View Full Version : The "Money Vic" is for sale on eBay.

03-28-2005, 04:38 PM
Some of you might recognize this (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6227&item=4538937429&rd=1) Vic. :rolleyes:

03-28-2005, 04:45 PM
Looks like a leprechaun's Nightmare..Perfect for that wrestler The Million Dollar Man..It even has a real $100.00 bill on the trunk..

03-28-2005, 05:00 PM
Some of you might recognize this (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6227&item=4538937429&rd=1) Vic. :rolleyes:

This is a Marauder forum not Crown Vics?

Are you lost, Benedict?


03-28-2005, 05:09 PM
Dave, . .



This is a Marauder forum not Crown Vics?

Are you lost, Benedict?


Joe Walsh
03-28-2005, 05:13 PM
That car looks like it was painted with "Ectoplasmic Goo"..... :puke:

Big Joe P
03-28-2005, 05:26 PM
Maybe LOGAN will buy it, and charge $100 a whack with a sledgehammer at MV III.............. put me down for 5....

03-28-2005, 05:36 PM
Dave, . .


Since you asked...

If it was a worthwhile post I would have ignored it, but this thing was just a green piece of junk and belongs on the 'low brow' Vic forums.

'Benedict', is a reference to Benedict Arnold, which is my term for Embassy since he trashed me on another automotive site after I did him the favor of covering additional postage for the shipping of a MM Brochure.

Nuff said.


03-28-2005, 05:45 PM

I consider Steve a friend of mine, and noticed you bashing his posts all the time.

That is a green piece of ***** man, no doubt about that. :puke:

You are entitled to your opinions as this is a free country, it just irritates me to see all the negativity going on here lately.

Thanks for replying Dave.


Since you asked...

If it was a worthwhile post I would have ignored it, but this thing was just a green piece of junk and belongs on the 'low brow' Vic forums.

'Benedict', is a reference to Benedict Arnold, which is my term for Embassy since he trashed me on another automotive site after I did him the favor of covering additional postage for the shipping of a MM Brochure.

Nuff said.


03-28-2005, 05:46 PM
'Benedict', is a reference to Benedict Arnold, which is my term for Embassy since he trashed me on another automotive site after I did him the favor of covering additional postage for the shipping of a MM Brochure.For clarification, I never attacked him on a personal level. What I did was challenge his political mantra.

Furthermore, I thanked him on the other forums for the prompt shipment.

I am more than willing to post the links if needed.

Based upon Hitch's trolling behavior in my posts and personal attacks, this difference in opinions must have caused him some serious emotional problems. I'd be happy to send him the difference via PayPal if it will ease his troubled soul.

Therapy and social interaction classes might also be beneficial.

Otherwise, I hope he will act his age and post in a respectful manner. Failure to do so will only disparage and possibly ruin his character on this forum, just like it has been ruined on the other Panther Platform forums.

Back on topic, that Vic is begging to be burned to the ground or towed onto a firing range for target practice.

I thought this was amusing:

This vehicle has no alarm or any way to enter the vehicle if the windows are up.

03-28-2005, 06:30 PM

I consider Steve a friend of mine, and noticed you bashing his posts all the time.

That is a green piece of ***** man, no doubt about that. :puke:

You are entitled to your opinions as this is a free country, it just irritates me to see all the negativity going on here lately.

Thanks for replying Dave.

Hi Mike,

I am not negative at all. Just covering the facts.

Embassy is still name calling (the troll reference) and demonstrating why I now refer to him as Benedict. Mike, Be careful in choosing your friends. There are 'Benedicts' out there. He (Embassy) preferred to ingratiate him self with a posse of low brow (think Sheriff) morons from another automotive site rather than stand by or at the very least decline to participate in the bashing of a new site member who had shown him help and friendship.

He tries to belittle what he did with a spurious reference to some emotional thing.

Embassy, you betrayed an MM site friend, and now you bluff and dodge in an attempt to deflect that.

I remember those who have done me a good turn and never reward them with betrayal. You do.

I consider this topic closed since further discussion will only cause a problem for our site owner and administrators.



03-28-2005, 06:40 PM
I find it ironic that you accuse me of name-calling but then say this:

...posse of low brow (think Sheriff) morons... Looks like the pot is calling the kettle, "black".

As for trolling, I was referring to your actions, not you.

Based upon Hitch's trolling behavior...

Semantics anyone?

This inability to differentiate criticism of one's comments from one's character is at the core of your issues with me and perhaps people in general.

At any rate, it is nice to see that you are moving on, David. I sincerely hope things improve for you and that, in the future, you will refrain from such self-disparaging antics in my threads.

03-28-2005, 06:42 PM
WOW! A flame war and no superchager's to blame it on:rofl:

Well you just blew the lid of that one?

Please play nice on this site:)

I would urge you to e-mail or PM an arrows towards one another:mad:

03-28-2005, 06:42 PM
This is a Marauder forum not Crown Vics?

Are you lost, Benedict?
Lighten-up Francis.

It was a Lounge post; how many other POS (or comical vehicles) posts make their way there. *A lot of 'em aren't even Panthers. :rolleyes:

03-28-2005, 06:47 PM
For clarification, I never attacked him on a personal level. What I did was challenge his political mantra.

Furthermore, I thanked him on the other forums for the prompt shipment.

I am more than willing to post the links if needed.

Based upon Hitch's trolling behavior in my posts and personal attacks, this difference in opinions must have caused him some serious emotional problems. I'd be happy to send him the difference via PayPal if it will ease his troubled soul.

Therapy and social interaction classes might also be beneficial.

Otherwise, I hope he will act his age and post in a respectful manner. Failure to do so will only disparage and possibly ruin his character on this forum, just like it has been ruined on the other Panther Platform forums.

Back on topic, that Vic is begging to be burned to the ground or towed onto a firing range for target practice.

I thought this was amusing:

Your attempt at posturing and justifying your actions still isn't working is it, Benedict?

Do you think I care about what a bunch of morons like Sheriff think about me?

Nobody with a brain is welcome on the site you refer to but you seem quite at home there.

Go figure.


03-28-2005, 06:51 PM
WOW! A flame war and no superchager's to blame it on:rofl:

Well you just blew the lid of that one?

Please play nice on this site:)

I would urge you to e-mail or PM an arrows towards one another:mad:
Sorry big dog.

Benedict's actions got me a little P.O.'d.

I can't stand two-faced traitors.

No more posts from me on this subject, OK?



03-28-2005, 06:54 PM
Do you think I care about what a bunch of morons like Sheriff think about me?

Nobody with a brain is welcome on the site you refer to but you seem quite at home there.
Again, it is the pot calling the kettle, "black".

Furthermore, your comment insults several members (some who are contributing members) on here who are longtime members of the other two Panther forums. Bravo.

There was no posturing on my part as none was needed. My explination is concise and clear concerning the events which have caused you to hold so much unbridled hostility regarding someone on the internet. The confusion is not on my end.

I hope things improve, the self-disparaging posts cease, and I hope you live up to your own comments.

I consider this topic closed since further discussion will only cause a problem for our site owner and administrators.

03-28-2005, 06:55 PM
I think its a nice car if its within a persons style.

I would rather spend the money on a supercharger.

Oh oh, I said the supercharger word. :D

03-28-2005, 06:57 PM
The $100 bill on the trunk is a nice touch. :cool4:

03-28-2005, 07:06 PM
Supercharger? Hmmmm. . . Which one? :D

I think its a nice car if its within a persons style.

I would rather spend the money on a supercharger.

Oh oh, I said the supercharger word. :D

Mike Poore
03-28-2005, 07:18 PM
Some of you might recognize this (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6227&item=4538937429&rd=1) Vic. :rolleyes:
Isn't that, ...........well .............special :P

I find the list of "little problems" interesting; you could spend a lifetime getting it sorted out. I picture the owner crawling out from under that masterpiece one cold night and tossing his tools across the garage and saying, "that's it, this POS is gonna be on EBAY in the morning".

I mean, just think about a 4,000+ pound car jumping up and down with all that hydraulic stuff getting squished and smashed, and vibrated loose, with pieces-parts flying all over the place.

OMG :eek: what a picture!:laugh:

03-28-2005, 07:22 PM
Supercharger? Hmmmm. . . Which one? :D

Ok let see what else we can start here..:lol:

03-28-2005, 07:33 PM
Again, it is the pot calling the kettle, "black".

Furthermore, your comment insults several members (some who are contributing members) on here who are longtime members of the other two Panther forums. Bravo.

There was no posturing on my part as none was needed. My explination is concise and clear concerning the events which have caused you to hold so much unbridled hostility regarding someone on the internet. The confusion is not on my end.

I hope things improve, the self-disparaging posts cease, and I hope you live up to your own comments.

There you go again, trying to recruit support, just like Sheriff.

You are the one who needs to answer for your actions, not others.

I hold no hostility toward anyone, only contempt for you, Benedict.

There is nothing to improve, you have already demonstrated your character.

Stop trying to make excuses for yourself and just admit that what you did was wrong.

I am not going to entertain this topic further.

I have made my point and you have done your best to try and wiggle off of it.


03-28-2005, 07:37 PM
I am sure you think that is true, Dave.

Holding contempt for someone on the internet might be a sign of greater personal problems.

In addition, I knew that you could not even hold true to your own words.

I consider this topic closed since further discussion will only cause a problem for our site owner and administrators.
This entire thread has been entertaining.

Have a good one.

03-28-2005, 07:54 PM
Let's get back to that green car.... is that hideous or what????????

03-28-2005, 07:54 PM
For all the members of MM net:

I am sorry for confronting Embassy here in our public forum.

This should have been handled elsewhere or by PM's

For those who found this amusing, cool...enjoy the show. :D

For those who found this irritating, sorry. :depress:

Sometimes the actions of a particular person
are capable of really getting me P#$%#$$d. :mad2:

Best Regards


03-28-2005, 08:33 PM
I mean, just think about a 4,000+ pound car jumping up and down with all that hydraulic stuff getting squished and smashed, and vibrated loose, with pieces-parts flying all over the place.

OMG :eek: what a picture!:laugh:

Yeah Mike that will shake your buttermilk!:rofl:

03-28-2005, 08:48 PM
For all the members of MM net:

I am sorry for confronting Embassy here in our public forum.

This should have been handled elsewhere or by PM's

For those who found this amusing, cool...enjoy the show. :D

For those who found this irritating, sorry. :depress:

Sometimes the actions of a particular person
are capable of really getting me P#$%#$$d. :mad2:

Best Regards

I find it irritating. Grow up and let it go. :rolleyes:

03-28-2005, 09:13 PM
That is one of the nastiest things I have seen in along time. I think I am going to :puke:

03-29-2005, 05:15 PM
Good thing this stopped before I found this thread. One more word out of either of you and both your accounts are gone permanently.

Hitch, Last warning dude, Sick of the complaints.

03-29-2005, 06:03 PM
Acknowledged…Sorry Logan, I offer no excuses.


03-29-2005, 06:33 PM
Acknowledged…Sorry Logan, I offer no excuses.


Damn, so close yet so far...... :D

03-29-2005, 06:42 PM
Damn, so close yet so far...... :D
At least he apologize.