View Full Version : Video shows police handcuffing 5-year-old

04-25-2005, 07:07 PM
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ST. PETERSBURG - Videotape was rolling March 14 when the 5-year-old girl swung again and again, her bantam punches landing on the outstretched palms of Nicole Dibenedetto, the new assistant principal at Fairmount Park Elementary.

She tore papers off Dibenedetto's bulletin board and desk. She climbed on a table four times. About an hour had passed since she refused to participate in a kindergarten math lesson, which escalated into a series of defiant and destructive acts.

Dibenedetto had used tactics from a Pinellas school district training called Crisis Prevention Intervention:

Let the child know her actions have consequences but also try to "de-escalate."

Give her opportunities to end the conflict.

Try not to touch her, defend yourself and make sure no one else gets hurt.

As St. Petersburg police officers arrived shortly after 3 p.m., the girl suddenly sat quietly at Dibenedetto's table. And, just as suddenly, the tactics used by educators gave way to the more direct approach of law enforcement.

An officer sternly said the girl's name. Then: "You need to calm down. You need to do it now. OK?"

Seconds later, three officers approached and placed their hands on the girl's wrists and upper arms. They stood her up, put her arms behind her back and put on handcuffs. She bent over the table and let out a terrified scream.

"No. Nooooo. Ahhhhh."

There's more to it, here:
If I had to deal with this crap, day-in, day-out, I'd be in handcuffs:bop:

04-25-2005, 07:16 PM
This could be the next Terri Schivo thread.

04-25-2005, 07:39 PM
Good for her, maybe the kid will learn and not do stupid stuff later in life.

Maybe the school wasn't overrun with counselors to calm the kid but oh well...it happens, you do what you can.

Maybe if we handcuffed all of the kids at school while they learned. That's not a bad idea either.

Then we can go back to the good ol' days where kids were beat when they spoke.

Yeah, they didn't have ADD or ADHD back in the day...I wonder why.


04-25-2005, 07:42 PM
I gotta admit, I was a little pissed when I heard about the cops cuffing a 5 year old little girl, but after watching that video I think its obvious that, THAT young lady is in desperate need of an AZZ WHOOPIN.

04-25-2005, 07:45 PM
This wasn't the first time this girl had an outburst, and her mother had to be called. Instead of filing a law suit, why not get your kid home and deal with it like our parents would have, back in the day. Of course, back then our teacher could deal with us and when we got home it would be worse.

Joe Walsh
04-25-2005, 07:49 PM
I gotta admit, I was a little pissed when I heard about the cops cuffing a 5 year old little girl, but after watching that video I think its obvious that, THAT young lady is in desperate need of an AZZ WHOOPIN.

I couldn't agree more...

Yesterday, the ONLY video the news media showed was about 10 seconds of the Police putting the girl in handcuffs....

I was a flabergasted and pissed....

Today, the news media showed the ENTIRE video and what that little brat was doing......
plus they said that the mother had instructed the school that NO ONE was to touch her child. Also, the mother could not leave work to retreive her child....

Now I'm glad that they cuffed the brat....At least someone was willing to teach her a lesson!

04-25-2005, 08:00 PM
I gotta admit, I was a little pissed when I heard about the cops cuffing a 5 year old little girl, but after watching that video I think its obvious that, THAT young lady is in desperate need of an AZZ WHOOPIN.
Yup,When children get more rights than adults, the crime rate will go up.....

I wish the"Paddle" would find his way back to the school system ;)

Joe Walsh
04-25-2005, 08:04 PM
If I had pulled that crap in school and they showed the videotape to my Dad....I would not be here today....

Donny Carlson
04-25-2005, 08:06 PM
Yes, the little girl was acting out and being difficult. Yes, it is maddening to watch her behavior.


At the time the officers entered the room, she had calmed down and was sitting at the table. It's a FIVE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. She did NOT have to be restrained in hand cuffs, for cryin out loud. That image -- of police officers handcuffing a crying, scared little girl, is what's gonna win the law suit.

Joe Walsh
04-25-2005, 08:10 PM
Yes, the little girl was acting out and being difficult. Yes, it is maddening to watch her behavior.


At the time the officers entered the room, she had calmed down and was sitting at the table. It's a FIVE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. She did NOT have to be restrained in hand cuffs, for cryin out loud. That image -- of police officers handcuffing a crying, scared little girl, is what's gonna win the law suit.

BINGO!!!!......You said the magic word...What's better than the poor chances of a Lottery???...A B.S. lawsuit !!! Plus, you don't have to pay taxes on your lawsuit 'winnings'!

04-25-2005, 09:02 PM
They should handcuff the mother too.

04-25-2005, 09:04 PM
If I had pulled that crap in school and they showed the videotape to my Dad....I would not be here today....

Ditto. Except I was more afraid of my Mom. :hide:

04-25-2005, 09:29 PM
When they hold these parents responsible for the actions of their kids, they will be compelled to become better parents.

04-26-2005, 04:03 AM
Yes, the little girl was acting out and being difficult. Yes, it is maddening to watch her behavior.


At the time the officers entered the room, she had calmed down and was sitting at the table. It's a FIVE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. She did NOT have to be restrained in hand cuffs, for cryin out loud. That image -- of police officers handcuffing a crying, scared little girl, is what's gonna win the law suit.

We will all excuse Donny for his outburst here. He just has had some very bad experiences with handcuffs.... :D

04-26-2005, 04:28 AM
The other problem is, they teach our kids in school that we can't spank them for bad behavior. My daughter, when she was 7, came home from school and told me I couldn't spank her or I would get arrested. Thats when I informed her that if she does something worth getting spanked for, she will get it and if I go to jail, so be it. She has been good and hasn't said a word about it since.

Thats the problem today, you can't discipline your children or you'll be the one in handcuffs.

04-26-2005, 05:35 AM
Last week a first or second grader in the same school as the little girl skipped school, ran out into traffic and got hit by a car. He's now in a coma. His mother is going to sue the town and school board claiming that the little boy was so terrified of the school because of what happened to the little girl that he ran out into traffic.:bs:

Joe Walsh
04-26-2005, 05:47 AM
The girl's Mom was on TV this morning in a PAID interview with Current Affair....

Need I say any more.....

04-26-2005, 11:09 AM
Sad to see how long the whole thing lasted, the fear of the consequences of a lawsuit were palpable in that film. Let me make this clear the child could sense the fear in the woman, children don't OBEY someone they clearly can see is afraid of them.

Children obey when they are small, out of fear, and when they are older out of respect and or fear. Take fear completely out of the equation and you have savages.

And I don't want to hear any crap or psycho babble about feelings and how to communicate ok ? I'm not in the mood for it.

Fourth Horseman
04-26-2005, 12:17 PM
This could be the next Terri Schivo thread.

Why'd they handcuff Terri Schivo?

04-26-2005, 12:53 PM
... but after watching that video I think its obvious that, THAT young lady is in desperate need of an AZZ WHOOPIN.
Certainly points to a lack of parental guidance and discipline in the home. :rolleyes: If this 5 year old is not straightened out with some meaningful corrective action, she'll be back on the 6 o'clock news when she is 16 years old for something much, much worse. :( What's the old saying .... "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child"? Seems a good old fashioned spanking would do this kid a world of good. :D

04-26-2005, 01:27 PM
The other problem is, they teach our kids in school that we can't spank them for bad behavior. My daughter, when she was 7, came home from school and told me I couldn't spank her or I would get arrested. Thats when I informed her that if she does something worth getting spanked for, she will get it and if I go to jail, so be it. She has been good and hasn't said a word about it since.

Thats the problem today, you can't discipline your children or you'll be the one in handcuffs.There has to be a conseqeunce for her actions...Hand cuffs and the back seat
are nothing to what my parents would have done..I don't believe the officers
did anything wrong, they did what would have been done to anyone they deemed unruly..even after the fact, she could have had another outburst..
if I had seen the tape I would have applauded the officers...I have had teachers
drag my rotten butt down to the Principals office and I deserved it..it did affect my behavour in a positive direction..Some of these lawsuits have gone
too far!

04-26-2005, 01:40 PM
The teacher and city should sue for damages to the classroom and the
others parents should sue for mental anguish for the twenty other children
that had to experience this!!

When they hold these parents responsible for the actions of their kids, they will be compelled to become better parents.

04-26-2005, 01:43 PM
I would be ashamed to even consider that..Airing my lack of
parental control on national TV!! Yes I'm an idiot now pay me for it!!

The girl's Mom was on TV this morning in a PAID interview with Current Affair....

Need I say any more.....

Joe Walsh
04-26-2005, 01:49 PM
I would be ashamed to even consider that..Airing my lack of
parental control on national TV!! Yes I'm an idiot now pay me for it!!

I agree...but I'm sure the mother is thinking, what's a little embarrassment when I can say; "SHOW ME DA' MONEY!"

04-26-2005, 02:44 PM
Yes, the little girl was acting out and being difficult. Yes, it is maddening to watch her behavior.


At the time the officers entered the room, she had calmed down and was sitting at the table. It's a FIVE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. She did NOT have to be restrained in hand cuffs, for cryin out loud. That image -- of police officers handcuffing a crying, scared little girl, is what's gonna win the law suit.
But what would have happened if they didn't restrain the little girl and she ran out into traffic or injured herself some other way while in their custody? Talk about a lawsuit....

04-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Like Robert D. Raiford on the John Boy & Billy radio show says:

" we've become the United States of the Offended".


04-26-2005, 05:34 PM
If I had pulled that crap in school and they showed the videotape to my Dad....I would not be here today....
Agreed, Joe !!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The three things that I never wanted to hear when I was a kid:

1. Wait 'til your father gets home. :cry:
2. Do you want me to talk to your father tonight? :(
3. Do you want to tell your father what you did today? :bigcry:

None of these was a good thing. :rolleyes: Getting Dad involved was never the desired solution. :D

Personally, I think this is a major problem today. Far too many families have no father figure and the mother has to take care of all of the disciplinary matters. The number of single parent families grows every year. This can't be a good thing. This 5 year old episode is just a symptom. Notice that there was no mention of a father in the situation at hand.

P.S. My father is, was, and always will be my #1 hero. And, if he ever discplined me ..... I definitely deserved it.

The :soapbox: is now available for use.

04-26-2005, 05:41 PM
To quote Denis Leary:
"Ya know, looking back I'm glad my parents beat the crap out of me when I needed it,.. and I'm looking forward to beating the crap out of my kids..." :rofl:

04-26-2005, 06:03 PM
Teacher should have cut the video tape and slapped that kid with a good fresh one

I'm not one for beating kids, but if I remember correctly, I got hit with a nice wide leather belt at age 5 or so.... I made sure I never did anything to deserve that again.

Besides, that problem started with the :censor: parent(s).

To quote Denis Leary:
"Ya know, looking back I'm glad my parents beat the crap out of me when I needed it,.. and I'm looking forward to beating the crap out of my kids... :rofl: