View Full Version : Gas price survey

04-05-2005, 01:49 PM
Just paid $2.59 for 91 octane at Costco here in Sacramento. OUCH!

How bad are things for the rest of you?

04-05-2005, 01:53 PM
Just shot up to $2.54 here in Louisville Kentucky - 92/93 Octane. :mad:


Fourth Horseman
04-05-2005, 01:57 PM
$2.299 for 91 octane Phillips 66 gas here in Salt Lake City. If it hits $4/gallon I'm riding the light rail to work. :)

04-05-2005, 02:02 PM
$2.299 for 91 octane Phillips 66 gas here in Salt Lake City. If it hits $4/gallon I'm riding the light rail to work. :)

$2.21 For 93 Octane at Conoco near the office....

04-05-2005, 02:08 PM
$2.49 for Amoco Ultimate 93 octane here.

Bobby Clobber
04-05-2005, 03:02 PM
You boys must be getting second grade stuff, we're at 99.9 cents a litre which works out to about $4.50 a gallon Cdn for the low test stuff, 92 octane is about $1.04 Cdn a litre or $ 4. 75 a gallon Cdn.

Man we must have the greatest gas in North America at those prices. :beer:

04-05-2005, 04:01 PM
$2.63 per gallon her in mid Michigan. (93 octane)

04-05-2005, 04:40 PM
$2.36 for 93 octane here in Killeen, TX

04-05-2005, 04:58 PM
Mobil 93, $2.59.9 Sunoco 93, $2.57.9 minus 4% for using Sunoco CC. These prices are :bs:

04-05-2005, 05:01 PM
Just paid $2.59 for 91 octane at Costco here in Sacramento. OUCH!

How bad are things for the rest of you?
Last tankful was $2.249 a couple days ago for Sunoco 93. Not sure what it is today.

Update .... just paid $2.399 (8 April 2005) for Sunoco 93. That's 15 cents higher than last week. :mad: You guys gotta stop asking this price question ... 'cause I normally don't even pay any attention. :rolleyes:

The price of gas is :bs: and it is manipulated every Spring based on :horses#!+: factors. It's a big game and we are the losers every time. Makes me wanna run out and buy a Honda Hybrid. ;) Oops, must have had a mental lapse there .......... 'cause that Honda ever ain't happening. :)

04-05-2005, 05:08 PM
92 and 93 octane across the board here,2.54 a gallon.I heard 3.00 a gallon by summer,THANK YOU Mr Busch.:mad2: This keeps up I will trade off my car for a Harley Davidson I can deal with 300 miles on 2 gallons.Its all government:bs: you bet!!!!!!!!!

04-05-2005, 05:19 PM
Paid 2.23 for 91 @ Sam's Club in Albuquerque. That includes .05 discount for members. Regular price would be 2.28, and that's still a little low for around here. At least my MM sits all week while I drive the city's car!!!!

04-05-2005, 05:40 PM

If you think you are going to go 300 miles on 2 gallons with your Harley, you are living in a dream world.


Price of gas is high because we use so much, plus because the dollar is so low compared to other currencies. Why should it be sold to us for $40.00 a barrel when it can be sold for 40.00Euros a barrel. That brings it way up over $50.00 a barrel. Three years ago, the Dollar and Euro were par. Now, it costs $1.40 to buy 1.00 Euro's. Three years ago, you could buy $1.00CDN for $0.66USD. Today for that same $1.00CDN, it costs you $0.88USD.

Lastly, no matter what the price, at least we can get it. Back in 1973 and 1979, you could not get it, even with a pocket full of money.
Odd-Even Days.
Five Gallon Max and only if tank was less than half full.
No, it's better today. I very well remember 1973 and 1979.

04-05-2005, 05:50 PM
Gas today at $2.549 for 91 Octane here in Woodland, CA.



04-05-2005, 05:55 PM
You boys must be getting second grade stuff :beer:
Actually the U.S. fuel is better and cleaner than ours in Canada. I'm at the Ford plant assembling the Ford Freestar/Mercury Monterey. We have to put U.S. gas into the vans here at the plant because the U.S. won't allow our dirty gas into brand new vehicles coming into that country.

BTW in a couple of years these fuel prices will be "the good old days", and compared to europe, they already are today.

04-05-2005, 05:55 PM
Gas is cheap. Even at three dollars a gallon. Take into account inflation and what you pay for other items 50 years ago as opposed to gasoline.

The government has nothing to do with the price of gas, but the situation we created in Iraq does. The market is being driven by fear and "potential for disruption" in the middle east. It will calm down, and so will prices. A tanker full of gas is bought and sold 4 or 5 times by the time it crosses the Atlantic. This is just one of the many reasons gas prices have gone up.

Usage has nothing to do with the price of gas. Never did. The world's crude oil consumption is up a little over two percent of what it was a year ago. Just like it always is.

Gas is cheap.

04-05-2005, 06:46 PM
$2.34 for 93 octane.

04-05-2005, 06:57 PM
It's about $2.45 for 93 on Long Island. I went up ten cents per gallon since yesterday. :(

de minimus
04-05-2005, 07:03 PM
This morning in Vancouver: $1.08 per litre of 91. I accidentially pressed the 94 octane which was $1.13 per litre. Converting to USD and gallons would be around $3.80 per gallon. I may just be driving to Washington every weekend to fill up.
A lot of smug comments from the Honda & Toyota owners at work today. My response? "At least my car is fast, sounds cool and looks good, so piss off".

04-05-2005, 07:19 PM
A lot of smug comments from the Honda & Toyota owners at work today. My response? "At least my car is fast, sounds cool and looks good, so piss off".

AMEN BRUTHA!!!!!!!!!! :up:

04-05-2005, 08:04 PM
$2.59 In Kansas City for 92 Ocatne.

04-05-2005, 08:12 PM
Citgo price here in Yonkers is $2.45 for 93 Octane.
Westchester County is supposedly the RICHEST County in New York State,
and possibly the entire UNITED STATES... :rolleyes:

You guys want to save money, Stop Buying Persian Fuel Products !!!

What do I mean ???
Stop buying these brands...


Start buying these brands...


I am not sure about Texaco but I can find out.

The fuels based on US Crude Oils are less expensive.
So if you really want to save some $$ in the long run and help your country out,
keep your $$ here and stop sending it over to the Middle East every time you FILL UP !!!
If you continue the way you do, we will NEVER end the war in the Middle East !

04-05-2005, 10:40 PM
$2.75 Gal for 91 Octane.

04-05-2005, 10:53 PM
Start buying these brands...


Not one of those brands available in my area.

04-06-2005, 06:01 AM
$2.31 across the river $2.41 on the Huntspatch side.

04-06-2005, 06:05 AM
Hollywood Florida $2.49 gal prem.

04-06-2005, 06:12 AM
$2.59 for 91 octane in my little corner of Indiana

04-06-2005, 06:13 AM
Westchester County is supposedly the RICHEST County in New York State,
and possibly the entire UNITED STATES... :rolleyes:

I lived in West Harrison for 2 two years, when I worked at the Westchester County Airport. You are correct with that statement. Everyone there let me know that county takes the cake when it comes to money, old school money, Manhattans money. Counties in California can't even touch it.

Don't forget to buy from BP as well. None of their barrels are persian.

BTW...$2.57 for 93 in Cleveland...

$3.99 for 100 unleaded (hasn't changed a cent in over a year)


04-06-2005, 06:27 AM
This says way more than I can .....

Dr Caleb
04-06-2005, 07:11 AM
We have to put U.S. gas into the vans here at the plant because the U.S. won't allow our dirty gas into brand new vehicles coming into that country.

Gasoline is gasoline. Whether it gets 'cracked' in Texas, Philidelphia or Calgary, it all goes into the same pipelines. Shell can put a barrel of gas in the pipe in Edmonton and take it out in Miami the same day. Chemically there is no difference between what Shell, BP, Husky, Encana or Exxon put in the pipe, because they all take it out of the pipe, regardless of who put it in there.

All that changes is what additives are put in at the other end. Octane boosters, winter additives etc.

I don't know how any company could claim that gas is different on ethier side of the border, because it's all the same pipeline.

04-06-2005, 09:03 AM
Man I am glad I dont commute! I dont know what the prices are. I havnt bought gas in two weeks. Needless to say, I need gas! lol

04-06-2005, 10:23 AM
Gasoline is gasoline. Whether it gets 'cracked' in Texas, Philidelphia or Calgary, it all goes into the same pipelines. Shell can put a barrel of gas in the pipe in Edmonton and take it out in Miami the same day. Chemically there is no difference between what Shell, BP, Husky, Encana or Exxon put in the pipe, because they all take it out of the pipe, regardless of who put it in there.

All that changes is what additives are put in at the other end. Octane boosters, winter additives etc.

I don't know how any company could claim that gas is different on ethier side of the border, because it's all the same pipeline.

My statement has nothing to do with the chemical makeup of fuel.
According to Federal Standards, all fuel types have to be compatible between brands.

What I AM SAYING, is to direct your hard earned $$$ to companies that reinvest it HERE,
instead of companies that use the money to fuel TERRORISM !

Did you understand that ???

04-06-2005, 10:23 AM
I don't know how any company could claim that gas is different on ethier side of the border, because it's all the same pipeline.
What's this "pipeline?"

04-06-2005, 10:25 AM
Not one of those brands available in my area.

Tell me what brands you have and I'll look them up,
and find out what their fuel oil makeup is.

Dr Caleb
04-06-2005, 12:00 PM
What I AM SAYING, is to direct your hard earned $$$ to companies that reinvest it HERE,
instead of companies that use the money to fuel TERRORISM !

Did you understand that ???

Dude! I wasn't commenting on your statement . . .I was commenting on CanadaSVT's . . .chill! :beer:

I agree with you. All the companies I buy gas from re-invest the money locally! Canada is in the unique position that we are a net exporter of energy, we do not import any oil or gas - period.

Dr Caleb
04-06-2005, 12:16 PM
What's this "pipeline?"

Every oil company refines their products and puts it into pipelines. Sometimes they own the pipe, sometimes they lease the capacity from another company such as Encana, Newbridge, etc. The pipelines transport oil/gas/natural gas etc from the refinery to distribution points in major cities.

For example, there is a major pipeline running from here in Edmonton to Chicago and Toronto. There are similar pipelines running from Houston to Chicago. Basically anywhere there are refineries to other places that need gasoline. Or fuel oil ... or diesel . . . It all runs through the same pipelines.

Shell may refine gasoline here, put it in the pipeline to transport it to New York. The pipeline may be owned by Enbridge. Shell puts in 1,000,000 barrels of gasoline, and can take out 1,000,000 barrels right away, even though the actual gasoline may take 6 weeks to actually get to New York, and may be taken out of the pipeline by another company in New Orleans.

Which is why I wondered about CanadaSVT's statement. I'm sure what he says it true, I'm just wondering how someone who developed that policy could come to that conclusion, since it's nearly impossible to determine where the actual gasoline they are putting in the tanks was refined.

04-06-2005, 02:20 PM
I have to look in the attic and see if I can find my t shirt from the 70's that has a picture of a mushroom cloud and says Nuke their a$$ - Take the gas.... as long as they have us by the cohones and are squeezing, it seems appropriate. Fire away...:flamer:

04-06-2005, 02:22 PM
What's this "pipeline?"I don't know but that is where I want to fill up!

04-06-2005, 03:39 PM
"At least my car is fast, sounds cool and looks good, so piss off".
Sounds like an excellent bumper sticker .... but where would I put it?? Certainly not on the rear of my MM !!! :D

04-06-2005, 03:45 PM
Just paid $2.35 for 93 at Gulf self-serve (yes, I always pump my own gas!) Mobil is $2.45 for 93 self-serve.

04-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Low of $2.34 to a high of $2.63 here in the LowCountry....


04-06-2005, 05:39 PM
Just paid $2.35 for 93 at Gulf self-serve (yes, I always pump my own gas!) Mobil is $2.45 for 93 self-serve.You mean there are full serve stations still out there? Haven't seen one of those in years, except driving through Oregon where it is the law that you CAN NOT pump your own gas...go figure :dunno:

04-06-2005, 07:42 PM
You mean there are full serve stations still out there? Haven't seen one of those in years, except driving through Oregon where it is the law that you CAN NOT pump your own gas...go figure :dunno:

Also no self service in New Jersey.

04-06-2005, 08:03 PM
This morning in Vancouver: $1.08 per litre of 91. I accidentially pressed the 94 octane which was $1.13 per litre. Converting to USD and gallons would be around $3.80 per gallon. I may just be driving to Washington every weekend to fill up.
A lot of smug comments from the Honda & Toyota owners at work today. My response? "At least my car is fast, sounds cool and looks good, so piss off".Sucker! Gas went all the way down to .835/litre, here in TO! 94 octane is only .955/litre. Should I really be happy about these prices :confused:

BTW - That's much nicer than my typical response yo that sort of comment... My car's bigger than yours. I'm bigger than you. Get the "F" out my way!:mad2:

de minimus
04-06-2005, 08:10 PM
Also no self service in New Jersey.
What's the rationale? Safety? Job preservation?

04-06-2005, 11:40 PM
What's the rationale? Safety? Job preservation?Those are my 2 guesses. I learned about it the hard way while driving through Oregon. Stopped for gas, hopped out and got it going. Guy comes running at me like I just robbed a bank. Gets in my face and orders me to get back in my car. Just what I need, getting hauled to jail for pumping my own gas. :lol:

04-07-2005, 01:01 AM
What's the rationale? Safety? Job preservation?
Maybe its to keep the "undocumented immigrants" employed, or out of elevators if they can not speak our language.

de minimus
04-07-2005, 07:45 AM
Sucker! Gas went all the way down to .835/litre, here in TO! 94 octane is only .955/litre. Should I really be happy about these prices :confused:

BTW - That's much nicer than my typical response yo that sort of comment... My car's bigger than yours. I'm bigger than you. Get the "F" out my way!:mad2:
I guess it's the price that you have to pay to live in British Columbia. How's the weather in the centre of the universe?

...and your response is what i'd have liked to say but I have to be nice to my co-workers.:)

04-07-2005, 07:54 AM
Exxon price here in Metairie,La 2.32 a gallon

04-07-2005, 08:07 AM
Gasoline is gasoline. Whether it gets 'cracked' in Texas, Philidelphia or Calgary, it all goes into the same pipelines. Shell can put a barrel of gas in the pipe in Edmonton and take it out in Miami the same day. Chemically there is no difference between what Shell, BP, Husky, Encana or Exxon put in the pipe, because they all take it out of the pipe, regardless of who put it in there.

All that changes is what additives are put in at the other end. Octane boosters, winter additives etc.

I don't know how any company could claim that gas is different on ethier side of the border, because it's all the same pipeline.This is why we have refinery's. The fuel is garbage intill it is refined. The refinery in Oakville doesn't clean the crap from Alberta as well as the refineries in the States. Ontario gas is well known for being the dirtiest in Canada and the U.S.

Like I stated, the U.S. government will not allow our Ford plant to fill the tanks in our products with gas refined here. It is brought up from the U.S.:)

04-07-2005, 08:12 AM
What's the rationale? Safety? Job preservation?
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:

04-07-2005, 08:25 AM
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:
On a business trip in Newark, De.

$2.23 reg
$2.39 mid
$2.49 high test

04-07-2005, 10:49 AM
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:Too many cases of "pump and run" and you will get them also.

04-07-2005, 02:44 PM
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:

You can pay with a credit card right at the pump ( at most stations) and it is not necessary to go into the office.

04-07-2005, 02:53 PM
Citgo price here in Yonkers is $2.45 for 93 Octane.
Westchester County is supposedly the RICHEST County in New York State,
and possibly the entire UNITED STATES... :rolleyes:

You guys want to save money, Stop Buying Persian Fuel Products !!!

What do I mean ???
Stop buying these brands...


Start buying these brands...


I am not sure about Texaco but I can find out.

The fuels based on US Crude Oils are less expensive.
So if you really want to save some $$ in the long run and help your country out,
keep your $$ here and stop sending it over to the Middle East every time you FILL UP !!!
If you continue the way you do, we will NEVER end the war in the Middle East ! What about Marathon?:o

de minimus
04-07-2005, 07:22 PM
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:
Makes sense and it will come here if that's the reason. A few weeks ago a kid working at a gas station was dragged about a 100 metres to his death by some **** head trying to get away from paying for $12 worth of gas for his stolen Mustang.

B.C. Bake
04-07-2005, 07:25 PM
Just paid $2.59 for 91 octane at Costco here in Sacramento. OUCH!

How bad are things for the rest of you?
Hey I'm from west scramento:banana: Anyway here in Las Vegas I just payed 2.69 a gallon:( .

04-07-2005, 07:47 PM
Hey I'm from west scramento:banana: Anyway here in Las Vegas I just payed 2.69 a gallon:( .If you ever make it back this way, drop me a note.

B.C. Bake
04-07-2005, 08:58 PM
If you ever make it back this way, drop me a note.
You bet!!! mabe I'll try to make down there in a month or so, and drive the maruder. Before I go I'll drop you a note :cool5:

04-07-2005, 09:09 PM
Why does anyone care what their gas costs?

93 octane or detonation.

Simply put.

At least for me with my Trilogy and Lidio installed 93 tune.


04-07-2005, 09:19 PM
Citgo price here in Yonkers is $2.45 for 93 Octane.
Westchester County is supposedly the RICHEST County in New York State,
and possibly the entire UNITED STATES... :rolleyes:

You guys want to save money, Stop Buying Persian Fuel Products !!!

What do I mean ???
Stop buying these brands...


Start buying these brands...


I am not sure about Texaco but I can find out.

The fuels based on US Crude Oils are less expensive.
So if you really want to save some $$ in the long run and help your country out,
keep your $$ here and stop sending it over to the Middle East every time you FILL UP !!!
If you continue the way you do, we will NEVER end the war in the Middle East !
Only one available in my area is Citgo and it's no where close to work or home.

04-07-2005, 09:24 PM
Here in St. Louis

Shell is $2.50
Mobil $2.39
BP $2.39
Philips $2.45

Fortunately i have the truck to fall back on. Uses 87 but even those prices are steep.

Oh well Metrolink is starting to look real good about now.

04-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Why does anyone care what their gas costs?

93 octane or detonation.

Simply put.

At least for me with my Trilogy and Lidio installed 93 tune.

:D 91 is the best I can find around here, short of a trip to the raceway. I was just curious how bad I'm getting screwed compared with the rest of the nation. Does the price effect how I drive. Not really. EG, this morning it was raining nicely, a perfect time to click off the TC and spin my way to my appointment.

04-08-2005, 11:53 AM
Just filled up my MM for the first time today. 91 octane was 97.9 cents/L. Cost me exactly $60 Cdn. to fill.

04-08-2005, 04:16 PM
:bump: Up 15 cents from last week .... now at $2.399 for Sunoco 93. :mad:

David Morton
04-08-2005, 08:52 PM
$2.49 and 9 tenths of a cent for 93 here in Bradenton.


04-08-2005, 09:44 PM
What about Marathon?:o

47% of Marathon's supplies are from Persian Crude Oil...

If anyone is interested in the source of the Crude for your fuel,
you can look it up yourself here...
Crude Oil Imports for 2004 (http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/summary2004.html)

If you can do something to help out our boys, fighting for the end of Terrorism,
the most impoortant thing you can do is to stop purchasing any fuel
that is sourced from PERSIAN CRUDE OIL !!!

You will also save yourself a few pennies on ever gallon of fuel that you buy.

I also need to correct my post since Sunoco and Shell are all US CRUDE !!!

04-09-2005, 10:49 AM
My friendly neighborhood Shell Station is charging $2.719 for 92 premium. I just paid $19.84 for 8 gallons of regular at $2.479 to fill up my lawn tractor cans. That darn yard is just killin me! :rolleyes:

04-10-2005, 06:44 AM
At the self-serve stations in the U.S. don't they make you pay before ya pump. I hope it never comes to that up here.:help:
They have it here, already... Some of the local stations will not let you pump before paying, after 11:00 PM. You just live in a nicer part of the province, I guess :coolman:

04-10-2005, 07:05 AM
$2.219 last night for some 93 octane.

Ethanol blend, but that's the only 93 I can get.


04-10-2005, 12:33 PM
On base, best price in the city of San Diego, $2.68.9 yesterday. 91 Octane, 93 not available. Going up 3 or 4 cents per gallon everytime the fuel truck shows up at the exchange. Went up 7 cents per gallon this week. Went up 16 cents in two weeks, 25 cents in three weeks. 50 cents in a little more than a month. -kjs-

Bradley G
04-10-2005, 01:15 PM
Just think if we lived in Europe{and could have our Marauders over there}, we could Drive our wonderfully fast Marauders at God speed.But the bad news is, every time you stomped the go fast pedal,It would cost you a fortune:rolleyes: .

What does gas cost everywhere else in the world?:twocents: :sunshine: :trophy:
Bradley G

04-10-2005, 01:24 PM
Here in Michigan, 45-50 miles from me they're having a "gas war". The going price is $1.99 for regular! Some stations around here are starting to price all gas grades at the same price regular/mid/premium. The way I look at it is that people will do the same thing that they did in the early 70's and sell the gas guzzlers at low prices (better for us that will buy them!) and then when they want them back, we sell them for much more then we bought them for and we had the fun of owning and driving them!

04-10-2005, 02:31 PM
Just think if we lived in Europe{and could have our Marauders over there}, we could Drive our wonderfully fast Marauders at God speed.But the bad news is, every time you stomped the go fast pedal,It would cost you a fortune:rolleyes: .

What does gas cost everywhere else in the world?:twocents: :sunshine: :trophy:
Bradley G

A German that had a 2000 Lightning imported filled up on 95 Oct. and it cost him $160.00 :depress: But the bonus is he gets to do 140 MPH on the Autobahn That was on April 6th no telling how much it went up again. He also can get 97 and 100 Oct gas as well.

04-10-2005, 02:33 PM
The cheapest around my Parts is 2.17 for 87 $2.27 for 89 and $2.37 for 91

But I don't care as I have a 1998 Mystique with a 2.0 Zetec for every day driving.

04-10-2005, 02:45 PM
Just paid $2.59 for 91 octane at Costco here in Sacramento. OUCH!

How bad are things for the rest of you?
Paid $2.37 for Shell 93 octane today.

04-11-2005, 04:47 PM
Gas is cheap. Even at three dollars a gallon. Take into account inflation and what you pay for other items 50 years ago as opposed to gasoline.

The government has nothing to do with the price of gas, but the situation we created in Iraq does. The market is being driven by fear and "potential for disruption" in the middle east. It will calm down, and so will prices. A tanker full of gas is bought and sold 4 or 5 times by the time it crosses the Atlantic. This is just one of the many reasons gas prices have gone up.

Usage has nothing to do with the price of gas. Never did. The world's crude oil consumption is up a little over two percent of what it was a year ago. Just like it always is.

Gas is cheap.

Yes, adjust for inflation etc, etc. BUT ExxonMobil's profits were 88 BILLION last year, from what I read in the paper. And that's just ExxonMobil. I'm not sure who approved that merger (or what they got paid to approve it) but it sure seems like we are paying for some large profits. How about a little more competition to help control the spiraling costs?

BTW - 91 Octane in Westlake Village, CA was $2.90 this past Saturday.

04-11-2005, 05:47 PM
$2.39 in Orlando Florida for 93 octane.

04-11-2005, 07:44 PM
$2.39 in Orlando Florida for 93 octane.

For some reason that isn't really clear, the
Alberston's on Rufe Snow (Keller, TX) was selling regular for $1.09 a gallon Sunday. Strange......................

I get 93 Octane for $2.31 at Murphy's.

04-11-2005, 08:15 PM
2.50 even last fillup, think it was 7-11. I refuse to complain about gas prices as long as there is still some to be gotten. I am old enough to remember odd and even days.

04-11-2005, 09:11 PM
Gas prices actually dropped .05 per gallon here over the weekend. Whippty freakin doo. :poke: