View Full Version : Oh God!! My Paint

04-04-2005, 08:40 PM
This Sunday my neighbor had a new front walk laid down.

The concrete was mixed right in front of the house.
well, the wind was blowing, and so was the concrete dust

When I got outside my car looked like it was covered in a very fine sand.
I had to wait for them to stop making dust before I could wash it off.

Well.... Guess what in that short period of time the alkali in the concrete dust ate right thru the paint, very small holes, but nonthe less now the paint looks like it is permanently speckled looking.

I still need to confront my neighbor and see how he wants to handle this. I am sure this is not going to be fun,
I don't want to sue them, thats messy and I have to live next to them.
and I don't think a detail job...aka buffing will help, probably make it worse.

As you can tell, I am not sure exactly how to handle this, and it probably won't be cheap to get it done right.

any way I am pissed, and he knows already that it is not comming off, he watched me wash it twice.

04-04-2005, 09:01 PM
Ouch - that is a rough situation. Screwed if you do, screwed if you don't. Well the good part is you haven't talked to him yet so there's always hope. Maybe if you confront him in a manner of trying to get his help rather than trying to get something else from him you both can work towards a solution.

Personally, I would've been extremely pissed! Keep cool, it's the best thing to do... :)

04-04-2005, 09:27 PM
His homeowner's insurance might cover it. Or possibly the contractor's insurance would be the place to start.

I would certainly talk to him about sooner rather than later. I would start out very humble and hope that the reaction I got would be positive.

Good Luck!

04-04-2005, 09:32 PM
It sounds like they had the job done by a contractor. If so, I would think that the contractor would be insured.

This Sunday my neighbor had a new front walk laid down.

04-04-2005, 09:55 PM
His homeowner's insurance might cover it. Or possibly the contractor's insurance would be the place to start.

I would certainly talk to him about sooner rather than later. I would start out very humble and hope that the reaction I got would be positive.

Good Luck!

I would agree with James.
Bring it up in a conversation and ask him for the contractor's information so you can contact them directly.
This would leave your neighbor out of it, and put your attention focused on the contractor.

If the workers had any consideration for the work area surroundings, they should have knocked on your door,
and offered to cover the Marauder, or ask you to move it to another location, away from the work area.
That's all it would have taken to save them from ruining the paint on your beautiful car.
Make sure the contractor knows this...

04-05-2005, 06:16 AM
walk over to his house with your right hand on the safety and ask him what a fair price would be for the new Marauder he just bought...

04-05-2005, 06:26 AM
That's terrible.

I know firsthand how bad that can be - my car got speckeled with concrete dust from highway construction on the way to school. No way to wash it off for a while, and when I did, it looked like it was still there! I am glad it was my car with the crappy paint anyway - the primer was showing through in spots.

Here's hoping for a sucessfull resolution.

04-05-2005, 06:30 AM
walk over to his house with your right hand on the safety and ask him what a fair price would be for the new Marauder he just bought...Now you're talking! It never ceases to amaze me how people don't consider the consequences of their actions. Before spray painting my house I asked ALL my neighbors to move their cars just incase. Good luck on the new paint job, that is what it will take.

Mike Poore
04-05-2005, 07:36 AM
The concrete was mixed right in front of the house.
well, the wind was blowing, and so was the concrete dust
It is the contractor's bad, and he has insurance. Have your attorney send him a letter, so he knows you're serious. Make 'em paint the car, at the shop of your choice. Tell the neighbor what you're doing and that you don't blame him; that way you might have a witness on your side of it, who wants to avoid blame. :D

04-05-2005, 07:45 AM
It is the contractor's bad, and he has insurance. Have your attorney send him a letter, so he knows you're serious. Make 'em paint the car, at the shop of your choice. Tell the neighbor what you're doing and that you don't blame him; that way you might have a witness on your side of it, who wants to avoid blame. :D

Mike - An excellent point . You need all the friends you can get.

04-05-2005, 05:35 PM
Well, I have spoken to my neighbor and here it is

he is a contractor, and got the concrete boys to lay it down under the table
so, there is basicallly no insurance to go after.

To Make things better he is going to have my car polished professionally

This is better than nothing.
and I did not want to sue my neighbor

04-05-2005, 06:25 PM
Well, I have spoken to my neighbor and here it is

he is a contractor, and got the concrete boys to lay it down under the table
so, there is basicallly no insurance to go after.

To Make things better he is going to have my car polished professionally

This is better than nothing.
and I did not want to sue my neighbor
Glad he is willing to do something. Hopefully you can chose the detailer. Get one who will clay, swirl remover and Zaino your car. (About 6-10 hours work). With any luck it will come out better than new.


04-05-2005, 07:10 PM
Well, I have spoken to my neighbor and here it is

he is a contractor, and got the concrete boys to lay it down under the table
so, there is basicallly no insurance to go after.

To Make things better he is going to have my car polished professionally

This is better than nothing.
and I did not want to sue my neighbor

See how it works out and go from there.

04-05-2005, 08:02 PM
I hope the buffing takes care of it. Make sure you take it to someone that knows what the hell there doing with a high speed buffing wheel. I use to work in a body shop years ago and I have seen some guys really mess up a paint job with a high speed buffer. The paint and clear coat on our cars are very thin and you can burn right through it. I don't mean to scare you but just to warn you.

Good Luck and I hope she comes out great!

Well, I have spoken to my neighbor and here it is

he is a contractor, and got the concrete boys to lay it down under the table
so, there is basicallly no insurance to go after.

To Make things better he is going to have my car polished professionally

This is better than nothing.
and I did not want to sue my neighbor

04-05-2005, 08:50 PM
I hope the buffing takes care of it. Make sure you take it to someone that knows what the hell there doing with a high speed buffing wheel. I use to work in a body shop years ago and I have seen some guys really mess up a paint job with a high speed buffer. The paint and clear coat on our cars are very thin and you can burn right through it. I don't mean to scare you but just to warn you.

Good Luck and I hope she comes out great! VERY TRUE! A quality buffing job is hard to do and takes years to master. Burns and swirls are so easy to do it is almost frightening.