View Full Version : Cool wheelstander PICS

04-05-2005, 02:06 AM
I just can't seem to get enough of this stuff!!!! .....checkout the quote from the driver in the first pic..:eek:

04-05-2005, 02:30 AM
I'm diggin' the tire wrap on the white Camaro...that looks sweet...

04-05-2005, 02:32 AM
I'm diggin' the tire wrap on the white Camaro...that looks sweet... Yeah, so did I. That's why I made that pic a little bigger, because I wanted everyone to catch that. ;) Wrinkle walls at their best, uh?

04-05-2005, 03:43 AM
If only a MM could do that.

Bradley G
04-05-2005, 04:04 AM
Those Guys have to keep the bottom of thier car clean too!:sweat:

Nice Pics Billy!
Bradley G

I just can't seem to get enough of this stuff!!!! .....checkout the quote from the driver in the first pic..:eek:

04-05-2005, 07:04 AM
That's F$#%^&@# Torque !!!

04-05-2005, 11:39 AM
Torque you say? yeah, you can say that again!!!! :D brad, I had never thought about them having to keep the undeside of their rides clean. Interesting point. I guess that's a problem that I don't need to worry about. :(

04-05-2005, 12:46 PM
Billy? Is this something you are concidering to do with the MM?.You crazy :D

Theres no wheels touching the ground. :eek:
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=60 77

04-05-2005, 03:49 PM

These are awesome shots. I really like the one with sparks.

Joe Walsh
04-05-2005, 08:44 PM
Think about this.......Massive amounts of torque are being used to lift the vehicle's weight by literally 'screwing' the front end off the ground through the ring and pinion!!! :eek:
All of that HP, TORQUE, and WEIGHT is being transmitted through a couple of gear teeth!

04-05-2005, 09:23 PM
No problem hooking up the tires in those picts!

04-06-2005, 12:15 AM
Yes, Joe brings up a great point. Each individual link of the drivetrains of those cars(including a few ring and pinion gear teeth at a time) have the total force that it takes to lift thousands of pounds clear off of the pavement upon them all at once for atleast a matter of a couple seconds. When you think about that, you realize what a mechanical wonder that is!!!!

I don't have the $$ to put together a car that will do that, let alone my daily driven Marauder. But if I did have the $$, then I would. And I would take the time on the track to learn how to drive the car myself. I've talked to guys who have huge blowers sticking out of the hoods of their 10 second, and 9 second cars who have stated that they've never even taken them to the track!!! I must admit that I cannot even begin to relate to that. In my line of thinking, what good is it to have a car like that, just so you can take it to car shows, and cruise nights to have other people gawk at it while the car sits there doing nothing, while at the same time, you're afraid to drive the car on the track to see what it can do when all of that power is unleashed!!!!

I gotta tell ya though, I can't say that I've ever been to a wheelstander contest like the one in those pics above. None of the tracks that I go to ever have any wheelstander contests as far as I know. :( That would be a site that I'd luv to see for myself in person!!!!!

04-06-2005, 09:16 AM

Looks like some wheelies could be seen on this day at New England Dragway.

04-06-2005, 10:48 PM

Looks like some wheelies could be seen on this day at New England Dragway.Thanks alot!! I've never been there yet, so I put that webpage in my "favorite places".

04-07-2005, 07:17 AM
Think about this.......Massive amounts of torque are being used to lift the vehicle's weight by literally 'screwing' the front end off the ground through the ring and pinion!!! :eek:
All of that HP, TORQUE, and WEIGHT is being transmitted through a couple of gear teeth!

The guy in the first pic is launching at 5200 RPM !
Most cars would shatter the differential with that much Torque applied.
You have to have a significant investment in your drivetrain
to be able to handle this much power.

04-07-2005, 08:52 AM
What a great way to get up in the morning (always a good sign) and get the pump up to speed while waiting for the coffee to kick in.

Nice Pics :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: THANKS


04-07-2005, 09:34 AM
:D ...................

04-07-2005, 10:39 AM
Wheelstanders are why I go to the track. :)