View Full Version : Couple braves killer storm for CAM meet.

Mike Poore
02-20-2005, 04:52 PM
Barb & Mike drove from their Pennsylvania mountain retreat in the face of a killer storm to watch Lisa, the defyant wife open a can of whup-ass on Haggis. Although the drive to Maryland's Eastern Shore went without incident, the first flakes of snow that gave warning of the potential dangers facing the brave couple, were swirling hideously about, when they departed the CAM doo at 3:30, this afternoon. As they drove westward across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the darkening skies told the story of danger and foreboding of what was to lie ahead.

Fortunately, as usual, the dopes who hype the weather were, once again, wrong; and since everyone was hunkered down awaiting the wintry blast, the highways were unusually free of traffic, and your heroes made it home in record time.

It was a nice turnout, and the 22oz glass of Heffe-weissen tasted especially good. It was fun to see everyone, and hopefully all made it home safely, and without incident. George, Bluerauder's son, sent four beautiful examples of the CV Police cars he's been making, for us to see, and admire. Merc took pictures and will be posting them.;)

02-20-2005, 05:10 PM
Fortunately, as usual, the dopes who hype the weather were, once again, wrong; and since everyone was hunkered down awaiting the wintry blast, the highways were unusually free of traffic, and your heroes made it home in record time.

George, Bluerauder's son, sent four beautiful examples of the CV Police cars he's been making, for us to see, and admire. Merc took pictures and will be posting them.;)
Bernie and I also made it home in about 75 minutes running interference for Merc and Mrs. Merc. Traffic was moderate but moving well .... Again, we had a great time as always. Here's some pics .... :D

Too bad DefyantWife couldn't make it .......... :P

Anyone interested in the police cars or a custom job by George, send me a PM !! :up:

02-20-2005, 05:10 PM
Well I sat on the fence eating popcorn and decided to hang out with the gang on Sunday. Here are a couple of pictures of the CV's that Charlie's son creates.

02-20-2005, 05:14 PM
I want to see video of the gaunlet being dropped:banana2:

Made it home OK. The only moisture on the pavement came from the deicing truck that sprayed my car white.

Had another good time with everyone, see ya next bat time........

02-20-2005, 06:05 PM
LMAO..... awwww poor Haggis, people were actually wanting you to receive a hurtin' :rofl: Funniest part is i dont even remember "why" he needed my last can of whoopass. Oh well, there's always next month. :neener: Wow, i can see it now.... about a dozen or so Marauder's parked in one Bar/Grill parking lot.... passersby will look and say "gee, must be seniors 10% off night eh?" :laugh: :laugh: :bunny2:

ok, that ought to rile the boys up a bit ;)

02-20-2005, 06:10 PM
.... about a dozen or so Marauder's parked in one Bar/Grill parking lot.... passersby will look and say "gee, must be seniors 10% off night eh?" :laugh: :laugh: :bunny2:
Actually, we were hoping for 20%. :rofl: ... and a free cup of coffee with the AARP card. :rolleyes:

02-20-2005, 06:20 PM
Barb & Mike drove from their Pennsylvania mountain retreat in the face of a killer storm to watch Lisa, the defyant wife open a can of whup-ass on Haggis. Although the drive to Maryland's Eastern Shore went without incident, the first flakes of snow that gave warning of the potential dangers facing the brave couple, were swirling hideously about, when they departed the CAM doo at 3:30, this afternoon. As they drove westward across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the darkening skies told the story of danger and foreboding of what was to lie ahead.

Fortunately, as usual, the dopes who hype the weather were, once again, wrong; and since everyone was hunkered down awaiting the wintry blast, the highways were unusually free of traffic, and your heroes made it home in record time.

It was a nice turnout, and the 22oz glass of Heffe-weissen tasted especially good. It was fun to see everyone, and hopefully all made it home safely, and without incident. George, Bluerauder's son, sent four beautiful examples of the CV Police cars he's been making, for us to see, and admire. Merc took pictures and will be posting them.;)

This a fantastic story i wanna see the movie..:up:

LMAO..... awwww poor Haggis, people were actually wanting you to receive a hurtin' :rofl: Funniest part is i dont even remember "why" he needed my last can of whoopass. Oh well, there's always next month. :neener: Wow, i can see it now.... about a dozen or so Marauder's parked in one Bar/Grill parking lot.... passersby will look and say "gee, must be seniors 10% off night eh?" :laugh: :laugh: :bunny2:

ok, that ought to rile the boys up a bit ;)

Oh man you a trouble maker.:lol: wow i feel sorry for you Haggis i hope Chris will be there to save your a$$..It was old fart night that why i didn't go:lol:

02-20-2005, 06:47 PM
"wow i feel sorry for you Haggis i hope Chris will be there to save your a$$.."

Is Chris his wife? My best guess would be she'd be ahead of me in the Haggis WhoopinAss Line. :bunny2:

02-20-2005, 07:05 PM
"wow i feel sorry for you Haggis i hope Chris will be there to save your a$$.."

Is Chris his wife? My best guess would be she'd be ahead of me in the Haggis WhoopinAss Line. :bunny2:

I think she is but as we will never find out and never know that may be a little to much info for me.. :D

Mike Poore
02-20-2005, 07:12 PM
I think she is but as we will never find out and never know that may be a little to much info for me.. :D
Hey, the green lights are lit. That means all the troublemakers are watching. UM, :neener: GOTCHA!

02-21-2005, 05:47 AM
Made it home OK. The only moisture on the pavement came from the deicing truck that sprayed my car white.......
:( That spray truck couldn't have done a better job if he tried. :mad: Well at least it was a fairly even spray :rolleyes:

Mike Poore
02-21-2005, 11:52 AM
Too bad DefyantWife couldn't make it .......... :P

That Lisa, she's all talk! :hide:

02-21-2005, 01:55 PM
That Lisa, she's all talk! :hide:
You noticed that , too ?? :rolleyes: Kick the door down, roll one in, and duck for cover ............. :D

Mike Poore
02-21-2005, 02:43 PM
You noticed that , too ?? :rolleyes: Kick the door down, roll one in, and duck for cover ............. :DYou forgot, "pull the pin", just before roll one in. :laugh:

By now, you guys should understand my avitar.

02-21-2005, 04:29 PM
You forgot, "pull the pin", just before roll one in. :laugh:

I wasn't gonna tell her about step 2. Gee, thanks Mike. :rofl:

Mike Poore
02-21-2005, 04:44 PM
I wasn't gonna tell her about step 2. Gee, thanks Mike. :rofl:
Yeh (stand back everyone, here comes the blond joke) It'd be just like **** to pick up the granade and say: "What's this pin thingey do?"

Now it's really time to duck :hide:

02-21-2005, 05:36 PM
Oohhh i see you boys have been bad while I was gone today.... tsk tsk tsk :nono:

Well, that may be true that i'm all talk.... i think i'm afraid if i show up you might buckle me into one of your old fogey fart looking cars, err WITH the pretty wheels, and drive all sorts of stupid... trying to prove that its "NOT just your father's oldsmobile" :neener:

02-21-2005, 05:42 PM
Well, that may be true that i'm all talk.... i think i'm afraid if i show up you might buckle me into one of your old fogey fart looking cars, err WITH the pretty wheels, and drive all sorts of stupid... trying to prove that its "NOT just your father's oldsmobile" :neener:
Mike, live grenade. You jump on this one ... I'll take the next !!! :rofl:

02-21-2005, 05:51 PM
Hmmmmm just what *DOES* that pin thingy do ??? :hmmm:


02-21-2005, 06:03 PM
Wow, i can see it now.... about a dozen or so Marauder's parked in one Bar/Grill parking lot.... passersby will look and say "gee, must be seniors 10% off night eh?" :laugh: :laugh: :bunny2:
ok, that ought to rile the boys up a bit ;)

Hey watch it or I'll hit you with my cane:rofl:

OK? What did we ever do to you? :P

02-21-2005, 06:04 PM
Mike, live grenade. You jump on this one ... I'll take the next !!! :rofl:
I have a feeling we will running low on members soon:rofl: :lol:

Mike Poore
02-21-2005, 06:37 PM
Mike, live grenade. You jump on this one ... I'll take the next !!! :rofl:
HA! Easy for YOU to say. Me? I don't jump on no live granades, I only toss 'em. How'd you think I got to be such an old Bastage.

Ummmmm, still listning to Nickel Creek, now with a small cognac sitting atop craftypoke's granite god's head hockey puck. Ahhhh life IS good.:2thumbs:

02-21-2005, 07:16 PM
"wow i feel sorry for you Haggis i hope Chris will be there to save your a$$.."

Is Chris his wife? My best guess would be she'd be ahead of me in the Haggis WhoopinAss Line. :bunny2:

Don't go feeling sorry for me now, keep your pity to your self. :razz:

Yes Chris is my wife, she takes care of my light work!! She don't let anyone kick my azz without her approval...er I mean going through her first. Yea that's it. Like I said earlier it's a Loooonnnnngggggg line, pick a number, your chance might come in two to three years. :rolleyes:

...and I still ain't telling you who Barry is!! :P

**Hey Charlie I think it's time you put Lisa back in her place, she has had enough fun on here. Play times over back to the kitchen wench, Charlie wants his dinner and when your done with that he would like a back rub.

02-21-2005, 07:42 PM
**Hey Charlie I think it's time you put Lisa back in her place, she has had enough fun on here. Play times over back to the kitchen wench, Charlie wants his dinner and when your done with that he would like a back rub.
OMFG :censor: :bs: :censor: :bs: :censor: :bs:

Wow, and "Haggis" was my favorite name to find a reply from on here.... WAS being the key word :corner:


02-21-2005, 07:50 PM
WOW! Sorry I miss a really good meet on Sunday:confused:

02-22-2005, 08:58 AM
OMFG :censor: :bs: :censor: :bs: :censor: :bs:

Wow, and "Haggis" was my favorite name to find a reply from on here.... WAS being the key word :corner:


Hey if you can't take the heat....back to the oven. Charlie works hard all day protecting our sorry azzes from the low life scums and provides you with a nice house and two wonderful kids. Don't you think he deserves a nice hot meal and a back rub when he gets home from work? Oh yea and don't forget the S/C! :rofl:

Remember haggis the food you love to hate. :D

02-22-2005, 09:16 AM
:bs: Oh Haggis, you talk a lot of trash..... :shake:

I see you werent beat nearly enough as a child http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v682/snexus/kickass.gif

:banana: :banana: :banana:

02-22-2005, 09:22 AM
:bs: Oh Haggis, you talk a lot of trash..... :shake:
Here's a phrase that I haven't heard here in awhile. :dunno: Don't feed the trolls !!! :rofl:

02-22-2005, 09:24 AM
:bs: Oh Haggis, you talk a lot of trash..... :shake:

I see you werent beat nearly enough as a child http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v682/snexus/kickass.gif

:banana: :banana: :banana:

No, but I was dropped on my head quite a few times. I wasn't the one who chicken out of the Meet yesterday. ;)

02-22-2005, 09:26 AM
Here's a phrase that I haven't heard here in awhile. :dunno: Don't feed the trolls !!! :rofl:

Charlie, thats no way to talk to Charlie's (Defyant) wife. She might be a lot of things, but she is not a Troll. :nono:

02-22-2005, 09:27 AM
Hey if you can't take the heat....back to the oven. Charlie works hard all day protecting our sorry azzes from the low life scums and provides you with a nice house and two wonderful kids. Don't you think he deserves a nice hot meal and a back rub when he gets home from work? Oh yea and don't forget the S/C! :rofl:
Hey! Is it to late to ask for a Hummer too?:D

02-22-2005, 09:28 AM

Standing around, looking under hoods and scratching myself was never my thang, but maybe I'll give it a whirl in March. :bunny2:

02-22-2005, 09:29 AM
Hey! Is it to late to ask for a Hummer too?:D
:bs: :lol:

02-22-2005, 09:36 AM

Standing around, looking under hoods and scratching myself was never my thang, but maybe I'll give it a whirl in March. :bunny2:

Yeah me too !! Until i looked under Haggis's hood and thought i want one of those.. :banana:

02-22-2005, 09:42 AM
Hey! Is it to late to ask for a Hummer too?:D

Not going there. :banned:


Standing around, looking under hoods and scratching myself was never my thang, but maybe I'll give it a whirl in March.

Hey that's not all we do. We have the seceret hand shake and the rights of initiation.

02-22-2005, 09:49 AM
We have the seceret hand shake and the rights of initiation.

And who wears the Grand Poobah hat ? :laugh: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

02-22-2005, 09:52 AM
We have the seceret hand shake and the rights of initiation.

And who wears the Grand Poobah hat ? :laugh: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

The Grand Poobah of course!! :sigh:

02-22-2005, 09:58 AM
We have the seceret hand shake and the rights of initiation.

And who wears the Grand Poobah hat ? :laugh: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Well since your the newest member i think Haggis will let you wear it... :D

02-22-2005, 09:58 AM
We have the seceret hand shake and the rights of initiation.
.....and rights of asention too. With Klingon pain sticks..