View Full Version : BillyGman Came To Town And We Blew It Up!

04-17-2005, 06:52 AM
Yep. . .

The "Gman" has been in Louisville for the weekend and we went to Knob Creek shooting range to get some time in on the "Big .50 BMG". :D

Targets Destroyed:

Car Batteries,
Man Hole Cover
Engine Block.

This weapon is the most incredible firearm I have ever pulled the trigger on! The recoil of this 25 lb. rifle is astounding. :sweat:

At 130 yds., this round punched holes thru a cast iron sewer cover blowing a chunk away from it as a souvenier for Billy to take back to Connecticut.

A shot fired thru the fender blew apart the bell housing exposing the inside of the tranny and spewing anti-freeze all over the engine.

We washed the cars the following day followed by my first ride in a S/C'd MM.

The stupid grin on my face practically swallowed my ears during WOT, returning home with the front of my shirt soaked with :drool: . My daughter had the same grin as I did during our fun filled ride.

Embassy stopped by with his lovely G/F to meet Billy and my family. They also got to go for a ride and enjoyed it immensly.

It has been a great weekend!

Here's to you Billy. . :beer: :bows:

Click the Pics:

04-17-2005, 07:42 AM
From the pictures you posted and the description of your activities, it sounds like a tailor-made weekend for fun, and right up Billy's alley, no less. That 50 caliber of his is imposing enough just looking at it, I can't even imagine what it's like to fire off a few rounds.

A ride in Trilogy 24 is a life-changing expirience. I'm glad you and Embassy got to meet Billy...:beer:

04-17-2005, 06:07 PM
... love my .50 cal squirrel gun too...just never enough squirrel left over for brefas ... dunno why ...


Joe Walsh
04-17-2005, 06:49 PM
I'd LOVE to shoot a .50 cal Machine Gun!!
That must be a total rush lettin' that 'mutha' rip!!

I've read that during the seige of Berlin the Germans really hated the .50 cal because they would hide behind brick walls and we would shoot right THROUGH them!! :eek:

04-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Man, that's rough to look at. You don't shoot people and defend your loved ones with stuff like that, you take down planes and kill 3 elk at a time?

Man...it's rough to look at because I WISH I WAS THERE! RAAAAAA!


04-17-2005, 06:52 PM
You certainly picked a "rutt-ro" attention getting title.

Glad to see this wasn't about what I first thought.

Shame shame tho ...

Picking on a Pontiac 6000 like that.

Don't you know those are future classics, that will be more valuable & sought after than the Judge optioned GTO's & Bandit Trans Am's ?.

:shot: :lol: :shot:

04-17-2005, 07:25 PM
That looks like a pretty cool place with some fun targets..Yep looks like fun..:up:

04-18-2005, 03:46 AM
I had a .458 Winchester Magnum in a Ruger 1 falling block rifle once.....Kicks the crap out of ya but gives devastating results on the other end!! :bows: :bows:

We shot a parts dumpster once at a boat dealership and motor parts spewed from the top of it as the round went completely through it and blew a pine tree down behind it!! SCAREY!!! :help: The thing would reduce a concrete block to dust!!

No place is safe to hide from these high caliber MONSTERS!! :flamer:

Marauderjack :cool4:

04-18-2005, 03:57 AM
Doesn't this remind you of that gun testing scene in "The Jackal"???!

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=62 09

04-18-2005, 05:10 AM
Perfect for home defense!

I want to try one too.

04-18-2005, 05:20 AM
I accidentally touched off a .357 Magnum in the house once and couldn't believe what all it went through!!!!!! :o You could actually kill a neighbor with a .357 Magnum..... :censor:

With the 50 caliber you could accidentally kill someone in another county!!! :bows: :bows:

BE YE CAREFUL!! :help:

Marauderjack :bandit:

Joe Walsh
04-18-2005, 07:57 AM
I accidentally touched off a .357 Magnum in the house once and couldn't believe what all it went through!!!!!! :o You could actually kill a neighbor with a .357 Magnum..... :censor:

With the 50 caliber you could accidentally kill someone in another county!!! :bows: :bows:

BE YE CAREFUL!! :help:

Marauderjack :bandit:

How much do you pay for your HEARING AID batteries???? ;)

04-18-2005, 08:29 AM
I had a great time hanging out with you two on Sat.

Billy is a top notch guy and I really appreciate him taking me and my better half out for a quick ride. Getting up to 80mph has not been that fun, or that alarming, for quite some time.

Thanks to Mike and his family for allowing me to stop by.

I'll post my pics soon.

Some of you other guys should come down as I am always open to a gun range meet.

04-18-2005, 12:26 PM
Click here (http://www.supermotors.org/vehicles/registry/detail.php?id=588&s=24765#content) for the pics.

04-18-2005, 01:46 PM
Nice pics boys......it was fun shooting up a little piece of Kentucky.:D I was pleasantly surprised about how comfortable and experienced people there are with firearms. I mean here we were showing three of Mike's neighbor's my rifle right out on his front lawn with the entire close knit neighborhood to see, and nobody had any problem with that!!!! I mean, yes, we were making double sure that nothing was loaded, and making sure that nobody was pointing the muzzle at anyone, or at anyone's home either. However, despite our observances of strict safety, had that been in Connecticut, or in a number of other states, we would've been arrested for "brandishing" a firearm in public within city limits.

I guess the latter scenario is the way it is when you live in a part of the country like I do where barely anyone has any experience at all with the safe and responsible use of firearms, and with the shooting sports in general, and the only thing they know about firearms is from movies, and from reading about crimes being commited with them in the newspapers. I guess it's human nature for people to simply fear that which they know nothing about.

Fourth Horseman
04-18-2005, 02:00 PM
Man, look at the muzzle brake on that monster! Yeehaw! I'll bet that's fun to shoot. Wish I had the money for one.

04-18-2005, 03:14 PM
Man, look at the muzzle brake on that monster! Yeehaw! I'll bet that's fun to shoot. Wish I had the money for one.Yeah, with that muzzle brake, I think it kinda makes it look a little like the main gun of a tank. But with a mega caliber like the 50 BMG, it would literally break your shoulder if it didn't have such a muzzle brake on it. Both the brake, and the rifle weighing three times that of standard rifles, make the recoil rather bareable to the point that it isn't a painfull experience every time you pull the trigger. It does kick hard, and it can leave your shoulder feeling the next day like somebody punched you a few times, and it's also real loud too (I like that:D ), but 20 or 30 shots can easily be fired off at one sitting.

Some people will tell you that these rifles kick like a 12 gauge shotgun, but that just isn't true IMO. I have a couple 12 gauges too, and with a 2 3/4" shell, they don't kick you as hard as the 50 BMG rifle does. but it's a different type of kick with the big 50 because of the weight of the gun. It isn't as sharp. I had a 10 gauge side-by-side shotgun, and that thing kicked much harder than either one of my 50 BMG rifles ever did. the 10 gauge definately was painfull to shoot!!! The big 50 rifles are real fun to shoot.

04-18-2005, 03:40 PM
Down South you're a normal citizen.

Up in Connecticut you're a terrorist 2nd ammendment nut or CIA...because there's no inbetween eh:D

04-18-2005, 04:39 PM
Down South you're a normal citizen.

Up in Connecticut you're a terrorist 2nd ammendment nut or CIA...because there's no inbetween eh:D Jimmy my friend, you're exactly correct. You have wisdom that exceeds your small number of years.;)

Anyway, it was quite a long drive out there to Kentucky (14+ hours there, and 13.5 hours back). The worst part being the hectic drive through the rat race of the state of NewYork. :rolleyes: ...boy do I hate that!!!

04-18-2005, 04:45 PM
Anyway nothin! You're halfway to SC by then:D

Jimmy my friend, you're exactly correct. You have wisdom that exceeds your small number of years.;)

Anyway, it was quite a long drive out there to Kentucky (14+ hours there, and 13.5 hours back). The worst part being the hectic drive through the rat race of the state of NewYork. :rolleyes: ...boy do I hate that!!!

04-18-2005, 04:51 PM
Anyway nothin! You're halfway to SC by then:D LOL.....that's easy for you to say. Driving for 13+ hours straight without any break other than to hit a bathroom to urinate, and fill up the gas tank and grab a soda isn't what I call fun. And I drove alone too. Driving a truck for a living must be one lousy job. Especially when you don't get to shoot up a car, a manhole cover, and various other things with a 50 BMG rifle like I got to do at the end of my journey.:):gunfire: :gunfire: :gunfire:

04-18-2005, 05:47 PM

Glad to hear you made it home safely. I cannot imagine driving that far as I have gone 8 hours straight , but no more than that.

This past weekend was a helluvalot of fun with bragging rights at work today and showing pics and vids of blowing things up. :D

Showing firearms in the street you say? It helped out that Larry my LEO neighbor was one looking at it otherwise I would probably have hesitated. At least removing it from the case anyway.

My Sister-in-Law is working on hosting the vids for us, and if it works, I will post the link for all to see. ;)

Thanks to everyone for their positive posts as this past weekend will not be forgotten.

Once again BillyGman, . . :beer: :beer: :bows: :bows: :bows:

Steve, Thanks for the pics Dude! :bows: :bows:


04-18-2005, 06:50 PM
Please don't anyone get me wrong. Being able to hangout with a Marauder board buddy to share two different hobbies at the same time was great ( meaning both the Marauder passion as well as the target shooting passion as well!). :burn: :burnout: :uzi:

04-18-2005, 07:44 PM

This past weekend was a helluvalot of fun with bragging rights at work today and showing pics and vids of blowing things up. :D

Uhmm......yeah, I had some plans of my own for some "bragging rights" but they didn't work out. :rolleyes:

...I hope that atleast you enjoyed your bragging rights......

Fourth Horseman
04-19-2005, 09:09 AM
Yeah, with that muzzle brake, I think it kinda makes it look a little like the main gun of a tank. But with a mega caliber like the 50 BMG, it would literally break your shoulder if it didn't have such a muzzle brake on it. Both the brake, and the rifle weighing three times that of standard rifles, make the recoil rather bareable to the point that it isn't a painfull experience every time you pull the trigger. It does kick hard, and it can leave your shoulder feeling the next day like somebody punched you a few times, and it's also real loud too (I like that:D ), but 20 or 30 shots can easily be fired off at one sitting.

I have never shot anything that big. I'd sure like to some day, though. My rifles are on the opposite end of the caliber spectrum. I've got an M4 carbine and I'm putting together a 24" bbl flat-top AR15 with scope for varminting. Not much kick in either of those two. :)

04-19-2005, 09:27 AM
I have never shot anything that big. I'd sure like to some day, though. My rifles are on the opposite end of the caliber spectrum. I've got an M4 carbine and I'm putting together a 24" bbl flat-top AR15 with scope for varminting. Not much kick in either of those two. :)Easy kicking rifles are cool too. With those you can devote your entire attention and training to shot placement. The extreme challenge of firing a hard kicking rifle like those that fire the 50 BMG round, is that your attention is divided between shot placement, and trying to force yourself to relax and just let the rifle hit you when the trigger is pulled.

In the back of your mind, you know it won't hurt you, but at the same time, you also know that one hard kick is coming, and it will be accompanied by a massive shock wave of muzzle blast from the huge muzzle brake( which is angled back at 30 degrees ), and a really big noise. So your natural tendency will be to flinch and pull away from the rifle right at the same time the trigger is pulled. So you have to fight that urge to flinch and concentrate on just relaxing, and letting the rifle hit you. Because if you don't relax, and you flinch, your shot placement will be thrown off ofcourse.

And in addition to that being a challenge, what happens after you've shot 20 rounds or so in one sitting with a heavy caliber like this, is that your pulse rate increases simply from getting hit in the shoulder so much. And because your heart is pounding, you actually begin to see the cross hairs of the scope reticle jumping up and down when you're looking through the scope at your target.Particularly if you have a very high powered scope mounted on the rifle like I do (mine is a 42X scope). So with all of these factors into play shooting a rifle such as this requires a lot of concentration, and causes your attention to be divided. It's quite a challenge, and is also very exhilarating at the same time. Pardon the pun, but it's a blast!!!

04-19-2005, 10:00 AM
I've posted this pic before, but for those of you who might not have seen this, here's a comparisant of the 50 BMG caliber round as compared to other lesser calibers, and to some hefty handgun calibers. Viewing the pic below should give you some idea of the massive energy that exits the barrell of a rifle that shoots the 50 BMG round. And to further my point, just keep in mind that the muzzle energy of a .3006 rifle is listed at about 3,200 Ft/LBS, the .300 Win Magnum at about 3,800 FT/LBS, the mighty 460 Weatherby magnum round is at 8,000 FT/LBS, with the 50 BMG being at 12,000+ FT/LBS. There's just no comparisant amongst rifles in the "small arms" catagory. The next step up from the 50 BMG caliber is the 20MM cannon, which isn't in the "small arms" catagory at all......thanks for allowing me to share this hobby of mine....

This pic below is of actual rounds of the various calibers that I"ve taped to a white mailing envelope, and placed in my scanner. I guess that we can say that the 50 BMG round is the "Supercharged" rifle caliber with the others being "N/A"....

04-19-2005, 10:06 AM
I've posted this pic before, but for those of you who might not have seen this, here's a comparisant of the 50 BMG caliber round as compared to other lesser calibers, and to some hefty handgun calibers. Viewing the pic below should give you some idea of the massive energy that exits the barrell of a rifle that shoots the 50 BMG round. And to further my point, just keep in mind that the muzzle energy of a .3006 rifle is listed at about 3,200 Ft/LBS, the .300 Win Magnum at about 3,800 FT/LBS, the mighty 460 Weatherby magnum round is at 8,000 FT/LBS, with the 50 BMG being at 12,000+ FT/LBS. There's just no comparisant amongst rifles in the "small arms" catagory. The next step up from the 50 BMG caliber is the 20MM cannon, which isn't in the "small arms" catagory at all......thanks for allowing me to share this hobby of mine....

This pic below is of actual rounds of the various calibers that I"ve taped to a white mailing envelope, and placed in my scanner.....

That is a "huge" bullet. I've never shot anything bigger than an airgun, but I've always had a slight interest in guns. I do have a pic of me holding up an M16 when I was 5 years old (we were in the Philippines, in the backyard of my uncle's compound). And I distinctly remember my uncles and dad firing off rounds at targets. It's one of the best memories from my childhood.

04-19-2005, 10:11 AM
That is a "huge" bullet. I've never shot anything bigger than an airgun, but I've always had a slight interest in guns. I do have a pic of me holding up an M16 when I was 5 years old (we were in the Philippines, in the backyard of my uncle's compound). And I distinctly remember my uncles and dad firing off rounds at targets. It's one of the best memories from my childhood. I know what you mean. Responsible participation in the shooting sports is just so much fun, and is also safe. There's nothing like it, but it can be difficult for those of us who've experienced that to convey how fun and safe it is to those who haven't, and who only have knowledge of guns through the news reports of criminal activities, and Hollywood's usual and often portrayal of gun use, which also is merely about crime.

04-19-2005, 10:42 AM
Doesn't this remind you of that gun testing scene in "The Jackal"???!

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=62 09

That was a great movie!

04-19-2005, 01:13 PM
OK, . .

My Sister-in-Law has hosted the short vids of Billy and Myself shooting the big .50 :bows:

Note the gun bags in the background once the rifle fires. :D


Turn 'em up and click the links, . .

<!--StartFragment --> Shoot2 (http://www.bourbonrecipes.com/BillyG50.mpg)

<!--StartFragment --> Shoot1 (http://www.bourbonrecipes.com/Mike50.mpg)

Fourth Horseman
04-19-2005, 02:12 PM
I know what you mean. Responsible participation in the shooting sports is just so much fun, and is also safe. There's nothing like it, but it can be difficult for those of us who've experienced that to convey how fun and safe it is to those who haven't, and who only have knowledge of guns through the news reports of criminal activities, and Hollywood's usual and often portrayal of gun use, which also is merely about crime.

Just to add to that, I've never once taken a non-shooter friend to the range to shoot my firearms and had them dislike the experience. In fact, everybody I've taken to the range for their first time shooting has expressed great enthusiasm for it.

I always take great care to show new shooters how the firearm operates, including stripping it down so that they can get a better idea of the internal workings, and spend some time discussing safety and proper handling. I think a lot of people have negative impressions of firearms because they don't understand them and that lack of understanding leads to fear.

Not that I think it's for everybody, nor do I even want to touch the politics involved with this subject, but purely on a sporting level it can be great fun and safe too.

04-19-2005, 02:31 PM
Nice pics and vids. 50 BMG is a hoot! Arnold signing the 50 BMG ban in CA was like getting hit by one. I hear a .510 is in the works so I can have some fun before the anti's ban that too. BillyGman, is that a Barrett?

Joe Walsh
04-19-2005, 03:32 PM
I've posted this pic before, but for those of you who might not have seen this, here's a comparisant of the 50 BMG caliber round as compared to other lesser calibers, and to some hefty handgun calibers. Viewing the pic below should give you some idea of the massive energy that exits the barrell of a rifle that shoots the 50 BMG round. And to further my point, just keep in mind that the muzzle energy of a .3006 rifle is listed at about 3,200 Ft/LBS, the .300 Win Magnum at about 3,800 FT/LBS, the mighty 460 Weatherby magnum round is at 8,000 FT/LBS, with the 50 BMG being at 12,000+ FT/LBS. There's just no comparisant amongst rifles in the "small arms" catagory. The next step up from the 50 BMG caliber is the 20MM cannon, which isn't in the "small arms" catagory at all......thanks for allowing me to share this hobby of mine....

This pic below is of actual rounds of the various calibers that I"ve taped to a white mailing envelope, and placed in my scanner. I guess that we can say that the 50 BMG round is the "Supercharged" rifle caliber with the others being "N/A"....

Wow!! I never realized the difference between the .300 Magnum and a .50 BMG! :eek:
I had the chance to fire a .300 Magnum years ago and as you said Billy; my first shot was a bullseye.......
but the recoil kicked like a mule and the scope almost grooved my forehead!!
My next four shots were all over the place as I started to flinch and squint as I pulled the trigger. :o
I can't imagine the recoil of that monster!

You mentioned the 20mm cannon...How about a little "Thunderbolt & Lightfoot"??? :D :D :D

04-19-2005, 04:36 PM
Wow!! I never realized the difference between the .300 Magnum and a .50 BMG! :eek:
I had the chance to fire a .300 Magnum years ago and as you said Billy; my first shot was a bullseye.......
but the recoil kicked like a mule and the scope almost grooved my forehead!!
My next four shots were all over the place as I started to flinch and squint as I pulled the trigger. :o
I can't imagine the recoil of that monster!

You mentioned the 20mm cannon...How about a little "Thunderbolt & Lightfoot"??? :D :D :DLOL.....I LUV that movie, and now you knw what my favorite part is. ;) :director: :gunfire:

04-19-2005, 04:45 PM
Nice pics and vids. 50 BMG is a hoot! Arnold signing the 50 BMG ban in CA was like getting hit by one. I hear a .510 is in the works so I can have some fun before the anti's ban that too. BillyGman, is that a Barrett?It makes me Laugh how some Hollywood figures have made millions starring in movies that portray them with numerous different firearms, and playing both the heros and the villans, while at the same time they have armed guards to protect them whereever they go, and they strongly oppose the right to self-defense as well as the shooting sports too. Arnold is obviously heavily influenced and possible even heavily controlled by his Kennedy Wife. Sylvestor Stalone is another, but I guess we shouldn't get too much into that, because the list goes on and on. fortunately, Clint Eastwood was never one of those Hypocrites, nor is Tom Selleck.

As to your question, yes, my 50 rifle is a Barret model 99(single-shot bolt action, with a 33" barrell).

04-19-2005, 04:49 PM
Just to add to that, I've never once taken a non-shooter friend to the range to shoot my firearms and had them dislike the experience. In fact, everybody I've taken to the range for their first time shooting has expressed great enthusiasm for it.

I always take great care to show new shooters how the firearm operates, including stripping it down so that they can get a better idea of the internal workings, and spend some time discussing safety and proper handling. I think a lot of people have negative impressions of firearms because they don't understand them and that lack of understanding leads to fear.

Not that I think it's for everybody, nor do I even want to touch the politics involved with this subject, but purely on a sporting level it can be great fun and safe too.This^is a fantastic post. I'm on the exact same page with you concerning what you said. Those are some excellent points you've made. I too have taken a number of people to the public shooting range with me who've never shot a firearm before (both male and female) and everyone of them had a great time. I also take great lengths to ensure their safety, and go out of my way to teach them the safe and proper use of the firearms that they're using when we shoot.

BTW, thanks Mike for posting links to those two vids.

04-19-2005, 04:53 PM
Holy Crap!! :eek: :eek: I had no idea that the rifle was that big. Billy, remind me to keep on your good side. :D That was impressive!

04-19-2005, 05:05 PM
Holy Crap!! :eek: :eek: I had no idea that the rifle was that big. Billy, remind me to keep on your good side. :D That was impressive!LOL....perhaps now you can better understand the reason for my enthusiasm. Any rifle that's chambered to shoot the gargantuan 50 BMG round must be made with one seriously heavy barrell,chamber, and receiver to sustain the incredible amount of energy that this round emits when the firing pin hits the primer cap. There's one manufacture that I know of who's also producing rifles with a considerably shorter barrell that shoot this caliber too, but even that rifle is a very heavy one, and has an extreme bull barrell like mine does. This is a potent round. Which BTW is why it can go through that manhole cover like it did.

Remember that the .300 Rem Ultra magnum rounds that I shot at that manhole cover did NOT go through it like the big 50 rounds did. And the .300 rem Ultra mag round is certainly no slouch.In fact it's the second most powerfull 30 caliber rifle round in the world, slightly outdone only by the .30/378 Weatherby magnum round, and they're very closely matched.

04-19-2005, 05:26 PM
Turn 'em up and click the links, . .

<!--StartFragment -->Shoot2 (http://www.bourbonrecipes.com/BillyG50.mpg)

<!--StartFragment -->Shoot1 (http://www.bourbonrecipes.com/Mike50.mpg)


04-20-2005, 04:42 AM
What do the bullets go for???

Joe Walsh
04-20-2005, 06:45 AM
What do the bullets go for???

Miles and miles... ;)

04-20-2005, 08:14 AM
What do the bullets go for???I've seen them for as little as $2.50 each. Probably still over $1.50 each if you reload yourself. It ain't cheap but it sure is fun.

04-20-2005, 11:04 AM
The ammo is $1.35 per round for the military stuff which usually (but not alwys) comes in links since it's for machine guns, and you have to remove the rounds from the links. Which isn't very difficult. But the match grade ammo (which ofcourse is more accurate) runs between $2.50 and $5.00 per round. You can reload some good match grade for about $1.30 to $1.50 per round, but you need a reloading press that's made specifically for the 50 BMG round such as the one made by the RCBS company since standard presses aren't large enough to handle the 50 BMG round.

The Military ammo can also be had in tracers,incidiary, and Armour piercing depending on what state you live in. the reasons why it's even expensive to reload (although obviously still a savings) is because the bullet heads alone are $1.00 each (for the match grade I mean) and remember that the case takes a whopping 230 grains of powder!!!

Fourth Horseman
04-20-2005, 01:30 PM
Billy, do you mind if I ask how much your rifle cost? Last time I looked, years ago, they were in excess of $10k.

04-20-2005, 02:06 PM
Billy, do you mind if I ask how much your rifle cost? Last time I looked, years ago, they were in excess of $10k. $10K?? oh no....you must be thinking of a fully automatic 50 caliber machine gun. The Barrett Model 99 which is a single shot bolt action rifle, and is the one that I have, lists for $3,100 and the semi-automatic Barret model 95 which has a 10 shot magazine lists for $4,500.

I purchased the single shot bolt action model for four reasons:

#1. It's the only one that I was able to afford.

#2. It's the only one that Barrett makes that I can legally own in my home state.

#3. Bolt action rifles are typically better for target shooting (which is what I use it for) since they tend to be more accurate than semi-autos are as you probably already know.

#4. The model 99 also has a 33" barrell which is 4" longer than the semi-auto model 95 barrell is.

here's a link to the Barrett website...

www.barrettrifles.com (http://www.barrettrifles.com)

04-20-2005, 03:23 PM
The Military ammo can also be had in tracers,incidiary, and Armour piercing depending on what state you live in. the reasons why it's even expensive to reload (although obviously still a savings) is because the bullet heads alone are $1.00 each (for the match grade I mean) and remember that the case takes a whopping 230 grains of powder!!!
I din't realize you could buy the fun stuff in some states. A night shoot with tracers would be a hoot! Are the armor piercing rounds for when you want to shoot through 3 cars instead of just 2?

04-20-2005, 08:07 PM
Are the armor piercing rounds for when you want to shoot through 3 cars instead of just 2? LOL....yep...exactly. Mike and I didn't even need them for that manhole cover, because even the 50 cal standard 650 grain ball ammo bullets put holes in that thing. :D

Joe Walsh
04-21-2005, 07:26 AM
I bet that you could create a 'lead laser beam' if you fired a SABOT round out of that thing.....

It would fall about a 1/2" over a mile!!!

04-21-2005, 10:40 AM
I bet that you could create a 'lead laser beam' if you fired a SABOT round out of that thing.....

It would fall about a 1/2" over a mile!!!The Milatary has a sabot round which uses a .30 cal bullet in front of the 50 BMG case for increased velocity. I think that the bullet itself is also made out of some exotic metal. It's called "SLAP" ammo, and it isn't available to the public. I saw pics on a military website one time of how they punched holes in a safe using the SLAP ammo.

Joe Walsh
04-29-2005, 09:12 PM
Tom Green was on The Tonight Show tonight and he visited Kentucky to do a comedy segment...He went to the 'Knob Creek Gun Range'.
It looked like the place where you guys went to use BillyGman's .50 cal Barrett.
They filmed Tom Green shooting all kinds of weapons including a few machine guns.
In one clip, two guys kept pushing Tom back upright because the recoil was knocking him off his feet!

04-30-2005, 06:19 AM
Knob Creek is the place to go around here as far as outdoor shooting.

The owner of the range could care less what targets you choose to shoot! :D

I don't believe it was mentioned that we shot my Ruger 10/22 during times the big .50 was cooling down.

Anyone out there ever shoot at golf balls? If not, you gotta' try it.

Challenging while looking thru a 4x scope while the ball is on the move!

Tom Green was on The Tonight Show tonight and he visited Kentucky to do a comedy segment...He went to the 'Knob Creek Gun Range'.
It looked like the place where you guys went to use BillyGman's .50 cal Barrett.
They filmed Tom Green shooting all kinds of weapons including a few machine guns.
In one clip, two guys kept pushing Tom back upright because the recoil was knocking him off his feet!