View Full Version : Unbelievable Law Suit

03-09-2005, 12:48 PM
http://www.sanangelostandardtimes.com/sast/home/article/0,1897,SAST_4943_3588039,00.ht ml

03-09-2005, 12:55 PM
Must have been the same Jury as the Simpson Trial!!!

03-09-2005, 08:08 PM
Its all part of the "free money" lawsuit mentality ... let's see -- the driver was only 10% responsible !!! :bs:

And here is an amazing discovery ...
"The trial was interrupted last week when Ford lawyers discovered one of the jurors, Diana Palacios, was the girlfriend of plaintiffs' lawyer Jesse Gamez. In a hearing over a defense request for a mistrial, evidence was presented that Palacios, the Crystal City city manager, had also solicited two of the plaintiffs for Gamez to represent."

The judge refused to declare a mistrial and finished with 11 jurors. Un :censor: believable. Where do they find these judges?? :dunno:

03-09-2005, 08:36 PM
http://www.sanangelostandardtimes.com/sast/home/article/0,1897,SAST_4943_3588039,00.ht ml

You know this is just wrong. Thank God for the Appellate Courts.

03-09-2005, 09:19 PM
I have no doubt this will get overturned.

This should have been a mistrial.

03-09-2005, 10:18 PM
Agreed it a joke!

But then again so was hot coffee:mad:

Joe Walsh
03-09-2005, 10:24 PM
Welcome to litigious America.....where: "IT'S NEVER YOUR FAULT"

Remember, Your Stupidity can earn you big MONEY!

03-10-2005, 12:03 AM
Yeah I think Ford's only mistake was not putting in a "Hey dumb **** put on your seatbelts" dash light. LoL. Well yeah that's a ridiculous lawsuit. Hey this man was drunk and not wearing his seatbelt therefore this is an unsafe car - pretty much open and shut.

Although this brings quite an interesting question to mind. It is the law in America to wear your seatbelt at all times, unless the car was made in an era without them, or if you're riding in a truck bed in Hawaii (which is legal - any other places I don't know about? They also don't require helmets on motorcycles). Does anyone see anything wrong with a car that will not get out of Park without the seatbelt inserted? Personally I think it would be a good thing to integrate into new cars. Hell it would prevent dummies that won't bother putting them on from potentially killing themselves or just the person that forgot (somehow, I don't know how) and not allow them to drive the car until they remember and buckle up.

Joe Walsh
03-10-2005, 07:10 AM
Yeah I think Ford's only mistake was not putting in a "Hey dumb **** put on your seatbelts" dash light. LoL. Well yeah that's a ridiculous lawsuit. Hey this man was drunk and not wearing his seatbelt therefore this is an unsafe car - pretty much open and shut.

Although this brings quite an interesting question to mind. It is the law in America to wear your seatbelt at all times, unless the car was made in an era without them, or if you're riding in a truck bed in Hawaii (which is legal - any other places I don't know about? They also don't require helmets on motorcycles). Does anyone see anything wrong with a car that will not get out of Park without the seatbelt inserted? Personally I think it would be a good thing to integrate into new cars. Hell it would prevent dummies that won't bother putting them on from potentially killing themselves or just the person that forgot (somehow, I don't know how) and not allow them to drive the car until they remember and buckle up.

It's a good idea except the ACLU will immediately file suit because it infringes on the rights of HUGE, OBESE people who can't get a seatbelt across their FAT A$$ES....

03-10-2005, 09:12 AM
Ok, let a Texas lawyer chime in. There are 254 counties in Texas. Most are rather conservative in terms of judges and jury pools. HOWEVER, there are a handful, including down in the Rio Grande Valley where this case was tried, that are pure Heaven for plaintiff's lawyers. If you had told me about this case and hadn't told me where it was tried, this would have been one of the few counties I would have guessed. As a trial lawyer doing mostly products liability defense work, I shudder when I get a lawsuit in one of these counties. You know upfront that the law doesn't matter.

03-10-2005, 09:18 AM
Juries think they are sticking it to the the big evil corporation and the executive officers. What they fail to realize is that lawsuits like this only raise corporate expenses and punish those not directly involved.

Who ends up paying for the lawsuit? Mid-level people and/or working class employees lose their jobs. The average consumer also pays in higher prices and/or receives less product for their money.

The executives continue, unscathed.

03-10-2005, 09:33 AM
Its all part of the "free money" lawsuit mentality ... let's see -- the driver was only 10% responsible !!! :bs:

And here is an amazing discovery ...
"The trial was interrupted last week when Ford lawyers discovered one of the jurors, Diana Palacios, was the girlfriend of plaintiffs' lawyer Jesse Gamez. In a hearing over a defense request for a mistrial, evidence was presented that Palacios, the Crystal City city manager, had also solicited two of the plaintiffs for Gamez to represent."

The judge refused to declare a mistrial and finished with 11 jurors. Un :censor: believable. Where do they find these judges?? :dunno:

Read the article again. Ford agreed to proceed with the 11 jurors. The judge is not going to grant them a mistrial if they don't request one! That's just bad strategy or lousy lawyering.