View Full Version : I was pizzed, until..

05-01-2005, 03:41 PM
I could have posted this in our "storyboard", but it's not a story. It's not a "kill", or, a romp on a ricer. It's not a joke, not even funny. It is true.

May is National Law Enforcement month, and it has been the tradition of the Chicago Police Department for longer than I remember, to open this month with a parade.

I've been with the Department for almost 30 years now, and I remember my Father dragging me to this parade as far back as my 6th grade. In my early years, I thought it was like the circus coming to town. I saw trained dogs, and special horses, but I never met any clowns, or, wanted baloons, and got no cheesecorn for the ride home. Exactly what year this parade became a yearly civic event, a Chicago "tradition" I can't say. But, it lives on today, and today, it lived bigger and better than ever.

Every first Sunday of May, all Chicago Police officers gather together in their dress blues on North Michigan Avenue, and parade down "Boul Mich" in support of each other, and in memory of officers lost in the line of duty.

This morning, we honored, and remembered, over 422 officers lost with our "sea of smart blue wool" marching in formation. I cannot describe this well, it's breathtaking, overwhelming, and heartbreaking. I hope those of you who can tune into Chicago news stations from across the country can get a glimpse of this awesome parade of support, and prayer.

This is one scene Hollywood cannot duplicate, and they have tried. There must have been 10,000+ officers marching this morning, and I do not exaggerate. If any of y'all remember the fireman's funeral scene from "Backdraft", well, that's the ground we marched on today, but with 10 times the feet.

This morning, I looked over my shoulder to see endless lines of my brothers and sisters following me in 35 degree temps with a 15 MPH crosswind, and in rain. Our very own "magic mile" was filled wall to wall by cop after cop, marching shoulder to shoulder, and if this isn't magic...Damn...Gawdamn...Joyou s, I beat my drum harder and louder than ever before, hard enough to pop the high tension top skin on my snare.

Once I got home, I warmed up, and found an e-mail from a retired cop I used to partner with. I read it, and grew increasingly sad over it's content.

I got pizzed, as pizzed about this as I felt humble earlier today, until I visited the home page at the bottom. Then I felt sad again, sad for the innocent parties now involved, because they meant no harm themselves.

Please review the following information in it's entirety before you react, and accept my apology for slapping y'all in the face with this crap.

As a lifetime cop, I'm not surprised to read this crap every so often, just didn't need to read it today. Blew my high, but it seems to be what some of us "North American humans" do from time to time. I'm just sorry I had to read it on what began as a day so beautiful, I couldn't decribe it to y'all here.

FIRST, the background:
Sergeant Kevin Kight, badge #18
Panama City Beach FL. police department.
End of Watch: Sunday, March 27, 2005
Age: 34
In service as LEO: 10 years.
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Weapon Used: Gun; unknown type
Suspect: in custody.

Sergeant Kight was shot and killed during a traffic stop at approximately 2230 hours, 27 March, 2005. The incident occurred at the intersection of Beckrich Road and Front Beach Road. Sergeant Kight stopped the suspect's car and checked the driver's license, discovering it to be invalid. When he attempted to make an arrest, the suspect pulled out a handgun and opened fire, killing him. The suspect fled the scene, but was apprehended several hours later. Sergeant Kight served with the Panama City Beach FL. police department for 6 years, and from 1994 to 1998, Sergeant Knight served the German Township, Clark County, Ohio police department. He is survived by his wife and 4-year-old son.

This is a copy of an email sent to the Panama City police department.

From: "Greg Hudson" _ghudson@mcneilcarroll.com_(ma ilto:ghudson@mcneilcarroll.com )

To: policedept@pcbgov.com_(mailto: policedept@pcbgov.com)

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 1:22 PM

I'm interested in knowing at what cost to me, a bay county taxpayer, will I have to pay for this monstrous funeral the Panama city beach police department has decided to put together for 1 man? 1 man? How much energy (the gas expended by cars waiting) and time (time off from work these police are taking but still being paid) has been put into this? The guy was a police officer, that’s all, not the damn Pope! Police get shot everyday, that’s part of there job. 1 less vote for you!

If you have been paying attention, the author of this email is Greg Hudson, who sent it from his employer's email address. Mr. Hudson works for McNeil Carroll Engineering, Inc., a company with their own website.


Looks like they took care of the problem, and I'm sorry McNeil Carrol became a victim too. If anyone her happens to know anyone working for McNeil Carrol, give them my regards? If anyone here happens to know Mr. Greg Hudson, tell him...

Nevermind...For some reaon, I don't think Mr. Hudson will understand, he'll probably go to his grave testifying that cops got him fired. I do hope he remains a Bay County taxpayer long enough to pay his end.

Thanks for a job well done, Sergeant Kight!

You're working for Saint Michael now, give 'em Hell, eh?

05-01-2005, 03:58 PM
Sarge, thank you for sharing.

05-01-2005, 03:58 PM
Another line from "Tombstone" seems appropriate here...

"I ain't got the words...":bows:

05-01-2005, 04:00 PM
Mr. Hudson needs a old fashion blanket party, I'm sure some members know what I mean..

05-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Yes that was posted on our Tampa Bay area Police message board, several thousand emails were sent from agencies from all over Florida.

The poor business did what it could to stem the anger, but it makes you think that there are still such ignorant people out there like that.

Several years ago two of our Tampa Detectives and a Trooper were killed and one bright boy called into a morning radio show and stated "They got what they deserved." Well we called the radio station, who was only so happy to give us the number where it came from. We called that location, which was a golf course and Id'd the person who did it and got to talk to him personally.

He quit that job that minute and never showed back up again, apparently uniformed person had been showing up asking for him frequently over the next month or so.

We do this job for all whether they like us or not. Each of the brain surgeons will still get help if asked from ANY police officer and maybe they won't be so quick to recognize the sacrifices that we as a profession make on a yearly basis.

05-01-2005, 04:45 PM
We do this job for all whether they like us or not.
Yes, we do. Thank you for your wisdom.

05-01-2005, 06:12 PM
Thanks Sarge, I would have loved to have seen that "Sea of Blue" you speak of. I have been to one to many funerals of officers lost here in Michigan, unfortunately. Some were Detroit officers, 3 State Troopers, officers from Warren, Sterling Heights, and even one from my own Department. Nothing prepares you for a funeral like this. I havent had the chance to go to The Police Memorial in Washington D.C. yet, I will though. Be sure to remind me of this next year, sounds like its worth a 5 hour drive to see it.

05-01-2005, 06:24 PM
Obviously, this Hudson male person (being as nice as I can here) has not needed HELP from one of our FINEST yet - imiagine- he has made it known his name to so many LEO's , and yet they will still help the SSOB anyway if needed...--

I really understand and thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us all --
-- the last part- well --it's seen ever day ---and we deal with it--cause we're on a level higher than them----again thanks for sharing--and you should feel proud--as all should ---cause I do , for you all---Thanks---Tom

05-01-2005, 06:24 PM
..............This is one scene Hollywood cannot duplicate, and they have tried. There must have been 10,000+ officers marching this morning, and I do not exaggerate. ..........
This morning, I looked over my shoulder to see endless lines of my brothers and sisters following me in 35 degree temps with a 15 MPH crosswind, and in rain. Our very own "magic mile" was filled wall to wall by cop after cop, marching shoulder to shoulder, and if this isn't magic...Damn...Gawdamn...Joyou s, I beat my drum harder and louder than ever before, hard enough to pop the high tension top skin on my snare.
Thanks Mac for the service and the reminder. Condolences to Sgt Knight's family and friends. I know full well the sense of emotion, pride and admiration such events can produce. :flag: :up:

As for Mr. Hudson ... well ... there are some that will just never understand. There are givers and recievers ... Mr. Hudson sounds like a receiver to me. :rolleyes:

King Fubar
05-01-2005, 06:42 PM
I would hate for the Bay County tax payers to flip the bill for the gas to get Hudson's ass out of a bind when he needs the cops.

My deepest regards for Sgt. Kight, my prayers are with his family.

05-01-2005, 06:57 PM
Mac thanks for the time and service that you and your Band of Brothers do for us. Though it may not be recognized everyday by the media et al it is recognized by those that you help. Thanks.

I know of the "Sea of Blue" you speak of but from the otherside. See I was a volunteer firefighter for 4 years before moving here to Detroit and have went to a couple of LOD funerals. Not pleasant at all. Something I will remember for a lifetime. I still miss the fire service even though I have been out of it for 8 years. It's a brotherhood that one can only experience through actually doing it.

Sorry for hijacking the thread with my experience.

Thanks Again to all that serve.

05-01-2005, 07:10 PM
It's always sad to hear of the senseless killings going on today. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in and we can only thank and encourage our Police Officers to do the best they can and continue to serve us as they so willingly do. I don't have much contact with Police Officers, I know there are many if not some that frequent this site so this is an opportunity to thank and encourage you all to continue and protect us. Imagine how worst off we would be without you.
My condolences to the Kight Family.

05-01-2005, 08:24 PM
Another line from "Tombstone" seems appropriate here...

"I ain't got the words...":bows:

What he said!

05-01-2005, 08:43 PM
I think this sums it up pretty well........

quote: "McNeil Carroll Engineering deeply regrets the comments made recently by our former employee."

Wonder how fast his boss ran into his office to break the news to him? :D :run:

05-01-2005, 09:33 PM
Mr. Hudson needs a old fashion blanket party, I'm sure some members know what I mean..

I'ld even buy the soap and sox. :mad2:

Thanks for sharing Mac. Fortunately there are more of us out here that really appreciate our men in blue.

PS: I bet it will be a long time before he gets off from a traffic infraction with just a warning. :)

05-02-2005, 03:08 PM
Reminds me of the times when I'd heard such crap when I was overseas.
As a young, dumb 19 year old sailor, I'd sit back sometimes and wonder "WTF!!! Why do I even bother defending these pathetic morons?"
But... I never shirked in my duty to do so, regardless of the morons involved, and I consider those who have had their live STOLEN by the pieces of horse-hockey that I fought to defend to be heroes.

05-02-2005, 05:44 PM
I know the Sea of Blue that Mac speaks of well. Being the 6th District Commander for the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard, I can not tell you the countless funerals I have been to for fallen Brothers and Sisters. I also make it a point to attend the funerals of Fallen Police officers too. We had to bury a St. Charles Police officer in the driving rain just last month. It is a thing of pride to see all the Dress Blues gathered for a solemn occasion.