View Full Version : AWESOME April Fool's Prank!

04-01-2005, 10:28 PM
It's silent and wet outside. Most everyone is calling it a day in their quiet suburban homes, and all is beautiful in the spring-night weather.

I'm sitting on my girlfriend's couch watching the news and my cell phone vibrates on the coffee table. After a short conversation with my close friend Taylor, I leave her house within. ten minutes. I'm off into the night and, after checking in with my parents, I wisk up my buddy and we race off to our unsuspecting victim.

After an almost 10 minute drive we slowly creep into another quiet suburban neighborhood. We spot what we're looking for and we couldn't have timed it ANY better. We are right behind our now moving target. We stop. Lights off, car locked and we're on the run through jungles of grass, mulch and damp ground. Here and there, security lights flood our way and miniture dogs bark at their window panes. But by the time suspecting WASPS can twitch an eye, we're 10 houses away.

So after leaving the car and covering a distance of two back yards and two front yards, we race up the street like we've commited a felony. Half way up the street we see two other boys in white t-shirts moving down towards us. We stop and drop to the ground. We watch them take a sharp turn into their driveway and open the garage to enter their house. After seeing that the garage door is half way down we race up to our target....

A black, 1996, Honda Prelude. We take a quick look around, open our tool box, and proceed to wrap the entire car in almost 300 ft of SARAN WRAP .

We've made little noise past a few girlish giggles but within 5 minutes the deed is done. The car is covered, and MAN does it look good.

And off we are, into the night, like druken children, cackling at our indecent stupidity.

That, was an awesome April Fool's prank. It could have been better but the best part was how stretched for time I was, and how I made it home JUST in time.

Next time we'll remember soap, an extra 300ft roll, and duct tape to top it all off.


This is me, grinning like a Cheshire cat!

04-01-2005, 11:18 PM
I am telling your mother.

04-01-2005, 11:19 PM
Oh to be a kid again...enjoy it while you can.

04-02-2005, 05:42 AM
HA! That almost qualifies as a kill story!

04-02-2005, 08:25 AM
HA! That almost qualifies as a kill story!
Oh to be a kid again...enjoy it while you can.
Yeah...that's how we like it! It was legal, not dangerous and watching the look on his face was priceless.

Anyone else play any simple pranks or get any on them?

04-02-2005, 10:49 AM
What? No pictures... Sigh...

04-02-2005, 11:01 AM
I was disappointed we had no pictures as well. No camera, it was a rush deal, we were mostly concentrated on how much wrap we had.

Our camera phones couldn't pick up in the low light conditions.

Donny Carlson
04-02-2005, 09:04 PM
Yeah...that's how we like it! It was legal, not dangerous and watching the look on his face was priceless.

Anyone else play any simple pranks or get any on them?
Hmm, simple.

In high school I used a valve stem tool to let the air out of a buddy's tire, then replaced the stem. Did this three times in three weeks. It drove him nuts because he kept taking the tire in for repair and they could never find the leak.

In college I helped getting a VW bug parked in the middle of the dining area. It required removing the fenders to squeeze it past the double doors on the building, but it worked, and the next morning it was parked in the middle of the room, fenders back on like somebody drove it in. The owner was not amused, as was the maintenance people.

Also, in another dining room with a high ceiling (and much beer consumption) we managed to stack a single column of round dining tables one on top of another until the top table was inches from the ceiling. (hint: we made a pyramid of tables, then removed all the outer tables leaving the column.) That also drove campus maintenance nuts.

I wasn't involved in this one, but witnessed it. Our residential college was neighbored by the only high-rise residential building on campus. We would gather in "the tower" of one wing of our college, which was a single room at roof level that opened out into a terrace, to play loud music, drink beer, and smoke wacky tobaccy. Some of the guys at the high rise thought it was amusing to lob packets of flower and syrup at us from on high, which they could do pretty much without retribution because there was no way we could throw retaliatitory "bombs" back at them. Until somebody (can't remember this guys' name) made this little homemade trebuchet that could fling a 5 lb sack of flower across the courtyard and hit alarmingly high up on the building. This was an absolute riot until campus police showed up and confiscated the trebuchet (we were lucky to not get the wacky tobaccy confiscated as well).
The other building had these amazing blots of white powder on the side that stayed there until the next large thunderstorm.

04-02-2005, 11:48 PM
One of the best April fools jokes I saw happened in 1991 or 1992 in San Diego. This is back when the Space Shuttle landed sometimes at Edwards AFB in California. For April fools a local DJ announced that the shuttle would be landing at Montgomery Field, a small local airstrip catering to private planes. The shuttle was in orbit and the DJ played it up with NASA radio traffic, etc. People got out of work and went and parked all along local roads for hours waiting for the shuttle to land. They did not realize that the runway was just a wee bit short for a shuttle landing.....

04-02-2005, 11:57 PM
Sending a pizza from every joint in town always works too!


04-03-2005, 07:06 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Well what happened? Did you hear anything about it?

04-03-2005, 07:30 AM
That's awesome Donny!

I like the tire one...I'll be trying that soon:D

Man....these are the days...

Donny Carlson
04-03-2005, 10:30 AM
That's awesome Donny!

I like the tire one...I'll be trying that soon:D

Man....these are the days...
To correct my post -- I removed the valve core not the stem, then replaced the core. You yank out the stem and you have to dismount the tire to install a new one.

04-04-2005, 05:32 PM
Anyone know the DOS command NET SEND? Basically, if you know a network address, or computer name, you can send a "text message" of sorts... I sent the following, to several people on my floor:

URGENT: This computer has recently been involved in an abuse of the corporate network. There are several documented instances where your IP address has downloaded innapropriate material. Corporate Security has been made aware of the situation. Please shut down the computer immediately. A security representative will be by shortly, to conduct an onsite assessment.
After a few minutes, I walked around the floor... Several people were sitting very quietly, in front of a blank computer screen... :lol:

04-09-2005, 07:15 AM
Hey cool! Tell me how you can do that!:D

Anyone know the DOS command NET SEND? Basically, if you know a network address, or computer name, you can send a "text message" of sorts... I sent the following, to several people on my floor:

After a few minutes, I walked around the floor... Several people were sitting very quietly, in front of a blank computer screen... :lol:

04-09-2005, 07:56 AM
Here's a couple I like :

If you have access to the inside of ones home, turn each & every light on one by one ... then un-screw each just enough where the contact is no longer being made & the light goes out - then turn the switch back to the off position.

Enjoy the mass confusion that arises out of such a thing :

"How the **** could EVERY light in the whole damn house burn out at the same time ?".

The frantic flipping back & forth of every circuit breaker.

The final act of desperation when one gets out the yellow pages & tries to explain to an electrician ... these inexlicable bizzare electrical demons & looks like a complete moron in the process.

This is even funnier if you trully DISLIKE this person ... & an electrician actually ends up having to make a $ervice call out to the home ..... like say if you were renting a house or apartment from someone who was less than a good & fair landlord during your lease. Just make sure you have your SECURITY DEPOSIT back already before doing this. If you get called out on it later ... adamently deny it - tell them thats the most RIDICULOUS thing you have ever heard ... & sincerely suggest they seek mental counseling.

Another good one -

Try to snatch up one of those "Open House" realtor signs or make up your own(for sale by owner) & place it out in front of someones house.

Add a note to the front door that says such things like :

"Hard of hearing - please knock HARD"

"If still no answer - please try CALLING" - and leave their phone number.

Don't use the typical time that most open houses usually take place(late morning - afternoon) .....

Make the sign & note up to read that this will take place REAL early in the morning ...

Like 8-12 on a SUNDAY when most people are more than likely to be home & SLEEPING in.

04-10-2005, 07:04 AM
Hey cool! Tell me how you can do that!:D
OK - I assume that you're using Windows 2000 (or better), and are all connected to the same network (i.e. at an office, or in your case a school).

Open a DOS prompt (go to Start / Run and type in cmd)
In the DOS window type in NET SEND "user name" message

"USER NAME" can be any of the following - The IP address of the computer, the actual computer name (as reported by Windows) or the login name of the person currently logged in.

That's pretty much it. I wouldn't go sending nasty notes to teachers, the sender of the message isnt too hard to track down, but it's fun to send to those that aren't "in the know" :D

04-10-2005, 07:16 AM
Awesome! No, I won't be vulgar or stupid...but I do have some friends in Computer Applications that would be amused by stuff like this. And our teacher is a hoot so she won't care.

OK - I assume that you're using Windows 2000 (or better), and are all connected to the same network (i.e. at an office, or in your case a school).

Open a DOS prompt (go to Start / Run and type in cmd)
In the DOS window type in NET SEND "user name" message

"USER NAME" can be any of the following - The IP address of the computer, the actual computer name (as reported by Windows) or the login name of the person currently logged in.

That's pretty much it. I wouldn't go sending nasty notes to teachers, the sender of the message isnt too hard to track down, but it's fun to send to those that aren't "in the know" :D