View Full Version : Anyone else fed up with winter?

02-26-2005, 09:22 AM
I realize living up here I get what I deserve....but for some reason, this year, I am sooo fed up with the cold, and the snow.

March is just around the corner, and it can't arrive and pass soon enough.

Anyone else fed up with winter?

I notice the daffodils are popping up already, and a box of tulips in the garage have sprouted as well.

This is a sure sign:


02-26-2005, 09:50 AM
I realize living up here I get what I deserve....but for some reason, this year, I am sooo fed up with the cold, and the snow.

March is just around the corner, and it can't arrive and pass soon enough.

Anyone else fed up with winter?

Personnaly, at the end of february is where i get the most fed up for a 2-3 weeks period. In mid march, usually, the sun is starting to get strong and all. Not too bad.

But we are far from tulips growing right now. Around 20-25 F in the day, 5-10 F in the night. Not to mention the little melting in the day time makes for the dirtiest period of the year for cars...

I should had migrated down south of the US of A when i was younger. Damn ...!!

02-26-2005, 10:16 AM
I HATE :censor: WINTER!!! :mad2:

02-26-2005, 10:19 AM

My "vacation" last week was not relaxing enough :(

02-26-2005, 10:23 AM
A frigid 64 today...can't wait for summer.

02-26-2005, 10:26 AM
move here. :D

02-26-2005, 10:42 AM
I'm not so fed up with winter as much as I am fed up with cleaning my car and it getting dirty by snow, slush, and road salt.

02-26-2005, 11:39 AM
Winter? Im done with it! Ca'mon Spring!

02-26-2005, 01:40 PM
Anyone else fed up with winter?
That would be a big yes. :D

David Morton
02-26-2005, 02:05 PM
move here. :DGood advice, don't come to Florida because winters here are hell without the ice!

Minnesota Minnie is driving 25 mph in a 45 zone in her Caddy because she's looking for a street sign. Vermont Veronica has a carload of biddies in the Buick headed over to the Bingo hall and they're no better. Then comes Big Ballz Bob with the canasta crew in his Lincoln Town Car from the land of the IllAnnoyers and he pulls out on 41 and blocks both of the southbound lanes waiting for the northbound lanes to clear so he can make his northbound left turn! He's sure we won't T-bone him, but every now and then a druggie isn't looking and...

Winters in Florida are pure hell.

02-26-2005, 05:19 PM
Good advice, don't come to Florida because winters here are hell without the ice!

Minnesota Minnie is driving 25 mph in a 45 zone in her Caddy because she's looking for a street sign. Vermont Veronica has a carload of biddies in the Buick headed over to the Bingo hall and they're no better. Then comes Big Ballz Bob with the canasta crew in his Lincoln Town Car from the land of the IllAnnoyers and he pulls out on 41 and blocks both of the southbound lanes waiting for the northbound lanes to clear so he can make his northbound left turn! He's sure we won't T-bone him, but every now and then a druggie isn't looking and...

Winters in Florida are pure hell.
That's a great story.
Having driven in Fl. for years I know what your talking about:)
Still at least your roads are clear of ice:)

02-26-2005, 05:22 PM
I realize living up here I get what I deserve....but for some reason, this year, I am sooo fed up with the cold, and the snow.

Hey at this rate we will having a snowball fight at your place in May:rofl:

02-26-2005, 05:26 PM
I love winter when it's summer.

02-26-2005, 05:52 PM
I realize living up here I get what I deserve....but for some reason, this year, I am sooo fed up with the cold, and the snow.

March is just around the corner, and it can't arrive and pass soon enough.

Anyone else fed up with winter?

I notice the daffodils are popping up already, and a box of tulips in the garage have sprouted as well.

This is a sure sign:

Can not say I am. Sorry, just rubbing it in a little:)


02-26-2005, 06:16 PM
Good advice, don't come to Florida because winters here are hell without the ice!

Minnesota Minnie is driving 25 mph in a 45 zone in her Caddy because she's looking for a street sign. Vermont Veronica has a carload of biddies in the Buick headed over to the Bingo hall and they're no better. Then comes Big Ballz Bob with the canasta crew in his Lincoln Town Car from the land of the IllAnnoyers and he pulls out on 41 and blocks both of the southbound lanes waiting for the northbound lanes to clear so he can make his northbound left turn! He's sure we won't T-bone him, but every now and then a druggie isn't looking and...

Winters in Florida are pure hell.Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more there! I moved back to Michigan from Bradenton (actually Oneco area) just so I could be around people that actually have an excuse for driving the way they do during the winters! Darn Q-tips!

02-26-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey at this rate we will having a snowball fight at your place in May:rofl:

We actually had it snow in JULY. Yes. You read that right. Last summer at the end of July, there was snow. We have huge snow mountains from road clearing in the city that survive well into August. So for me, winter never really ends. :mad2:

02-26-2005, 06:35 PM
Well...I hear from the farmer's almanac and several reputable forcasters that we are in for a small el-nino this summer. Could result in dryer/warmer than normal conditions.

Good for those of us over here...but could be hard on those in the south south-west.

I promise I won't complain when it's 90 degrees and humid for 6 straight weeks...even when the Marauder won't break 13.5...:P

02-26-2005, 06:54 PM
This is what winter looks like where I live. This goes on from November to March each winter. That is News Channel 9's own doppler radar. I'm about 30 miles southeast of Syracuse, in the "hills". Have to go snow blow now so I can go to work.

02-26-2005, 07:39 PM
Ten years ago I spent a winter at Griffiss AFB, NY. That radar brings back memories...

02-26-2005, 07:54 PM
This is the first winter I haven't enjoyed to it's full potential. The only reason is because my MM is covered up in the garage. Other than that I have a 4WD that gets me everywhere I need to go in the snow. Speaking of which...there's a noreaster coming...with close to 8" forecast for the Cleveland area. Look out upstate NY, and new england.


Bradley G
02-26-2005, 08:07 PM
I done with winter, I want my shiney wheels back on :baby:

We are going to have a giant winter storm that shuts the city down(Chicago)Thats all I can say for now;)
Bradley G

02-26-2005, 09:05 PM
Ten years ago I spent a winter at Griffiss AFB, NY. That radar brings back memories...Sorry to say Griffiss closed a few years back.

David Morton
02-26-2005, 11:18 PM
Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more there! I moved back to Michigan from Bradenton (actually Oneco area) just so I could be around people that actually have an excuse for driving the way they do during the winters! Darn Q-tips!Ha ha, Q-tips! Been a while since I heard that one.


02-27-2005, 04:12 AM
Down here winters are nice. 70-75 during the day, 55-65 in the evening for about 7-8 month's a year. It's the dam summers that are ruff.

02-27-2005, 05:44 AM
Down here winters are nice. 70-75 during the day, 55-65 in the evening for about 7-8 month's a year.
We get that for about 6 weeks, its called summer here. :D

02-27-2005, 06:04 PM
The weather people are talking about snow all week. :( Let's hope they are wrong. :D

King Fubar
02-27-2005, 08:01 PM
Down here winters are nice. 70-75 during the day, 55-65 in the evening for about 7-8 month's a year. It's the dam summers that are ruff.

And if it makes you guys up there feel better it we had liquid snow for about 2 days. :D

02-27-2005, 08:15 PM
Usually I don't mind winter, actually I love it. But this year I'm so fed up with this white ***** I'm beginning to think someone is have a cocaine fight.:mad2:

02-27-2005, 08:43 PM
I start to get really tired of winter if it lasts into late March.:bs:

Mike Poore
02-28-2005, 06:04 AM
A frigid 64 today...can't wait for summer.
See what you've started Barry? These guys in the sunny south/west telling us how hard they have it?
The winter's been fairly easy on us, this year, only I miss the MM and can't wait for April, so I can bring the girl back home.

02-28-2005, 10:52 AM
Helmets shakin like Im in a F-16 look down OH YEA thats 100. Sweepers comin.. Tap the break a little. Stick that knee out to grab some air. Lay into her hard. Look back. It looks like a blizzard back there.

Dont worry about me Johnny Reb. Im getting my kicks 2 strokes at a time! Let it snow-let it snow-let it snow!!! :D

Dr Caleb
02-28-2005, 11:14 AM
Winter? What winter? ;)

For the thick bloods like me, it hasn't really happened yet. (Relatively speaking). Only a week or so below -30, one night below -40. It never got into the -50's, and it's mostly been near freezing since October. It's even been well above freezing for the last couple weeks. Last week, we were even warmer than Phoenix and large parts of Texas fer friggs sakes!

Yea, I know some form the warmer climates will think I'm nuts, but winter just isn't really cold anymore. At least for the last 5 years or so. But take that with a bit of perspective too. Up here, we do things based on our climate. Snow based sports that can be done in the cold and dark. There hasn't been enough snow for the sled or really good skiing, and the ponds aren't really frozen enough for pond hockey. It leaves one with little to do!

But there is still too much ice in the morning to drive the Marauder! (not to mention sand and gravel on the road . . .) What's a boy to do?

02-28-2005, 11:15 AM
Helmets shakin like Im in a F-16 look down OH YEA thats 100. Sweepers comin.. Tap the break a little. Stick that knee out to grab some air. Lay into her hard. Look back. It looks like a blizzard back there.

Dont worry about me Johnny Reb. Im getting my kicks 2 strokes at a time! Let it snow-let it snow-let it snow!!! :D

Hey GodOSpeed,

Where in North Dakota are you? I'm only 2 hours away from Grand Forks. Straight south. You pretty much experience the same weather I do.

02-28-2005, 11:22 AM
More and more and more damm snow! Enuff already!

02-28-2005, 11:31 AM
I realize living up here I get what I deserve....but for some reason, this year, I am sooo fed up with the cold, and the snow.

March is just around the corner, and it can't arrive and pass soon enough.

Anyone else fed up with winter?
Yeah. Barry, make it stop will ya??

02-28-2005, 11:32 AM
More and more and more damm snow! Enuff already!
I just finished shoveling my roofs, please keep the snow down there....

02-28-2005, 11:44 AM
Hey GodOSpeed,

Where in North Dakota are you? I'm only 2 hours away from Grand Forks. Straight south. You pretty much experience the same weather I do.
Im in the beautifull Turtle Mountains. South east of the Peace Gardens. Ask around the only Marauder in this state. PM me Ill send you my # & addy if you wish. Im thinkin 3 to 4 hrs away. Nice to know Ive got a member so close.
Even if ya are a Canuck Aye!! :lol:

02-28-2005, 12:56 PM
Im in the beautifull Turtle Mountains. South east of the Peace Gardens. Ask around the only Marauder in this state. PM me Ill send you my # & addy if you wish. Im thinkin 3 to 4 hrs away. Nice to know Ive got a member so close.
Even if ya are a Canuck Aye!! :lol:

Cool! Might have to take a drive to the Peace Gardens with the girlfriend this summer and cross the border. If you ever come up to the 'Peg, let me know and I'll show you around. :beer: (Canadian beer) :D

02-28-2005, 04:44 PM
Mabey Ill save you the hassle of coming through US customs (PITA) and meet you for a picnic @ the Gardens. Should be rather photogenic if we go during full bloom. Come to think of it wife will be in full bloom about that time as well.(#3) Due for arrival 07-21-05. Dont worry Ive played Dr. enough I think I can wing it. :rolleyes:

PS You can still bring the Labatts tho.

02-28-2005, 07:16 PM
It's snowing on Long Island at this time. They are predicting 9-12 inches. :(

02-28-2005, 07:44 PM
We're getting snow in Toronto, right now... Calling for about 6" between now, and tomorrow afternoon. Temps are mid-20F, so it's not too bad, other than the fact it's now March.

I want to see some melting, to give me hope of a race season starting soon :burnout:

02-28-2005, 10:57 PM
Mabey Ill save you the hassle of coming through US customs (PITA) and meet you for a picnic @ the Gardens. Should be rather photogenic if we go during full bloom. Come to think of it wife will be in full bloom about that time as well.(#3) Due for arrival 07-21-05. Dont worry Ive played Dr. enough I think I can wing it. :rolleyes:

PS You can still bring the Labatts tho.

Definately doable this year! Hopefully I'll have the CV finished by this summer.

02-28-2005, 11:49 PM
I've had a bad case of cabin fever since mid Jan! :mad2:

I screwed up went I moved back here to Ohio after I Retired from the USAF. I was stationed down in Montgomery, AL......shoulda stayed down there. :(

Mike Poore
03-01-2005, 03:04 PM
It's snowing on Long Island at this time. They are predicting 9-12 inches. :(
Oh yeh? Well guess what! We got it yesterday, now the temp's dropped through the floor, and the damned wind's howling like a freight train. If you didn't like today, just wait until tomorrow. :depress:

One more month, then I can bring baby home. Next year she stays here.

03-01-2005, 03:43 PM
We are still catching the wrap around from the storm. Tonight the wind and lake effect snow is supposed to start. :rolleyes: If it snows the rest of the week that makes every day for two weeks straight...

03-02-2005, 03:43 PM
We are still catching the wrap around from the storm. Tonight the wind and lake effect snow is supposed to start. :rolleyes: If it snows the rest of the week that makes every day for two weeks straight...
That just plain sucks I live in the "snow belt" and it hasnt snowed here in about a month. I have 2 gallons of Polaris VES II oil just begging to be burned up and my snow is going fast.
Attention anyone who is sick of winter: Stick your heads out the door and try to scare the snow this way. PLEASE!! :depress:

03-03-2005, 08:58 AM
If it must be cold, let it be very cold... below freezing. Cuz then I can drrive the MM and not get it too dirty! Hehehehe :)