View Full Version : Freedom Team Salute --Nominate Someone

05-05-2005, 12:22 PM
Got this notice in an e-mail from a friend. Interesting program. Here's your chance to nominate a friend or co-worker in the Armed Forces. Veterans and retirees can also be included or they can nominate themselves.
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Today the Army announced "Freedom Team Salute" a program to honor those who support our soldiers and all Army veterans. The program is free to any one serving in the Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserve, and all veterans who served and received an honorable discharge.

Active duty, and serving Guard and Reserve soldiers can nominate their parents, spouses, and employers to receive a Freedom Team Salute Commendation package . All former members (veterans) may also register.

Nominating someone for a "Freedom Team Salute" is easy. Soldiers will simply visit the website at HYPERLINK (http://freedomteamsalute.army.mil) "http://freedomteamsalute.army.mil" and enter the names and addresses of the people who support them. The people you nominate will receive a Freedom Salute Commendation package, including an official Army lapel pin, a U.S. Army decal and a letter/certificate of thanks signed by the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army. Veterans can log onto the website and simply enter their name and address.

General Schoomaker said "Freedom Team Salute provides soldiers with an excellent opportunity to salute those at home and to thank them for their continued support and encouragement." Concerning the recognition of veterans he said the program allows the Army to "show them just how much we appreciate the legacy of loyal service that they have passed on to this generation of Soldiers."

This is a wonderful program, please nominate someone and pass the word on to Soldiers and Veterans.

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Mike Poore
05-05-2005, 01:42 PM
Got this notice in an e-mail from a friend. Interesting program. Here's your chance to nominate a friend or co-worker in the Armed Forces. Veterans and retirees can also be included or they can nominate themselves.
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Today the Army announced "Freedom Team Salute" a program to honor those who support our soldiers and all Army veterans. The program is free to any one serving in the Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserve, and all veterans who served and received an honorable discharge.

Active duty, and serving Guard and Reserve soldiers can nominate their parents, spouses, and employers to receive a Freedom Team Salute Commendation package . All former members (veterans) may also register.

Nominating someone for a "Freedom Team Salute" is easy. Soldiers will simply visit the website at HYPERLINK (http://freedomteamsalute.army.mil/) "http://freedomteamsalute.army.mil" and enter the names and addresses of the people who support them. The people you nominate will receive a Freedom Salute Commendation package, including an official Army lapel pin, a U.S. Army decal and a letter/certificate of thanks signed by the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army. Veterans can log onto the website and simply enter their name and address.

General Schoomaker said "Freedom Team Salute provides soldiers with an excellent opportunity to salute those at home and to thank them for their continued support and encouragement." Concerning the recognition of veterans he said the program allows the Army to "show them just how much we appreciate the legacy of loyal service that they have passed on to this generation of Soldiers."

This is a wonderful program, please nominate someone and pass the word on to Soldiers and Veterans.

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That's easy Charlie. I nominate Ray. Perhaps, if more of MM family feels as I do, we could make Ray's nomination a joint effort, somehow.

05-05-2005, 04:09 PM
That's easy Charlie. I nominate Ray. Perhaps, if more of MM family feels as I do, we could make Ray's nomination a joint effort, somehow.
Mike, I agree. :up: Ray Jermyn at Northeast L/M is an excellent candidate with his efforts over the years in planning and executing the spring and fall Philly's Best Cruise for xx years in support of the troops. I can attest to 2004 and 2005.

However, the way I read this is that someone on Army active duty or currently serving with the Army National Guard or Army Reserve can nominate parents, spouses or employers. Need someone familiar with Ray's activities like Gunslinger, Teamrope, and others who meet the Army quals to consider a nomination for Ray. Anyone??

05-05-2005, 04:16 PM
Great idea let fing a way to make it happen:up:

06-07-2005, 08:54 AM
Got this notice in an e-mail from a friend. Interesting program. Here's your chance to nominate a friend or co-worker in the Armed Forces. Veterans and retirees can also be included or they can nominate themselves.
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++Just received my Freedom Salute package in the mail. Very nice certificate and letter from the Army Chief of Staff, lapel pin, and window decals (but they ain't going on the Marauder). :up:

Anyone else get put in for this?? :dunno:

Ray "The Dealer" should be getting his soon unless he's already gotten it. :D Thanks Ray for what you do for the Troops !! :up:

06-07-2005, 09:44 AM
RAy got his and has posted it with pride !


06-07-2005, 05:37 PM
Thank You!!!!!!

06-07-2005, 06:01 PM
Just received my Freedom Salute package in the mail. Very nice certificate and letter from the Army Chief of Staff, lapel pin, and window decals (but they ain't going on the Marauder). :up:

Anyone else get put in for this?? :dunno:

Ray "The Dealer" should be getting his soon unless he's already gotten it. :D Thanks Ray for what you do for the Troops !! :up:

Well I was busy and now have a few minutes to thank you properly. I have been pretty busy lately and have been just scanning the forums and not reading everything. I had never seen this thread before so when it came today it was a total surprise. I guess that's a good thing since I like surprises. Thanx Charlie and everyone that nominated me. Thanx, Ray :banana:

06-07-2005, 06:16 PM
Congrats, Ray, well earned, and surely well deserved.

Now...What about our own "NavChap"? Commander Keith Shuley has been on active duty in the seas of the World since 9-11-01, and I am sure quite some time before then. He's still out there, and if I read his mail right, he will be staying out there for some time to come. Nonetheless, he maintains his presence here among us (as Military communications will allow him) as an MM owner and our MM Chaplain, while also fulfilling his role as a Roman Catholic Priest. A man of many hats, yes?

What can we do to express our thanks to Keith?

06-07-2005, 07:05 PM
Mac, you already have expressed your thanks as a friend, a fellow MM owner, a mentor and advisor, etc.

But most importantly by your own protection of the community, and the people of our great homeland, standing the watch there in Chicago for the last 30+ years. Putting your own body in harm's way and paying the price for doing the right things, you know what I am talking about.

As you know, there is no way for me to specifically tell you all when we are in port or underway, and those who know can't post that info anyway.

But it has been my privilege to walk the streets of Sarajevo, assist in NYC after 9-11, ride around on the high seas, fly as a passenger in rotary winged aircraft at low altitudes, ride to the beach in landing craft of various forms, etc. Back to my own days in the Marine Corps.

We have the greatest nation on earth, no offense to our good friends to our immediate north. Even with our problems people continue to do anything they can to enter our country. I see it every day that I am in port in San Diego, the site of the largest border check point in the whole world.

Where else but the USA can a young boy be the first born to 22 y.o. father and 21 y.o mother, who bring 4 children into the world in 7 years? While mother raises the family full time, teaching the kids to read and write before they are even enrolled in school? Where the father works full time, puts himself through architectural school and serves in the Naval Reserve during the entire time period?

Yet my story is not unique to our great nation, it's actually typical. All this chaplain is doing is giving something back to the people, the nation, the church that made it possible.

We have other LEOs and other active duty military folks and other clergy on this great website that edify me and inspire me every day. All the great retired military and LEO folks that have been properly relieved of the watch after a successful tour of duty, leaving our nation and our world a better place for it.

My profound thanks, respect and appreciation to all of you. Gunslinger, Torinodan, Piglet, the young infantry Captain who is the son of one of our members, all of our active duty sailors, coasties, etc. Those guys are real heroes. Mac, JGC, TMAC, Constable, Scott L, Brutus, etc. keeping our homeland safe. Those guys are special heroes, right in our own back yard.

I tell my commanding officer that you need to have morale before you can build morale. Thanks for building my morale!

Sorry about preaching, y'all know that it happens from time to time. Regards, -kjs-

06-07-2005, 07:23 PM
Thanx Charlie and everyone that nominated me. Thanx, Ray :banana:
The real credit goes to Mike Poore and Big Dog for the nomination and to Teamrope for finding a way to make it happen !!! :2thumbs: The award and recognition is well deserved Ray for always continuing to find a way to "Support the Troops". :D

06-07-2005, 07:25 PM

no worries, a good sermon never hurt no one, besides, you're a preacher! ( insert pun here... its a hard habit to break...end pun). So next Sunday's mass can we all get a big Ooh-Rah!:D


06-07-2005, 07:32 PM
Amen, Father, but if you're telling me to shut up, I can't do that.

I'll withdraw, regroup, but attack again.

You are my hero, Sir, and I'll not be distracted from my mission.

06-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Thanks again Mac, just understand that the credit needs to get spread around, in fairness to the membeship. And after a whole lot of lurking/posting/PMing/emailing around here for over three years, 1 + 1 = 3 on MM net. There's a true synergy here that only partipants can understand. Regards, -kjs-

06-08-2005, 04:46 PM
Again, thank you all and I'm sure the troop thank you too for your support. Ray

06-08-2005, 04:47 PM
Again, thank you all and I'm sure the troop thank you too for your support. Ray PS. We haven't finalized the date and some other details yet. I'll keep ya's posted..