View Full Version : Star Trek Site

02-08-2005, 12:47 PM
I noticed a few people here are Trek fans. I came across this site while looking for a new avatar.


02-08-2005, 12:55 PM
I noticed a few people here are Trek fans. I came across this site while looking for a new avatar.

LOL! What a trip! One of the best Trek sites I've seen, (visually speaking). Thanks. :)

02-08-2005, 01:24 PM
Yeah, too bad they cancelled Enterprise.


02-08-2005, 01:47 PM
Well, here is one for Star Wars.


02-08-2005, 06:40 PM
Yeah, too bad they cancelled Enterprise.


yup,... that was the only network tv show I watched on a regular basis.

well,.. I guess I still have Discovery and the History Channel

Donny Carlson
02-08-2005, 06:43 PM
I noticed a few people here are Trek fans. I came across this site while looking for a new avatar.
I tell yah, after watching Trek for years, after getting hooked on the EXCELLENT revisioned Battlestar Galactica, Trek is really looking tired and bleh.

I had high hopes for Enterprise, and it's had its good episodes. I especially am looking forward to the two "mirror universe" episodes involving the TOS Defiant (lost in Tholian space in the TOS episode The Tholian Web) after seeing the sets and CGI for the two parter (Archer in the mirror universe is XO to Captain Forrester and finds the Defiant in Tholian space, crew dead. He decides to use the 23rd century technology to his advantage in the Terran Empire...) Reportedly they've reshot and rescored the opening so that we are watching the mirror version of the TV series.

Man, BG is fantastic. Back to the marathon.....

02-08-2005, 06:44 PM
Thanks, I thought that is how you came up with your screen name:)

Mike Poore
02-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Well, here is one for Star Wars.

http://www.livejournal.com/users/krautboy/243291.html (http://www.livejournal.com/users/krautboy/243291.html)
Those captions are a scream, but those poor bastards in the costumes ...:o

02-08-2005, 07:30 PM
never was a star trek fan... grew up on star wars... maybe lucas will finish the movies in my lifetime...

the sopranos is the only thing on tv worth watching... and i only get hbo when they have a new season the rest is garbage.

02-08-2005, 08:54 PM
Yeah, too bad they cancelled Enterprise.


Really...? Where did you hear this? :(

02-08-2005, 09:18 PM
Todd is a big Star Trek fan. These are the dinner plates that his family eats on:


02-08-2005, 09:31 PM
I noticed a few people here are Trek fans. I came across this site while looking for a new avatar.



Too bad its in ITALIAN !

02-08-2005, 10:48 PM
i was always drawn to the dark side of the force :D
wrong series

it always seemed to me the bad guys were always "cooler" then again maybe strange..


02-09-2005, 04:38 AM
Really...? Where did you hear this? :(
I read it on StarTrek.com

Dr Caleb
02-09-2005, 08:54 AM
The new Battlestar Galactica rocks! I've seen the first season already on Sky-1.

But I think the best sci-fi this year has been Stargate Atlantis. It's pretty much like the last 2 seasons of DS-9 - all action. Plus some spectacular CGI, for a weekly TV show.

Berman and Bragga should be shot, drawn, quartered and hung by their fingernails for what they did to Enterprise.

02-09-2005, 09:13 AM
Speaking of ST....Anybody ever see a license plate..

NCC 1701 ? If so, what kind of car was it on?

02-09-2005, 05:33 PM
Berman and Bragga should be shot, drawn, quartered and hung by their fingernails for what they did to Enterprise.

AMEN BRUTHA!!!!!!!!!!!! :uzi:

Donny Carlson
02-09-2005, 05:48 PM
Berman and Bragga should be shot, drawn, quartered and hung by their fingernails for what they did to Enterprise.
They sqaundered a great opportunity to do something groundbreaking with Trek. T'pol could have been a GREAT character, but they HAD to dress her up in cat suits and have her act like no Vulcan we've seen before. I absolutely HATED that they didn't put her in a Star Fleet uniform this season. All that great stuff in the beginning, the resentment towards the Vulcans, the attitude T'pol had towards humans, all flushed and forgotten. Feh, I just don't think you can do a really good Trek series anymore.

Image what a great series it would have been had Ron Moore been calling the shots.

For those of you who haven't caught BSG on the Scifi Channel, make a point to catch an episode of this show. It's truly excellent.

02-09-2005, 05:51 PM
Way cool:D Like the set up,Need to revamp the series with better wrighters.

02-09-2005, 07:25 PM
yup,... that was the only network tv show I watched on a regular basis.
I never watched it during its original run during prime time ... I guess I had too much other stuff going on. However, I really became a fan of Star Trek during the reruns.

Live Long and Prosper ..... Kirk, Out !!!

02-09-2005, 10:54 PM
Sci Fi channel seems to have it together. Could they pick up ST:E?? I wonder if its a possibilty....

Dr Caleb
02-10-2005, 09:22 AM
Could they pick up ST:E?? I wonder if its a possibilty....

No. UPN owns Paramount, which owns the ST universe. :(

Battlestar Galctica rocks. As I said, the first season is not just cool effects, but a great story too, like Atlantis. It's what Sci-Fi should be!

AMEN BRUTHA!!!!!!!!!!

Manny Cato is the writer director for the current season. I'm naming my first child after him.

02-10-2005, 05:19 PM
LOL Doc!

I guess I'm gonna have to check out BSG.. All I've heard is good stuff about it.