View Full Version : Star Wars - Revenge of the SITH

04-02-2005, 08:35 AM
Last night...I assume across the country, toy stores opened their doors at midnight to invite the public to see and purchase the latest products for the upcoming 3rd and final chapter Star Wars 'Revenge of the Sith'.

I am not one for waiting in lines for such things regardless of popularity, but Gage is a big fan. This outing had nothing in particular to buying products before everyone else, but the fact that the local Star Wars club folks were gonna be at the Toys-r-Us in our neighborhood (in costume), pushing the event.

We woke up Gage at 11:30, poured him into the Aviator, and off we went. 10 minute drive. He had no idea the characters would be there. The first sight of Stormtroopers and he was full of excitement.

But when his hero DARTH MAUL (the bad guy from episode I) appeared...he went nuts. He's smiling on the inside I assure you...he had on his game face for Darth.

Well worth the trip. What blast for him!

More pics HERE (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showgallery.php/cat/3057)


04-02-2005, 09:16 AM
He's smiling on the inside I assure you...he had on his game face for Darth.
Nice pics, Barry !! :up: Gage does look a little anxious with his game face on. The Storm Trooper is awesome .... :D

04-02-2005, 10:45 AM
The Stormtrooper with running shoes on is a bit funny... :)

I just as a matter of course went to Toys R us this morning to get the girls some new toys and stuff and there was throngs of middle-aged dorks going nuts over Star Wars stuff... That explains it. It was the weirdest thing. I'm there helping my girls pick out a new Dora coloring book and here's a bunch of balding thirty-something dorks playing with Lightsabers and crap.


04-02-2005, 11:22 AM
Cool pics if I had known I would have been there to:D

Two Hawks
04-02-2005, 12:30 PM
The Stormtrooper with running shoes on is a bit funny... :)

I just as a matter of course went to Toys R us this morning to get the girls some new toys and stuff and there was throngs of middle-aged dorks going nuts over Star Wars stuff... That explains it. It was the weirdest thing. I'm there helping my girls pick out a new Dora coloring book and here's a bunch of balding thirty-something dorks playing with Lightsabers and crap.
Yeesh... :( I know what you mean.

:tantrum: Its a :censor: shame when kids have to compete for their toys, with throngs of :loco: collectors.

Sure glad I didn't have to grow up competing with adults for my toys. :D :D

That's my :twocents:.

04-02-2005, 01:16 PM
You guys are so right.

The folks in front of us had cart that rang out to $525. :eek:

I couldn't resist and commented..."Am I gonna see that stuff on ebay tomorrow morning?" :P

Two Hawks
04-02-2005, 01:55 PM
CRUZTAKER Sorry about the rant, it :wasntme:, the dev...ahhhh... Logan made me do that.

What I started to post, before I got side tracked, was that you deserve :2thumbs: for what you did for Gage, he's a lucky boy to have a Dad like you.
That was a great story and I know you enjoyed his excitement as much as he did. Keep up the good work Dad. :up: :D :D

Long Live #3
04-06-2005, 07:42 AM
Does anyone have the trailer for the movie?

04-06-2005, 08:09 PM
Does anyone have the trailer for the movie?
Here you go: http://movies.channel.aol.com/feature/starwars/trailer.adp?type=lrg

04-07-2005, 05:55 AM
On the news this morning they said that people are already camping out for the opening of the movie in May. The only problem is they are at a theatre that isn't scheduled to have the movie although, the theatre staff said the same thing for the last two star wars movies and they ended up having them. But to wait in line for a month just to see a movie is crazy.

04-07-2005, 05:44 PM
On the news this morning they said that people are already camping out for the opening of the movie in May. The only problem is they are at a theatre that isn't scheduled to have the movie although, the theatre staff said the same thing for the last two star wars movies and they ended up having them. But to wait in line for a month just to see a movie is crazy.
They're gonna sit there for a month? :confused: What the heck do these people do for a living??? More scary - where do they... you know... do their business?

Long Live #3
04-08-2005, 07:02 AM
Here you go: http://movies.channel.aol.com/feature/starwars/trailer.adp?type=lrg

Thanks! I look at it when I get home.