View Full Version : Yeah, it's French

04-13-2005, 09:41 PM
From The Daliy Record (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=15395572&method=full&siteid=89488&headline=freak-death-of-mum-run-over-by-own-car-name_page.html#goldberg)


Apr 13 2005

Broken parts' chain reaction

By Kevin Donald

A YOUNG mum was run over and killed by her own car - after broken parts sparked a freak chain reaction.

Alison Taylor's Peugeot 405 wouldn't start so she got out and banged the engine with a hammer.

But the blows triggered the broken starter motor and because the keys were still in the ignition, the engine started. The handbrake should have stopped the car lurching forward - but that was broken as well, an inquest heard. Even then the momentum of the car would not have been enough to cause a problem.

But Alison, 36, tried to steady herself and accidentally grabbed the throttle cable.

As her elderly mother watched in horror the car sped over her, killing her instantly.

Police told an inquest that the fatal series of defects was 'one of the strangest set of circumstances imaginableIronically mum-of-one Alison, of Camperdown, North Tyneside, was planning to sell the car.

Alison had taken son Daryl, 12, to a meeting at Seaton Burn Community College and returned to the car when the accident happened in September last year.

Her mum, Marjorie Rundle, said: 'I heard a sound like a washing machine on a very high spin.

'The car then made a small jump forward, followed by a much larger one.

'I couldn't see Alison at all, so I ran to the back of the car, which had gone down an embankment. There was smoke coming from the front and I saw Alison trapped underneath.'

North Tyneside Coroner's Court returned a verdict of accident

04-13-2005, 09:49 PM
Sad. Kinda sounds a little like some of the Audi horror stories from awhile back.

04-14-2005, 04:15 AM
The only difference is that there were no Audi problems. It was a 60 minutes smear campaign.

Plus everybody knows that you never use a hammer on a Peugeot.
You use an axe!

04-14-2005, 08:45 AM
Peugot 405 is an OLD model...........

04-14-2005, 09:53 AM
Very sad. :(

04-14-2005, 10:03 AM
Hate to say it, but sounds like the car was a real bucket, probably needed a bunch of repairs.

I lived in Europe for a while, and man there are some borderline cars out there.

BTW Wchain is correct, the 405 was discontinued after 96, so the car is at least 9 years old, and seeing as how it was introduced for the 88 model year..... it could be 17 years old as well.

04-14-2005, 10:04 AM
You know, there are times where i refuse to beleive that there is fate, you know, destiny. I like to think that i am a master of my own destiny, but when i read stories like this, it makes me reconsider my stance. Kinda like the guy on RT 29, in Trenton, who survived a car wreck, then his car (with him in it) fell 20 feet to the highway below, tried running out of the road, got slammed by a van, got up and ran accross the road, got hit by another car, got up, saw a tractor trailer coming so he stopped to wait for it and the vaccuum of the truck sucked him underneath and killed him. That sounds like destiny right there. Crazy stuff.

Mike Poore
04-14-2005, 10:05 AM
It set me to thinking about Christine. ..................Hell hath no Fury...like Christine :eek:

04-14-2005, 01:02 PM
Yea, but I love the Peugeot 607. One of the few (if not only) beautiful French cars. No matter. Next time I go (probably this autumn) I will again lease a Renault Leguna II. Not as good looking as the 607, but a great car nevertheless.

04-14-2005, 01:08 PM
BTW. Although the car may have been French, the woman was British. Because it happened "Tyneside", she was probably a "Geordie". I said she was British because the English calls Geordies "Scotsmen with their brains kicked out", the the Scotts call them "Englishmen with their brains kicked out", and nobody wants them. :P

04-14-2005, 01:15 PM
I lived in Europe for a while, and man there are some borderline cars out there.
I lived in Germany from '75-78 and again from '86-'89. The Europeans back then had really strict safety inspections and standards back then. During my first tour, I never saw a rust bucket on the roads. :D

Ten year later, I noticed that things had changed somewhat but not really that significantly but an occasional bucket would show up. Now that another 15 years has passed, it appears the folks over there are getting as lax as we are here in the USA. I see busted windshields, bald tires, no brake lights, and bumpers hanging off some of these Own-a-Wrecks more frequently than I care to mention. The surprising part is that Virginia has a pretty rigorous annual inspection program. :(

04-14-2005, 01:25 PM
It set me to thinking about Christine. ..................Hell hath no Fury...like Christine :eek:

No -- hell hath no fury like a woman's corns.

Ask you wife... :bigcry: