View Full Version : Snow in late April

04-23-2005, 12:22 PM
Last year it was hail storms in spring.

This year its snow to start with.

The weatherman is claiming a possibility of up to 10" in our area. Not cool.
We covered all the tulips, hyacinths, and several other early bloomers in an attempt to save them. The peone are all at about 14-16" already, and we have a hundred or so......they're on their own. God help them.


So far the large flakes aren't really sticking too much, but if this keeps up over night and into tomorrow, it's gonna get ugly.


More here later (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showgallery.php/cat/3059)

04-23-2005, 12:36 PM
It snowed here today :( Stupid weather. I hate MKE, WI

04-23-2005, 04:19 PM
Looks like this now.....:o


04-23-2005, 04:30 PM
Looks like this now.....:o


What happened to Spring? :(

04-23-2005, 06:28 PM
Snow sucks.......

04-23-2005, 06:30 PM
Gotta love Cleveland!

04-23-2005, 08:26 PM
Barry....sorry to see your early spring planting get pushed around like that. Have stopped for the night at a hotel in northwestern Tennessee, temp here is in thirties!!! Was driving from Ft. Lauderdale to Cleveland in the MM....heard about the snow up your way with more probably on the way so decided to veer off in a northwestly direction and go up to Chicago instead first. Weather predictions from my friends in the windy city say cold-windy-possibly freezing rain for Sunday-Monday. Probably drive over to Cleveland from Chicago when weather improves... don't want to chance any road salt on the silver Merc. Hope your annuals aren't damaged.

04-24-2005, 05:58 AM
Utter davastation.....:cry:

I need to go out and shake all the smaller trees, while dodging giant falling trees.

The neighborhood sounds like a war zone. Shotgun sounds echoing from all over as monterous trees tumble over from the weight of the snow. There is no end in sight as we expect six more inches through today and tonight.

The cats are growling from the ominous sounds, and I can hear the neighbors dogs all the way up here freaking out.

I am praying nothing hits the house, and more so, the 60' cherries bordering the barn. They are starting to come down this morning.

I'll post damage pics when I get the balls to bundle up, enter the war zone, and go shake trees that are literally laying over onto the ground from the weight of the snow.

The latest pic...14 hours from the last:

Bradley G
04-24-2005, 06:04 AM

good luck dude! and be carful!
Good news it will be gone in a short bit:o
Bradley G

04-24-2005, 06:17 AM
I live about 12-15 miles due north of Barry, right on the lakeshore. The lake is keeping the temps just warm enough to have falling snow, but no accumulation here. Go a few miles inland, and you've got what Barry has, go into the high terrain of the snowbelt, and there's even more.

Hope your yard dosen't take too much of a beating Barry.


Hack Goby
04-24-2005, 06:35 AM
Up here in the Motor City it`s nasty but nothing like your getting.The snows not sticking and you have to go half way up the state before the inchs start adding up.Lowell up in Saginaw is digging out the snow blower one more time most likely :(

04-24-2005, 08:16 AM
And folks said I was crazy to drive to Vermont in January to get my MM.

Imagine if I'd waited til "spring"!:bs:

04-24-2005, 09:24 AM
Barry, I guess it's time to breakout Momma's Aviator.

04-24-2005, 09:35 AM
Oh yeah...we're Aviating today.

I am gonna have to take the next day or two off work. The mess is much bigger than I thought, and stuff continues to fall.

The first victim outside every one of my flowering cherries and crab apples that snapped their tops off....the Vic. Our beloved beaterVic sustained a pretty decent hit.



Most of the peonies have broken off, likely they will not flower this year. The crab apple trees were in full bloom, so the weight of the loaded flowers with 6" of wet snow was more than they could handle. I caught the gazeebo just in time. The fabric cover was stretched to its limit. I used the roof rake to clear it before it collapsed.


A big azzed 100'er just fell!!!!! Uprooted the damn thing. I'll post a pic once my cloths dry out. This one is freekin' huge!

04-24-2005, 09:53 AM
If it wasn't for the pics, I'd be inclined to think yuo were BSing. Sorry to here 'bout the devstation to you once beautiful yard.

04-24-2005, 11:06 AM
WOW Barry - Be careful, out there.

04-24-2005, 11:30 AM
Wow Barry you got hit pretty hard, falling good here about 2 inches.You guys got power ?Just think I was out at your place last weekend with the Marauder and doing a burnout.This weather BLOWS:mad2: Hope you dont get any more severe damage!

04-24-2005, 12:36 PM
Not that bad in Saginaw. 3 inches of the white stuff on the lawn. The pavement is wet, melts on contact. Perhaps the 20 to 30 mph winds earlier saved us from fallen limbs and or fallen trees. Best wishes Barry.

04-24-2005, 04:31 PM
just to let you know some of the white stuff made it down to northeast Tennessee. Thank goodness nothing like you have. Ours was melted by late afternoon. We do have a hard freeze warning for tonight. Best of luck with the clean up.

04-24-2005, 04:55 PM
Oh yeah...we're Aviating today.

I am gonna have to take the next day or two off work. The mess is much bigger than I thought, and stuff continues to fall.

The first victim outside every one of my flowering cherries and crab apples that snapped their tops off....the Vic. Our beloved beaterVic sustained a pretty decent hit.



Most of the peonies have broken off, likely they will not flower this year. The crab apple trees were in full bloom, so the weight of the loaded flowers with 6" of wet snow was more than they could handle. I caught the gazeebo just in time. The fabric cover was stretched to its limit. I used the roof rake to clear it before it collapsed.


A big azzed 100'er just fell!!!!! Uprooted the damn thing. I'll post a pic once my cloths dry out. This one is freekin' huge!

Sorry to see the mess, damn snownami's, and after all the nice weather we had.

04-24-2005, 07:13 PM
I can't believe this low won't move on.

It's still snowing...and hard at the moment.
I can still hear things breaking, and two more tops came out of some georgeous trees in bloom over the driveway.

The bird feeders in the pic below are normally at about 7' off the ground.



04-24-2005, 07:18 PM
I'll get a better picture tomorrow. I couldn't get any closer at the time. Too much was falling in this area.

This 'brown spot' you see in the middle is a 17' tall root ball from a nearly 80' pine. It straddles the neighbors property line and missed everything but natural fence. It's friggin HUGE!!!


04-25-2005, 06:50 AM
Mother nature put a hurt on us...that's for sure.

This morning we woke to more trees down. Not branches...but full trees.
Absolutely NOTHING was spared in my yard. EVERY ornamental tree is down for the count.

We lost power 8 hours ago. Currently the generator is running the pc, fridge, and tv.
Guess if the house goes below 60 I'll have to start a fire....AFTER locating the firewood out there...somewhere...:rolleyes:

This will take a week or more to clean up. Very unsettling to say the least.

More pics in the gallery:





04-25-2005, 07:31 AM
Thats rediculous Barry. I'm very sorry to hear about your yard. We have absolutely nothing on the ground here. I'm no more than 12 miles north of you.


04-25-2005, 07:51 AM
This should be retitled as "show us your 1st Spring pics"

Joe Walsh
04-25-2005, 08:02 AM
UFB!! 16" of SNOW in LATE April! :eek:

Barry, I am so sorry to see all of that damage to your trees and plants...

My Cherry trees are just finishing with their blossoms and I could not imagine my heartache at seeing mother nature destroy them like that.

I hope that you get power back on soon and a quick warm up to melt that snow and relieve the plants and trees of that heavy burden.

04-25-2005, 08:19 AM
The Catawba grapes are done as well.....:(



What really sucks now is...I am running out of dry coats and gloves. No electric, no cloths dryer. Now it's trying to rain, and I am constantly clobered by the heavy wet snow falling from the trees I am working under....

This is crazy!

I'm gonna start drinking now. It's 5 o'clock in iceland....:P

04-25-2005, 09:09 AM
Barry, Sorry to see all the damage, hopefully, it won't be as bad as it looks.
We can only hope so. Luck

04-25-2005, 11:31 AM
God Barry-

I'm just over in Rocky River, and it is so totally different here. Right now the sun's out and not a sign of snow anywhere. I can't believe the huge difference just a couple of miles makes.

So sorry about your back yard. It looked (and I'm sure will again look) beautiful. Hope the worst is over for you for now.


04-25-2005, 12:25 PM
The weather has passed and as fast as it came...it leaves.
Blue skys and sun rolling in. Temps up into the mid 40's and climbing...everything is melting.
The destruction is apparent as the snow recedes.


The birds have returned as well. :)


Back to the chain sawing now.
Cut trees,
Make piles,
Move piles,
Burn piles.....


04-26-2005, 06:13 AM
You might be able to get that dent from the inside??

04-27-2005, 09:39 AM
The clean up is well underway and things are looking up...literally!

I added more pics to my gallery of some of the bigger destruction.

My piles are everywhere....lot's of firewood for next winter I guess.:rolleyes:


04-27-2005, 09:42 AM
Here is the big stuff that will take some time to clean up.....





04-27-2005, 10:49 AM
Even with the snow the pool looked like it was ready to go in or did i need glasses?

04-27-2005, 10:56 AM
Remind me never to ***** about New Jersey weather again.

Few weeks, real hot in the summer (upper 90's/low 100's),

Few weeks, real cold in the winter (hits the teens, but doesn't go single digits that much or for long) ,

Hurricanes every now and then (but they usually weaken by the time they hit the NY/NJ area),

Tornados, very, very rarely.

Otherwise, it ain't San Diego, but it's a lot better than some other places.

04-27-2005, 12:23 PM
Even with the snow the pool looked like it was ready to go in or did i need glasses?
The pool is...was...ready.;)

The iceburgs have melted and all I need to do is re-light the pilot light.

04-27-2005, 12:25 PM
The pool is...was...ready.;)

Road Trip to Barry's!