View Full Version : I got hit!!!!

Long Live #3
03-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Last night I was invovled in a hit & run. I know who hit me too, sadly enough. I just dropped off my friend's gf, the kid who hit me was waiting in someone elses driveway. After I've already pull out and drove away, he comes out with only his parking lights on. Then he shines his brights in my side view mirror, I freak out and slam on the brakes cuz I couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden I hear a 'WHAM!' and my back end goes in the air a little, then comes back down. I hear the car take off and I chase after him to get his plates. I see who is in the car and I back down. I call the cops, they take down the report and find out that the kid was parked a block away from where I was. I'll let you guys know more after I pick up a copy of the report today.

03-08-2005, 09:43 AM
Did they lock the kid up?

Dr Caleb
03-08-2005, 09:44 AM
That sucks Joe. Too bad "2X4's at dawn" is no longer a valid form of retribution ;)

03-08-2005, 09:48 AM
Hey Joe let me know I still got some friends in low places on the south side!!!! :lol:

03-08-2005, 09:50 AM
I could see that sort of thing while drafting, but this was on the public roads. Makes it tough to restrain the trigger finger. Sorry to hear the bad news :mad2:

03-08-2005, 09:57 AM
Just have James follow him around for a few days. Then he will confess for sure!

03-08-2005, 10:07 AM
Then he shines his brights in my side view mirror, I freak out and slam on the brakes cuz I couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden I hear a 'WHAM!' and my back end goes in the air a little, then comes back down.
Obviously, he is in the wrong by hitting you in the rear and then driving off. :mad: But what puzzles me is your reaction to the high beams. Sure seems like a major overreaction and a contributing factor to the incident. :( Hope your car is OK without too much damage. You didn't note any injuries.

Long Live #3
03-09-2005, 06:46 AM
All I need is a new rear bumper and the frame rails have to be bent back into place. I had someone at the body shop look at it, and I'm going to get the estimate today when I get to work.

03-09-2005, 06:47 AM
All I need is a new rear bumper and the frame rails have to be bent back into place.

Just remember, rubbin' is racin'!

Long Live #3
03-09-2005, 06:51 AM
His car went underneith my truck. He had a Pontiac Grand Am.

03-09-2005, 07:17 AM
I have so much stress right now i don't need this stuff too. I've been on the edge of sanity for the past month because of this situation, unfortunatly it came to a head on sunday and now i'm walking that line that devides me in my mind. This girl i've been in love with for nine years just ran off with an ex-con rapist ex-boyfriend. I'm not saying that just cause i'm mad at him, he really spent some time in jail and used to rape her, i know this because i was always the person she came crying to after it happened, i took care of him once before but now, she chooses to be with THAT so i will not do anything because i respect her. They just eloped sunday, they never dated. They boned a few times, got engagued, just got married by a justice of the peace or something on sunday and ran away she started ignoring everyone when he got back, he tried keeping her away from all her friends and it worked. She left her cell phone and deleted her SN so nobody knows how to get in contact with her, i'll never see or speak to her again, the only clue i have about her whereabouts are that she's on a marine base in north carolina, that's all i know cause this A-hole is a marine, so at least i know that much but that doesn't help me. Ok so starting my week of with this event, doesn't put me in too good of a mood to accept anything else, i'm in more of a terminator mood than the nice mood i'm usually in. One of my 85 year old co-workers has hit my car for the last 3 days in a row, he pulls in the driveway and as he's parking backs right into the back of my car everytime. Monday: i'm standing by the window at work and watch this guy pull in and he taps my car, i go out and check and it's fine, nothing wrong. Tues: I don't see it but my co-workers did they said it wasn't too bad, i go out to check and everythiing is fine. Today: I'm lookin out the window again and i see him do it, he SLAMS my car, and just pulls up a little bit, doesn't even find another spot, just moves a little bit. I got out and look and there are scratches and grooves dug into my bumper and there is black paint all over his hmmm wonder if there's enough evidence. He also must have hit either just right or harder than i thought cause my injector shut off was tripped (he used to do that to my mustang all the time). I'm taking a break right now. I need to talk to him about it but i know if i do it now based on my anger cause of the event and all the emotions i'm feeling cause of what happened this weekend i'll do something i'll regret, the guy is 85 i wanna be respectful, i don't wanna go off on this poor guy. I don't wanna snap at him but in the mind set i'm in it's possible. I should just call the cops and tell them i'm a victim of hit and run, because you know he doesn't intend to tell me before he leaves :mad2: :mad2: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH, why can't i catch a break????

PS: sorry for making that vent all about me, sorry about your car dude, that stinks, i hope you get it all fixed and hope that guys pays for what he did.

Long Live #3
03-09-2005, 09:30 AM
Woah! That's gotta suck man. I'd call the cops and file for a hit and run, no matter how old he or she is.

03-09-2005, 09:42 AM
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I hope all works out and the car gets fixed. The main thing is no one got hurt.