View Full Version : 'Artist' Vandalizes 47 Cars For New Exhibit Police Investigating

04-18-2005, 12:28 PM
LONDON -- Police in London are investigating an artist who recently announced his most recent work was vandalizing cars.

Mark McGowan claims he used a key to scratch nearly 50 cars since March. He also says he intends to display pictures of himself damaging the vehicles.

This isn't the first time McGowan has displayed a flair for the eccentric.

He once pushed a nut for seven miles with his nose to Prime Minister Tony Blair's office at Ten Downing Street. He did that to protest against debts run up by students to pay for their studies.

He also rolled himself across London for four miles singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to highlight the work of office cleaners.
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This couldn't happen in the states. Somebody would shoot him.

04-18-2005, 12:33 PM
LONDON -- Police in London are investigating an artist who recently announced his most recent work was vandalizing cars.

Mark McGowan claims he used a key to scratch nearly 50 cars since March. He also says he intends to display pictures of himself damaging the vehicles.

This isn't the first time McGowan has displayed a flair for the eccentric.

He once pushed a nut for seven miles with his nose to Prime Minister Tony Blair's office at Ten Downing Street. He did that to protest against debts run up by students to pay for their studies.

He also rolled himself across London for four miles singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to highlight the work of office cleaners.
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This couldn't happen in the states. Somebody would shoot him.

Who ever has that 50 BMG...here's a good target!


Joe Walsh
04-18-2005, 12:50 PM
Ahhhh....What an interesting and eccentric ARTIST.

If I lived in London and caught that friggin' jerk vandalizing my car, I would first use a 2 x 4 to administer my impression of a "WOOD SHAMPOO".
Then I too would become a 'cutting edge' artist and use his teeth for a new charm bracelet. :mad2:
Since he seems to like rolling, I would finish my artistic endeavor by rolling him into the nearest gutter!

04-19-2005, 02:35 PM
LOS ANGELES - An aspiring physicist was sentenced to more than eight years in prison on Monday and ordered to pay $3.5 million for his role in a spree of arson and vandalism that targeted gas-guzzling Hummers and other sports utility vehicles.

Rejecting pleas for clemency from William Cottrell, a 24-year-old doctoral candidate in physics at the California Institute of Technology, U.S. District Judge Gary Klausner added more time to the sentence after finding that Cottrell was trying to sway consumers with his anti-SUV message.

The slogans Cottrell spray-painted onto vehicles included “Fat Lazy Americans,” “No Respect for Earth” and “SUV = Terrorism.”

Cottrell, who admitted only spray-painting and testified he did not know that two friends were bringing Molotov cocktails, promised he would never break the law again. The two friends have fled the country to avoid prosecution, authorities said.

“I want nothing more than to be a physicist,” Cottrell said. “I would do anything to earn any leniency the court could show in this matter.”

Cottrell was convicted last November on seven counts of arson and one count of conspiracy related to a 2003 vandalism and firebombing spree that targeted about 125 large sports utility vehicles at four Southern California dealerships and a few homes.

Lawyers mount autism defense
Cottrell’s attorneys asked for the five-year mandatory minimum sentence saying that their client has Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism marked by impaired ability to understand social situations.

They said it affected his judgment and kept him from backing out when his two friends started lighting Molotov cocktails.

But Judge Klausner said high intelligence should work against a defendant, not in his favor. “What a talent to have wasted,” Klausner said. “There’s only one person to blame for that, and I’m sure Mr. Cottrell understands that it’s him.”

Attorneys estimated that Cottrell, who had faced a mandatory minimum sentence of five years, could spend six years in jail, including credit for time served.

“The defendant engaged in conduct to send a political message,” said federal prosecutor Beverly Reid O’Connell. “He’s a scheming, arrogant person who is disdainful of the law and the justice system.”

04-19-2005, 04:02 PM
If I ever hear that this jerk gets a teaching job or any other access to the public teat I intend to campaign to get him fired.

04-19-2005, 04:36 PM
If I ever meet him,... I'm gonna kick him straight in the nuts!

04-19-2005, 04:42 PM
Cottrell’s attorneys asked for the five-year mandatory minimum sentence saying that their client has Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism marked by impaired ability to understand social situations.
I like the good ole days when *********s like this were just considered "Nucking Futs". :D Now everything has its own made-up syndrome. :bs: Moreover, it's guys like this that give us real physicists a bad name. :rofl:

04-19-2005, 05:12 PM
The sound you are hearing is the 870 racking one in with slugs. I have some art too...

04-19-2005, 05:32 PM
I like the good ole days when *********s like this were just considered "Nucking Futs". :D Now everything has its own made-up syndrome. :bs: Moreover, it's guys like this that give us real physicists a bad name. :rofl:

I was on the web and found the physicists slogan:

"Call me mad will they? Bwa-ha-ha! I will rule the world!"

04-19-2005, 06:01 PM
< click, click > BOOM BOOM ... out go the lights....


04-19-2005, 06:03 PM
"Dead meat, Beddoe. Dead meat."

04-20-2005, 09:06 AM
LONDON -- Police in London are investigating an artist who recently announced his most recent work was vandalizing cars. Mark McGowan claims he used a key to scratch nearly 50 cars since March. He also says he intends to display pictures of himself damaging the vehicles.

LOS ANGELES - An aspiring physicist was sentenced to more than eight years in prison on Monday and ordered to pay $3.5 million for his role in a spree of arson and vandalism that targeted gas-guzzling Hummers and other sports utility vehicles. Rejecting pleas for clemency from William Cottrell, a 24-year-old doctoral candidate in physics at the California Institute of Technology, U.S. District Judge Gary Klausner added more time to the sentence after finding that Cottrell was trying to sway consumers with his anti-SUV message.

BREAKING NEWS! USA - The Anachronistic Car Collectors Association (ACCA) announced their new worldwide art exhibit today, in response to the performance art exhibits of Mark McGowan and William Cottrell. McGowan and Cottrell's art was recently featured to great acclaim in the People's Republic of Berkeley and other progressive art venues.

ACCA announced that their own performance art would be equally dramatic. "We intend to make as much of a statement for performance art as Mr. McGowan and Mr. Cottrell have made," reported Bertha Vanatian, ACCA President.

ACCA's performance artists, themselves collector car owners, would scour major cities nationwide, locating unsuspecting automobile vandals. When found, an impromptu art fair would immediately be organized on the spot. Selected vandals would be persuaded to participate in ACCA's art fair by having their hands removed.

"This in no way reflects performance art," complained Mayor/Diety Jerry Brown.

Ms. Vanatian countered "ACCA performance art will be readily observable in the skill with which exceptionally dull knives are used in the performance by the vandals. Additionally, collector car owners will be invited to initial, or sign, their work." Ms. Vanatian concedes that the lettering may be hard to read, at least until the blood goes away. The use of aluminum cans and sticks as cutting devices will be introduced later in the program.

Although ACCA artists anticipate their first exhibitions in either London or Los Angeles, they are expected to be practicing often around the country in preparation. Judges of these exhibits include Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona.