View Full Version : Barry Bonds....

O's Fan Rich
03-23-2005, 09:45 AM
What a wuss.
“ I'm tired of my kids crying. You wanted me to jump off a bridge, I finally did. You finally brought me and my family down. ... So now go pick a different person. ”
— Barry Bonds

He makes the huge bucks playing a game, gets burned by his own conduct ( ok, he has not admitted it, but you know) treats the people who allow him to have his lifestyle like crap, and it's oUR fault he "hurt his knee" and has to bow out?
In my opinion he just does not want to face the music.
I predict his retirement and seclusion as he shrinks in size and stature. No juice no Barry! That'll teach us.

Barry, your slip is showing. :laugh:

Oh and this should make things easier for the poor guy...

Last September, the Giants dropped a provision that would have allowed them to void Bonds' $18 million salary in 2006 if he failed to reach 500 plate appearances this year or 1,500 combined from 2003 to 2005, including at least 400 this year.

03-23-2005, 11:49 AM
Few people cared more about baseball than I did. For about the first 40 years of my life I played, lived and breathed baseball. But as the players became pumped up and started to look more like football players or body builders and these new worthless records of the last 10 years started to add up...just makes me sick what has become of the most difficult to master, game of skill ever played.

I continue to love the game of my youth....when real man played a boys game...Todays baseball records are crap.:mad2:

03-23-2005, 01:19 PM
He's funny.....

He claimed that the press and public are at fault for his family and children being ashamed and ridiculed....

Geez...you think it had anything to do with old Barry cheating on his wife????

What a loser!

03-23-2005, 02:24 PM
Start Calling him Alice....

Joe Walsh
03-23-2005, 02:34 PM
Poor Barry!!! :bigcry: :bigcry: :cry: :cry: :depress: :depress:

Aren't mood swings a symptom of Steroid use?

Hopefully he's gone for good, but that would be wishful thinking...

P.S. Don't Mark McGuire and Jason Giambi look like wilted flowers now that they are 'off the juice"?

03-23-2005, 05:37 PM
Growth hormone vs testosterone which is better, oops wrong thread. Anyone that questions that these guys are on the juice are naive or not familiar with weightlifting. Even if its not officially "juice" they are certainly using the precursors like anadrol

03-23-2005, 06:06 PM
Please don't forget Andro, anadrol, androstenedione, androstenediol, i.e. prohormones (precursors) were all legal at one point. Until January 20th 2005 when the federal government stepped in and took them out of consumers hands. Those precursors are "baby toys" compared to real injectable "synthetic anabolic steroids"...they're not even close to being the same. If Bonds used the real bad news stuff (winstrol, dianabol, hgh) "illegals" in my opinion he'd look MUCH different. Who knows what he took, used, etc...he'd look much different if he'd used the hard core anabolics.


03-23-2005, 06:16 PM
you don't think he was on the "real stuff" too. I'd bet a lot of those guys were and continue to be. The ones you mentioned were around 20 years ago, I have no idea what fancy versions that are undetectable exist today.

03-23-2005, 06:35 PM
He should have been wearing a sun dress. BoooHooooo!!

O's Fan Rich
03-24-2005, 06:12 AM
Please don't forget Andro, anadrol, androstenedione, androstenediol, i.e. prohormones (precursors) were all legal at one point. Until January 20th 2005 when the federal government stepped in and took them out of consumers hands. Those precursors are "baby toys" compared to real injectable "synthetic anabolic steroids"...they're not even close to being the same. If Bonds used the real bad news stuff (winstrol, dianabol, hgh) "illegals" in my opinion he'd look MUCH different. Who knows what he took, used, etc...he'd look much different if he'd used the hard core anabolics.


Understood and I agree.
What ever he was using, he should, IMO, step up, admit it, and take the hit. But he won't as he might break a nail.
I realize that 'roids won't give you the ability to hit a major leauge fastball, curve , knuckler or whatever. But, the cheating , legal or not, does turn a single into a double or a wall shot into a homer. It also helps you to overcome nature and stay strong enough as you age to keep smacking them out. Therefore you can take a run at a record that was set by a man who did it while he was young enough and kept the numbers going as long as he naturally could. But tapered of as he matured.
Barry does not measure up .

03-24-2005, 06:27 AM
PLEASE give poor Barry a break! He's just trying to survive and make a living for his family in a racist world where everone is out to get him just because we are jealous. :bigcry:

03-30-2005, 11:21 AM
Few people cared more about baseball than I did. For about the first 40 years of my life I played, lived and breathed baseball. But as the players became pumped up and started to look more like football players or body builders and these new worthless records of the last 10 years started to add up...just makes me sick what has become of the most difficult to master, game of skill ever played.

I continue to love the game of my youth....when real man played a boys game...Todays baseball records are crap.:mad2:

What Smokie said.

03-30-2005, 01:03 PM
I too was a real baseball fan, growing up with the some of the good guys like Mazeroski, Haddix, Clemente and Stargell. I knew Barry was a cry baby when he decided to leave Pittsburgh because the market was too small for a big star like him. He was a primadonna then and is a primadonna now. The game will be better off without him. If Pete Rose can't get into the Hall of Fame, then neither should he!

03-30-2005, 01:07 PM
This has nothing to do with cars, much less Marauders.

Moderators, please close this thread.

Thank you.

O's Fan Rich
03-30-2005, 01:41 PM
This has nothing to do with cars, much less Marauders.

Moderators, please close this thread.

Thank you.

But, it's in the off topic forum Marty! :bigcry:

03-30-2005, 01:43 PM
I don't even care whether or not I care.

04-02-2005, 04:42 PM
I will agree that the players who used any type of performance enhancing drugs should have an asteric by their names. That includes barry bonds, mark mcguire and all the others who used them in this era of baseball. Baseball should be played with the best players.....well all agree can on that right. In that case Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb and others who played back in the day should have the same asteric by thier names because they didnt play against black, chinese and latin players. Would babe ruth hit all those homers if he would have faced pitchers like sachel page, doc gooden or adel nomo. How many golden gloves would ty cobb won if he faced hitters like sammy sosa, reggie jackson or darryl strawberry? I would think not. If we are going to come up with rules for certain athletes then we should apply them to all athletes and not just certain ones.

04-02-2005, 09:27 PM
I will agree that the players who used any type of performance enhancing drugs should have an asteric by their names. That includes barry bonds, mark mcguire and all the others who used them in this era of baseball. Baseball should be played with the best players.....well all agree can on that right. In that case Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb and others who played back in the day should have the same asteric by thier names because they didnt play against black, chinese and latin players. Would babe ruth hit all those homers if he would have faced pitchers like sachel page, doc gooden or adel nomo. How many golden gloves would ty cobb won if he faced hitters like sammy sosa, reggie jackson or darryl strawberry? I would think not. If we are going to come up with rules for certain athletes then we should apply them to all athletes and not just certain ones.This^is a very thought provoking post above......
There are numerous althetes who use anabolic steroids now, which include track althletes (sprinters, gymnasts, hammer throwers, shot put throwers, and Olympic weight lifters). Football players all use them to this day(atleast in the off season), and that includes college, as well as highschool. And so do MOST of baseball players, including the pitchers. There are even some basketball players using steroids now.

It would be great if none of them were able to use steroids, but the fact is that almost all of them do, and will continue to do so. And there's no way that it can be stopped. It isn't just home run hitters in baseball who use them. They're only the ones who the press focuses on because of their lofty hitting records. This doesn't mean that I'm neccessarily a fan of Barry Bonds. I'm merely saying that steroids are everywhere now, and unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about it since steroids are already illegal, and possessing them has been a federal offense since 1994.

And BTW, in reference to one other post in this thread, just for your info, "ANADROL" is an anabolic steroid, as are Anavar, Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, etc., etc.......and last I heard, there aren't even any tests yet for Human Growth Hormone, and it isn't even a federal offense to possess and use that. Infact, Growth Hormone can be had with a perscription form your DOC providing you have about $4,000 for a three month cycle. And while we're at it, keep in mind that many middle aged men receive "Hormone replacement therapy" from their Docs to combate erectile problems, and it just so happens that Testosterone is what's used for that, and low and behold Testosterone is also used by many althletes since it too can and does improve muscle strength and althletic performance as long as the patient in question works out. So you can forget about sepatating prefromance enhancing drugs from sports, because they're here to stay, and that have been here since 1936. They're simply more prevalent today.

Joe Walsh
04-02-2005, 09:34 PM
Infact, Growth Hormone can be had with a perscription form your DOC providing you have about $4,000 for a three month cycle.

And, when used in large doses you can get incurable brain cancer like Lyle Alzado.

04-02-2005, 09:38 PM
And, when used in large doses you can get incurable brain cancer like Lyle Alzado.Not anymore you can't. That was the Human Growth Hormone from the 80's which wasn't genetically engineered, and synthetically produced like it is now. Back then it was taken from cadavers from Switzerlan and Norweigh(sp?). And back in the 70's it wasn't even taken from human cadavers, but from Rhesus monkeys, which also caused Diabetes in some people.

04-02-2005, 09:46 PM
I prefer HCG derived from the urine of pregnant women. Seriously it is, and it is used to get "ripped"

Almost all of these drugs have some real medical benefit - its the abuse from those who don't need it other then to excell in a sport and become a millionaire.

04-02-2005, 09:53 PM
I prefer HCG derived from the urine of pregnant women. Seriously it is, and it is used to get "ripped"

Almost all of these drugs have some real medical benefit - its the abuse from those who don't need it other then to excell in a sport and become a millionaire.HCG is a fertility drug for woman, and also a fertility drug and sexual enhancement drug for men. And yes, it is derived from the urine of prego women. It's also used as an athletic performance enhancing drug by althletes as well as bodybuilders. But does it make anymore sense to use such drugs to enhance the virility of MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY men, than to use them for althetic prowess for other men?

04-03-2005, 12:36 PM
But does it make anymore sense to use such drugs to enhance the virility of MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY men, than to use them for althetic prowess for other men?

At this point I'd say no - I don't use either. Ask me 10 years from now I may have a different opinion.

04-03-2005, 01:30 PM
That is the major problem in professional sports today. The trained apes (athletes) are overpaid by a factor of 10 and they show no respect for the fans or the communities in which they live.

I think they should be forced to undergo testing of both blood and urine before every game and face immediate public humiliation and forfeiture of five year's salary if caught.

Canseco should be in prison, not testifying before Congress.

What a joke.

04-03-2005, 03:29 PM
That is the major problem in professional sports today. The trained apes (athletes) are overpaid by a factor of 10 and they show no respect for the fans or the communities in which they live. Well I fully agree with you on that. Can you say "Primadonnas"??? But that's the fans' fault for continuing to pay the ticket prices. I've heard so many fans state that they're finished with this sport or that sport when ever there's talk of a strike. But I have heard of those same fans flocking to the stadiums to buy tickets even right after a strike is over. So who's fault is it?

I think they should be forced to undergo testing of both blood and urine before every game and face immediate public humiliation and forfeiture of five year's salary if caught. But like I've previously stated, that still will not stop steroid use during the off season. The athletes in question can use steroids for several months during the off-season, and stop their useage a few weeks before the season begins, and nothing will be detected in their blood streams, nor in their urine with many types of steroids, and yet the strength and speed increases will still remain with them for a long time as long as they continue to workout and play their sport.

Canseco should be in prison, not testifying before Congress.

What a joke.It's all about $$ and it has been for a long time (atleast since the mid 70's anyway).

04-03-2005, 03:48 PM
It's all about $$ and it has been for a long time (atleast since the mid 70's anyway).

I concur. :(