View Full Version : Wife, Just poking around...

02-10-2005, 10:35 AM
My name here is no coincidence, I really am Defyant's wife :help:. I am Lisa, and other than the Marauder's pretty wheels, I dont find it particularly eye catching :neener: . Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle. :snoopy:

I'm more into paranormal/ghost sites, EVP... antiques, could spend hours, and have, browsing antique malls, although I get a little miffed when I see 80's things there :censor: . Things from the 19th century and the early 1900s fascinate me. I'm originally from Long Island, have listened to Howard Stern since I was 12 and it shows :puke: so I will likely try to keep relatively quiet around here since it's my hubby's site, my mouth gets me jammed up every once in a while :bs:

PM me if you frequent cool paranormal sites, maybe we can exchange some favorites. :high5:


02-10-2005, 10:40 AM
His Better half is here now!!!! So he will have to behave!!! :bs: :lol: :lol: Now you can see why we are so disfunctional!! Glad to have you around!!!!!

02-10-2005, 10:41 AM
My name here is no coincidence, I really am Defyant's wife :help:. I am Lisa, and other than the Marauder's pretty wheels, I dont find it particularly eye catching :neener: . Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle. :snoopy:

I'm more into paranormal/ghost sites, EVP... antiques, could spend hours, and have, browsing antique malls, although I get a little miffed when I see 80's things there :censor: . Things from the 19th century and the early 1900s fascinate me. I'm originally from Long Island, have listened to Howard Stern since I was 12 and it shows :puke: so I will likely try to keep relatively quiet around here since it's my hubby's site, my mouth gets me jammed up every once in a while :bs:

PM me if you frequent cool paranormal sites, maybe we can exchange some favorites. :high5:


Lemme be the first to say welcome aboard shweety!!

Now repeat after me:

"A Trilogy is my friend, not just another part for the car." :bows:

02-10-2005, 10:43 AM
My name here is no coincidence, I really am Defyant's wife :help:. I am Lisa, and other than the Marauder's pretty wheels, I dont find it particularly eye catching :neener: . Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle. :snoopy:

I'm more into paranormal/ghost sites, EVP... antiques, could spend hours, and have, browsing antique malls, although I get a little miffed when I see 80's things there :censor: . Things from the 19th century and the early 1900s fascinate me. I'm originally from Long Island, have listened to Howard Stern since I was 12 and it shows :puke: so I will likely try to keep relatively quiet around here since it's my hubby's site, my mouth gets me jammed up every once in a while :bs:

PM me if you frequent cool paranormal sites, maybe we can exchange some favorites. :high5:


EVP? *shudders*
Thats too scary! How do you sleep at night???

02-10-2005, 10:58 AM
Welcome aboard. Being from Long Island and enjoying the paranormal, About how many times have you passed by the Amityville Horror house????

02-10-2005, 11:14 AM
Welcome aboard. Being from Long Island and enjoying the paranormal, About how many times have you passed by the Amityville Horror house????
Well, i lived real close to the house, but went by it maybe 5 times. My aunt and cousin are cleaning ladies there now for the last hand full of years for the newest owners. And actually, my avatar is a picture an investigator picked up during the night many years ago. There was no boy in the house the night of the investigation, and actually that photo is very famous so I posted it on avatar hoping to catch the eye of some ghost-loving fleshies that may be here. :rolleyes:

02-10-2005, 11:37 AM
Well, i lived real close to the house, but went by it maybe 5 times. My aunt and cousin are cleaning ladies there now for the last hand full of years for the newest owners. And actually, my avatar is a picture an investigator picked up during the night many years ago. There was no boy in the house the night of the investigation, and actually that photo is very famous so I posted it on avatar hoping to catch the eye of some ghost-loving fleshies that may be here. :rolleyes:

Very cool photo. Enjoy the site.

Mike Poore
02-10-2005, 11:38 AM
..... Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle. Lisa
It's the grandfatherly gentlemen who drive those MM's, who will excite you, young lady. I guess you're an avid fan of Art Bell, if your interests go towards the paranormal. Are you acquainted with Brian Weiss' Many Lives, Many Masters? If not, you can get an autographed copy on his website. The book is highly recommended by an exciting grandfatherly gentleman who drives an MM.;)

02-10-2005, 12:22 PM
It's the grandfatherly gentlemen who drive those MM's, who will excite you, young lady. I guess you're an avid fan of Art Bell, if your interests go towards the paranormal. Are you acquainted with Brian Weiss' Many Lives, Many Masters? If not, you can get an autographed copy on his website. The book is highly recommended by an exciting grandfatherly gentleman who drives an MM.;):D Funny.... but you're not quite old enough to be my grandfather. So why can i get this book here autographed? Is Brian Weiss a member here?, or should I ask.... is Brian Weiss's DAD a member here ? :banana: :laugh:
just kidding.... i know there are a few young people here :P

Mike Poore
02-10-2005, 04:04 PM
:D Funny.... but you're not quite old enough to be my grandfather. So why can i get this book here autographed? Is Brian Weiss a member here?, or should I ask.... is Brian Weiss's DAD a member here ? :banana: :laugh:
just kidding.... i know there are a few young people here :P
Brian's the MD who's the author and was on with Art a couple of weeks ago. you can look him up on the net, or Art's site has a link. Dr. Weiss runs an institute of sorts, and has credentials out the ying-yang. I called his toll free number and ordered a signed copy. I can bring mine along to the CAM doo on the 20th if you'd like. Barb's reading it now, or I'd let you borrow it. That way it lowers the cost per view, y'know.;)

You didn't mention if you listen to the program, Lisa. It's on WMAL AM 630 & starts at 2AM and runs to 5AM. "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory". Art Bell does the weekend shows. (Sat & Sunday)

If you're wondering about being awake at all hours, it's one of the benefits of growing old. :rolleyes:

02-10-2005, 04:42 PM
My name here is no coincidence, I really am Defyant's wife :help:. I am Lisa, and other than the Marauder's pretty wheels, I dont find it particularly eye catching :neener: . Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle. :snoopy:
Grandfatherly??? Troublemaker !!! :rolleyes: OK, so who is "Mrs. Defyant" then? :confused: Just kidding .......... but you may have just stuck your hand in the "hornet's nest". Dare you to come to the CAM meet on 20 Feb.

Long Island .... I lived in the East Meadow/Uniondale area for 2 years a while back. Worked out in Suffolk in Holbrook across from the airport. :D

BTW Lisa ... Welcome to the MM.Net site :welcome: and I hope you get all your answers. You may not find alot of paranormal here ... but we have abby-normal in abundance. :rofl:

Welcome aboard. Being from Long Island and enjoying the paranormal, About how many times have you passed by the Amityville Horror house????
I saw it once. Unmistakeable with the upper windows like eyes looking at you. Of course, that was back in 1979-1980 timeframe.

02-10-2005, 05:45 PM
Being a "A Liner" I listen to George and Art when the complaints allow. I also own a 140 year old haunted house. My wifes great uncle passed on here and never left. Luckily he is just a prankster and leaves you alone if you get angry with him. Don't need any EVP as we've seen him.

02-10-2005, 06:07 PM
I saw the ghost of Jim Beam once. He punched me in the head and left me with one helluva hangover.

02-10-2005, 06:25 PM
Hi Lisa !! Good to see a defyant wife on here.lol.Well all those old foegies here drive them grandfather cars just like they were grandfathers themselves(gonna catch for this) .i'll tell ya what when i get my car(Grandfather car) back come to a meet and i'll grandpop Charlie drive you in my ole foeggie car (if you can put up with the ben gay smell) so you can tell gramps it's ok to get the trilogy.Don't ya just love the sound of the Howard Stern show in the morning? Me and my son listen every moring on the way to work and at work as well. it's gonna be a little difficult when he goes to pay($$$$) radio..Hope ya come to a meet soon . :beer: ....

Great avatar Just like the boy in the movie 3 men and a baby...:up:

02-10-2005, 06:40 PM
i'll tell ya what when i get my car(Grandfather car) back come to a meet and i'll grandpop Charlie drive you in my ole foeggie car (if you can put up with the ben gay smell)
Uhhh ... Thanks, I think :confused: Ben Gay ?? :rolleyes: Actually, I am kinda partial to Old Spice. :D

02-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Well, maybe i'll poke around a bit and see what you all find so exciting about this grandfatherly looking vehicle.
OK? Who let you in? :)
I'm more into paranormal/ghost sites, EVP... antiques, could spend hours, and have, browsing antique malls, although I get a little miffed when I see 80's things there :censor: . Things from the 19th century and the early 1900s fascinate me. I'm originally from Long Island, have listened to Howard Stern since I was 12 and it shows :puke:
If you don't tell any else that we will let you stay

so I will likely try to keep relatively quiet around here since it's my hubby's site, my mouth gets me jammed up every once in a while :bs:

PM me if you frequent cool paranormal sites, maybe we can exchange some favorites. :high5:


Lisa you may just fine us a bit more odd that any paranormal site you have been too

02-10-2005, 06:46 PM
Uhhh ... Thanks, I think :confused: Ben Gay ?? :rolleyes: Actually, I am kinda partial to Old Spice. :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So was i but as i got older i found out when you mix the two the reaction cuases vapors that burn your eyes and damage the retinas .so since i need the ben gay more i had to cut out the old spice..:lol: You crazy buddy... :beer:

King Fubar
02-10-2005, 07:07 PM
This is no joke, I found that Old Spice actually works as a mosquito repellent, at least the deoderant does. Since I'm not into taking Deet baths every couple hours and working outside in SW Florida the mosquitoes are viscious. I started wearing the deoderant and no mosquitoes bothered me at all. I even had a short haired dog that was allergic to mosquitoes and fleas, slathered her up with an old bar in the summer when she went out and she never got touched.

02-10-2005, 09:38 PM
You didn't mention if you listen to the program, Lisa. It's on WMAL AM 630 & starts at 2AM and runs to 5AM. "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory". Art Bell does the weekend shows. (Sat & Sunday)

If you're wondering about being awake at all hours, it's one of the benefits of growing old. :rolleyes: Sorry, no i never even heard of that guy and his show. I am way asleep during those hours. The book sounds interesting though, i'll look for it next time i'm in the book store.

02-10-2005, 09:42 PM
Ahhhh i see i touched a few nerves with the old-fart car comments Lmao..... OK Ok, i am sorry... if for no other reason then I forgot you guys are all local and i may end up meeting you for real.... wow, not used to that... better watch my big mouth.... :laugh:

anywho, i just calls 'em as I sees 'em. And no doubt a couple of them smell of Ben gay, my first guess was moth balls ;)


02-10-2005, 09:46 PM
This is no joke, I found that Old Spice actually works as a mosquito repellent, at least the deoderant does. Since I'm not into taking Deet baths every couple hours and working outside in SW Florida the mosquitoes are viscious. I started wearing the deoderant and no mosquitoes bothered me at all. I even had a short haired dog that was allergic to mosquitoes and fleas, slathered her up with an old bar in the summer when she went out and she never got touched.
Ah yes, exactly, you slather anyone up with Old Spice and they are guaranteed 'not to be touched'! :D

02-10-2005, 09:56 PM
Sorry, no i never even heard of that guy and his show. I am way asleep during those hours. The book sounds interesting though, i'll look for it next time i'm in the book store.You should tape the show. Noory and Bell are the gurus of anything paranormal.

02-10-2005, 10:15 PM
Being a "A Liner" I listen to George and Art when the complaints allow. I also own a 140 year old haunted house. My wifes great uncle passed on here and never left. Luckily he is just a prankster and leaves you alone if you get angry with him. Don't need any EVP as we've seen him.
140-year-old house... mmmm sounds nice. Seeing ghosts in there though.... i think that would take a long time to get used to :D I've smelled things like cigars and cigarette smoke (no smokers in the house) and heard things ... and if these things were paranormal, that's enough for this big chicken... i'd rather just see/read about others experiences Tyvm LoL Last thing I heard happened about a month ago, i woke up hearing what i thought was one of the kids whispering "mommy" so i sat up in bed and looked towards the dark door to figure out which kid it was , heard it again like whichever it was was standing in the doorway so i got up and both kids were in their beds fast asleep. Apparently sometimes spirits will just pass through your house without actually staying to haunt, so .... if you believe in that sort of thing ;)

02-10-2005, 10:22 PM
Now repeat after me:

"A Trilogy is my friend, not just another part for the car." :bows:

Chant this like a mantra all day every day. It is the one true meaning in life. :lol:

Mike Poore
02-11-2005, 02:14 AM
Sorry, no i never even heard of that guy and his show. I am way asleep during those hours. The book sounds interesting though, i'll look for it next time i'm in the book store.
Lisa, you just gotta GOOGLE Art Bell. You're gonna be astonished. Right now, George is interviewing a woman who's written books about past lives. :)

02-11-2005, 08:50 AM
You can also go here: www.coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com)

Mike Poore
02-13-2005, 05:06 PM
You can also go here: www.coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com)
Hey, rayjay, are we the only guys who know about Art Bell? ;)

02-13-2005, 05:11 PM
Hey, rayjay, are we the only guys who know about Art Bell? ;)
Archie Bell's brother, right ??? Time to do the "Tighen Up" :rofl:

Mike Poore
02-13-2005, 11:58 PM
Archie Bell's brother, right ??? Time to do the "Tighen Up" :rofl:
Nope not the same BELL. Art's on in a few minuted with John Lear for four hours. Great stuff.

See you guys Sunday? Did you see Marauder Mark's Ghetto Schnitz name? He wind the contest.:rofl:

02-14-2005, 08:38 AM
Hey, rayjay, are we the only guys who know about Art Bell? ;)
Mike, maybe we are the only ones out of the closet. :rofl: