to introduce the brand to new customers and specifically the Mariner.

This work, among a field of many other initiatives generated more handraisers alone than was expected for the entire launch of the Mariner

Probably looking at it in the rearview mirror without the benefit of being engaged, getting the weekly episodes....I can see the reaction.

The creator....


Excuse me...:bop:, but do you actually get paid for that crap?? :banned:

I am soooooo HAPPY that you did not do any comercials for the Marauder. I can sing and dance better then you can write comercials. :rolleyes:

The Mustang comercial with Steve McQueen was great...yours sucks.:puke:
Please save your money go back to school and find a new career, your going to need it.

I will not apologize for being blunt, truth hurts. Good luck in your future endeavors.

01-28-2005, 11:52 AM
you know what....all I was doing was offering a perspective not even defending the work......I and for that matter anyone does not need the personal attacks.

Forums, of which I participate in many are about commeradery (or however it is spelled). I am not the enemy.


Donny Carlson
01-28-2005, 12:33 PM
you know what....all I was doing was offering a perspective not even defending the work......I and for that matter anyone does not need the personal attacks.

Forums, of which I participate in many are about commeradery (or however it is spelled). I am not the enemy.

Jeff I can appreciate the work for what it is, Jeff. This is an opinioniated group here, many of which feel that Mercury did an outstandingly poor job marketing the car we all love so much. Granted, your campaign is for the Mariner, and it's not a convential campaign. This gripes some folks, who don't much like the unconventional, or have their own perception of what a car campaign should be.

I recall Nissan getting a lot of jibes years ago when they moved to commercials that barely showed the cars in favor of scenes that evoked feelings.

In the spirit of full diclosure, I haven't watched all the posted ads, which I will do now out of respect for you as a new member here.

I think the distinction between the ad creator (the agency) and the company that contracts for and approves the campaign is lost on some members here. You succussfully developed a campaign and sold it to Mercury. It was Mercury execs that decided to run with it. So, the flames should be directed at the Mercury marketing execs, not you.

Besides, any forum has a certain percentage of a-holes, and this site has more than its share.:)

01-28-2005, 12:40 PM
you know what....all I was doing was offering a perspective not even defending the work......I and for that matter anyone does not need the personal attacks.

Forums, of which I participate in many are about commeradery (or however it is spelled). I am not the enemy.


I don't attack many people here on the site, but there have been a few. It was not meant to be personnel, even though some of my comments were. And your comercial is not the only one I think is stupid, IMHO, there have been others. If you are going to sell cars at least show the car in your comercial. There are two comercials on TV right now that I find very offensive and I even contact the people whom the comercial was for to let them know it. IMO, their comercials are very preduice and discriminating, on the other hand I found yours to be just stupid. Could I do a better job...who knows, but then again that is not my field of employment. But, then again I would be ashamed if I presented that to a client to sell their cars.

Sometimes I have been known to stick my foot in my mouth, but this is just my opinion. It might not count for much, but it is still my opinion and I am a future new car buyer. Now show me a comercial that will make me want to buy a car.

01-28-2005, 01:02 PM
Didn't like it. Didn't understand it. Not sure what it was trying to sell or even give away. :confused:
I am sticking to my comments ^^^^^^^^. Nothing personal; but that's my honest opinion. :D

Macon Marauder
01-28-2005, 01:58 PM
I just don't know what to say. Not only did I not get it - I didn't get the creators remarks either.

Maybe the creator and that ad are just on a higher plane. I'm just a car guy after all...

01-28-2005, 02:56 PM
best of luck with future campaigns, I still don't understand this one
I'll stick with that comment and say. . . remember the Nissan commercial where they played Van Halen and Barbie and Ken drove a minature toy car around? That was bearable and inventive.:burnout:

Joe Walsh
01-28-2005, 05:42 PM
[QUOTE=gdmjoe]http://www.mercuryvehicles.com/media/extras/luckyones/episodes/default.asp?mod=5 (http://www.mercuryvehicles.com/media/extras/luckyones/episodes/default.asp?mod=5)*For you reading pleasure and listening enjoyment. :arcade:[/QUOTE

It was Bill Clinton singing, and Theressa Heinz Kerry speaking .....about what?
This is an advertizing campaign? .....about what?

After reading the comments, I gather it's L/M trying to sell me something, but after watching the washing machine and the guy not at the table, I had no clue what it was about, and lost interest. It's without question, the stupidest thing I've ever seen. :confused:

Boy, are they in trouble! Joe, it's time to sell our FMC stock.

I agree.... with yesterday's big Ford Recall :mad: our stock will be as valuable as toilet paper! I can't sell now as I will take a HUGE bath! :( :mad2:
This morning the 'Today Show' on NBC was tearing Ford a new A-hole over the cruise control/truck fire recall. How come Ford always has the nastiest, most PUBLIC recalls?? Remember the Explorer/Tire Recall?....that one hammered my stock too!

Joe Walsh
01-28-2005, 05:45 PM
I guess if you can't say that there is anything that makes your product special you have to advertise something else.

I was looking for the episode where the public storms the World HQ and drags the Ford upper management out to be hanged from light poles along Michigan Ave.

LOL! :rofl: :rofl:

01-28-2005, 05:46 PM
That advertisement has just confirmed my suspicions - Mercury will be extinct before the end of this decade

01-28-2005, 06:27 PM
Being the originator of this thread, a follow-up comment .....

Actually I kinda liked the commerical, but then I've always had a likin' for the off-beat / wierd. Still recall the following MTV commerical ...

I was just sitting out here on my tractor, teaching my dog Luther how to read, when all of a sudden there was this big light that came out of the sky.

It was a little spaceship and in it were these creepy little critters with big yella eyes and ugly skin.

They come on over to us and started to talk. They just kept a-saying. "rellim reeb" "rellim reeb".

I couldn't a-figgure out what they was a-sayin' 'til ol' Luther figgered it out.

They was sayin "Miller beer" "Miller beer" but they was a-sayin' it backwards.

I gave them what I had left, but there wasn't much, seein' as how that dang Luther likes to drink more than his share. So they said they'd be back.

So in that genre, it hit the mark. Hats-off to ya JeffGrice. :up: *Keep 'em comin'.

But for mainstream John/Jane Q-public and gettin' 'em to buy a Mercury ... All I can say is - What's that sign-post up ahead ?

Twilight Zone

Joe Walsh
01-28-2005, 06:37 PM
From a 'gearhead's' point of view.....
I've got a concept for a Mercury Mariner commercial:
Bolt on a Kenne Bell twin-screw S/C to the 3.0 Duratec (same blower application as a Ford Escape) and then let BillyGman do a 4WD Burnout for the entire 30 seconds. :burnout:
Even better....for the entire 1 minute commercial and end it with a black screen that says "GOT SMOKE?"

01-28-2005, 06:38 PM
The best car commercial ever made was the one where you hear Van Halen's "You Really Got Me" start playing and a Ken doll is sitting behind the wheel of a Nissan 300ZX and he goes ripping through this house, almost runs over a cat, and slides sideways to a stop in front of Barbie's house, and then they take off.

Joe Walsh
01-28-2005, 06:44 PM
The best car commercial ever made was the one where you hear Van Halen's "You Really Got Me" start playing and a Ken doll is sitting behind the wheel of a Nissan 300ZX and he goes ripping through this house, almost runs over a cat, and slides sideways to a stop in front of Barbie's house, and then they take off.

^^^That one was great.^^^
Do you remember the Nissan Super Bowl commercial with the black car just coming out of the car wash...then being chased and dive bombed by a 'squadron' of pidgeons??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

01-28-2005, 07:29 PM
Hmmm...missed that one. My second favorite commercial is the Starbucks commercial where Survivor is singing about 'Roy' to the tune of Eye of The Tiger. Hysterical!

01-29-2005, 07:26 AM
All I know is if Detroit keeps coming out with offal like that, they deserve failure. You know, I still remember the "Hey Javelin" commercials from 35 years ago.

01-29-2005, 08:20 AM
Being the originator of this thread, a follow-up comment .....

Actually I kinda liked the commerical, but then I've always had a likin' for the off-beat / wierd. Still recall the following MTV commerical ....... They was sayin "Miller beer" "Miller beer" but they was a-sayin' it backwards.
Good one. At least I got the point of the beer commercial !! :rolleyes:

01-29-2005, 08:56 AM
All I know is if Detroit keeps coming out with offal like that, they deserve failure. You know, I still remember the "Hey Javelin" commercials from 35 years ago.
YES! I remember those, too. The one where everyone wanted to race the guy, but he kept refusing, then the parking lot attendant takes off with the tires spinning. My favorite was the one where the "kid" had modified the car with blower, roll bar, etc. for the drag strip while his Dad's asking him what he did with the (fill in the standard features such as plush carpeting, mag style wheels, etc.) that came on the car. Great marketing idea as it showed what AMC offered in the car, and the potential the car had if you're interested. I think an updated version would have been perfect for the Marauder. Heck, Ford may want to consider something simlilar to reach a younger audience for the CV, even. But, hey, I just watch the commercials, I don't make 'em!


01-29-2005, 10:07 AM
:confused: anyone know of a web site that has old car commercials?

it would be great to capture some of those!

01-29-2005, 12:21 PM
Boy, are they in trouble! Joe, it's time to sell our FMC stock.

I'm way ahead of you. Cashed in for something a little closer to a sure thing.....SCRATCH TICKETS!

01-09-2006, 01:15 PM
yeah I keep hearing ford nuts talk down abou the mm cause the made if badass then neutered it bfore production. after seeing this vid I beleve the next one If it happens will be slower and just bland. SWeet ***** dipping sause after 2 vids I actualy contemplated SUICIDE!