View Full Version : New PDA toy

02-06-2005, 10:27 PM
I just picked up this, yesterday:


It's the Dell x50v (their top-of-the-line, right now), which comes with all the bells and whistles. I'm posting with it, right now (built-in WiFi). It's bluetooth enabled, too, so later on I'll have to set it up to connect to GPRS, through my Motorola v600, for wireless highspeed on the go...

The 620 MHz processor flies. 640x480 VGA (with 16meg video RAM) makes everything look sooo much better, when I put the two devices side-by-side. There are only two things I would change - biometric fingerprint security (like some of the iPaqs), and longer battery life - the battery is removable, so I may have to get a second one, or the extended battery. Give the price difference between this, and the HP offering, I'd make the same choice, again and again.

I'm giving up my trusty iPaq 3970 for this, and won't be looking back! If you're a geek (like me), and want the cool toy, to make people feel bad all they have is a RIM, this is the one for you ;)

02-07-2005, 01:19 AM
I just picked up this, yesterday:


It's the Dell x50v (their top-of-the-line, right now), which comes with all the bells and whistles. I'm posting with it, right now (built-in WiFi). It's bluetooth enabled, too, so later on I'll have to set it up to connect to GPRS, through my Motorola v600, for wireless highspeed on the go...

The 620 MHz processor flies. 640x480 VGA (with 16meg video RAM) makes everything look sooo much better, when I put the two devices side-by-side. There are only two things I would change - biometric fingerprint security (like some of the iPaqs), and longer battery life - the battery is removable, so I may have to get a second one, or the extended battery. Give the price difference between this, and the HP offering, I'd make the same choice, again and again.

I'm giving up my trusty iPaq 3970 for this, and won't be looking back! If you're a geek (like me), and want the cool toy, to make people feel bad all they have is a RIM, this is the one for you ;)
Personally, I prefer these...

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/warner_brothers/the_dukes_of_hazzard/thedukesofhazzard_tempposter.j pg (http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&id=1808509770&cf=pstills&intl=us)


02-07-2005, 06:22 AM
I'm running a iPaq 5555 now. Love it!

Gotta love technology.

I've had mine for a year now....might move over to a Dell in another year when I upgrade my desktop computer.

02-07-2005, 08:30 AM
[QUOTE=QWK SVT]I just picked up this, yesterday:
It's the Dell x50v (their top-of-the-line, right now), which comes with all the bells and whistles.

I got an identical one about three weeks ago. I also got the Pharos GPS to go with it. It's a pretty cool toy.

02-07-2005, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE=QWK SVT]I just picked up this, yesterday:
It's the Dell x50v (their top-of-the-line, right now), which comes with all the bells and whistles.

I got an identical one about three weeks ago. I also got the Pharos GPS to go with it. It's a pretty cool toy.
How do you like the Pharos GPS - map quality, display info, ease of use, etc.?
I've been thinking of getting one of these!

02-07-2005, 01:29 PM
How do you like the Pharos GPS I've been thinking of getting one of these!

I like it so far. I've been using my laptop with Delorme Street Atlas, or MS Streets and Trips, and wanted something a little handier, and the Axim is a whole lot easier to keep up with. I don't like how you have to load the maps up one section at a time. It's nice to have all of North America loaded onto the laptop hard drive!! To have coverage for the parts of TX that I normally drive in and around, I had to load about 5 different maps. I also needed 3 for AZ when I went out there last weekend. I bought an extra storage card and it really came in handy.

MS Streets and Trips has a pocket PC version. I'm gonna load it up and try it soon and see if its any better.

02-07-2005, 01:41 PM
How do you like the Pharos GPS - map quality, display info, ease of use, etc.?
I've been thinking of getting one of these!


I've been using the Pharos SDIO GPS for a little bit now and its real easy to use. If you get it from Dell it comes with everything you need to get going, even a car charger.

02-07-2005, 01:50 PM
Personally, I prefer these...

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/warner_brothers/the_dukes_of_hazzard/thedukesofhazzard_tempposter.j pg (http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&id=1808509770&cf=pstills&intl=us)


Oh, the laptop model....

02-07-2005, 03:56 PM
I just picked up this, yesterday:

How's the processor compared to the 3970? As for GPS get one of the Bluetooth GPS's. I looked at the SD style GPSs and had two problems with them. 1) I am afraid of snapping the thing off the top of the PDA. 2) limited reception inside of a car. With my Bluetooth GPS I can throw it on the dash and it picks up the signal fine. If I move it more inside the cockpit it has a tendency to lose satellites.


02-07-2005, 04:01 PM
I like it so far. I've been using my laptop with Delorme Street Atlas, or MS Streets and Trips, and wanted something a little handier, and the Axim is a whole lot easier to keep up with. I don't like how you have to load the maps up one section at a time. It's nice to have all of North America loaded onto the laptop hard drive!! To have coverage for the parts of TX that I normally drive in and around, I had to load about 5 different maps. I also needed 3 for AZ when I went out there last weekend. I bought an extra storage card and it really came in handy.

MS Streets and Trips has a pocket PC version. I'm gonna load it up and try it soon and see if its any better.

Forget about Microsoft Pocket Streets. It sux. The resolution is not very good and it doesn't give turn by turn instructions. All you get is the Streets and Trips maps ported over to use on the PDA screen. Not very handy frankly. What you want is the kind of software that gives you guidance and maps.


02-07-2005, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the feed-back guys!

02-08-2005, 07:20 PM
I'm not too thrilled with my Axim that I bought last year cause it crashes all of the time. It's nice when it works but dang it's frustrating.

Plus, I hacked into a buddies wireless network using the 802.11 connection on a Dell PDA. I'm not allowed to play with electronics at his house anymore.

02-13-2005, 12:15 AM
How's the processor compared to the 3970?
It's substancially faster - even menus are noticably quicker. I've been doing some testing, and am impressed. The 3970 would play videos, but if I had a handful of apps still open in the background, it would getting dicey. I've put the two side-by-side, same tasks, some video. The Dell is better, and the same source file LOOKS better, too! But really, the graphics and videos are the clincher. Everything looks so much better...

Battery life is an issue, though. If I'm really putting the machine through it's paces (not just Word / Excel and typical PIM-type stuff), it'll be nothing to have to recharge it every day or two. Not a big deal, for me...

Plus, I hacked into a buddies wireless network using the 802.11 connection on a Dell PDA. I'm not allowed to play with electronics at his house anymore.
Hehe! In the office bulding where I work, there are 5 or 6 different WiFi LANs being picked up. It'd be nice to piggyback, to surf... Other than the fact they're all broadcasting the SSID, they've all added security measures, WEP, etc... :depress:

02-13-2005, 02:12 AM
I'm not too thrilled with my Axim that I bought last year cause it crashes all of the time. It's nice when it works but dang it's frustrating.

Plus, I hacked into a buddies wireless network using the 802.11 connection on a Dell PDA. I'm not allowed to play with electronics at his house anymore.

He should have thanked you for helping him seal his wireless network. I built a yagi antenna and amplifier to plug into my wireles card and by rotating it I have my choice of over 100 wireless networks on a regular basis. Most are set to the default SSID and require no real 'hacking' at all. For those who cannot build one you can buy them on ebay. Do a search on 'wireless' and check it out. Needless to say I secured mine when installing it. I use all available length to produce a virtually un-hackable entry into the wireless router.



02-13-2005, 11:33 AM
Thank you for choosing Dell. :up:

02-13-2005, 06:10 PM
Thank you for choosing Dell. :up:

On my second Dell. :D The tech support is the best. :up:

02-13-2005, 07:25 PM
The tech support is the best. :up:

Yep. Coming to you straight from New Dell-i.....the world's back office!