View Full Version : One year ago next week

03-04-2005, 09:04 PM
On March 10 last year I looked at the long range forecast and nervously decanted the Marauder for the season. Except for one day, with a light dusting on snow, I drove the Marauder until November. I looked at the weather today and I am disappointed to see that the evil "S" word is repeated contantly over the next two weeks. :puke:

I sure miss my Marauder.

03-04-2005, 09:10 PM
On March 10 last year I looked at the long range forecast and nervously decanted the Marauder for the season. Except for one day, with a light dusting on snow, I drove the Marauder until November. I looked at the weather today and I am disappointed to see that the evil "S" word is repeated contantly over the next two weeks. :puke:

I sure miss my Marauder.

I'm itching to get the snows off, and I'm looking at a set of 18" wheels
all nice and clean and shiny with fresh rubber on them...

03-04-2005, 09:21 PM
Mines coming out by the end of the month for sure.

Could get interesting with the Nitto's and 2.8" pulley with a foot of snow ;) :D

I'll keep her garaged if the weathers bad...but not for long!!!