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Long Live #3
01-28-2005, 09:38 AM

California will lose it's second date, SAFER walls being installed at Bristol, lights are out at Dover, Vegas adding seats, and ISC seeking OK for lights at Homestead!

01-28-2005, 10:26 AM
They are turning Bristol into a one-laner. That real bright. Speeds are only 110 there give me a break. Thats why these guys get paid the boo-koo bucks. One question.. When these saftey barriors are around all the tracks are they going to lose the restrictor plate? I dought it. Then all of these guys' kids can't just hop in and drive em. Don't get me wrong I think what Nascar has done in the name of saftey is great. (roof-flaps being one of the latest and greatest) I just can't get giving up On Track Speed. Driving on the ragged edge is what seperates the mediocer from the great.
Although a safer wall might have saved one of possibly the greatest of all the "Jr.s"... Adam.
But racing is a sport that you do it long enough your going to get hurt. Thats road,track,strip,trail,water, air, or what ever there is a price to pay for speed. Thats why only retards like us are addicted to it. :D

Long Live #3
01-28-2005, 10:13 PM
I wouldn't call us retards, someone might take offence. lol. I've got my tickets for Chicagoland and Indianapolis Motorspeedway. I can't wait!

Long Live #3
02-04-2005, 07:46 AM

Same section, new updates.