View Full Version : Dodge Charger Daytona R/T

02-08-2005, 02:05 PM

Figured you guys would like to know about this.

02-08-2005, 02:14 PM
Now that is fugly. :mad:

02-08-2005, 02:31 PM
Now that is fugly. :mad:
Don't Forget,
This is what it looked like a few years back..... (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6210&item=4526062704&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW)

02-08-2005, 02:32 PM
Gee, all they did was look back to the 50's and update one of their cars from way back then. This "new" Charger will make a great taxi cab.
http://gvk.lmk.no/Dodge%20Custom%20Royal%20%2019 57.jpg

shannon corkill
02-08-2005, 02:57 PM
The new Dodge Charger sucks! As on owner of a winged warrior and to see the new charger and hear they are calling it a daytona, IS AN INSULT to the true car guy...I really don't believe anybody in the big 3 marketing and development departments is not on crack!!! First Ford kills the Marauder, then the Lighting, which they never did any advertising for!! Pontiac then comes out with overglorified Grand am and call it a GTO, which a 6'1" tall guy like me can't even get in the back seat because the seat won't fold over far enough!! Then Dodge comes out with a 4 door car and call it a CHARGER with a Daytona option!!!
Somebody just get a shot-gun and MK-19 as shoot these guys...I think Ford did a great job with new Mustang, why...BECAUSE they made look like the old style stang...Why didn't dodge go after a 68 or 69 2 door charger look? :mad2: Because they are idiots and I hope there sales drop like a hot rock!! Just makes me appreciate my cars more because they have individual style and don't look like an air blown clay blob in a wind tunnel.... :censor:

02-08-2005, 03:04 PM
Don't Forget,
This is what it looked like a few years back..... (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6210&item=4526062704&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW)

Holy flash back, now my mind is ruined forever.

02-08-2005, 03:23 PM
You don't need to get a gun and shoot anyone because the world will soon be destroyed anyway! I offer proof:"SPINNER" wheelcovers are now available for highway tractors [Semi's] and they cost THOUSANDS of Dollars. The New Jersey mob will probably start using spinning [Semi] wheelcovers as de-capitation tools for enforcement! One of the final signs that the end is VERY near is when you see "spinners" on an '03 or '04 Marauder. You heard it here first on mercurymarauder.net
The new Dodge Charger sucks! As on owner of a winged warrior and to see the new charger and hear they are calling it a daytona, IS AN INSULT to the true car guy...I really don't believe anybody in the big 3 marketing and development departments is not on crack!!! First Ford kills the Marauder, then the Lighting, which they never did any advertising for!! Pontiac then comes out with overglorified Grand am and call it a GTO, which a 6'1" tall guy like me can't even get in the back seat because the seat won't fold over far enough!! Then Dodge comes out with a 4 door car and call it a CHARGER with a Daytona option!!!
Somebody just get a shot-gun and MK-19 as shoot these guys...I think Ford did a great job with new Mustang, why...BECAUSE they made look like the old style stang...Why didn't dodge go after a 68 or 69 2 door charger look? :mad2: Because they are idiots and I hope there sales drop like a hot rock!! Just makes me appreciate my cars more because they have individual style and don't look like an air blown clay blob in a wind tunnel.... :censor:

02-08-2005, 03:45 PM
ain't we already seen spinners on someone's MM?

I thought we had.


02-08-2005, 04:53 PM
Don't Forget,
This is what it looked like a few years back..... (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6210&item=4526062704&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW)

Oh my!!!!!!!!! Some things are better left in the past!

02-08-2005, 05:09 PM
They look like fat ricers. I actually like the Magnum wagons, but I don't find these new Chargers appealing at all. Downgrade

02-08-2005, 05:39 PM
1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

2. I think the MM with the long low sleek look is much better looking than the Charger. :coolman:

3. I think the Charger is much better looking than the 300C and they will sell a ton of them.

4. Here in Central Florida, the 300C is selling like hotcakes. Can't buy a standard one, only those that dealers have loaded up, and people are still standing in line to buy them. Don't understand it, because the 300 is "Butt Ugly". Did not see many when I was in Western NY last October, or in NM last September, but here, they are like "Doggie Doo", everywhere. :puke:

5. See Number 1 above. :rolleyes:


02-08-2005, 05:50 PM
Isn't it amazing how so many of these DODGE and CHRYSLER cars
all look like the Mitsubishi Galant from the rear ??? :confused:

shannon corkill
02-08-2005, 06:28 PM
What ticks me off is the fact it does not look like a charger and it is a 4-door looking to make money off it's name. The design sucks and it looks like they stuck a dodge dakota front end on it!!

Mike Poore
02-08-2005, 07:01 PM

Figured you guys would like to know about this.

Omygosh, mad mallard, that's so ugly I can't come up with printable verbiage to express my feelings. At least any that would not get me banned. :banned:

02-08-2005, 07:08 PM
Ah, how we lament the demise of performance cars at the Blue Oval and laugh at the ones coming from the competition. Ugly or not, it's got a V8, it's got RWD, they are going to sell...nuff said.

02-08-2005, 10:26 PM
Ah, how we lament the demise of performance cars at the Blue Oval and laugh at the ones coming from the competition. Ugly or not, it's got a V8, it's got RWD, they are going to sell...nuff said.

Is that an "S" under that squirrel costume ???

02-09-2005, 05:24 AM
Nice pics of a 4-door 2005 Mustang GT.

Mike Poore
02-09-2005, 06:48 AM
Ah, how we lament the demise of performance cars at the Blue Oval and laugh at the ones coming from the competition. Ugly or not, it's got a V8, it's got RWD, they are going to sell...nuff said.
I disagree. If we use your arguement, explain why Pontiac can't sell the new GTO. And, ugly as it is, it wins the beauty contest with that butt-ugly abortion, hands down.:puke:

02-09-2005, 07:04 AM
Tellya what. I ain't gonna be in no Ford product nohow in about 5 years. The RWD Chevys and Chrysler products are looking pretty good compared to Ford.

That Charger ain't that bad. Four doors? Well, most muscle cars had 2 doors "back then" but it seems we call the MM a muscle car.

We'll see what happens with Ford in the next few, but I don't fit in a 'tanger so they are out this customer unless they do a 180 from current marketing.


02-09-2005, 12:38 PM
People vote with their pocketbooks:

1) 300: wins
2) Magnum: wins
3) Charger: will most likely win
4) Lincoln LS: loses
5) Thunderbird: loses
6) Marauder: loses
7) GTO: loses, but General Motors hasn't given up, so give them credit

But, don't feel too bad; I own two of the three losers.

02-09-2005, 01:12 PM
I think that its a nice looking car and I hope that they price mark them right. I'm in need of some fresh meat around here. :uzi: