View Full Version : You Probably Don't Want to Drive Behind This Guy

04-17-2005, 01:08 PM
SEOUL (Reuters) - The motto for one would-be South Korean driver likely is "if at first you don't succeed, then try, try again another 271 times."

Seo Sang-moon passed the academic part of his driver's license examination on his 272nd attempt earlier this week.

The repairman, from a small town in the southeastern part of the county who will soon turn 70, said he was illiterate and used the test process to teach himself the rules of the road because he could not read them in a manual.

Since the oral exam was launched, Seo took the test as often as he could, paying about $1,000 in fees along the way. Each failure taught him a little more, and after 271 attempts, he was able to get the minimum score needed to pass the academic test.

Test officials were thrilled to see Seo pass.

"He has been coming here for more than five years and we regard him almost as being one of the family," an official from the exam office said by telephone.

Seo said he was preparing for his road test, and was discussing with his wife what kind of car to buy once he get his license. "Driving seems a bit hard. But after trying 271 times to pass the oral exam, what do I have to be afraid of?," Seo said.

04-17-2005, 04:43 PM
My best friend's son-in-law (active-duty USAF) was just killed
in Seoul, Korea while riding his motorcycle.....a CAB DRIVER
ran a red light. Very sad indeed...
271 times......makes you wonder. :mad:

04-17-2005, 04:51 PM
I've driven in Seoul. When I was in the Army. I really hate to say this but,.. those folks can not drive!!!!!

Too many people, to many vehicles,.. 25 years ago there were few cars on the roads, now there's millions!

You have to keep your head on a swivel, or someone will hit you. The Humvee I was driving got hit by a bus... He deceided that he need to be in my lane right now. No injuries,.. except for a slightly mangled passenger side on the Humvee.

got lucky. :D

04-17-2005, 08:08 PM
You're right...there is no rhyme or reason to it...
just too many people and too many cars all going
crazy at once... and don't forget the pollution.

Gotta hate it!