View Full Version : Pentagon was hit by what?

02-12-2005, 09:24 AM
I'm was checking out the http://costofwar.com site and other things and came across this sent to me by a good freind, I have dial-up and it come's in crappy but from what I gather they are claiming something other than an airliner hit the Pentagon. It looks interesting and the music ain't too bad. Let me know what ya 's think.......http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php#Main

02-12-2005, 09:34 AM
Complete and utter poppy ****.

02-12-2005, 09:40 AM
The "Flat Earth society" strikes again.

02-12-2005, 09:46 AM
I'm was checking out the http://costofwar.com site and other things and came across this sent to me by a good freind, I have dial-up and it come's in crappy but from what I gather they are claiming something other than an airliner hit the Pentagon. It looks interesting and the music ain't too bad. Let me know what ya 's think.......http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php#Main

The music is good, but the idea is crazy. If the plane didn't hit the Pentagon where did it go? Even if it was something else what does it matter?

If the America hating pieces of crap didn't highjack our planes it wouldn't have happened either way.

While they are entitled to their opinion, some people have too much spare time in my opinion.:rolleyes:

02-12-2005, 10:20 AM
Another conspiracy theory.

Personally, I am still asking, "Was there a second spiiter on the grassy knoll???"

02-12-2005, 10:34 AM
The second spitter was near the gravelly road, and this was already answered in a Seinfeld episode.

The "magic loogey" theory doesn't hold water.


02-12-2005, 10:43 AM
Ya know what? That's pretty intriguing. I gotta give 'em that. I would like to take the time and do some real research through official reports to see what matches and what doesn't.

But I of course do not have that kind of time.

It would make for a great movie or book in any case.

Keeping an open mind is always a good thing.


02-12-2005, 10:49 AM
Keeping an open mind is always a good thing.


If you keep your mind too open people will throw junk like this in it.

02-12-2005, 10:56 AM
There goes yet anouther group of chromosonally challenged miscreants who should be be thrown screaming from a plane.

The gene-pool certainly needs skimming, there is far too much scum in it.

02-12-2005, 11:05 AM
If you keep your mind too open people will throw junk like this in it.

Only if you let them. Keeping an open mind and being gullible are two different things.

Being so rigid as to say something is completely impossible, now that is a bit more misguided, IMO.

Far stranger things have happened. Like I said, I haven't read official reports so I don't know how much bunk is involved here. I just said it was entertaining.

It's not like I'm fashioning a tinfoil hat. Well, another one, anyway.


02-12-2005, 04:59 PM
Complete and utter poppy ****.
Agreed .... I have friends that saw the plane come in low over Alexandria. It was large and it was low ... turned hard over Arlington Cemetery ... clipped lightpoles as it crossed the road and struck the E-Ring just above the helipad. The blast impact and fire destroyed everything almost into the B-ring on that side and wiped out my old office. :(

While interesting .... the video is :bs: and serves no useful purpose.

02-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Far stranger things have happened.

OK I'll bite. What stranger thing has happened?

02-12-2005, 05:10 PM
Thanks Merc That was interesting to watch..

02-12-2005, 05:30 PM
Don't you read the news?

There are only a few thousand unexplained stories out there. Do a Google if you're interested.



OK I'll bite. What stranger thing has happened?

02-12-2005, 06:16 PM
I'm was checking out the http://costofwar.com (http://costofwar.com/) site and other things and came across this sent to me by a good freind, I have dial-up and it come's in crappy but from what I gather they are claiming something other than an airliner hit the Pentagon. It looks interesting and the music ain't too bad. Let me know what ya 's think.......http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php#Main

What did you expect?

With this regime if their lips are moving it's all lies!



God Bless America and save us from corporate bondage

02-12-2005, 07:02 PM
And, another thing, what did they do with all the passengers on the "missing" plane? Are they with Jimmy Hoffa?

02-12-2005, 07:02 PM
Totally amazing that there are half brained, mouth breathing morons like this out there. I lost my Commanding Officer ( CAPT Robert E. Dolan, USN ) at the Pentagon. I also lost my niece at the World Trade Center...with that said, I would gladly empty my service weapon into these people and proudly do the prison sentence.

:mad: :mad2:

02-12-2005, 10:55 PM
Careful about those random hit....ok I won't go there.

I really want too...I'd feel almost patriotic. But I won't. But I want too. Man, the things some people say...I just really shouldn't add to it.

Hey, there's a cool T-shirt thread in the lounge...go check that out instead!

Totally amazing that there are half brained, mouth breathing morons like this out there. I lost my Commanding Officer ( CAPT Robert E. Dolan, USN ) at the Pentagon. I also lost my niece at the World Trade Center...with that said, I would gladly empty my service weapon into these people and proudly do the prison sentence.

:mad: :mad2:

02-12-2005, 11:47 PM
It is amazing how mad some people get when they find out that not everybody believes the BS which fooled them, delivered on the corporate aligned new outlets.

It is also amazing how much of this corporate sponsored BS is embraced by people who actually believe it.

Fox news is certainly the worst outlet for truthful information today.

I no longer believe anything that comes out of Washington DC other than absolute breaking news footage delivered on both domestic and overseas networks. By the time the regularly scheduled news shows cover it the spin has already been manufactured.

A perfect example of this type of manipulation of information were the live photos from Waco, TX, broadcast mid-day, showing the tanks with the napalm delivery attachment poking through the walls of the Branch Dividian building delivering death to those inside.

By the time the evening news covered this these were nowhere to be seen again. The sanitized story says that only tear gas was being used. Tear gas canisters are easily thrown or launched through windows, not punched through walls.

I am fortunate to have recorded this attack on civilians and have shown it to many friends.

A bunch if us were on the radio at the time and were discussing it as it happened.

I won't even get into the downing of TWA flight 800 over the Atlantic coast.

It is best to try and be happy and don't place too much stock in broadcast information or in conspiracy theories either. As individuals, most of us have no way to really verify anything anyway.



David Morton
02-13-2005, 01:36 AM
"There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt before investigation." - Herbert Spencer

The saddest part is that most Americans consider believing the media machine, newspapers, magazines, TV, talk radio, etcetera to be all the investigation needed. They trust someone else to do the investigating for them.

Orwells' 1984 is a good read, especially these days.

But then, if somebody just calls me an "America hater", then nobody is gonna take anything I say to heart anyways, right? :beatnik:

02-13-2005, 05:47 AM
I cannot think of what the motive to cover up the cause of the event would be.

There is a fact that the first web site does not point out and it is that Defense spending is 17% of Federal spending, which is exactly 1/2 of the post WWII average. Point being the peace devidend is huge. Non-defense spending in real dollars adjusted for inflation increased 162.5% between 1980 and 2000.


02-13-2005, 07:14 AM
Complete and utter poppy ****.

Not my exact words, but close enough.

02-13-2005, 07:14 AM
As long as there is an Area 51, I will not be surprised by anything the Government says or does.

02-13-2005, 09:39 AM
As long as there is an Area 51, I will not be surprised by anything the Government says or does.

Area 51 is just a decoy. Area 52 is where the real cool stuff is.

02-13-2005, 09:45 AM
Area 51 is just a decoy. Area 52 is where the real cool stuff is.

The real secrets are in Martyo's back yard!


02-13-2005, 10:02 AM
Where's the plane?? Ok. Where are the other two aircraft that hit the WTC? They're completely obliterated, melted, incinerated, destroyed. You don't see any a/c recovery pictures from the WTC like you see in their little video. Jets are made of light aluminum, and other composite material so they can fly. Not hard core iron, or steel. With impacts like that, nothing would be left.

Ive been out to the crash site of United 93 in Sommerset PA. Ive talked to the locals there. I've seen their pictures...heard their stories. That plane burried itself under 40 feet of hillside in one huge smoking hole. Nothing was left of anything. One man I spoke with said he was out bailing hay in his backyard (about 500 yards from impact) When the plane hit, the shockwave threw him back 10 feet, right onto his back.


02-13-2005, 10:30 AM
Area 52?! Damn you History Channel!!
Area 51 is just a decoy. Area 52 is where the real cool stuff is.

02-13-2005, 11:32 AM
Actually, it's area 51A. Try Area 51's broom closet, pay the blind man, and speak the secret phrase.


Area 51 is just a decoy. Area 52 is where the real cool stuff is.

02-13-2005, 11:55 AM
I won't even get into the downing of TWA flight 800 over the Atlantic coast.
In light of what I know now, (not because of the silly video, but the vents over the last 5 yrs) I truly believe Flt 800 was shot down. :alone:

If the truth had been know, the outrage would have come sooner and perhaps 9/11/00 never would have happen.......

02-13-2005, 12:17 PM
Something everyone should acknowledge is the fact that I defended your right to be able to speak as openly and freely as you are doing now in this thread and on this site... I am not going to try to disspell what you believe or do not believe because that is exactly what I defended this country for...our freddom to think and act as individuals but to unite as a country...please do me the honor of at least backing one another up in bad times or the bullet I caught in Bosnia was wasted....


Donny Carlson
02-13-2005, 04:13 PM
Where's the plane?? Ok. Where are the other two aircraft that hit the WTC? They're completely obliterated, melted, incinerated, destroyed. You don't see any a/c recovery pictures from the WTC like you see in their little video. Jets are made of light aluminum, and other composite material so they can fly. Not hard core iron, or steel. With impacts like that, nothing would be left.

Ive been out to the crash site of United 93 in Sommerset PA. Ive talked to the locals there. I've seen their pictures...heard their stories. That plane burried itself under 40 feet of hillside in one huge smoking hole. Nothing was left of anything. One man I spoke with said he was out bailing hay in his backyard (about 500 yards from impact) When the plane hit, the shockwave threw him back 10 feet, right onto his back.

-Mat This is what I was thinking as well. The photos of crash wreckage can't be compared to this crash because there are large differences between a plane that is trying not to crash as opposed to deliberately being aimed, amount of fuel on board, speed, hitting a building or the open ground,etc. I would bet there are small plane pieces and human remains that were found. In the WTC disaster, both were found on top of surrounding buildings, but as described "they could easily be placed inside a shoe box."

Biggest problems with the idea that this was a missle hit instead of an airliner deliberately crashed is the missing crew and passengers, second biggest problem is motive to cover up the truth.

Oh, and if summary execution of persons who piss you off makes you patriotic, then I guess the Germans and Japanese during WWII were just being patriots, not to mention that Vietnamese Officer that executed a "detainee" in front of US film crews back in the 60's.

02-13-2005, 04:19 PM
What do you think hit the Pentagon, Kerry's rubber band Air Force?

Conspiracy theories only go so far in believability...do you think
noone saw the incoming plane crash?

What happened to all the passengers?
Oh yeah, they are being held in Area 51.


even fast ricers I can believe in...

This is unworthy of serious consideration.




02-13-2005, 04:22 PM
Where's the plane?? Ok. Where are the other two aircraft that hit the WTC? They're completely obliterated, melted, incinerated, destroyed. You don't see any a/c recovery pictures from the WTC like you see in their little video. Jets are made of light aluminum, and other composite material so they can fly. Not hard core iron, or steel. With impacts like that, nothing would be left.

Ive been out to the crash site of United 93 in Sommerset PA. Ive talked to the locals there. I've seen their pictures...heard their stories. That plane burried itself under 40 feet of hillside in one huge smoking hole. Nothing was left of anything. One man I spoke with said he was out bailing hay in his backyard (about 500 yards from impact) When the plane hit, the shockwave threw him back 10 feet, right onto his back.

The landing gear, wheels, black box, and some engine components would survive such an impact. Everything else, which wasn't vaporized, would look like it went through a tree shredder.



02-13-2005, 05:29 PM
The real secrets are in Martyo's back yard!


I thought they were at Team Ford.

02-13-2005, 05:54 PM
Something everyone should acknowledge is the fact that I defended your right to be able to speak as openly and freely as you are doing now in this thread and on this site... I am not going to try to disspell what you believe or do not believe because that is exactly what I defended this country for...our freddom to think and act as individuals but to unite as a country...please do me the honor of at least backing one another up in bad times or the bullet I caught in Bosnia was wasted....


In this country you have the right to believe whatever silly things you want to believe.

02-13-2005, 10:48 PM
Totally agree with you DWass....I just need to shut up, sit back and chuckle to myself sometimes....


Dr Caleb
02-14-2005, 10:46 AM
But then, if somebody just calls me an "America hater", then nobody is gonna take anything I say to heart anyways, right? :beatnik:

Try being Canadian sometimes. For some people not being American is the same thing as being anti-American.

There are many 'Conspiracy theories' out there. The problem with them, is as soon as there is evidence, they are no longer 'theories'. As soon as many people's notion of reality is challenged, they attack the messenger, rather than challenge the message.

These guys try to give people a second voice into some 'official' stories. Many attack them as left wingers, rather than see if what they are saying makes sense or is bunk.


They produced a video that raises some interesting questions. Do these questions constitute a conspiracy? Who knows, but they are interesting questions.


I remeber that day, being glued to CNN. I remeber when building 7 went down, and wondered why. And no one has ever explained what I saw to my satisfaction. Does that make me doubt the official version of what happened that day? A little, but not by itself.

02-14-2005, 11:47 AM
It should be clear to all by now that the Pentagon was attacked by one of these:



02-14-2005, 12:26 PM
It should be clear to all by now that the Pentagon was attacked by one of these:



Star Jones' vibrator attacked the Pentagon? Only in America...

02-14-2005, 12:58 PM
Something everyone should acknowledge is the fact that I defended your right to be able to speak as openly and freely as you are doing now in this thread and on this site... I am not going to try to disspell what you believe or do not believe because that is exactly what I defended this country for...our freddom to think and act as individuals but to unite as a country...please do me the honor of at least backing one another up in bad times or the bullet I caught in Bosnia was wasted....

:cool:I agree with the fact, that because people don't agree with this war, that they shouldn't support it. Well, if you don't support the war, then you don't support or men and women that are over there giving there lives for our country. I have not served our country due to medical limitations, but I have tried. I would gladly give my life for my family and my country. I agree with the fact that there are some oddities with some of the events of 9/11, but it doesn't make me like my country any less.

02-14-2005, 01:56 PM
Here's an article from POPULAR MECHANICS (http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html?page=1) called 9/11: Debunking The Myths.