View Full Version : Police Chase Video

02-26-2005, 07:04 AM

02-26-2005, 07:30 AM
That was a bad one - any more news?

02-26-2005, 07:32 AM
No I got it off a local web site.

02-26-2005, 07:33 AM
He got ejected from the game! Wonder if he lived? That thing was so close to rolling onto him at the last second it isn't even funny.

02-26-2005, 07:41 AM
He got ejected from the game! Wonder if he lived? That thing was so close to rolling onto him at the last second it isn't even funny.

Yea i saw that too.it looked like it may have rolled a little on his head..Maybe he's head strung.Strong:lol:

02-26-2005, 07:54 AM

OK,.. tell me if I'm the only one that feels like this:

I love when these dumb asses that flee from the cops wreck! As long as they only injure themselves,.. I laugh my ass off! :up:

anybody else? ..or am I just a sadistic bastage?

02-26-2005, 08:10 AM
I got dizzy just watching the truck rollover!

de minimus
02-26-2005, 08:32 AM
Yikes! I'm not sure about proper police procedure but it looked to me like the first cop on scene handcuffed the guy. Doesn't look to me like the speeder is going anywhere (except to maybe the morgue).

02-26-2005, 08:56 AM

OK,.. tell me if I'm the only one that feels like this:

I love when these dumb asses that flee from the cops wreck! As long as they only injure themselves,.. I laugh my ass off! :up:

anybody else? ..or am I just a sadistic bastage?
Naw....but the first thing that crossed my mind was all the folks who do not wear seat belts....I guess I'm off the matter as well.

Donny Carlson
02-26-2005, 09:19 AM
Also, he was ejected through the passenger side window - the doors were shut. If you stop the vid and step through the roll over you'll see it.

Joe Walsh
02-26-2005, 10:31 AM

OK,.. tell me if I'm the only one that feels like this:

I love when these dumb asses that flee from the cops wreck! As long as they only injure themselves,.. I laugh my ass off! :up:

anybody else? ..or am I just a sadistic bastage?

I agree....they usually get what they deserve!

"Hello ONSTAR.....I missed my exit ramp!"

02-26-2005, 10:46 AM

OK,.. tell me if I'm the only one that feels like this:

I love when these dumb asses that flee from the cops wreck! As long as they only injure themselves,.. I laugh my ass off! :up:

anybody else? ..or am I just a sadistic bastage?

I do not usually laugh at tragic events...but, there is indeed a bit of karma at work here. If the perp had not run (drive away) he would not have suffered his fate.

I don't know what makes these people think they can outrun the police, let alone their radio!



02-26-2005, 10:48 AM

OK,.. tell me if I'm the only one that feels like this:

I love when these dumb asses that flee from the cops wreck! As long as they only injure themselves,.. I laugh my ass off! :up:

anybody else? ..or am I just a sadistic bastage?

I do get a kick out of those Police chase shows on Spike TV.

02-26-2005, 10:54 AM
I do get a kick out of those Police chase shows on Spike TV.
I love those! :laugh:

Joe Walsh
02-26-2005, 10:58 AM
He got ejected from the game! Wonder if he lived? That thing was so close to rolling onto him at the last second it isn't even funny.

YEP.....He was one grass blade away from that Suburban rolling over on him.

Did you notice how the left front rim vaporized on impact with the guard rail!!

02-26-2005, 02:02 PM
Hope the scum bag did die. Saves the tax dollars. Was running from a shooting. He would never have been a useful human anyway. Yes I laugh every time these guys crash or get caught. I work hard and so should everyone else, not steal from people that work or shoot others. Just my .02.

02-26-2005, 02:17 PM
I don't think that link is good anymore. I just tried to download it three times, and only the first two seconds of the vid will download, and then it stops. And yes, I did right-click on the link, and then hit "save target as...":(

de minimus
02-26-2005, 06:01 PM
"Hello ONSTAR.....I missed my exit ramp!"
That is quite funny!

02-26-2005, 06:50 PM
I don't think that link is good anymore. I just tried to download it three times, and only the first two seconds of the vid will download, and then it stops. And yes, I did right-click on the link, and then hit "save target as...":(
Want me to email it to ya?

It was worthy....truley worthy....

02-26-2005, 08:12 PM
Want me to email it to ya?

It was worthy....truley worthy....Yes, yes....please do Barry!

02-26-2005, 09:05 PM
Done....hope you have space in your mail box!

02-26-2005, 10:01 PM
Done....hope you have space in your mail box!yep....thanks :D

.....it's a miracle that the guy didn't hit any other vehicles and kill somebody!!! Especially when that big tank went flying across one of those other roads that had what looked like some pretty heavy traffic!! Then I noticed how fortunate he was when the vehicle almost came to a rest directly on top of him after he was thrown from the vehicle.

It looked like it was going to roll over one more time, but then at the last second, it rolled back the other way on top of it's roof. Had it landed back on it's tires like it looked as if it would do, it would've been right on top of him, not only possibly crushing him, but probably burning his flesh also with the hot exhaust pipes!!! Obviously we have no way of knowing how badly he was injured, but my guess is, that he lucked out. What a mental case!!!!

02-26-2005, 10:34 PM
Yikes! I'm not sure about proper police procedure but it looked to me like the first cop on scene handcuffed the guy. Doesn't look to me like the speeder is going anywhere (except to maybe the morgue).

If the suspect had been involved in a shooting then its absolutely procedure.

They can always be taken off later.

Did you notice the 2nd cop check the inside of the vehicle after running up?

Scary stuff.

02-26-2005, 10:55 PM
It looked like he was putting them back and checking him, either way, that's the last thing I care about. I honestly don't care about his life after he endangered so many other ones. It's not up to the rest of us what happens to him, nor is it up to the rest of us to give a damn. The only ones that should care what's happening are God, him, and police chasing his pubescently deranged ass.

02-26-2005, 11:59 PM
pubescently deranged ...
Those SAT prep courses are paying off James!

02-27-2005, 06:20 AM
Then I noticed how fortunate he was when the vehicle almost came to a rest directly on top of him after he was thrown from the vehicle.

It looked like it was going to roll over one more time, but then at the last second, it rolled back the other way on top of it's roof. That's because his head stoped it from rolling any further - can you say OUCH! That was an Excedrin moment!

02-27-2005, 06:30 AM
That's because his head stoped it from rolling any further - can you say OUCH! That was an Excedrin moment!Hmmmm, I just watched it again, only this time I clicked on the full screen mode, and I do believe you're correct on that.

02-27-2005, 07:13 AM
.....it's a miracle that the guy didn't hit any other vehicles and kill somebody!!! Especially when that big tank went flying across one of those other roads that had what looked like some pretty heavy traffic!!
That was my initial thought as well. He crossed that 4-lane highway (semi-airborne) and missed a couple other cars. Looks like he just missed the back end of the SUV then passed right in front of the car coming off the ramp.

I couldn't tell what made him lose control. Up until the Suburban left the road and hit the guardrail, he was doing fine. Maybe the right front tire let go?? :dunno:

Donny Carlson
02-27-2005, 11:50 AM
Crash kills suspect after two are shot to death
By Heather Ratcliffe (hratcliffe@post-dispatch.com)


Of the Post-Dispatch

A man fatally shot his estranged wife and her friend in Town and Country on Friday, authorities said, then led police on a high-speed chase before he was killed in a spectacular crash at Highway 40 and Lindbergh Boulevard.

Authorities identified the couple as John Clark Alexander, 38, and Kelli L. Alexander, 35, both of Frontenac, and the friend as April Wheeler, 29, of St. Charles.

The Alexanders, who have three children, were getting a divorce, and she had an order of protection against him issued last month, police said. Kelli Alexander and her children were staying with April Wheeler and her husband, Mark Wheeler, in St. Charles.

The tragedy played out about 5 p.m. in the 2600 block of Bopp Road, in front of a row of tidy ranch houses and tree-lined sidewalks, a few blocks from the Alexanders' home.

Mark Wheeler said his wife, Kelli Alexander and the children were supposed to go to a fish fry at St. Clements Catholic Church in Des Peres on Friday evening with John Alexander. April Wheeler went along to supervise the visit because of Kelli Alexander's restraining order.

Police said John Alexander waited in his white GMC Denali, a customized SUV, on Bopp Lane until he saw his wife coming north on Bopp Road. He pulled in front of her. Kelli Alexander got out, and John Alexander chased her down and shot her, police said. He then returned and shot April Wheeler.

The Denali sped away, leaving tire ruts in a neighbor's yard. Police said the couple's children were unharmed. Police said it was unclear how much of the shooting they saw. They were being cared for by neighbors immediately after the incident.

After the shooting, police spotted John Alexander's vehicle near Bopp Road and Manchester Road. They followed him to Interstate 270, which Alexander took north to Page Avenue, where he turned around and headed south on 270. A KTVI (Channel 2) television news helicopter followed Alexander's vehicle, clocking it at speeds of about 100 mph. Alexander took Highway 40 east, clipping a guardrail on the right side of the road west of Lindbergh Boulevard, crushing a section of it.

The SUV went across the grass, lost a tire and went airborne, vaulting two lanes of southbound Lindbergh, a concrete barrier and landing in a northbound lane. It narrowly missed at least one car passing beneath.

The impact left a streak of white car paint across one lane of Lindbergh, and the SUV stayed upright for 10 to 15 yards, then rolled dozens of yards before stopping on its roof in the grassy center of the cloverleaf on the east side of Lindbergh. Alexander was thrown from the car.

A story in the Post-Dispatch a decade ago detailed an altercation the couple had with a police officer in Warson Woods who stopped them because their license plate was not properly lighted.

Warson Woods dropped the charge, but John Alexander was upset about a $3 fee that the city charges to postpone municipal court cases. Alexander had requested two postponements on the ticket, for a total of $6. He ultimately paid it in nickels, dimes and quarters and vowed to sue the city.

Jeremy Kohler and Joel Currier of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.


Not robbery or pubescent stupidity.

02-27-2005, 12:00 PM
Thanks Donny!

02-27-2005, 12:12 PM
I wonder how fast you have to be traveling to launch a Suburban over a 4 lane highway, clearing the cars AND the concrete center divider. Thankfully looks like no one else was taken out by this idiots driving.

02-27-2005, 12:52 PM
What SAT prep courses:D

Those SAT prep courses are paying off James!

02-27-2005, 12:53 PM
Imagine the guy who's car was almost clipped.

"I don't care who started it, I'm going to..." :: Denali flys over :: "LOOK DADDY LOOK!"

I wonder how fast you have to be traveling to launch a Suburban over a 4 lane highway, clearing the cars AND the concrete center divider. Thankfully looks like no one else was taken out by this idiots driving.

02-27-2005, 04:33 PM
That is sad the kids left without a mother, sounds like they are better off without the father. :o <!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"/> </v:formulas> <v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"/> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="" style='width:12pt; height:12pt'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/DOCUME~1/Home/LOCALS~1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_image001.gif" o:href="http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif"/> </v:shape><![endif]--><!--[if !vml]-->:(<!--[endif]-->

Too bad the guy didn't have the whole Denali full of stupid law breaking jacka**es with him.

As far as I'm concerned that is just good old fashioned natural selection.:high5:

02-27-2005, 05:06 PM
Surly a tragedy. The driver of the SUV in my opinion committed suicide. The sad part is that the childern are the ones who suffer. :(

03-01-2005, 04:31 PM
This happened about three miles from my house and I know several of the officers involved in the chase. The guy is DEAD. He had just killed his wife and her best friend, shot them in front of his own children. Then he endangered many other lives during the chase, at rush hour no less. iI drive that highway almost everyday. Police think he wanted to kill himself.

03-01-2005, 05:03 PM
I forgot to add that the police had backed off the chase, hoping the guy would slow down, but he didn't, obviously.

03-02-2005, 08:33 AM
Absolutely correct. He ran off the road at high speed on purpose with the intention of ending his life. I believe he was trying to hit the guardrail but missed it because of the sheer size/speed of the vehicle and it's lack of maneuverability at the time, but ended up flipping and being ejected anyway.

The driver of the SUV in my opinion committed suicide.

03-02-2005, 10:44 AM
I drove the same route this morning. you can still see from the tire tracks that he aimed his SUV directly at the end of the guardrail, but since it was an SUV and higher than most cars it skidded up and over launching the vehicle. It is amazing how far he flew in the air, but he was going 100+ MPH. Also, if you noticed in the video, during the last roll before the SUV settles on it's roof it appears to roll very close the the dead guy. I hear it did roll on top of him, his head actually, squashing it like a stepped on grape.

He is probably burning in hell now for what he did. Two women dead, three orphans, two without a mother, one widower. The guy had a history of abuse and was known to have anger management problems.

03-02-2005, 03:53 PM
If you guys watched the video...

The driver of the SUV was driving in the right hand lane just before the incident.
He started to pull over onto the exit ramp to pass traffic, just like so many idiots do here in NY everyday,
when a vehicle entered the exit ramp in front of him.
With no where to go, he tried to clear the guard rail, by going off road and driving behind it,
but as we saw in the video, an SUV doesn't react as quickly as most people can think,
and he did not clear the guard rail, and ended his high speed escape, and useless life.

The sad part of this is that there are three kids left to grow up in this world ALONE,
without any parents at all.

The ba***d got what he deserved, but the kids didn't deserve to have their mother taken away.