View Full Version : Wish me luck, guys & perhaps a prayer

Mike Poore
03-17-2005, 07:33 PM
Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D

03-17-2005, 07:35 PM
we can make him better and faster!!

Good luck and Godspeed :up:

03-17-2005, 07:37 PM
Hope everything goes ok for ya budd.If there's anything i can do , don't hesitate to call!!:up:

03-17-2005, 07:39 PM
Mike....will be thinking of you....wishing you well.....:lovies2:

03-17-2005, 07:42 PM
All the luck in the world.

Take care...and keep us updated.

03-17-2005, 07:44 PM
Good luck Mike!!! Get well fast, because you have an obligation with the Blue man this summer.

03-17-2005, 07:47 PM
They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

Good luck on the surgery !! :up: We'll be thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery. :D

Your description of the procedure sounds like loads of fun. :rolleyes:

Maybe since he's drilling the holes, he can put in a couple grease fittings as well or a WD-40 access point. :rofl:

03-17-2005, 07:50 PM
Good luck man. You are actually fortunate. This may fix you for good.

Mine bothers me every friggin' day and I have just about had it at this point. Racing season is just around the corner, I foresee a sore knee every tuesday and friday night.:P

I WISH I had such a solution.

My doc has had me on therapy, stretching, and meds for 3 years now. Nothing changes....just my limp.:rolleyes:

03-17-2005, 08:01 PM
Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D
Mike, I had the same thing done about 5 or 6 years ago cept they used a piece of ligamant from my other knee. Now I have a 5-6 inch scar on my right knee and 2 1/4 inch scars on my left knee. My Dr. drilled holes in both bones, inserted the ligament then a sliver of bone, the stainless steel screws hold the sliver of bone against the ligament. The Dr. injected some painkiller (don't remember what one) before he stitched up the knee. I was in no pain, didn't take any pain pills, ever, although he prescribed some good ones. I was back driving my T-Bird a week after the surgery. The physical therapy after was what really hurt...... I tore my ACL falling off a file cabinet at work... don't ask........... I did get a check for my "disability" from the state since I'm 24% disabled in that knee. Ask your Dr. for a temporary handicapped plaque for whatever vehicle your riding in. Hope it goes well for you.

03-17-2005, 09:32 PM
Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D

Best of luck, Mike! I too tore my right ACL playing volleyball two years ago. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I do wear a big azz brace to hold it all together. My prayers are with you.

Joe Walsh
03-17-2005, 09:50 PM
Good Luck on your surgery Mike.

03-18-2005, 01:32 AM
Good luck Mike and a speedy recovery. My sister in law had it done last fall. Not much fun.

03-18-2005, 04:22 AM
Good luck Mike and may the 'Big Guy' upstairs smile down on you. Hope to still see you this weekend in Baltimore. Oh by the way we will be there Saturday instead of Sunday, around noon time.

03-18-2005, 04:57 AM
Good luck Dude!

Bradley G
03-18-2005, 05:11 AM
I had the ICL & ACL done many years ago,My blessings are with you Mike and and a complete speedy recovery for sure!You will be Tommahawk Slam dunking again in No-Time!:o

Besides If you are as fortunate as I was, The candy stripers were Hott!:sweat: :eek:
Bradley G

O's Fan Rich
03-18-2005, 05:29 AM
Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D

Get that done, do your rehab and you'll be back in the starting lineup in no time!

Best wishes.

03-18-2005, 07:53 AM
Good luck and a speedy recovery to you Mike...please dont let those nurses chase you around TOO much...


03-18-2005, 08:00 AM
Best wishes Mike, you'll be fine. Pain killers will keep you comfortable while you heal. :up:

03-18-2005, 08:22 AM
Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D

WOW! So you're getting some "Ligament Delete Knees?" Hope things go alright.....Dont forget the morning of the surgery, no brefas.

03-18-2005, 08:25 AM
Best wishes, good luck, and prayers to you for a speedy recovery.

03-18-2005, 09:42 AM
Good luck with your surgery Mike.

Lessons learned so far? Don't climb on File Cabinets or Trailers and Vollyball can be dangerous.

Just glad it doesn't affect your throttle actualtor.

Take Care and get well soon!

03-18-2005, 10:58 AM
My sister-in-law had it done to both legs and she's very happy with the results. Best wishes to you!

Tomorrow I go off to see the orthopod to see if he can fix my poor knee. I took a spill from a trailer last June and tore the ACL in my left knee, which may be able to be corrected/replaced through a rather gruesome surgical procedure. They drill holes in both knee bones then thread a replacement ligament from a cadaver and screw it fast on both ends. :(

It's why I bought the MM, since I couldn't work the clutch in my truck, let alone get in and out of it, so I guess, looking at it that way, something good came of it, after all.:D

03-18-2005, 11:12 AM
Good luck- I had my acl removed back in '93,was too much of a chicken to go through what you are about to do! Hope you have a full and speedy recovery

03-18-2005, 03:13 PM
Mike - Good luck with the surgery. Will be thinking of you and hope for a speedy recovery.

03-18-2005, 09:25 PM
Get the surgery and do the PT afterwards. You won't regret it.
Joan and I wish you the very best and a SPEEDY recovery!!!