View Full Version : Atlanta ICE STORM!!

01-29-2005, 01:39 PM
Well......we don't get "snow" in Atlanta.....we get ICE!!!

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_020-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7134/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_021-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7135/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_014-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7137/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500)

01-29-2005, 03:17 PM
Nice neighborhood! I'm always tempted to ask people what they do for a living when I see houses like that.

01-29-2005, 03:18 PM
Im about 40 miles north of Atlanta, and I woke up this morning thinking it was all hype - nothing but rain and water on the roads, some ice on the cars and other objects. (The MM is inside the garage, of course)

I was surprised to see that I-75 was closed in Atlanta - I turned the news on and thought why the heck is it icy and nasty SOUTH of me????????

I saw news footage of car after car getting sideways on an overpass - none of the drivers paid enough attention to the cars ahead or the "ice on bridge" signs, as one after the other almost wreck.

Be carefull down there!

Paul T. Casey
01-29-2005, 05:45 PM
I'm en route to Dixieland today and tomorrow myself. Trip was going good until about a third of the way through VA. The snow started about 4pm just south of Winchester, but the temp was still good. By Woodstock, it was starting to stick and the thermometer was reading 26*F, which means the salt stops working. I bailed out in Staunton for the night. I checked into my room, took a shower, and headed across the parking lot for dinner. In that ammount of time, the snow had changed to ice, and my car was already glazed. Hope it's gone by checkout time tomorrow!

01-29-2005, 06:25 PM
Well......we don't get "snow" in Atlanta.....we get ICE!!!

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_020-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7134/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500)

Kathy: Good to see you got the house in the divorce. Will you marry me? :D

Mike Poore
01-29-2005, 06:30 PM
Well......we don't get "snow" in Atlanta.....we get ICE!!!
Kathy, we're just back from Gettysburg and the snow/sleet (sneet) started about 8. They're telling us it's gonna be a few inches.

Yeh, then followed by 14" of partly cloudy! :eek:

Here's mom & the kids at our feeder.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=55 08&stc=1

01-29-2005, 07:45 PM
NIce weather their #1. It looks like Todd came down to florida just in time. Any how be carefull their ok?

01-29-2005, 07:58 PM
That looks like fine Marauder drivin' weather! ;) :D

01-29-2005, 08:18 PM
Well......we don't get "snow" in Atlanta.....we get ICE!!!

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_020-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7134/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_021-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7135/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_014-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7137/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500)
That is like the stuff I drove thru in my trip thru Oklahoma on my way to Vermont first week of January. NASTY stuff.

01-29-2005, 08:22 PM
here's some ice i had in dallas.

01-29-2005, 08:42 PM
I'm en route to Dixieland today and tomorrow myself. Trip was going good until about a third of the way through VA. The snow started about 4pm just south of Winchester, but the temp was still good. By Woodstock, it was starting to stick and the thermometer was reading 26*F, which means the salt stops working. I bailed out in Staunton for the night. I checked into my room, took a shower, and headed across the parking lot for dinner. In that ammount of time, the snow had changed to ice, and my car was already glazed. Hope it's gone by checkout time tomorrow!

Paul, where are you staying in Staunton? That's where my folks (well my Mom now) live. I was just up there a few weeks back.


01-29-2005, 09:56 PM
Hey Paul, let me know next time you end up close to me, I'm not too far away here in Newport News, VA.
I'm en route to Dixieland today and tomorrow myself. Trip was going good until about a third of the way through VA. The snow started about 4pm just south of Winchester, but the temp was still good. By Woodstock, it was starting to stick and the thermometer was reading 26*F, which means the salt stops working. I bailed out in Staunton for the night. I checked into my room, took a shower, and headed across the parking lot for dinner. In that ammount of time, the snow had changed to ice, and my car was already glazed. Hope it's gone by checkout time tomorrow!

01-29-2005, 10:25 PM
Just dodged the worst of it. But not by much. Temp stayed right at 32 so the roads stayed ok. I still left the MM and took dads truck to work. Its trying to snow but just flurries.

Joe Walsh
01-29-2005, 10:35 PM
Snow to start off, now freezing rain and 28 degrees in Baltimore!
They are predicting 1-3 inches of snow mixed with sleet and freezing rain...

01-30-2005, 12:12 AM
Well......we don't get "snow" in Atlanta.....we get ICE!!!

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_020-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7134/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_021-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7135/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499Ice_Storm_2005_014-med.jpg (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/7137/size/big/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500)
Hey Kathy,
Best news is, tomorrow its 47 degrees, and then it warms up from there! We love ATL, and we're all looking forward to WOTs in our MMs real soon!!!:D :D :D :D

01-30-2005, 07:29 AM
I took advantage of the slick roads and went and played in the truck yesterday. The best powerslide I could do was 0.2 miles long and of course I threw in some dounts for good measure. Out of my way...I got 4 wheel drive, yeeee haaaawww.

01-30-2005, 07:38 AM
We get it all. Snow, ice and mud.
Here's a (quick?) look at a good ice storm... dial-up users beware ;-)

Mike Poore
01-30-2005, 07:42 AM
That is like the stuff I drove thru in my trip thru Oklahoma on my way to Vermont first week of January. NASTY stuff.
Yes, you and Barry on an unbelievable adventure. How's it going? Glad you didn't wait another week, huh? :drive:

01-30-2005, 07:48 AM
It seems like we got it now started last night and still getting freezing rain :mad2: .Man i had enough of this stinkin weather.Back breaking shoveling , roofs leaking , to cold to do anything.I HATE THIS WINTER!!!! :mad2: :mad2:

01-30-2005, 09:13 AM
All of my speech and debate buddies are stuck at Emory University until tonight, possibly there until Monday morning.:rolleyes:

Mike Poore
01-30-2005, 01:07 PM
All of my speech and debate buddies are stuck at Emory University until tonight, possibly there until Monday morning.:rolleyes:
:eek: OHMYGOSH!!!!

Your poor classmates! It's gonna take weeks and weeks to get the left wing liberal mush purged from their noggins. :rolleyes:
:hide:Disclaimer: in case anyone wants to take offence, it's a joke OK?

01-30-2005, 01:16 PM
Hahaha...You know only two of them are conservatives...the rest are hopelessly open-minded...:D

01-30-2005, 04:18 PM
Y'all don't know ice until you lived through the ice storms in quebec... Went almost 3 weeks with no power.... ;)

01-30-2005, 07:17 PM
I hear stories like this from my mom...she went to college in Canada. She kept warm because the students in the rooms around her were all from India...hot curry for everyone!

Y'all don't know ice until you lived through the ice storms in quebec... Went almost 3 weeks with no power.... ;)

01-30-2005, 08:10 PM
Hey Kathy,
Best news is, tomorrow its 47 degrees, and then it warms up from there! We love ATL, and we're all looking forward to WOTs in our MMs real soon!!!:D :D :D :D
You were absolutely right!!! We did in fact get up to 47 degrees today....you'd never know we just had an ice storm around here!!! No evidence whatsoever!!!

Crazy Georgia Weather!!!!:loco:

01-30-2005, 08:11 PM
Kathy: Good to see you got the house in the divorce. Will you marry me? :D

You sure know how to charm a lady!! :P

01-31-2005, 05:40 AM

You sure know how to charm a lady!! :P

Yep! I learned from Todd, author of that well respected book "A Redneck's Guide to Gittin' the Ladies". :D

Mike Poore
01-31-2005, 06:19 AM
Y'all don't know ice until you lived through the ice storms in quebec... Went almost 3 weeks with no power.... ;)
A couple of years ago one of my ham buddies in Rangeley, ME had one of THOSE ice storms. My recollection was they had 6" or so of ice, that broke everything. :eek: It made national news.

01-31-2005, 06:42 AM
Yes, you and Barry on an unbelievable adventure. How's it going? Glad you didn't wait another week, huh? :drive:
You are so right.... :)

I've spent the whole last week going.... MAN I'M GLAD I DIDN'T WAIT ANOTHER WEEK BEFORE GOING TO GET MY MM !

As rough as it was when I went.... I shoehorned it in just about right! Kind of gives creedence to the old saying "God watches out for fools!"


Mike Poore
01-31-2005, 07:55 AM
You are so right.... :)

I've spent the whole last week going.... MAN I'M GLAD I DIDN'T WAIT ANOTHER WEEK BEFORE GOING TO GET MY MM !

As rough as it was when I went.... I shoehorned it in just about right! Kind of gives creedence to the old saying "God watches out for fools!"

The funniest thing about it was when, a week later, Barry told Gordon and Chris they were crazy for going to the NE Marauders doo, and Gordon's incredulous response.:rofl: