02-04-2005, 09:59 AM
47.2 Million Fat, Stupid Americans May Join Suit

[BorowitzReport.com; 4 February 2005] In what many legal experts are already calling a landmark case, an Illinois man today sued McDonald's and hotel heiress Paris Hilton for making him, in his words, "fat and stupid."

Davis Hopewell, 37, alleges in his legal complaint that he was of average weight and intelligence before eating a steady diet of McDonald's food and watching Paris Hilton's reality show "The Simple Life."

But after several months of ingesting both, Mr. Hopewell said, "I became the fat and stupid person I am today."

According to the complaint, Mr. Hopewell said that he attempted on several occasions to change the channel to something other than Ms. Hilton's television program, but was unable to do so because he became winded when he reached for the remote.

While Mr. Hopewell's legal action is thought to be the first of its kind, legal experts believe that it could become a major class-action lawsuit if an estimated 47.2 million fat and stupid Americans hold McDonald's and Paris Hilton responsible for their condition.

In an official response, McDonald's spokesman Leeza Renfroe said that the company would argue that Mr. Hopewell was well on his way to being both fat and stupid before he was exposed to their product.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Ms. Hilton said that the hotel heiress will most likely employ the so-called "whatever" defense, meaning that she will reply to all questions in court by saying, "Whatever."

02-04-2005, 10:23 AM
At last . . .

finally . . .

some . . .

justice . . .

for us . . .

fat . ..

ergh. . ..



Dr Caleb
02-04-2005, 10:32 AM
Meanwhile, a spokesman for Ms. Hilton said that the hotel heiress will most likely employ the so-called "whatever" defense, meaning that she will reply to all questions in court by saying, "Whatever."

I think the 'Wookie' defence would be more effective.

Really, how bright do you have to be in the first place to watch a show about Paris Hilton?

02-04-2005, 10:36 AM
I think the 'Wookie' defence would be more effective.

Really, how bright do you have to be in the first place to watch a show about Paris Hilton?

Or to make it known world wide that you are "that stupid"!!! The gene pool needs to be emptied!!!!

02-04-2005, 10:41 AM
I think the 'Wookie' defence would be more effective.

What About the 'Chewbacca defence'.....................

There was a classic episode of South Park, where a Johnny Cochranesque lawyer, faced with the impossible task of defending his client, mounts the 'Chewbacca defence', which took the form of....

- "these are the facts of the case"
- "but this is Chewbacca"
- "this Chewbacca argument does not make sense"
- "it does not make sense"
- "if it does not make sense, you must acquit"

02-04-2005, 11:31 AM
I had to pause to wonder how this thread could possibly have any merit on a website devoted to cars.
After reading the content, I'm still paused and wondering...however, I have come to the realization that there might be a capsule of wisdom to be had as soon as I finish my (super-sized) BIG MAC.

Getting up to change the TV channel to more substantive material is quite another matter...my over weight dog ate the remote!!

02-04-2005, 06:14 PM
Where do I sign up for this gravy train....

ummmmmm, gravy.

02-05-2005, 12:35 PM
*clip* But after several months of ingesting both, Mr. Hopewell said, "I became the fat and stupid person I am today." *clip*

Suppose a business can deny employment to Mr. Hopewell because of what he has already admitted to?

Business: "We're sorry Mr. Hopewell, but you yourself said you are stupid and fat. Because we are looking for smart people and Southwest airlines will make us pay for two tickets to fly your fat butt around for business we decline your application. Do you want us to validate your parking?"
Mr. Hopewell: "Blast!"

02-05-2005, 12:47 PM
*clip* But after several months of ingesting both, Mr. Hopewell said, "I became the fat and stupid person I am today." *clip*

Suppose a business can deny employment to Mr. Hopewell because of what he has already admitted to?

Business: "We're sorry Mr. Hopewell, but you yourself said you are stupid and fat. Because we are looking for smart people and Southwest airlines will make us pay for two tickets to fly your fat butt around for business we decline your application. Do you want us to validate your parking?"
Mr. Hopewell: "Blast!"



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

02-05-2005, 01:07 PM
*clip* But after several months of ingesting both, Mr. Hopewell said, "I became the fat and stupid person I am today." *clip*

Suppose a business can deny employment to Mr. Hopewell because of what he has already admitted to?

Business: "We're sorry Mr. Hopewell, but you yourself said you are stupid and fat. Because we are looking for smart people and Southwest airlines will make us pay for two tickets to fly your fat butt around for business we decline your application. Do you want us to validate your parking?"
Mr. Hopewell: "Blast!"

:bows: :bows: :bows: :laugh: