View Full Version : Just for the sake of arguement.

Mike Poore
02-16-2005, 08:16 AM
I'm mostly talking to LEO's here; but what if you stopped me for speeding. Nothing outrageous, mind you, say, 9 over the limit, and I've got the right attitude, would a vanity plate like 2FAST4U, make any difference? Would you be more or less likely to write a ticket, or wouldn't it matter. There's no story here, just curious.;)

02-16-2005, 09:15 AM
In my 30+ years going 9 over wasn't a big deal, like you said, Right attitude, and being polite during the stop. Unless you drew attention to yourself prior to the 9 over. In my case, I didn't write until 12 to 15 over, then there's no question about the speed later in court. Now, School Zones, all bets are off. I guess thats why I spent 15 years in Investigation, didn't write enough tickets..

02-16-2005, 10:00 AM
My experience level is about the same as Bootlegger's....wasn't much into traffic stuff either. Attitude plays a big part on minor stuff, also how willful/wanton the violations are. If the guy is speeding and darting around a little in light-moderate traffic and not hurting anybody + good attitude... probably no ticket. On the other hand, out and out reckless driving usually requires more drastic action. The type, size and organizational culture of the police agency you're dealing with may also play a part... with highway patrol outfits dealing with traffic matters are their main concern. In addition, tickets and minor traffic stuff is sometimes considered a big deal for some of the smaller police agencies (Mayberry outfits) who really aren't very busy handling more important stuff (hope I didn't offend anyone here). As far as the "go fast" license plate, a lot of cops I've known are car guys (although many aren't) : I personally would have thought it was kinda cool. BILL

Mike Poore
02-16-2005, 10:04 AM
In my 30+ years going 9 over wasn't a big deal, like you said, Right attitude, and being polite during the stop. Unless you drew attention to yourself prior to the 9 over. In my case, I didn't write until 12 to 15 over, then there's no question about the speed later in court. Now, School Zones, all bets are off. I guess thats why I spent 15 years in Investigation, didn't write enough tickets..
You're missing the point. Would the 2FAST4U vanity plate make any difference, one way or the other?

02-16-2005, 10:04 AM
But the FCKCOPS tag will get you beaten for sure.

02-16-2005, 10:23 AM
Wouldn't even pull you over for 9 mph beyond the limit unless other factors come in (ie. lapsed tags, taillight out, etc). Would only stop you if it was a VERY slow day and I would look for PC (probable cause) to find other infractions/misd/felonies because I was bored.

Your attitude is the ONLY mitigating factor not to cite. (unless you were the Chief's son!) :argue:

Your plate would have no relevance and would just make it easier for me to run. :D

Drive the speed limit and avoid me if you can. I know it's difficult with our MM's but "a man need's to know his limitations." :cool4:

PR :burnout:

02-16-2005, 10:25 AM
The vanity tag would have no influence on me. But I am a car guy. There are some among us who are not and may feel flamed by that. If you were nabbed and went to court, the judge would see your tag and probably take notice....

Now some mut out there has a tag that I hear reads "COPSLIE". I might be alittle mifed about that!

This place needs a "Donut Shop" (oops, that goes to the suggestion box)

02-16-2005, 10:30 AM
Never was for me.

02-16-2005, 11:01 AM
Would make no difference to me.

Would the 2FAST4U vanity plate make any difference, one way or the other?

02-16-2005, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE=Mike Poore]You're missing the point. Would the 2FAST4U vanity plate make any difference, one way or the other?[/QUOTE No difference at all, and it appears the rest feels the same way.

02-16-2005, 01:49 PM
No difference for me. When I worked for another agency and worked the interstate, I kinda considered running radar like fishing, why try to catch the little nibblers when you can be patient and catch bigger fish. In other words why stop someone doing 65-70mph, when if you wait long enough someone's goin to sail through there doing 95-100 mph. Leaves a lot less to argue about. :D :D

02-16-2005, 04:38 PM
I'm mostly talking to LEO's here; but what if you stopped me for speeding. Nothing outrageous, mind you, say, 9 over the limit, and I've got the right attitude, would a vanity plate like 2FAST4U, make any difference? Would you be more or less likely to write a ticket, or wouldn't it matter. There's no story here, just curious.;)

I don't think it would matter. Possibly negative if anything. IMO.

02-16-2005, 05:27 PM
Wouldn't make any difference to me...

I did see a hilarious plate today in the Twin Cities.

It was on a 300C with a Hemi.

Plate was " 169ONE4 "

169.14 is the Minnesota Statute for Speeding :D


02-17-2005, 06:47 AM
You really can't get an accurate assessment on your question because the LEO's on this site are all car guys/gals and we would just find your plate amusing.

I know some officers in my department might think it a little silly to have a vanity plate like that but it definitely wouldn't influence them into giving you a ticket.

As others have said operator attitude goes a long way in determining whether or not I would give a ticket. In my opinion, Motor Vehicle Enforcement is not for punishing people but is for correcting dangerous driving behaviour. If I stopped someone for running a stop sign or speeding and its a first offense and they acknowledge that they broke the law then I usuallly give them a written or verbal warning.

02-22-2005, 11:35 AM
I have a friend who's black 99 Mustang GT had the plate: DA SLO 1. It made a huge difference to the judge.

02-22-2005, 12:04 PM
The vanity tag would have no influence on me. But I am a car guy. There are some among us who are not and may feel flamed by that. If you were nabbed and went to court, the judge would see your tag and probably take notice....

Now some mut out there has a tag that I hear reads "COPSLIE". I might be alittle mifed about that!

This place needs a "Donut Shop" (oops, that goes to the suggestion box)
Bad cop! No donut for you!


02-22-2005, 08:40 PM
It would make no difference to me, personally!


02-23-2005, 04:54 PM
No difference to me. I think some of the newer guys might make a comment to the driver about it, but anything short of a smart --- comment in reply should make it a non issue.

Joe Walsh
02-23-2005, 05:11 PM
But the FCKCOPS tag will get you beaten for sure.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Was that the tag on Rodney King's car???

02-23-2005, 05:28 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Was that the tag on Rodney King's car???

:rofl:LoL Thats funny!!!:up::

02-23-2005, 06:40 PM
...chiming in here, I knew a guy (cop) in a Queens, NYC precinct with a red BMW and his plate bracket read:


Scenario probably went like this : cop pulls the guy over and spots his antaganistic (?) plate and says "yeah this guy`s good for one, only to find out.....he`s a fellow cop.

..Happens more than ya know! :rolleyes:

02-23-2005, 06:54 PM
I read all of the above comments with great interest and respect everyone's opinion. I totally support all LEO and greatly appreicate their great serve to all of us. But, the real answer is NO. Why bring attention of any kind onto yourself. It makes no sense. I am sure most of us on this net drive our MM hard. I know I do. I sincerely try to be safe. But, I would never bring attention to myself driving a MM. It is just not worth it. If you are going to drive the car like a GM owner then go for it. But, you will not. It is hard to resist the temptation to go for it when some young ricer thinks he is better then grandpa's old GM like I did last week. I truely cannot believe how quick these cars are at 4,400+# and modest mods. My $.02.
