View Full Version : Any 03-04 MM'S For Sale????

02-08-2005, 03:31 PM
Well my 91 Caprice finally called it quits after 294,456 miles and I'm looking to buy a new MM whether it be an 03 or 04. I'd prefer an 04 but beggars can't be choosers. I actually had 1 dealership say yes to financing me but then I called my insurance company (USAA) and found out that for a 03 financed MM it would be almost $4,000 for a 6 month premium compared to covering a paid for 03 MM for around $1,200 6 month premium, and I have 0 accidents and 0 traffic violations on my record.(:bs: ) So, I'm wondering if anyone has a MM thats already paid for and selling it but is also willing to work with payments each month. Please PM me or just post here and I will PM you. Any responses, tips, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated. I want one so bad I lose sleep at night over these cars.

02-08-2005, 04:20 PM
I wonder if this is still available:

Getting into a Marauder "creatively"? Hmmm.

02-08-2005, 04:34 PM
I wonder what exactly does "Creatively" mean, well I PM'd him and asked. Hopefully somebody out there has something for me.

02-10-2005, 05:12 PM
Well my 91 Caprice finally called it quits after 294,456 miles and I'm looking to buy a new MM whether it be an 03 or 04. I'd prefer an 04 but beggars can't be choosers. I actually had 1 dealership say yes to financing me but then I called my insurance company (USAA) and found out that for a 03 financed MM it would be almost $4,000 for a 6 month premium compared to covering a paid for 03 MM for around $1,200 6 month premium, and I have 0 accidents and 0 traffic violations on my record.(:bs: ) So, I'm wondering if anyone has a MM thats already paid for and selling it but is also willing to work with payments each month. Please PM me or just post here and I will PM you. Any responses, tips, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated. I want one so bad I lose sleep at night over these cars.
I don't want this to come across in the wrong manner... because believe me... I jones over cars like mad myself. However, I have to draw a line on what is realistic for me. I would LOVE to have Ford GT. Now supposing I could actually get in line for one... could I afford it? Yeah, if I sold my house and lived in a house trailer. So no matter how badly I want a Ford GT it just isn't going to happen.

I say this because your finances may be the same (relatively) to a purchase of a MM. They are not inexpensive cars.

Back in 1988 I wanted a Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe so bad I could taste it. However I could afford one car note.... and I had a wife, two kids, plus dogs, cats etc. I could not have my main hauler be a TC. So 12 years later I finally score my first TC. 98k miles for $3k. I would rather have had it brand new... but....

Same thing with my 1987 Mitsubishi Starion. Couldn't do one "in the day" but I found a nice one eventually.

I wanted a MM SOOOO bad.... but I couldn't afford it AND my Mustang Cobra. So I sucked it up... and the Cobra went down the road.

I know this is preachy but..... if it isn't in the financial cards right now. Don't mortgage the farm in an effort to get one... rather finance the dream! Get a small, reliable, fuel efficient car. Work HARD, save money, hang out with the MM crowd and when the time is right... there will be one available. The prices on MM's will continue to come down. My opinion only, but I don't think any real collector value will factor in for a few years yet. (if ever) So if it doesn't work for you now.... keep your eyes peeled... in a year or two perhaps you can make it happen.

02-10-2005, 06:16 PM
Well my 91 Caprice finally called it quits after 294,456 miles and I'm looking to buy a new MM whether it be an 03 or 04. I'd prefer an 04 but beggars can't be choosers. I actually had 1 dealership say yes to financing me but then I called my insurance company (USAA) and found out that for a 03 financed MM it would be almost $4,000 for a 6 month premium compared to covering a paid for 03 MM for around $1,200 6 month premium, and I have 0 accidents and 0 traffic violations on my record.(:bs: ) So, I'm wondering if anyone has a MM thats already paid for and selling it but is also willing to work with payments each month. Please PM me or just post here and I will PM you. Any responses, tips, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated. I want one so bad I lose sleep at night over these cars.

What insurance carrier charges different premiums for a financed and an owned vehicle ???
My carrier charges a premium based on your driving history, what you are driving, and what coverage you want.

I even get a discount for Multiple Vehicles and Defensive Driving classes !!!

02-10-2005, 08:11 PM
What insurance carrier charges different premiums for a financed and an owned vehicle ???
My carrier charges a premium based on your driving history, what you are driving, and what coverage you want.

I even get a discount for Multiple Vehicles and Defensive Driving classes !!!
My guess would be that he intended not to carry full coverage on a car that was "owned". Which of course will leave someone who would carry the "note" hanging out to dry if something happened to the car.

Several things can be done to drive down the cost of the insurance....

Higher deductibles.....

Sometimes you can get limited mileage limited clauses.....

An alarm system or lo-jack installation.....

But on a daily driver the first two options aren't good ones.

02-10-2005, 08:16 PM
I'm in the same boat as you. I want a MM, too.
Here's where I look:
www.autotraderonline.com (3 different magazine areas to choose from)
www.carmax.com (prices are high but very good quality)

Give them a shot. I look at them daily.

02-11-2005, 11:18 AM
Anyone else paying close to that on 6-month insurance premiums? When I got an insurance quote for a MM, they said something around $370/6-months (don't have the quote in front of me).

That was with following discounts: multiple car, home-owners, and normal stuff - ABS, air bags, etc. 33 and married

02-11-2005, 12:21 PM
Look at his age. 20. I think the next rate decrease for age is 25. Looks to me the average MM owner is close to 40.

King Fubar
02-11-2005, 06:25 PM
Look at his age. 20. I think the next rate decrease for age is 25. Looks to me the average MM owner is close to 40.

Either that or he has to get married, have 2.3 kids, 4 dogs, buy a house, move in grandma, have life insurance on everybody and finally stay in a job for at least 3 years. :rofl:

But seriously if he were to be nuptualized the rate would drop too.