View Full Version : Riddle me this ... (rant)

03-10-2005, 06:36 PM
I have NEVER been a big fan of "cold calling" type sales of ANY sort. This includes UN-wanted telemarketers - people knocking on my door UN-invited etc etc.

Sorry to anyone that does such a thing ... but sorry you just annoy the piss out of me(ok so I am BLUNT).

My wife gets home this eve ... no sooner she walks in - someone knocks at the door.

I'm thinking " HUH !?!?!? " ... but go to see who is there.

NO one appears to be there ...

However in ___ MY ___ driveway is a UNKNOWN pickup parked.

No one outside the door - strange truck in my drive ....

Me : I'm thinking " WTF !?!?!?!? " to put it mildly.

As I'm trying to figure out what is going on ...

I see (2) dudes walking back to the pickup coming back from what appeared to be all the surrounding neighbors houses.

I'm like ...

" Ummmmm what's going on ? ".

One of them says to me ...

"You like steaks ?".

Me : confused & becoming annoyed " huh ? ".

He replies " do you like steaks ? ".

At this point ... I realize these morons are just cold calling & peddling steaks.

I'm looking at their pickup sitting in ___ MY ___ driveway without ___ ANY ___ permission mind you ... & I'm like ...

" WTF is that all about ?!?!?!!?? ".

The (1) dude is like ... we are here to see you ... damn just doing my job ".

I'm like ...

" You aren't here to see ME nor were you invited ... you are here to see the whole effin neighborhood .... WhoTF gave you permission to set up camp in ___ MY ___ driveway amongst ___ MY ___ cars ?!!?!?!?!?!?!!? ".

So they leave obviously thinking I have a major problem( like I give a ****e ).

Ummmmmm ......

No that I really think this is necessary but ...

Am ____ I ____ in the wrong here ?.

I mean knocking on ones door is ONE thing ... but having the balls to park your car in someones driveway while you go cold calling on people to make a buck & then catch a "tude" when someone calls you on ___THAT ___ & the fact you knocked on their door & just WALKED away IMMEADIATELY like a complete IGNOREFFINRAMOUS ....


03-10-2005, 06:46 PM
I would have done the exact same thing!!!! :mad: :mad2: :censor: Man do I hate those people.

03-10-2005, 06:53 PM
If it's on your property, kinda makes it your property, huh? Too bad you didn't have enough time to decide you didn't like the paint job. Or the windshield.

03-10-2005, 06:54 PM
Those idiots shouldn't be in anyones driveway .How about if you had to leave in an emergency..
they come here to my house and pull that crap and i tell em if i want meat i'll go where they sell it and in case it's bad i can sue.Then they start with the :bs: and i stop them and say please leave my dog has to go to the bathroom and your in it and he doesn't like poeple near his restroom..they leave quickly..
They can kiss my :censor:

03-10-2005, 06:54 PM
That happened on our block, the steak truck that is, I can't get to the door on time anyway so I don't answer it, but I see from the upstair's window what goin on and call the cops, it doesn't seem right to me that they are able to do that door to door, hell, one of my neighbors said it looked OK, the steaks, but he could get em' fresh at the store for alittle more but at least he knew where they came from if he had any problems with em.

03-10-2005, 07:00 PM
I have NEVER been a big fan of "cold calling" type sales of ANY sort. This includes UN-wanted telemarketers - people knocking on my door UN-invited etc etc.
I never buy anything off of cold telemarketing calls. :mad: I especially don't buy meat from travelling salesman. :rolleyes: My first response is "I'm Not Really Interested". After I say it twice ... I just say "Sorry" try to be polite and then hang up if they continue to press the issue.

The behavior that you witnessed used to be called "Rude". I think that's a word that has fallen to the back of the dictionary in the seldom used words anymore. It's all part of the breakdown of common courtesy and civility that is all too frequent nowadays. Folks butting up in line, talking loudly in public on cell phones and parking in your driveway are but symptoms of some unwritten law of entitlement..... that says My Rights are More Important than your Rights. :soapbox: What the heck ever happened to Please, Thank You, and Excuse Me ???? :dunno: Guess I am just an old fart !! :rofl:

That said, the guys in the pickup were A-Holes ... just let it go ... 'cause they just don't get it. :mad2:

03-10-2005, 07:17 PM
Folks butting up in line, talking loudly in public on cell phones reminds me of a story:

one day at work, a co-worker and myself went to the hardware store to pick up some nuts and bolts for a project. while in line, a guy comes out of an aisle and gets in front of us, at the same time a woman comes in the door on her cell phone and gets behind this other guy. my co-worker turns to me, and in a loud voice says "sometimes i feel like i'm invisible." catching on right away, i turn back to him, "yeah, i know what you mean." well, the 2 people turn to us with weird looks on their faces, mumble some apologies and get behind us. we get to the register and the cashier couldn't stop laughing the whole time he was ringing us up.

David Morton
03-10-2005, 07:28 PM
Here's what to do next time. Grab a pencil and pad and the 45 and go out there with the 45 tucked in front and start writing down the licence plate number. When they show up tell them to leave and I guarantee they won't be acting like you're the one with the problem. Nor will they give you the hard sell on the steaks. It'll all be "Yes sir" and "Sorry sir, it won't happen again." Then go inside and call the police and report everything, just as it happened.

03-10-2005, 07:32 PM
The Omaha Steak guys eh....?

You did right. :up:

03-10-2005, 07:35 PM
You guys got it all wrong. You let the air out the tires while they at the other houses:)

When they return offer to blow 'em back up for the cargo:rofl:

03-10-2005, 07:39 PM
If I don't recognize the number on my caller ID, this is how I answer the phone: "Homocide, Tarnowski." Instant click, never had anyone try to sell me anything.

03-10-2005, 07:39 PM
Yes I must agree they are a pain in the a**.

de minimus
03-10-2005, 08:21 PM
Unbelieveable. I've never heard of such a thing. Hopefully the door to door steak seller idea doesn't travel here. I am plagued by telephone sales however. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work.
I've just hung up.
I've been rude.
I've asked them pleasantly to hold the phone, then I go back to whatever I was doing, hanging up 20 minutes later.
I've screamed at the top of my voice.
I've passed the phone to my 4 year old daughter and told her to "tell the nice man what you did today".
There oughta be a law.

03-10-2005, 08:22 PM
Put a sign on your property that says something to the effect of no trespassing, or warning severe tire damage or something, then you can pretty much do whatever you want to their vehicles so long as they were warned that, by parking vehicles in your drive, they were risking damage to them. We had a problem with a lot of people parking in our drive (huge circular drive) and spending hours just parked there, my father (a LEO) told me to put the "No Trespassing: Severe Tire Damage" sign up and gave me some spike strips. I would wait until a few people parked then left and i'd lay down the spike strips and when they came back if i saw them moving them i would go outside and yell at them for a bit telling them how rude and inconsiderate they were. They said what i was doing was illegal so i would call the police for them and when the police got there they said that since i warned those people what i was doing was legal, and technically all those people could be prosecuted for trespassing. It took making that call 3 or 4 times until everyone that used to do it got the idea and told all their friends. Haven't had a problem in over a year!
NOTE: I don't want the previous post to make me sound like a jerk or anything but when you have places to go and can't leave your house because some ***hole parks at the end of your driveway and blocks you in so you are stuck at home for hours on end waiting for these inconsiderate ****s to come back to their cars gets old real quick.

Joe Walsh
03-10-2005, 08:25 PM
How about the 'guys in the van' that pull up to you in a parking lot and ask: "Hey Dude do you want to buy a REALLY GOOD stereo?"
Yeah....I'm SURE that it's a REALLY GOOD stereo and I'm sure that it is all legit....

03-10-2005, 08:31 PM
Got a friend who is a cop ?
Have him leave you with a BOOT for the truck.
When you see them TRESSPASSING on someone's property, just BOOT the truck.
Call your friend and tell him to come and pick them up.
When they return, they will have to wait until the police get there to remove the boot.
Then let the police handle them...

03-10-2005, 08:45 PM
I was a recruiter for the Navy for 3 years. I was one of those guys!!!

Of all the things I had to do as a recruiter, cold calling was my least favorite. At least I had lead cards where someone would get a flier and fill in their name or something so those were nice to get. And I was able to get enough face time at different times through the year in the high schools at career days and military days so I didnt have to rely on what we lovingly called "phone power".

I have all the responses to all those lines we give the cold callers...many responses to many responses actually. Great thing about telemarketers is they hire unskilled labor (usually really young kids like 19 or something) and they are not experienced in life to be as aggressive as they should be in that business.

"I can understand how you feel. Others have said the same thing (or...Others have felt that way...or...I have felt that way before) And that brings up a question. The question is: how can I be interested in something I dont know anything about? Well, there is a simple answer to that. You cant be interested in something you dont know about. So let me at least explain what it is I am talking to you about. It wont take long and then you will be able to make an informed decision. Wouldnt that benefit both of us?"

I have many more for those closet telemarketers!

I can tell you that I am soooo glad I dont ever have to do that again. It is so hard calling folks you dont know and trying to sell them on something that they just are not interested in.

anyways, I guess you can all call me the darkside now!


03-10-2005, 09:51 PM
If I don't recognize the number on my caller ID, this is how I answer the phone: "Homocide, Tarnowski." Instant click, never had anyone try to sell me anything.

Good one, I gotta remember that!!!!

Mike Poore
03-11-2005, 06:31 AM
...(ok so I am BLUNT).
My wife gets home this eve ... no sooner she walks in - someone knocks at the door.
I'm thinking " HUH !?!?!? " ... but go to see who is there.
NO one appears to be there ...
While we're being blunt: I think you did something really dumb, actually several things. Once you determined there was no one at the door, AND there was a pickup in the driveway. The first thing I would have thought was BAD GUYS followed my wife home, and they were headed for the back door. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


What you should have done: Gotten your wife on the phone with the cops and retrieved your handgun/shotgun, and headed for the "safe" room, with any other family members in the house. Then waited until the cops got there, or the bad guys tried to bust down the door to your safe room. <o:p></o:p>


Everyone: Get the book: In the Gravest Extreme Role of the Firearm by Massad F. Ayoob. ... It's the bible of home protection ... to yourself and your family.

03-11-2005, 09:56 AM
Man, when I first started doing it my SISTER hung up!! Then she called right back and called me an idiot, and we both laughed. But that's how good it works, your family even hangs up on you when they hear it.
Good one, I gotta remember that!!!!

03-11-2005, 11:12 AM
Someone ELSE uninvited at my front door just a bit ago.

Only this one didn't knock or ring any bell ... but did catch me off guard when I went to peek out the front window.

Now this one would have been more than welcome to stay here & chill as long he/she would have liked.

After I took the pics of it taking a bath ... I tapped on the window lightly & that's when it looked at me for a minute before scooting off.

Poor little thang.

Mike Poore
03-11-2005, 12:14 PM
[QUOTE=the_pack_rat]Someone ELSE ...After I took the pics of it taking a bath ... I tapped on the window lightly & that's when it looked at me for a minute before scooting off. QUOTE]

I know we shouldn't be doing it, but we've been feeding a ferral quat that's been hanging out whenever he comes by to ask. He allows Barb & me scratch his ears once in a while. I think he'd come inside, but Hobbes & Susie would have a fit. (Calvin died last fall) :D

03-12-2005, 08:11 AM
Those steak trucks come through here every couple of months. Went out to one of the guys trucks and there were more ants than steaks in there. They guy claimed these individually wrapped steaks would thaw in 5 minutes if placed in a sink full of water...I said take 2 out and prove it. After 15 minutes, they were finally thawed. I said his claim was bogus, showed him the door and thanked him for the steaks. Free steaks taste great!