View Full Version : Border Control Jobs Outsourced To Mexico

04-01-2005, 06:51 PM
Setback for Homeland Security, Critics Say

In what some critics of illegal immigration are calling a setback for homeland security, 500 border control agents hired just this week learned today that their jobs were being outsourced to Mexico.

“In a perfect world, it would be great to have American border control agents on the U.S. side of the border,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. “Having said that, we are going to save a bundle by having those same functions performed by Mexicans on the Mexican side of the border.”

Recognizing that the outsourcing decision will not endear him to critics of the Administration’s immigration policies, Mr. Chertoff said, “I fully expect Lou Dobbs to rip me a new one.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Chertoff said, starting Monday the U.S. will scrap traditional border patrols and replace them with what he called a “state of the art border-control calling center” located in a suburb of Guadalajara.

The plan calls for prospective illegal aliens to telephone the calling center with the approximate time and place they intend to sneak over the border to the U.S.

Hoping to silence criticism of the controversial plan, President Bush addressed the immigration issue head on today in a speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan: “To those who would illegally enter our country seeking jobs, let me say this: stay where you are, and eventually our jobs will come to you.”

04-01-2005, 07:05 PM
In order to stop immigrants from Mexico...we're going to hire Mexican border guards...right.

Unless they're paid by the number of people they stop from crossing the border I'm not sure this will be entirely successful.

Then again, maybe I'm the one not thinking this one through.

04-01-2005, 07:06 PM
But the call in center, that one has to work!

04-01-2005, 07:21 PM
This IS April Fool's day :rofl:

04-01-2005, 07:25 PM
When stand up comics have this problem they call it, "too hip for the room."

Two Hawks
04-01-2005, 08:57 PM
When stand up comics have this problem they call it, "too hip for the room."When I have that problem, I :run: from the room... :D :D

Dr Caleb
04-01-2005, 08:57 PM
When stand up comics have this problem they call it, "too hip for the room."

We share the same sense of humour. I get it even numbered days.

04-01-2005, 09:25 PM
Next your going to tell me Imaginary Girlfriends aren't real either....


04-01-2005, 09:27 PM
re: the borders

Security isn't an issue.

Our Labor Secretary today announced that it will be illegal to employ Americans in any job where they could be replaced by cheaper foreign labor.

All border Security agents were offered early retirement incentives prior to the demise of that agency next fiscal year. It will be replaced by the Us-Mexican-Indian-China agency for global comfort and re-education.

According to Fox News sources...

Con-Agra, Fleming Foods, Tyson, and Archer Daniels Midland want lower wages and no benefits in their production process. (former family farms)

Farms have now been declared to be illegal tax schemes and from now on only approved corporate collectives will engage in food production. Further no such domestic production will be allowed which displaces foreign imports of food products. DDT use will qualify for special food import trade status.

Nationwide contractors and builders will no longer have to employ our brothers to frame houses and pave roads. They will stop by places like the Home Depot and Wal-Mart early in the morning, to pickup your sub-minimum wage replacements. New lounges are being installed to serve morning coffee to the foreign workers.

Technology and service firms offshore our professional and office jobs to whatever country is willing to line up slave or prison labor. A new child-labor exemption is being granted to China and India to better integrate their workforce into our supply chain.

Our current corporate-bought regime only wants more cheap labor. Also, on their agenda is giving Social Security to illegal aliens. To that end, CAFTA was just signed into law by President Bozo O' Reilly. Maximum wage legislation is expected to pass the Senate next Tuesday.

They (The Corporate Elite) all live 'on the hill' where it's nice, safe, and comfortable. Perhaps little cool little holographic mini-estates will come online soon and offer temporary comfort to those whose wages used to support them.

We get the gunshots in the street, illegals sleeping in the park, overflowing hospital emergency rooms, and of course the tax bill. But in the new holographic mini-estates, you won't know the difference, at least for a few hours.

Public drug dispensaries will begin operation in late 2007 for public calming and the maintenance of civil order.

As an added bonus, the Bankruptcy laws were just modified in time to prevent most American citizens from excaping financial ruin when their job disappears in the coming years. And forget Social Security, cat food is great!

We can soom start measuring our life pans in Iams Years too!

All Citizens are now required to report to the Soylent Green intake centers upon reaching 68 years of age.

Enough of this ... where's the beer!

The weekend is here!

Everything is wonderful!




04-01-2005, 09:41 PM
But the call in center, that one has to work!
Another Indian based call center?


04-01-2005, 10:27 PM


04-01-2005, 10:39 PM
Heres one for you David...


04-02-2005, 12:23 AM
We've already outsourced our call center

*Warning* Strong language!!!

04-02-2005, 08:11 AM
Heres one for you David...


Grandpa Simpson is funny!
