View Full Version : G/F B-Day: Ideas??

03-14-2005, 03:42 PM
I have no clue what to get for her. It does not need to be anything really person specific, but something sweet. This past V-Day I decorated our basement with red/white streamers, hearts, cupids, the whole shabang and she loved it.

What should I do?? I need Ideas from all the ladies men in here. We've been together for 13 months.

03-14-2005, 03:47 PM
Wow the only thing that comes to mind is a Marauder.Hmmm maybe DTR? :D

03-14-2005, 03:51 PM
Wow the only thing that comes to mind is a Marauder.Hmmm maybe DTR? :D
Sure as soon as I finish paying for mine :P and have done every mod in the world on it...and then...just then...will I pitch in for her to get a used Contour SVT

03-14-2005, 07:28 PM
All these married men, and nothing? You're kidding me.

03-14-2005, 07:37 PM
Get her some custom coil covers.

I have no clue what to get for her. It does not need to be anything really person specific, but something sweet. This past V-Day I decorated our basement with red/white streamers, hearts, cupids, the whole shabang and she loved it.

What should I do?? I need Ideas from all the ladies men in here. We've been together for 13 months.

03-14-2005, 07:38 PM
Can't help ya. Been married 12+ years, the only thing I get her anymore is up.

Donny Carlson
03-14-2005, 07:58 PM
Time to send my pants to the cleaners.

03-14-2005, 08:11 PM
Time to send my pants to the cleaners.
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend"

03-14-2005, 08:35 PM
Well start with what she likes! We need something to work with eh.

Get spontaneous. Take her somewhere she won't expect for the life of her but love.

Valentines day I took mine to "the most conservative place in town."

Of course we ended up at Saskatoons...where we ate Aligator.

Donny Carlson
03-14-2005, 09:35 PM
But you can definitely see it from here.

Well start with what she likes! We need something to work with eh.

Get spontaneous. Take her somewhere she won't expect for the life of her but love.

Valentines day I took mine to "the most conservative place in town."

Of course we ended up at Saskatoons...where we ate Aligator. If this thread gets multiple replies from 40-50 year old men (or older) of gift giving advice for presumably an 18 year old girl, let's just emilinate the pretext this is a serious car ethusiasts board, why don't we? We can call this Oprah.net and be done with it.

03-14-2005, 09:38 PM
Nevermind fellas, I dragged it out of her. She wants a day where I "Pamper" her, first I'm thinkin thats some kinky stuff and I want nothing to do with it, then she said she wants dinner made, dishes done, for us to watch "The Notebook" and get her girly bath supplies so she can have a nice bath or something. Unfortunatly I won't see any of that, I'll be cooking dinner :whistle:

03-14-2005, 11:44 PM
A gift certificate from... or better yet a trip to Victoria's Secret is always nice.

03-14-2005, 11:50 PM
Nevermind fellas, I dragged it out of her. She wants a day where I "Pamper" her, first I'm thinkin thats some kinky stuff and I want nothing to do with it, then she said she wants dinner made, dishes done, for us to watch "The Notebook" and get her girly bath supplies so she can have a nice bath or something. Unfortunatly I won't see any of that, I'll be cooking dinner :whistle:

I got a better movie for the two of you to watch.
'Beyond Borders', starring Clive Owens, and Angelina Jolie.
My wife absolutely LOVED the movie, but the ending is really sad.
Make sure you have a lot of kleenex nearby.

03-14-2005, 11:55 PM
A gift certificate from... or better yet a trip to Victoria's Secret is always nice.

Hah, funny story...

We went there a while back. Never again though. She found something she liked and then said "But don't you need that thing for your car?","What thing?","You know, that thing.","The Predator?","Yeah!! that!!"...I smiled, and we both knew she was kissing my ass. Yes she got it, only because she knows my weak spot.

03-14-2005, 11:57 PM
Nevermind fellas, I dragged it out of her. She wants a day where I "Pamper" her, first I'm thinkin thats some kinky stuff and I want nothing to do with it, then she said she wants dinner made, dishes done, for us to watch "The Notebook" and get her girly bath supplies so she can have a nice bath or something. Unfortunatly I won't see any of that, I'll be cooking dinner :whistle:

You know they make chocolate bikini underwear, right?

03-14-2005, 11:59 PM
hmm...I did not..She would probably be upset seeing me eat the underwear for dessert while sitting on the couch watching cops. Women :dunno:

Not a bad idea though...Thanks for the tip

03-15-2005, 12:15 AM
Um, they are wearable........... :beer:

03-15-2005, 12:38 AM
13 months, huh? That's exactly how long my g/f and I were dating. Do what I did: dump her.

j/k. But I really did.

03-15-2005, 12:39 AM
We just talked about that, and quit making new posts I need to go to bed...you're feeding my urge to "Refresh" the new posts page. Family guy is waiting.

I have a problem.

03-15-2005, 01:06 AM
All kidding aside: "pampering her" is best done by sending her off to a day spa or some type of full body massage place. Add in a facial and maybe a pedicure. This will keep her away from you for the majority of the day, but she'll still feel like you're there the entire time. She'll be thinking of you all while she's feeling great at the spa.

When she's done, let her go home and nap for a bit, then clean up and take her some place casual, but nice. It has to be comfortable and not too dressy. You don't want to add any stress to her day after she just went through that amazing experience at the spa.

Come home from dinner and relax together with a "chick flick". The Notebook is def a good one if the two of you haven't seen it yet. This formula will get you tail EVERY time. I live my life by it.

Seriously, I actually have an account with a local spa because i buy so many packages for my dates.

Mike Poore
03-15-2005, 04:45 AM
I have no clue what to get for her. It does not need to be anything really person specific, but something sweet. This past V-Day I decorated our basement with red/white streamers, hearts, cupids, the whole shabang and she loved it.

What should I do?? I need Ideas from all the ladies men in here. We've been together for 13 months.
One year I made up a "Barbie's secret birthday box". It was loaded with all sorts of little things she likes, and uses: hand/body lotion, bubble bath, ear rings, gloves, just a bunch of cool stuff I knew she'd like. When she knows you've put thought and energy into the project, she'll love the gift, and you for doing it. :)