View Full Version : Mike's poor knee update

Mike Poore
03-20-2005, 03:55 PM
It seems everyone thought I was going to have the knee surgery when I said I was going to see the knee surgeon to find out when he was going to do the surgery. Although, VIA the MRI(s), the ACL is a total goner, the surgeon feels the major issue is the torn meniscus, and wants to fix that, first. If there's instability after that's done, then we can go back and replace the ACL. Meanwhile, through therapy and PT the knee keeps getting stronger, and replacement surgery may not be necessary, which is contrary to what I was led to believe. So, in the next few weeks I'll have the meniscus repaired, a minimumally traumatic procedure, with short recovery period, I'm told.

I wish to thank everyone for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Thanks, guys, it means more than you know.:)

03-20-2005, 04:06 PM
The best of luck to you and you are in our prayers! Now go take the Marauder for a drive always makes me feel better :)

03-20-2005, 04:18 PM
the surgeon feels the major issue is the torn meniscus, and wants to fix that, first. If there's instability after that's done, So, in the next few weeks I'll have the meniscus repaired, a minimumally traumatic procedure, with short recovery period, I'm told.

Mike the meniscus repair is quick maybe 45 min? I had it done 4 years ago after my pick up was broaded sided:mad: Was back at work the in two days:)
Limited walking. Good luck:up:

Paul T. Casey
03-20-2005, 04:49 PM
This is great news! Still, I'll keep you in my prayers.

03-20-2005, 07:58 PM
Whew, thats the route I would hope for, you should be in good shape if they do you arthrosopically, when I had my first surgery that way, another guy was goign in and they filleted him open, nice big zipper right up the front fo the knee. Hell made me queasy just looking at that scar. In any case I was out of PT in about 6 or 8 weeks, he was about where I was when I started PT.

The stronger you can get before, the better/quicker the recovery, I learned that after 3 knee surgeries (spelling?). Best of luck.

03-20-2005, 10:58 PM
My wife is without her ACL in one knee for about 20 years. She is doing fine, just no twisting motions. For active sports like volleyball she wears a brace to help out.

03-21-2005, 04:53 AM
It seems everyone thought I was going to have the knee surgery ....
Sorry Mike ... I gotta work on that reading comprehension thing more !! :rofl:
Hope you are able to get by with the new procedure. Sounds much better than what you described before.

Bradley G
03-21-2005, 05:06 AM
I was told by an accomplished orthopedic surgeon( Chicago Bears surgeon),That the ligaments will grow back by themselves after a year or so.I had a total reconstruction from a basketball injury several years ago.
Mike, If the less agressive operation is all that is needed(besides P&T)Go for it!

Recovery will be a fraction of what it may be with the Cut/Paste method that I had;) Good Luck Buddy and let us know How you makeout.:D
Bradley G

My wife is without her ACL in one knee for about 20 years. She is doing fine, just no twisting motions. For active sports like volleyball she wears a brace to help out.

03-21-2005, 09:07 AM
It seems everyone thought I was going to have the knee surgery when I said I was going to see the knee surgeon to find out when he was going to do the surgery. Although, VIA the MRI(s), the ACL is a total goner, the surgeon feels the major issue is the torn meniscus, and wants to fix that, first. If there's instability after that's done, then we can go back and replace the ACL. Meanwhile, through therapy and PT the knee keeps getting stronger, and replacement surgery may not be necessary, which is contrary to what I was led to believe. So, in the next few weeks I'll have the meniscus repaired, a minimumally traumatic procedure, with short recovery period, I'm told.

I wish to thank everyone for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Thanks, guys, it means more than you know.:)

Glad to hear everything went ok!

03-21-2005, 10:28 AM
Good wishes with your recovery Mike. Thanks for your input here on MM.net. Your responses are always viewed attentively. :)

Get better soon man!

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 222px; HEIGHT: 11px" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=222 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tohoma12 width="95%">"Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious."</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=tohoma12 colSpan=2>Alan Minter (http://www.coolquotes.com/acategories.php?id=673)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

03-21-2005, 06:43 PM
Good to hear Mike! Take care of that knee and you'll be sprinting to your beast whenever it comes time to take her out for a fun run. :D

Mike Poore
03-22-2005, 05:33 AM
Good to hear Mike! Take care of that knee and you'll be sprinting to your beast whenever it comes time to take her out for a fun run. :D
Yeh, and to open a big can'o'whupa$$ on that darned Blue MM at the next shootout. No more taking unfair advantage of a poor crippled old man, for those guys, 'cause I'm working on my reaction time as well. lessee now .....turn off the traction control, push the overdrive button, transmission in "D", now ....yellow, yellow, green, ...go. ...14.95, yeh, that'll do it. ;)

03-22-2005, 07:22 AM
....yellow, yellow, green, ...go. ...14.95, yeh, that'll do it. ;)
Mike, as long as you are still waiting for the "Green" to show, I'll have you by 1/2 car length or more for the whole trip again. :rofl: I'll bring the can opener and some WD-40. :D I can't believe the pressure being exerted to get me on the track again. :rolleyes:

Mike Poore
04-11-2005, 10:59 AM
It seems everyone thought I was going to have the knee surgery when I said I was going to see the knee surgeon to find out when he was going to do the surgery. Although, VIA the MRI(s), the ACL is a total goner, the surgeon feels the major issue is the torn meniscus, and wants to fix that, first. If there's instability after that's done, then we can go back and replace the ACL. Meanwhile, through therapy and PT the knee keeps getting stronger, and replacement surgery may not be necessary, which is contrary to what I was led to believe. So, in the next few weeks I'll have the meniscus repaired, a minimumally traumatic procedure, with short recovery period, I'm told.

I wish to thank everyone for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Thanks, guys, it means more than you know.:)
We're back from OHIO and I get my knee fixed, first thing in the morning. (Tuesday, 12th) They expect to clean up the mess from the torn meniscus, and plan to send me back home about noon. I hope to be hanging out at home through the weekend, and back to work, next Monday. :)

04-11-2005, 11:33 AM
We're back from OHIO and I get my knee fixed, first thing in the morning. (Tuesday, 12th) They expect to clean up the mess from the torn meniscus, and plan to send me back home about noon. I hope to be hanging out at home through the weekend, and back to work, next Monday. :)
Mike .... that sounds like a plan. Good news and good luck with the surgery. :D You should be back on your feet next week ... no pun intended. :rolleyes:

We missed you at Big Bat's on Saturday. Check the CAM April thread for pics. Was a very nice day for a drive and a meeting .... I mean Doo !!! :rofl:

Mike Poore
04-11-2005, 04:10 PM
Mike .... that sounds like a plan. Good news and good luck with the surgery. :D You should be back on your feet next week ... no pun intended. :rolleyes:

We missed you at Big Bat's on Saturday. Check the CAM April thread for pics. Was a very nice day for a drive and a meeting .... I mean Doo !!! :rofl:
Thanks, Charlie. The BigBats doo was a sucess, from the pictures, anyway, and Defyant's MM must have been the hit of the parade. Way to go Charlie, and we got to see a picture of the elusive Lisa and your beautiful children. Hopefully we'll be able to make the next doo, and get to see your MM up close, but no matter, it looks as you did a great install. Congratulations! :up: :up: